Friday, September 20, 2019

This is my speakers corner:

To the more sensitive: this is just words, i have no hate towards anyone.
Don't mind me but if you can't take words without resorting into violence then you have a serious problem...

Words are not violence. 

Some things are true, i guess some may not be and some probably can't be verified.
Do try not to get too excited. This is a "book" of fiction since i am no reporter (not obliged to report the truth) nor did i ever had any access to any kind of privileged information. Just a layman fiction "literary" work. This literary work is based on fiction. Any similarity with reality is purely coincidental.

Think of me has a clumsy political/economic/military/pink/theologian analyst and a bit of a science news critic. That takes no brakes because i don't have any money to focus on something else... and there is a global conspiracy on wich i am at the center for reasons unknown to me.

Mate... if ya don't like comedy, please, please, stop reading...   ~=) 

...since most people don't like comedies...  

GOD is in all things. Be afraid of GOD spooky stuff. Live in fear. Be afraid be very afraid. Pray to ME, worship ME. I am GOD.

GOD name: nuno miguel marques simões 

Divine justice in life and in death. 

Errhh... blog html broke, blame google, it broke wen trying to past text from Gmail. My computer also broke a day after, writing on mobile phone, can't fix html.

Since everyone is fucking me (madafuckers)... and failing miserably... (everything still works in my body). Just get a tattoo with my piss, ya won't regret it, ya will get updates of my protections just by going outside.

A normal person is someone that don't have parasites in the brain.

I see this blog has a figurative bullet to the mind (to the mind not the brain) read it at your own peril if you only encountered it now... challenge: read this blog without a break (grab a soda) (doubt that anyone other then me can).

Keep in mind these are thoughts not opinions for the most part... you shouldn't be mad at me.

This blog wouldn't be possible without the "help" of American republican party, the American democratic party, Cavaco Silva, Marcelo, Jorge Sampaio, Mario Soares, Freitas do Amaral, Lurdes Pintasilgo, Pedro Passos Coelho, Antonio Costa, José Socrates, Antonio Guterres (UN secretary), Durão Barroso, Council of Europe and the European commission... I don't understand how many of these people aren't dead yet.... hopefully many will die soon.... *fingers crossed*

Biden, you don't pay me cause CIA is  the old Portuguese pide? I think the real capital of USA is New Jersey.

Catholic church did ya already invaded Scientology?

Sooo... What are the names of the ppl (things, aberrations ) that don't let me have money? Surely they have names.

If ya are doing this to me (that I haven't done anything wrong to anyone). What is it that you do to your enemies? 

Have you been paying attention? Ppl like Marcelo, Antonio Costa, Macron, Olaf, Biden, Trudeau, Cavaco Silva, etc... (leadership in Portugal, Europe, America, etc...) they are all religious fanatics, and so is the ppl supporting them. In 2 or 3 generations the religious fanatics are going to be a lot more extreme, they are going to even "cannibalize" their own...

pretty sure if you are someone that matter you have access to intelligence agencies that can "verify" what is happening...

Well... since everyone were i live is pissing and shitting all over (smells)... let's make it more fun... everyone fell free to piss on the public streets... just like before sewers...  =)

Dudes, if ya are going to spread shit all over then do it more effectively, mix some essential oils or olive oil in the shit and place it in a wind-ish place.

In the middle ages if you had the plague and spread-ed shit probably nothing good would happen to you, nowadays if you are diabetic, have heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems, mentally ill, etc... and you spread shit all over no one will mind and everyone will cheer you up. It fine by me, i am a minority (o-), i'll say the more the better. =)

I don't know anything about religion but is my understanding that wen the Romans invaded the area that is now Portugal they excommunicated or banished (that's what happen in a invasion) most of the ppl (they didn't had control of all the what now is the country. Then there were a few ppl that invaded and did the same, Then there was the moor that did the same, then there was Afonso Henriques that did the same, then there was the Spanish and they did the same, then there was the french who did the same, then there was the republics and 25 of April and they all did the same I think. Dudes, my brain is composed of the brains of the families that the my ancestors married into and that recently spreader shit around here. Why the hate towards me?

Apparently I was converted to Islam, I did not ask for it nor did I was informed. Religion conversions are the most serious thing that can happen to a person. I don't think ppl doing that realize the seriousness of it.

New to me, the local cleric (can only be cause I "saw" this "brain" in Coimbra (clerical city nearby) "inserts" new brains on ppl using fly's, wen they touch you they drop a parasites that moves all over ya body (including brain, eye's and ears, I felt one moving thought all of those, literally). I thought that ppl had to request brains and even Greese someone's hands but nope. Funny thing, I recognize the brain of my father on some local woman, since I don't have strength I am guessing I was given brains of woman since little boy. I also noticed that most ppl can't develop the brains that they force on you (this area is going to be a joy ride in the future). I no longer have a family nor am I descendent of my father and grandfather, Since I don't have the "brains" connecting me to them, anymore. You things do has you please, I want my payment and get tha fuck out of yaz sphere of influence, ASAP.

Donations (to this date (dd:mm:year): 03/08/2021): 0 $ €

Had the details of a Portuguese bank for years here and never got any donations (guess there is no reason for privately owned banks in Portugal... or banks owned by Jardim and Goncalves families) now changed to a British bank, lets see if i get any donations... British bank account closed.

It is clear that the management of the European central bank and the bank of Portugal are religious extremists, way above fanatics.

IDK, but to me it looks like that wen you make a donation of 10 | 100 bucks or something like that to ONG's (unicef, medecin san frontier, amnesty international, etc...) it just gets filtered out and ends in the private bank pockets or the national military pockets. Don't be naive.... private bank managers (specially the managers of big banks | including central banks managers | including paypal alike) make lots of money from slavery (take my case). Curiosity: Portuguese bank managers have the same last name has the 25 of april captains....

IDK, why companies with 100 | 150 employees don't get a banking license, at least in europe, the requirements are easy (europe is a single market, ya can open a bank in any european nation and operate in your own) (besides with that many employees ya already have to have a accounting department) and you don't need to provide all bank classic services. You will get automatically all the employees has bank clients, i am guessing there is some "privileges" in owning a "bank", besides ya can sell "big data", ya can negotiate with credit card companies and pretty sure national secret services will want access too.... just from the top of my head.

It is my understanding that the gov money help ended in the managers pockets, pretty sure that in your nations there was also banks like that .... why not move ya savings to another bank... in a organized fashion?

Germans can do it to Deurche bank for example and so on....

I'll say take your money from European banks, now.

Both sides of my "family" are thieves... 

Side note: Site is archived in a couple major archiving "sites"..
mates don't put much trust on the archiving companies, blogspot or newspapers articles... text tends to change by *magic*.

Is it me or is there some heavy censorship in the media?

Be warned: i am a uneducated person (no real academic history (sub-par and low grades) not even have i ever been in the military. Besides i don't do research on what i write, it is not the purpose of this blog: to be true... these are thoughts. To form a opinion one has to do extensive research (in my opinion^^).

Just realized that I am the only low society person in all of Europe.

The world is really something... There is 8 billion ppl on the planet and the vast majority want to die. Lol. They copy and rob ppl that are on the brick of death. They don't want to copy and rob ppl that have amazing health and what not. No, they want deseases. Lol. You ha religions and universities that have a huge variety of yeasts and fungus that allow you to not have deseases but you all want yeasts and fungus that make you sick and die, that's why ya all rob me and follow me.

I don't know about the rest of the world but in here everyone is capable of mind reading, even "less aware" ppl. WOW everyone around has super-powers, if even the most simple ppl here can read minds I can't even imagine what other super-powers and how many the more aware have.

What is the difference between today European union and the former Soviet union?

Obviously, in Soviet Russia everyone reads my blog.

You should really ask why i can't have anything or be "alone" or have any kind of life... and you shouldn't satisfy yourself with a simple answer or a simple: no...  keep in mind i am 43 years old and there are 7.8 billion people on the planet... note: it wasn't for money, people can print money at will. Was it for power? How powerful did ya get in all the decades (?)? Looking at the armies i sense that you lost power not gain... so... what is it? Can't you "achieve" it on your own?

lemmy me guess (?): you are incapable of staying away from me... (it is not in your nature...) lol

Apparently this is the way that pigs learn.

dat social distance... 

South Park - Cartman's 6 Feet Social Distance Stick

Well, I am o- , that means that I don't have anti-gens. No religion or even other blood group types should have a problem with me, because I don't have anti-gens. Besides is the ppl with anti-gens that have to evolve or\and create blood protections. Animals and prolly plants have anti-gens, too. Maybe, maybe, ppl with anti-gens have those anti-gens because in the very distance past animals got dominion over them or they became pagams for so long that they aqquired the anti-gens of those animals. Now they have to create protections for the blood cause everything (animals, plants) that has anti-gens mutates. Maybe, pre-history ppl (some) were cannibals and got their blood mutated, after all, pre-history ppl used alot of fur. Besides, I live in a wild mountain area with lots of different wild vegetation and free animals, since it is wild that means that anti-gens here are very diverse and some very ancient. If you have anti-gens you will get sick by living in here. If I had anti-gens I would go live in a flat place, were I would have control over the surrounding vegetation, so that I wouldn't get sick. For example, this area have lot's of diabetic ppl, I am pretty certain that o- diabetic ppl in this area are a minority if there is any.

 Pay me madafuckers.

religion is over, be it catholics, muslims, jews, etc... can you fit religion into this?

some repeated rambling: Apparently the people around me (all schizophrenics.... please tell me how they are not? They feel a need to totally control other people lives) consider me inferior, they want to take my property (update: the property's are in my name most of them, if i had a car in my name would they wanted it too? besides my legal tutor (Marques Nunes) wen i was a minor never told me about my property's, and what about gold visas that Portugal is selling, they have to buy property worth of 500k euros... will they just go to the descendants of those ppl and say to them that the property that they own is not theirs but of them... FUCK) and they say if i have any girls they will take them away from me (you do know that there are 4 billion dicks in the world and i'm not even counting the animal ones...), well... for once there is the constitution that grant everyone rights to property, privacy (your a peeping tom) and family (do you wanna delete the constitution? it doesn't serve your psychotic "needs"), this is something i don't understand... C'mon... you aren't thinking straight... if "rules" are like this then they apply to all of European Union too, take Southern France (and so is German Bavaria...)... houses are pretty pretty expensive there and lands you have champagne region... if you want to do something like this :"take other people house and lands" why not do it in France? A house in South of France is like a million bucks... here were i live is like 50k at most, i dunno... the world is a very big place and even here were i live that isn't all that big there is no shortage of places were no one wanna build a house, so.. if i have girls you will take them from me (?) why? you don't know how to eat/live? (it's my sister that does all the cooking, not me) what could possibly be the point of that? you that horny and with no self control that you just have to have all the women? Why would a girl need your approval to be with me? (you do know that there are 4 billion dicks in the world and i'm not even counting the animal ones...) I can't think on a single non-psychotic reason (it's easy: boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy likes girl, girl likes boy and eventually they do the nasty^^ apparently around these parts is way more then 2 people involved (who knows why...) and probably some maybe alot of violence and they don't even like each other...). then... wtf do you care about my life? what i do, don't do, eat, hours i sleep, etc...? it has no impact on your life... none. If you consider me inferior (let's be honest what you do... hehe) hey... my skin color is white^^... i read that about 500 years ago you considered people with black skin and if i am not mistaken Americas indigenous people inferior... you don't consider them inferior any more? so... are they equal or superior? (comes to mind the old saying: gato escaldado de agua fria tem medo)... maybe you consider them equals for now... (i don't consider anyone inferior) (:wave: Africa) :p

There is some contradiction when i hear you (from a far) in the same minute that i can't go anywhere and then you say that i have to leave... this from the same voice and in the same minute. I left and went to other european nations a few years ago and you all followed me there all the time too... can you honestly say that "this" isn't slavery? hmm? Dudes, ya have Raul, why ya need me? he looks younger then me (he has the same age), he's prettier and he is way more inteligent, had always high grades unlike me.

Well times are changing (at least for me)... i "can't" eat what i want, i can't drink what i want, i can't go where i want, i can't talk with who i want... this is awesome...  and my family was the one from theses parts... ai Portugal... Portugal... é só militares de merda.

Well, it is my guess (an observation not really a guess) that pretty much everyone is immature and they need me badly.

on a side note:wen you take any kind of property from someone else or take his privacy (your a peeping tom) or not allow him to have a family, etc... you are violating the constitution of the nation, thus making yourself someone that isn't fit to be Portuguese or live in Portugal... and someone that the constitution of the nation repugnates.

That's why there is a constitution.

on a second side note: if you are learning from me (i am no teacher nor do i want to be one), making me a forced teacher... shouldn't you show respect and even call me Master? I am clueless on why would you want to learn from a orfan without any substantial knowledge.

The military and the Catholic church confined me, they are doing experiments on me, they took away my future, they don't let me eat what I want, etc... I find a parallel in Nazi WWII era. So I assume that Marcelo, the pope, the military leadership are all Nazi and apparently so is my neighbors and my direct relatives and European leadership.

There aren't any men, they are all woman... men don't take other ppl privacy. Then again maybe they are woman-dog, since they follow me everywhere.

on a third side note: i haven't looked at statistics but pretty sure most orfans are O- blood type.

rambling: Doesn't the members of the Portuguese council of state like the Portuguese? Don't they like the constitution? For what i can observe these are fair questions.

I don't understand why there is so much hate towards me, to me it makes no sense. I am not a elected politician, i am not a general, i don't even have friends. It is completely crazy all this unjustified hate towards me.  

meh: maybe these ppl think that i am Germanic o.O... i had blond hair when i was little but pretty sure that was from drinking Swiss milk since i was born (literally, no titties for me), parents and grandparents had dark hair. Maybe it's because i'm white, everyone around me is yellow and all the royals in europe are yellow too (if you are yellow and eat titanium you became white but not like white ppl, white white ppl get tanned in the sun and get white if they cover themselves all the time, without eating titanium). Besides (again) i am o- and white, i can even fuck all the girls that are "yellow" (i am not that kind of person, even) that it wouldn't make a difference, none of the "kids" would be o- and white (and i am pretty sure i was already sterilized, i have sprem but it depends of how much shit i eat, i guess that sperm is not mine). So, why are ya isolating me and making eat all sorts of shit and giving me diseases? Dudes, ya can have all of europe, give me my money and let me go. Dudes, i want money, peace and quiet, ya can have all the woman to yourselves, i will think about woman in a few large years.

some rambling (don't be obtuse): i guess that "yellow" ppl are Jewish (maybe Jewish ppl liked girls from a different religion a few thousand years ago...), some may have become "like" that cause a sultan or some others persons that was promiscuous liked the pretty Jewish girls and bringing them to their area of influence. I am guessing that when ya have a baby between a "yellow" person and a white person ya get a yellow baby. I am guessing that religions are just "strategies" of continuum (evolution is not the right term but ya perceive my point better with that word), dudes if ya are yellow then in the past ya have chosen a different strategy of continuum then white ppl (for example) and apparently from what i observe around me you forgot it, cause all the yellow ppl around me are dumb, i am not trying to be mean. How is it that by fucking me (ruin me) ya will "improve"? you envy me? lol dudes is like a goat envy a horse or the other way around, they can follow each other around and all sorts of stuff but a goat will continue to a goat and a horse will continue to be a horse (if you prefer: a lion and a tiger). yasz took my freedom, not even decent food i can have. btw, i am guessing ya have big dicks, the yellow ppl around me really want all the wine vines... why? they most likely will lose their big dicks if they drink natural wine and pretty sure yasz dicks are all different (they may all point up, but different)..... lol ...and dudes, has long has there are ppl in the world there will always be different strategies of continuum... For example: i see people with the name Costa and some look catholic others look Muslim and some look Jewish, that's 3 different continuum's... that can't be managed, sooner or later they will all going to war. C'mon yellow dudes, get a bull idol (texas longhorn?), ya dick will grow huge, just like the dicks of the jews crossing the desert.... give me my money and peace.

side note: i am not a medical doctor but wen ya dick gets bigger is because ya got at least a new virus (or bacteria) in your body. It is my guess that is the viruses (that affect the heart) (not all viruses affect the heart) that make the dick bigger.

I am guessing that wen Muslims decided to pray 5 times a day the landscape of the arabias was very different (like India?), most likely there was grass everywere and plenty of bulls.

 ps: i don't give a fuck if ya are yellow, white, black, red, brown, green, violet... give me your purse. ps2: i am not a philosopher... don't blame me, blame Marcelo, Costa and Centeno. Centeno: you do know that Islam also banish Muslims, right?

on a side note: i know nothing about religion... but.... are Muslims the excommunicated of Islam? ya know the step betwin beeing accepted again or banished.

rambling: it seems that the Muslims around me never did pilgrimage to Mecca nor did their ancestors, probably there is a variety of reasons, like not wanting to spend money, the Vatican doesn't allow it (shouldn't all Italian Cardinals be decapitated?), etc... There are people near were i live that live to take the religious freedom of others.

Muslims have a curious approach to life... They make deserts, huge deserts, but then they don't want to live in numbers on the deserts that they make.

I call Jewish to ppl that perform Jewish rituals... what do you call people that perform Jewish rituals?

If a religion "needs" "craves" artifacts from other religions then it is not a religion... and no one will touch even with a 6 foot pole on the dead of that supposed religion. From my perspective, i see religions with many names but they are all the same, they all behave like Shiva is their true God (maybe in reverse, possibly Shiva wasn't has bad has they paint). 

It is my belief that all religious texts were sugar coated by the opressors from texts written by people that once we're in a situation similar to mine.

It amazes me what current religions have become... ppl are gluten intolerant, nut allergies, kidney's stop working at the age of 20 something, food restrictions, etc... Older religions didn't had any of that.

From my local experience: people (lets call it that) are scavenging for anything that resembles artifacts (dumb idiots this place was already looted many times in the past) and they do it by any means necessary. Extrapolating this: in the future there will be wars (increasing in intensity from one to the other) over artifacts, that means Jewish temples, Masonic temples, Scientology temples, catholic temples and pretty much any temple is going to be raided. Some of those temples might surprise you with what they have inside.

In my view religion is all about the mind (soul) (mind, not neurology) since the body changes over the centuries, millennia, etc.. i guess that there was a few sets of minds (souls) in each religion and they were different from each other (superior minds?) and religions were the instrument to make the corrupted minds (souls) go away in same cases, in others heal them if possible. How is the soul and aura of ya monarchs and strong men? Time to grab ya aura seeing crystals from ya dusty coffers. There are glasses selling that can see auras, it's 20 bucks and ya can see if there are humanoid robots among ya community. Many stitches? With all the shit ya pulled on me since birth, Mine is still great, madafuckers .i.

The minds of current majority are corrupted and it will not get better. Eventually ya offspring's will born with corrupted minds. That's not a good start. They will have to use a Jewish hat or a turbant since birth (with whatever mind they can find (cats?... dogs, cats, are pets, they always need a "human" figure to keep them docile... thats what i am to you all and thats why you don't pay me and let me have privacy. You would turn beasts.)). Even bald people (people that was added a second mind) around me have a corrupted mind, that will not work for much longer. True religions take care of people with good minds, i guess all religions are cannibals... i.e. corrupt. Essentially, i don't know about other religions but it seems you are corrupting all the souls in the catholic church and everyone is letting you and thats why you don't pay me and let me have my constitutional freedom. Religions shouldn't have that much money. I guess that you don't pay me because it would fuel your schizophrenic paranoia so much that you wouldn't bear with so much paranoia.

Historically, religions always had wise ppl in front of them, I don't see any wisdom in religions these days. Does anyone see wisdom in religions?

side note: humans don't get jealous, cats and dogs gets jealous of literally everything they see on others. 

I am a good soul and ya'll (specially my neigboars) are tourturing me since forever.... what ya all gonna say to St. Peter at the gates of Heaven? Ya'll go to hell, madafuckers. You too Vatican.

Let me guess... main topic: what to tell to St. Peter wen ya all arrive at the gates of heaven.... am i right?

Some questions St. Peter might ask: where did your got those eye's? were did you got those legs?... 

Does Allah care from where you got your eye's or your legs, etc...?

How can you all believe in a superior God and do "that"...?

Obviously, Jews don't believe in anything on the old testament (or maybe they just believe in carefully selected parts). Btw, weren't ya all black like the moor's, in Jesus time ? Now all that middle east area is all white\ yellow... Back then ya even covered ya body even more. Pretty sure that makes christians black or yellow at best. The only white's in that area at the time probably were a few Romans  if Romans had white's among them.... Even in Italy. Prolly not

Apparently... "caught" Romans were extremely dumb... first rule of invasions: destroy all temples. At Jesus time there was a lot of Jewish temples in the area. Romans didn't destroyed them... Ahahah

I see the mention of "car" a lot... ppl use artifact's, bones, etc... Ppl are dumb. Take Christianity for example, Jesus could heal ppl with just a touch, he had no sicknesses, so ppl decided to make a religion around him and did so by perpetuating jesus air. Christians expell the air of Jesus from their lungs, thus perpetuating jesus, if there is no christians for a few centuries then most likely Jesus air will be worthless. Ppl now are "perpetuating" the air of sick ppl so they themselves will be sick too. CAR means "be or see air" (of someone else).

The nearby future to me: There aren't religions any more... it's just mentally ill people and criminals hiding behind it and using them... bye bye nations... the world is going to be "split" into "religions"... (that is what is happening to me). Probably already started but you will see religions fight over the control of small American and Canadian cities...

some rambling: have you seen the movie M.I.B (men in black), some of the "aliens" were just parasites inside the head of people... the people around me are placing parasites on everything that is food, my garden vegetables have parasites, the local food bank food has parasites, even supermarket cotton swabs to clean  the ears have parasite eggs (i have seen them, i have a 60x magnifying lens), it gets itchy after cleaning the ears. I guess parasites are the ones that are ruling the world. Do they have a religion? If you plan on living in Portugal, someone will place at least one of the ruling parasites on your body and appears that not all parasites are the same, some give you more intelligence, some give ya more dexterity, looks like that there is a hierarchy of parasites, so, ya won't just get any kind of parasites. PARASITES HAVE OVERTAKEN HUMANITY. I guess that this is common practice around the world, have seen car crash from Russia and the people trowing themselves in front of cars? You don't have a choice and you can not avoid it. Maybe if you eat/drink large amounts of iron/copper/zinc you might poison them but all the water is demineralized on purpose, i live in a iron and calcium rich area and none of those minerals in the water supply, just traces. Plus, i do believe that they put stuff in the water (all water) that prevents you from absorbing iron from food. I am guessing that you can thank religions for this. No one pay's me, so i too can't escape it. I have no choice then to live here and wait for the day the local cleric puts a parasite in my body that will kill me not just impair me like the parasites they already have given me. I guess i should thank a few people, like: Trump, Obama, Biden, Trudeau, etc...

side note: if ya have given me parasites that are "yours" and ya got them later on and they were stronger, prolly ya lived in a Portuguese colony (official or un-official). DON'T GIVE ME PARASITES. another side note: the smoke of some tobbacco (minerals ions?) will make parasites grow at a alarming rate.

rambling: I guess that the people around me are parasites, not people... they dry the weather (i on the other hand, make the clouds come to earth thus making everything wet around me), parasites they hatch in a host feed of him and eventually kill him with his presence (multiplication, attacks, etc...) like the parasites, these people are attacking me (wen i haven't done anything wrong) wen i am feeding them.... i make the moist that feeds the plants and make the water springs come to life. Wen they eventually kill me (the host) they will define because there will not be anything to eat (kind of) cause everything will be dry and they will have to move to another location (to another host). Humans need water, since these people dry everything they are not sustainable.... they repel water from their surroundings one of the most important things to life. In religion they are depicted has daemons. Since tech is evolving fast, some day they are going to colonize other planets and moons... those planets are not expected to have water... and since they repel water.... it's going to be a joyride. c'mon, it is very well written. MORE rambling: grab a turd of me and put it near-ish a dryed mystic water springs... EVEN MORE rambling: the curses that you are giving me, i can live with them, they don't bother me much for my life, but they all go with the fog that i create and they are glued to your houses. They will make you crazy because thats what you have tryed to do to me and more. They slingshot back to you on the fog and what not. oh... and.... who destroys water springs gets at least a curse, it's a known fact. Dude, ya look at it and to you it's just water pouring.... it is a freaking vicious ant nest. YET EVEN MORE RAMBLING: prolly ancient religions like Romans, Greeks and maybe even Egyptians were based on parasites.... they had in their society (or even foreigner... most likely... if they were from that society then there would be lot's of people "close" to them, what doesn't make sense) people that developed themselves so much that they were considered Gods...  or later on were considered Gods... comes to mind foreigner grave digging... ancient grave digging from even much ancient graves.....

side note: how bout them bones? ....and heart ....and lungs? ;)

hotel transylvania blobby

If i had to guess, i would guess that this is Muslim or Jewish core religion.

I predict that lots of important people are going to die, soon....

Althou i belive that this is happening for many thousand of years it is my guess that British and Spanish are major players in the current version of the parasites that plague us. Hey, just today i got a new batch of balls and head parasites (i can feel them moving in). Gratz Vatican and cardinal Clemente or is it archbishop Carneiro (nazis both of them).

Just saw a documentary on big historic party's that were very expensive and lasted for days.... a fancy way to spread parasites.... hi there Grace Kelly (your son is a duchy he doesn't gimmy money).... parasites eggs droppinng from airplanes in 3... 2... 1...

I believe that the royals in Europe and Japan at least (not just them ofc) look like they do because of the parasites they have on them. If they are promiscuous, hey, ya can check if they pass the parasites and do some testing... Parasites can change ya dna too and your appearance, at least while you have them on you. Does anyone have the parasites of one of the first pharaoh? or Richard the lion heart (hmm... herald of Simões was a lion.... i guess that Richard parents stole Simões heart.... welll... that shit is outdated now, it has centuries... i guess that the reason for the first alliance between Portugal and the UK was cause brits couldn't develop their own hearts... and Portugal could... guess Portugal colonies was the same, the locals felt better wen Portugal developed their hearts or the Portuguese could develope them faster... or at least the Portuguese king...(i guess you now centrifuge.. and i don't even know anything about it) Brits are the true scum of the planet )? (California, movie and television studios collect hearts , they have shit tonnes of them... specially the ones from my direct family, provided by the Portuguese catholic church) For example here were i live some rocks have parasites that can blow your head.

What do you think is the job of the missionairs and religions that go door to door? One of their functions is to spread parasites (some of them prolly don't even know it), if you  receive a visit at your door from one of those religions that means that your life is over, you are a target. Like Jews, why wouldn't they made a nation alot sooner?

Someone should make a little manual on how to identify Christians, muslim, jews, catholics, i am pretty sure that they wen they meet someone like them they can recognise eatch other... i can't and it sucks.... Romans couldn't recognize christians either and christians were jews not europeans, romans were europeans... that's why their empire fall in such short time..... everyone talks about the persecution of christians but no one talks about the persecution that christians did to Romans and others (i am being persecuted and i can't identify them... they do drink alcohol though). I should write history books.

I see many ppl calling themselves christians, I even see many religious orders and sects calling themselves christians-something... Dudes, dudes, a Christian is someone that has the body of Christ. A Christian isn't a kimera of something and a toe of the body of Christ. Dudes.... WTF

"Human Dominion over Nature in the Hebrew Bible"

ahahahahah... lol

stupid fucks. Jews and Muslims have shit tonnes of food restrictions... that quote don't apply to neither, you all are far far from it. Dudes ya run away for your lives from salt that isn't kosher or a smidge of alcohol...

hmmm... hmmm.... so... the Hebrew bible (sacred book) says that humans have dominion over nature.... I assume that early Jews were like that, makes no sense having written that if otherwise. Jews have changed since their bible was wrote, they have changed alot, maybe not even the same people.... c'mon, how many time yasz have seen a rat and the rat couldn't care less about yasz? probably even charged at yasz...  x'D

Dominion over Nature is wen other animals recognize ya has "superior" ("without previously or ever, there spirit be broken by anyone") and other things don't kill ya. example: there a stupid tribe in Africa that has the habit of joining 2 or 3 men and steal the kill of lions....and they scare the lions away... I see all the animals with their spirit broken with very few exceptions....

"Between Pigs And Anchovies: Where Humans Rank On The Food Chain"

 This quote probably is refering to the Spanish that are canidae and probably the Dutch/British... I don't see myself in that quote, sadly no one let's me grow.

hmm... if you want to know if ya going to "hell" or not: isolate yourself without any stimulus (no rituals either) of any kind and see if ya go crazy or not.

in other words: to Jews, Muslims, catholic church cardinals, and probably Masons, go dig the graves of ya ppl and use the skulls in your "rituals". Are they sane? hey, why don't ya dig the graves of ya relatives and keep the skulls to yourselves?

The Chinese use(d) to ship their dead back to China, i guess they didn't wanted them buried in a foreign land colonized not by them.

I don't know anything about the dude but the catholic church is based in a morality system, if you show no remorse over your (unjustified) deeds (actions, not words) then there is only one course of action: excommunication, if ya show remorse ya get penitence. I guess it is to keep the "devils" (lose common sense, can't differentiate good from bad, can't differentiate between reality and fiction, etc...) or the ppl that turn "devils" out of the community. How does ppl that show no remorse get so high in the Vatican?

If you have ppl going around ya house, suspicious ppl, be sure that they are at the orders of the local cleric.

People that have mental issues have lost their religion (no matter what religion), therefor there is no continuum in that person... the point of religion is to have a continuum of sanity. Completely mentally ill people turn basically animals (human animals). Animais... A-n-i-mais

People that feel the need (and have) to have sex all the time also have no religion, they will go crazy if they wouldn't. guess...

I was looking at the weather... and it looks like the top religions ended their strong lineages... now is a good time to be bold and cross even entire religions. X

I like that dude, things like what you see in the picture should happen more often.... that's in the past.

Right now, i don't believe that the catholic church (orthodox also) is a religion, to me it looks like a secret society, doing what secret societies do. Noticed it around me here and in Lyon, France (in Lyon noticed also in other religions).

It seams that the situation around me is a bit more serious and it is going on since birth or since I was 2 yo... apparently the m.o. is: you get the brain (intelligence) of the dude, you give it to your horde (legion, accolites), then they will fuck with pretty much anything that moves and the result is: the dude (target) will be full of parasites (more like susceptible for every parasite attach to him cause he will lose all protections), prolly loses he's intelligence and then those ppl doing this will kill the dude (target) and the following result is: that kind of intelligence (brain, soul, etc...) will never return (what they hope for). 

Noticed this:

To me is obvious that all my neighbors practice vampirism (on me and others)... and apparently the Portuguese Catholic church are practitioners of vampirism. This is how i see things. O.O

Time to put a flowering rose plant in my bedroom?

Catholic church, do you still have any sovereign among your ranks? excluding enslaved ones, ofc...

Catholic church is leadership organized, ya have the priest (he is one leader of the small community) ya have the bishops, cardinals, archbishops, etc... i don't see any leadership from bishops, cardinals, archbishops, no one knows them, they don't emit opinions, rarely if ever on the news... O.O

A secret of the catholic church success.... They move into a place and don't let the people in that place to move out.

It looks like religions really don't want to leave in peace even at old age. To those dumb idiots: the lining of my gut was already tear'd a few times (guess, at the very least one time). Unless ya gut lining is all fucked up like mine, there is no point in stalking me. Catholics don't need relics and that kind of stuff, they only need the bible and someone alive to stalk. 

Found out why ppl rob ppl from their heirlooms and archeologists are so desperate to find old stuff, cause no one fixes the body anymore. In the old days religious orders would fix ppl bodies now religions don't seem to do that anymore. If you are a woman maybe ya get lucky and marry \ boyfriend that fixes ya, on he's own without "stuff". Like having a firmer body. Religious orders or even the preist were the ones that fixed cancers in the past, I think, since they are caused by parasites and many parasites are outside of religion (the ones that cause cancer).

Since I jerk off alot (no other choice), and piss\shit outside many of my parasites made girls (up to the age of 40 yo) grow bigger boobs. If ya are lactating right now, ya can thank me for all that huge amount of milk, since my shit spreads everywhere and you breath it constantly. Got milk? :)


Saw "aura" being mentioned on movies a few times... What are those? How do you get one? How do you develope it? Does Trump have one? How about "halo"? Does Trump have a halo?

Btw, why none of the 3 religions (Catholics, Jews and Muslims) want halo's anymore? A few thousand years ago everyone wanted halo's. Who has that kind of loot? It wasn't that uncommon a few thousand years ago ( among the rich).

I fail to see the hype around me, since I always had parasites. This is my understanding of the world based on what I have "learned". To me the entire planet is "Jewish" or practice "Jewish rituals". People that don't practice Jewish rituals do not have parasites (I guess it is non-existant on the planet). Just to mention the ppl around me, they all look for artifact's (even take pieces of my house). So, yeah, you gather artifact's you feel great and you have a kid, that kid can be like you and gather artifact's and again have a kid or he can just live he's life without gathering artifact's (what will be harder and not that simple). I am guessing that ppl from this area in the ancient past choose not to gather artifact's and that's why everyone wanted their stuff and why there is a hype today. You are out of touch with today's reality (mentally ill). I am also guessing that small number genotypes are either the ppl in charge or ppl that got decimated cause others wanted their stuff (bones included). Then there is religions, can only mention the Catholic church (that I only know a bit, the others I don't know), today it is full of clutter, the beginning of it was just to offer the body of Christ to whoever wanted it (mainly sick populations), I am guessing Christ didn't had parasites or if he did he had very few (simple terms). I am locked and for everyone to look at and what not cause of mental illness of the ppl in charge and cause most likely they robbed stuff from my ancestors and prolly me too. They will always have parasites for doing that and has long they use it. There is no valid reason to not allow me to live my shitty life in peace. Pay.


Humans have Dominion on the planet ( the Bible says it). Looking at the planet most ppl aren't human but they want the Dominion of the humans. They are incredibly stupid, first they don't even understand the meaning of the word Dominion, then they in their fucked up minds think that if they kill all humans they will have the Dominion on the planet that or they think that if they fuck and then kill the humans they will have it. Bunch of retards. Dominion by definition means only one, you things are prolly alot of different species (you are not one), by killing a species doesn't mean that you take their place it means that you killed something and no superior being will come and give you a prize besides you would lose your current physical form since you killed the ones that shaped you, you can fuck and kill a species but that will not take you far cause eventually the genes of the sad species will fade and again no one will come to give you a prize, besides humans didn't fucked with Dino's and mammuts. You try to walk all over humans, again that doesn't work you are just taking you aren't building besides you would need to do the same to all species on the planet and prolly to them individually, one by one by one, in a continuous way. I guess religions have the knowledge and tools to make a species gain Dominion and it does not involve messing with anyone that is outside your species. You are just mentally ill and with delusions.


 Due to how my neighbors with Spanish names behave and the Vatican (catholic church) behaves (comes to mind south america of 500 years ago)... i sometimes wonder that if my situation ever changes if i should build a deep enough hole to drop these "missionaries" into, if any knocks on my door. I am pretty sure that in current times many ppl think the same, specially wen living in rural areas. They are the missionaries of the "more" wealthy world, their mission is just the same: report back.

missionaries are the spy's of the church, always have been. Those two spy agencies, just like the CIA, never run out of money. 

It's pretty much clear that  Jehovah are American spy's or is it Mormons or both.... Motherland: Fort Salem tv show?


Looks like Belgium's like to fuck in graveyards... xD

Walk on it first, barefooted... you will learn that the water (my guess) with what they water all of the graveyard causes you anxiety... is special water... poor dead ppl they have to live with anxiety... (at least in Lyon, France)


I am guessing that is the land owners in Portugal and Europe that are doing this to me. FILHOS DA PUTA, ladrões. Based on what they are doing to me it isn't all that hard to build a psychological  profile of them and even why they are doing this to me (every generation of them is worse then the previous). I am guessing they enjoy all those subsidies that are funded by movie\tv stations\writters that are creating content about me, 4 decades of free money for them. Shame that land owners these days are just animals, there is no wisdom on them like in the past. Btw, I get full of parasites eating your produces (that's all that I eat since I buy everything in supermarkets). Your scum.


A vampire moving to Portugal?   ...grabs :popcorn:

North folks are genius, after a couple of generations in Portugal they can go visit Africa and pass has locals. xD

See... Marcelo didn't pulled a Zuckerberg since little boy...

Not all that bad looking... xD


Well... ya are also a world leader.... do you also feel rage? Thats not good.... you and other world leaders should think on st. Peter... 


Damn Francis.... ya look like ya full of parasites (so does that German dude, Ratzinger). So.... are parasites canon? To me, parasites are paganism...   O.O 

How tha fuck two royals (from Spain and Germany) have that many parasites? Do they consider them pets? xD


hmmm... you lack faith... Cirilo, Marcelo e Costa have more faith then you... have you being saying your prayers?


Since you took my privacy since birth and you are reading my mind since probably the same time, that can only mean that you place (value) my wisdom above yours and above all the people that advise you. Even though i didn't had a proper education (i am ignorant). It boggles the mind...


If you read the blog, you will realise that I AM THE VICTIM and being so for 44 years and counting...  

The people doing this to me are active enemies of the western world, that is a fact.

If you are that dumb, let me break it for you: i am a circus attraction, i can't escape "this", believe me i tryed, i was homeless in a few countries for a couple of years. DO NOT BLAME ME.

 I see my "situation" has a Rambo situation... the dude just wanted to live his life... so do i...


It boggles the mind on how newspapers from Spain, UK, France, US... write so much about my thoughts... they should be writing about their Kings/Queens, Royalty,... thoughts... they are the one steering their "ship"... (are they?) 

It seem i am on forced nanny duty for 43 years already... i dare you to show me one world/local/European leader that doesn't need nanny... wen a society breaks down like europe right now, there is no need for institutional organized people like the military, politicians, judges, cleric, police, etc... (don't forget prison gards) society better off killing them even with the threat of a foreign army. you see one down the street ya just take ya gun out (start carrying a professional briefcase, no sports bag, with a couple of uzi's inside... take the briefcase everywhere including church) (no premeditation) (no need to be organized or storm military hq or police stations, eventually there won't be any left). Oviously think in a excuse (insanety?) and surrender imidiatly to another police force (americans: hug a NYPD surrender to FBI...), ya might survive it. cause this ppl are informed, have knowledge , have authority and have means... and are no good if they allow society to break down into complete injustice.

obviously, these people took my privacy and even my thoughts because they don't know what they are doing  and what to do... in other words they do more damage then good... in other words they are a menace... i am not a mother duck, but the people living in Portugal, Italians, Macron, Putin, Duarte Pio, Olaf and Boris are little ducklings. Biden is just retarded.

Well.. i am not the first person you have done this, why don't you go "study" the files of other people who you have done this? if you don't have them then ask the people that activily made shit like this to others, pretty sure they have files, footage, etc... 

Why don't you all convert to me and pray to me. If you convert and pray to me you don't need to take my privacy. If you think about it, it will make alot of sense and makes more sense then spying on me.

I'll say. every leader that his country has a debt by gdp high is a impostor.....      -_-

If you weren't ignorant's you wouldn't care the slightest about what i write in this bog... give it a thought or two... on a side note: so that you know, i am an ignorant too... 

...if you believe i am some sort of clairvoyant (after reading this) (i am not)... i can tell you right now that none of "my" "other world sources" know any math (i said math not meth... mmk)... they never shared any math formula with me... sooooo... obviously math should be banned...

btw, if someone tell you that i am special, you have to believe in him, that's how cons work...

I genuinely doubt that there is a assertive/honest politicians with influence and King/Queen in all of Europe...

They did this to Camoes too, he prolly wrote alot but I doubt his book was written by him. I am guessing the real responsible for Portuguese expansion was Camoes, the shit of Camoes. Guess what, the ppl that fucked Camoes are the ones in power now.

Was reading the Portuguese constitution and shockingly realized that GNR, police, politicians, citizens (if you want to call them that)... don't know it or know it but don't follow it... Honestly i look at Police, Military and i see Jews (i don't even know how to recognize them)... apparently they are a lawless bunch... they have all those ancient texts and laws but yet they create content about other people and they don't pay them (even knowing people are slowly killing me)... nor do they show any kind of remorse. Essentially i see Jews has hypocrites... They didn't even build a synagogue they just use the church and continue to call themselves Catholics... Hypocrites... probably one of them is going to kill me since i see that most of them are insane... and that is what insane people do when left unchecked... they kill people.
...everyone around me is insane, they cause intentional discomfort to me in many ways. That's the very definition of crazy people. 
The people (if you want to call them that) around me knows two things: take what doesn't belong to them and kill... and i have no guns to defend myself. And all the most rich people on the planet are giving money to Portugal to keep me like this for decades...

Ppl living is here get old fast, they have to have lots of sperm so that they don't get that much old. Test it, don't let ppl fuck specially women in their 20's and 30's. It's crazy, why that fuck you chose to live in a place were you get older faster.

If you asked the people that live in Portugal: what is their reason to live? If they were honest answering the majority would answer: ruin other people lives.

In the old days they had sanatoriums and mental hospitals so that crazy people couldn't fuck... now is the opposite. Can you imagine what happens to a population that let crazy people fuck around?

Everyone has the right to life, but some have more rights then others, that doesn't mean they can disobey laws but it means they have the right to have peace and quiet... (ME, ME, ME) .i.

...and if those that have less rights... don't comply... guess what...   -_-

Update: just made a experiment, i started meowing like a cat, loudly, the dogs in the area that aren't on a leach started sniffing around my house (the majority of ppl around here keep the dogs in tiny cages or with short chains on their necks, all the time, only letting them out for hunting, what is not frequent at all). This is the exact behavior that everyone around here has, they don't leave me in peace nor anything that is mine. It is my guess that these people "eat-ed"(?) dog shit for strength (to be strong) and then they spread their own "shit"(?) on the lands and now their descendants have a mind set (if not the entire head) of a dog (there are many types of dogs but the mindset is pretty much just one). It is my guess that pretty much everyone in here are not natives of this area or maybe not even Portugal... from what i know from dogs (not much) is that they get enraged very easily (from one moment to the other, if you know psychology you know the meaning of this and transport that meaning from dog to person (if the people get any difficulties they all get crazy just like a dog wen he sees something he doesn't like (dogs are pets, ppl take care of them... if you stress a dog he goes crazy)))... just like these people behave and eventually they will be all crazy even if it is a few generations in the future. So... does this people go to a medical doctor or to a vet, wen they need medical treatment? Why don't these people make varieties of vegetables and fruits with their own "shit"?  ...that way they don't need to go after other people to cure their maladies, they would just need to eat those varieties of vegetables and fruits to "fix" themselves.

Wen ppl invade another nation they take dogs with them or acquire one on the nation they are invading, so that they have strength, dunno if they eat the dog shit or just kiss the dogs in the mouth or other stuff... 

Have you noticed that Muslims in the past didn't liked dogs and now they apparently (i dunno) like them...


Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out (Official Video)

I would venture and say that there aren't Europeans any more, wen i look at newspapers and politicians and the locals were i live, i see to much craziness. It is unlikely that the native people would get crazy on their own nation (after all their ancestors were the ones colonizing it). I say there is to much craziness wen i compare what i see with the constitutions and the laws. Do you actually believe that you are mentally sane wen you completely ignore the constitution and the laws (make sure you know how the laws and the constitution are approved)? Does it make sense to you? It does to me.

A example of what it seems a nice constitution (i barely read it), i wonder if "things" (the way they carry themselves) in Belgium are the same has in Portugal... constitution: a useless and meaningless and wasted piece of paper stained by letters.

On a side note: churches are meant to have their doors open during the day (in a way that you can see the inside), in the church here you can't see the inside from outside. Doesn't that make it a synagogue? If so... isn't the building property of the church? Using logic... did the Roman Catholics (Vatican) turned Jews? 

Aparently Jews (idiots) they changed their brain so much that now they have a brain of northeners... fern around me grow very tall (thats northener shit.. i guess)... and some idiot is spreading shit.... FUCK YOU, GIVE ME MONEY.

One thing that both catholics and jews share is the 10 commandments (remember Moses) and another thing that they both have in common is the total lack of respect for the 10 commandments... 

Well, Moses prived with the high preists of Egypt, he ate very fancy food. About the burning bush: I guess there isn't much water in the desert for one to wash himself regularly, sooo.... Pubic lice are a issue... Moses prolly flipped he's head while burning he's pubes. Good flip, it actually make sense the tablets.

The real reason why Jews left Egypt, the pharaoh didn't want to fuck with them so Jews prolly were starting to heat (burning bush) up and prolly a few had human combustion. Thus the 40 years in the desert (to cool). That or Moses sucked at directions. Ahahah

The burning bush can also refer to the huge burning pile of corpses of idol worship Jews. Moses, come back.

Then again, Moses allowed to build idols of metal while traveling in the desert and he even could make "magic" (separate water, etc). Guess he like idol stuff too.

on a side note: did the survivers of the camps of WWII had any freedom? I guess they lived in Israel but did they had any "freedom"? I saw a nazi flag (i guess in the "border" of palestine and Israel) in the news a few months back.... 2021? I do think it is a valid question and not biased (i am ignorant).

on a side note: Semitic = sem it ic / sem inteligencia visão (without inteligence vision)...  where do you source your intelligence?

since intelligence isn't your strong suit: anti-semic is someone that is against semitic without a valid reason (just because), in my case, i am not anti-semitic (live long and prosper "out of my business") i ONLY USE WORDS and there is a matter of MONEY.

On a second side note: i do think someone should place a monolith in Brussels and Madrid.
Apparently other religions (including Romans Catholics) are killing all the Christians, the ancient name of my parish was Christian. ...and i see Jews here (a guess)... and they don't look nice people to me. The local church turned into a synagogue...
I see many strange deaths in the news from America... i myself am in a situation that could lead to that... so, my guess is that there is a religious war of some sort... apparently the target is Christians, "people" are killing Christians all over (putting shit on their food... battery charge? it is what i "hear"). If there isn't a real war then my advise to Christians is to be careful eventually someone is going after you and kill you. It may very well be Catholics... This apparently is common in Europe...
To what religion they will turn next after they are done with Christians? Many small Catholic ones in America...
Have you noticed the "natural" disasters in Tahiti and Philippines?

All Christians are Catholics... but not all Catholics are Christians. (do you understand this sentence?)  
The people following me and preventing me from living my life are not from the same religion has me. They have a different religion. 
What they are doing to me is sinful. Ask your religious leader.

Hey, maybe it is the current version of British doing this... they are the ones that like to set a fox lose, have 20 or 30 people on horses with a bunch of dogs following the fox... until the fox is dead...  so that you know, i am no fox, i have a voice. I wonder, what is the next version of British that "they" are forging...?

There is no reason for doing medical experiments on Christians.
Why don't you all convert to Christian-ism? if you don't want to have diseases convert to Christian-ism. ...and live a Christian life. It is that simple. Remember to eat fresh fish once in a while in your Christian life after conversion. Roman Catholic is a congregation of several catholic churches, not sure if includes Christians anymore. 

If you want to do religious experiments then you do it to religious people and you have the perfect place, monasteries and abbeys, lots of people there with the mental capacity (preparation) for enduring that shit.

I say christian-ism because the "really" old church here was called "saint savior of the word"...and everyone is looking at here...
Now it seems the people here are either: Jews, Muslims, Catholics or Pagans, definitely not Christians... 
Christians don't fight for women, they get married, Christians don't steal lands or other things, they ask for some, etc...
Olive trees are a Christian symbol, many olive trees here.
Who ever they are they are committing heresy intentionally on their own beliefs...
In other words... they are going to hell... 

I guess this area had a chapel called saint savior of the world cause some dude found a way to pacify parasites and maybe reached the entire planet. Now this area was decolonized. I can tell, parasites are not pacified.

I'm no saint but why not give the parasites that I have in my body to the ppl that are stealing and harming me and my backyard\patrimony. Well, ya get the idea... They all feel superior to me. See how they are after a couple of weeks or a month.

If you are looking for a savior go look in the Middle-east, that's the place to look for saviors... Historically they all came from there... i am all fucked up... convert to Christian-ism if you are looking for a savior.

If i had to describe current version of catholics in a short sentence i would say: hungry for other people lands, other people living houses (were other people live) and very hungry for pussy...maybe i am wrong but that looks like a predatory behavior.

Well... a girl from the local priest family got pregnant at 17 (no judgment here), c'mon no sex before marriage... tout tout, then there are married people even 80+ years old successfully grooming young girls... ya married ya shouldn't be "looking" at young girls or any other girl... then there is the day of the lord (Sunday)... people work on Sundays... since i became atheist everyday is the day of the lord for me...

Is Vatican/religion just to point society to (flock to) the next guy to be "erased"? 

Vatican, can you explain on not letting me have money by all means how it will advance your cause? -_- 

I read that the earth was a paradise to Adam and Eve until the snake came along, so... what religion has the "cult" of the big dick? hmm? hmm? who fucked everything? ohh.. look... the oldest religion is Judaism...

If people get nervous around me just send them to the medical doctor... they will be fine.

I really really would like to ear Marcelo, Costa or GNR General say a few words about the Portuguese constitution while i eat some popcorn...

Well... since apparently there are people that really really wanna pick my brain (mind reading)... i say: let's do this. :)

The people reading my mind (people around me have access to my thoughts  in real time without delay) are doing so without my consent and without me knowing how they are doing it. I have no choice no control in the matter. If you don't like my thoughts then you have the option to stop reading my mind and pay the fuckup. Until then: .i.

Apparently my thoughts and dreams are way more interesting then well the rest of the western world at the very least... i wonder what other people think and dream of.... i guess rich and important people have very poor thoughts, most likely mediocre.
Keep in mind: the things that are written bellow are thoughts that crossed my mind... it doesn't necessarily represent my own opinions. So... don't blame me for any of it.... mmk. Those thoughts crossed my mind and there are people reading it... so... why not just write them? Mind you most likely there are much more detailed reports of my thoughts in psychologists, journalists, psychiatric, etc... most likely hundreds of thousand or even million of people have them... much more bigger reports, this is just a collection of a few random thoughts. Me writing them doesn't influence their own "databases" has they collect them directly from my mind.
My neighbors have access to them too and i am pretty sure they are taking notes... pretty sure they make research on some of my thoughts... i don't do research... so... go pick their "notes"... 

If you can't handle my thoughts then why are you reading them? I have no say in the matter is not by my choice. 

I am clueless on why "you" feel the need to read other people thoughts without consent and ruining their lives. I do wander on: what is it that "you" consider a mental illness? 

Dude(s), eventually if you continue "this" your psicose will grow so much (that's how psicoses work) that you will snap over something meaningless like seeing me walking on the wrong side of the road and you just "have" to do something about it...  right now it's night time and i ear from outside "be careful" (in a not so nice tone, in Portuguese from what i guess is a Portuguese) and i am just siting in a chair in front of my PC... (so that you can have a mental picture of the pressure the locals are placing on my shoulders...) I also ear from time to time "your family can't leave this place" (i didn't even was born here i was born many km (miles) away)... i don't know anyone else from my family here... if they were here the locals probably have already made them sell everything and leave (or are in the local cemetery... idk).... it's just me and my sister... so... it doesn't make any kind of sense...

on a side note: i also ear that people wanna beat me up... locals already broke the bones in my head and clavicle, in two separate occasions...

It amazes me that ppl that have access to all the top technology, restricted or mouth passed knowledge, etc... dedicate huge amount of time to pry on other ppl. In my mind: it's like you have a fancy space ship (scifi level) and then ya see a dude on earth tie he's shoe laces and you are amazed by it and ya just have to rip the dude apart cause ya want to know more.

...hurrrraaa to sociologists that allowed this crap...

why tha fuck do you care so much to make my life miserable... go live your life and leave me in peace. My life is not your life. Go build your "name" in some other way...

Hey... i am just a nobody... go do mind reading on the Gonçalves, Coelho, Costa, Almeida and Buiçá, they apparently are the ones that know what they are doing (a guess)... not me... i just want to go live my life and mind my own "business"...

Many things in this blog will make you angry (very very angry) if you are reading it for the first time wen you encounter such "tweets" please scroll back here and read this again... this is not my fault nor you should blame me for any of it if you stop and think for yourself for a few moments. This blog is the only way i can think off to make some small pressure so those people so that i can be paid and allowed to go live what is left of my life in peace. I smoke and tobacco were i live is tainted with "shit" (bad quality products) what makes me have less control over what i think. Besides this situation is not desirable to me and i tend to think in ways to get out of it... most of those thoughts are on ways to piss people and people that "rule" the world. So that they get some "shame" and end this in a assertive way.

If you get mad at something in here (again) it is not my fault, it is not reasonable to ask someone to not think about something (ex. i can't only think about food, weather, health... ).

side note: regarding the diet of the madafucker that is doing this to me, since my vegetables have distinct tastes, it is my guess that his diet include full meals of: pumpkin and cinnamon (most likely jam), shrimp of some sort (maybe lobster) and a high intake of calcium (really high), high chance he/she also drinks Diplomatico/Ambassador whiskey/rum regularly.

regarding the madafucker mental profile: since i am being watched since birth and i have now 44 yo, is my guess it is someone insecure, paranoid, feels the need to analise everything i write and think, has a very weak mind, don't know how to solve problems, most likely when a "problem" shows up it asks someone to take care of it (without giving meaningful input or with the classic "make it go away"). Have some knowledge of religious stuff or most likely masonic stuff, only "fun" (dangerous) facts regarding this since the madafucker don't know all that much about it, does not see the big picture. Oranges in orange trees go to the size of cherry tomatos with the crap that the madafucker does, so i am guessing the madafucker and oranges don't really combine and vegetables get yellow and short. Bought some certified seeds of some variety of cabbage in a Portuguese store, tossed them all into the land in my backyard over a week ago and so far none germinated. Even the weeds are all week and it had rained a week or so before, i never had seen weeds so week. A bunch of other diferent seeds also didn't germinated and the turnips don't have any heads. If God loved ya you would make produce grow. Just face it dude, God doesn't love ya and you are going to hell, madafucker.  All the manure used on the backyard is bought and there are people spreading "shit" on my backyard (did you eat pork before putting the shit?), is my guessing all these people are sterilized. Dudes, i am heavy (metal), ya shit only fucks my head a bit, but if ya eat my shit ya become midgets and defenetly not agile.... side note: the idiots spreading shit all over probably have wives and daughters with saggy tits... that means that the people (girls) in this area will have saggy tits (or even lose their titty's, no tits) also since they are destroying everyones patrimony people will lose their body and aquire that body, that is shitty. My pinky tells me that everyone will get smaller in height and probably more round. The people in this area area (let's face it it is all of Portugal) so stupid but so stupid that they allow "stallions" with no body of their own (take for example the pretender of the Portuguese throne, he has no body of he's own, he's kids are nothing like him... dudes... this is basic stuff... if ya are a pretender to a throne anywhere ya have to have at the very least a body of your own.... preferably that everyone agrees that that body is better then everyone's else's, take Afonso Henriques for example, he was 2.2 meters tall and probably all muscles (he used he's sward alot) with a good-ish intellect), the retards with pussy on their mind change body constantly. Frenchy, i am waiting for ya to pay me taxes (nothing else) or/and decapitate a few people (Macron, Lagarde, etc...)... and put a vintage guillotine in one of the senat corridors has a art piece...

Medieval, you say.... prolly refering to the time wen "body snatchers" and mercenaries commited little genocides to rob the "body" of entire families... cause it is easier to just take someone else's body then to develope your own... something that is common practice today if i am not mistaken "they" give certain parasites to the person from who they want the body and then collect them (sometimes decades after for some of the parasites, brain ones) and use them on their body, the body will be almost identical to their target, prolly ya won't even notice the difference. beware of church waffers, lunch with the rabbis and generaly anyone giving you food... Figured it out why they give " hostia" waffer in church, it's to take ppl yeasts, specific yeasts strains one or more every time. Nothing Noble, it's so that ppl don't get extra strength, etc...

Whats the point of putting shit on everything i eat//drink... (and not let me fuck (i don't even want to... i want MONEY).... "corações ao alto")  i am taller then most people around... that means that my heart is stronger then most people around. The taller people are the stronger their hearts are. (go give growth hormones to ya kids... lol) (funny, tall people with small sons...) I wonder, what is the position of religions on the use of growth hormones? Is it acceptable to farm people to take their growth hormones (what etnic group would you farm?) or will they be happy with animal growth hormones and thus starting to have animal body parts? I don't want neither. Is there a point on having religions if people start using growth hormones (other then the ones their own family carry)? I doubt that their is a single American and probably Israeli (after death) that gets buried or cremated with he's brain inside his skull... (starship troopers movie:

Throwing shit is a well documented behavior of mentally ill people.

Just learned that I can't even breath while laying on my back from all the shit ya doing to me.

Since the dogs (i don't own dogs) like very much to roam in front of my house and on my backyard i am guessing the people doing this are pagans (dog brain?), if they continue spreading their "shit" nothing will grow/germinate. God bless for lithium (...for them), if there is no lithium all your psychosis will come to your surface and it won't be pretty. I am guessing this is the reason people around here are desperate to take my family lands, the lands and olive trees are more fertile then theirs, at least for a few years after they start taking care of them. I am not sure if the ppl from around here are a faction of communists or fascists, they treat their property has private and other ppl property has community... they aren't exactly white folks (more yellow-ish) so.. not sure about fascists... i don't know why the people around here destroyed my lands and family legacy... their descendents are also going to destroy their legacy.... seriously, the kids of the people doing this to me are also going to cut/pull/ sell everything on the lands their parents leave them... c'mon ppl pay... a tropical beach awaits me.

...and this is happening right now, the sterilized control and hunt the fertile. You seen all the arid lands? thats right it is the doing of sterilized people, they go crazy over time. 

Northeners have plenty of rain so you won't notice it much... pretty sure Northeners are sterilized, they are the one making the arid lands when they move south. Take Russia for example... is going dry...

It is my guess that the planet in a couple thousand years is going to be arid. 


Mind you i don't remember ever harming anyone intentionally or destroying anyone else property intentionally (if you either American, German, French, Spanish and British keep this in mind... since i wrote not so nice things about you... sort of...) ("mean"words are not lack of personal respect (personal integrity) it's a way to show your opinions... in this case it's isn't even that, this blog is made of unrefined and uneducated/unsubstantiated ideas... in sorts, a way to make pressure on people that are in charge). If a see any people from those nations i will treat them with respect... this are words not violence. I expect the same from them (respect).

I don't understand why these people don't pay me since they are watching me since a very very long time (most likely since birth) you pay 10 bucks or so to go to a room in a movie theater to be entertained and see a movie for a couple of hours... i never got anything.  

Maybe is because if this "business" ends Portugal will go all to hell... I wonder why... doesn't the current version of Portuguese know how to govern themselves? Why not? are they all children?

Maybe this "situation" that i am in shade a light in who are the descendents of slave merchants of the past (1600, 1700, 1800...).

I "ear" that "if i have any women" they are going to take them away from me... (meaning they don't see me has a equal (pretty much everyone around me don't see me has equal... do you know any "groups" of people that don't see other people has equal? is this ok? oO  this is the way of thinking of people with serious mental disturbances on it's own...) and pretty sure they see women has cattle, without choice... imagine your wife been taking away from you...) (hey how about the Spanish Princess and Belgium Princess... can just imagine some random dude carry them away on he's back... and a few other guys following him to take her away from him and another flock of dudes following those... x'D) that's a slave merchant way of thinking... (their families must be lots of fun...) hey... a bit longer down the road an those people will go back to Africa and pick up slaves to do trade... easy money... you just have to admire the people that work in the UN... if you know anyone that receives a paycheck from the UN treat them well... same goes for NATO/OTAN. I am clueless on why aren't they all (the ones receiving a pay check) living in the US...

It seems that slave merchants only reason to live is to "follow" their "prey's" and ruin their lives.... 

I don't understand why i get the treatment of a "political dissident" wen i don't have friends, only know a handful of people, never done anything to damage anyone property and i'm not affiliated in any way in any organization (political, clubistic, religious, etc...)... even Russian [ =) ] political opositors have better treatment...^^ it boggles the mind... -_-

pay and let go of me.  

If you got into (reserva territorial) wen military recruitment was mandatory in Portugal there is a very good chance that what happened to me will or is happening to you too. 

Should i remove all the mental stops? Is there anything that the world roof doesn't need help with? I am starting to think they need help for everything... and that is ok... i am here to guide (you) them...^^
well... hmm.. my humble suggestion: after me, do what you have done to me to a Jewish person or Arian person (you can pick some other "ethnic" group... American, French, British, etc...). There is no hate... if i can survive he can too, ya hear that mossad... I am not suggesting anything more then what has been done to me. Don't get me wrong... but to me this felt like something resembling the holocaust... judge by yourself...
For some reason i find it easy to believe that my ex-GNR (police) uncle prefers to look at me and read my thoughts then to look at he's own wife or take care of her for that matter...
To be fair all GNR prefer to look at me then to their own wives...
I wonder what would happen if they couldn't see me or read my thoughts... that could be a nice experiment... ya hear that sociologists... would be fun to know how you would react to losing your favorite show... -_-

If people are after knowledge i regret to inform you that i have none other then what i see in television (open to everyone)... true knowledge is in the religious orders (my guess) i see many families that have the religious orders symbols. Makes no sense to look at me...
on a side note: seams that Europe lost all knowledge (my family had a flour mill and olive oil press that takes knowledge to operate... sadly the last of them "died" wen i was 5 (we didn't even lived on the same house), no knowledge was passed on to me... is my guess things like "this" are happening all over the continent), this might represent a opportunity to other continents (start with the military and police?...)... Middle east (at least parts of the middle east) for sure lost all knowledge, they burn everything to the ground including books at least is what i saw on television this last few decades... 

update: went to the local council building... they have a local products shop there and bought a bottle of olive oil... they oil was bitter... i remember when i was a kid dipping bread in olive oil and it was tasty not bitter... these new farmers do know how to make olive oil... -_-

update: apparently i am now a "dark ages" medical doctor... (i can do a diagnose i can't heal anyone) (due to low quality food products) (medical doctors back then made diagnoses by drinking the patients urine, i think, check for yourself) the above mentioned olive oil given me a kidney pain, yesterday i bought another brand of local olive oil in a market and it gave me a impression on the brain, at least (i was a bit tipsy), if i was to guess i would say that the person that "made" the olive oil has had a stroke or have a disease like Alzheimer (maybe mad cow disease since my head expanded a bit... courtesy of Trump or the British maybe Spanish, Germans or Portuguese?) in about 20% of he's brain... no small matter, a serious condition. Look up the word "diplomacy" in a encyclopedia... you will learn something basic but still something...

New slogan for Alvaiazere: "we have olive trees but we don't know how to make olive oil" weee...

Portuguese society really is a case study. They rob a person, they exclude a person, they ostracize a person, they agravate a person by being around the house every night, they call a person crazy, I was even declared scizofrenic in France by medical doctor's wen I was just trying to make a police claim. Then Portuguese society wants me to take responsibilities, get a job, etc...

I would not be surprised if I learned that there were ppl burned alive in here at the year 1876.

Apparently there is a medieval book about ppl eating dried blood. Raposa (fox) ra-po (dried blood)-sa (healthy). To the ppl that still today practice these macabre rituals: dudes, there aren't healthy ppl, anymore. In ancient days there were healthy ppl but not now and there aren't for a very long time now. Prolly even ya definition of healthy is a fucked up one.

It seems (from the recently dead) that your corrupted souls get trapped here.

It amazes me that people owning olive trees with hundreds or even thousands of years have their heads all messed up.

It's all monkeys, They don't have a connection with their ancestors, they moved here with nothing of their own.

Looks like there are ppl around me that do not have human bones, what kind of bones yasz skeleton have? Monkey?

Who had sex with the cats in this area? Many xenosexual ppl around?

I dunno but since nor Biden nor Von DER Lyen nor Macron pay ( the 3 of them are NAZIS) me I am guessing that they position themselves on the side of people that abuse sexually of kittens and dogs... Prolly other animals too. O.O

Looking at you... Soooo.... Gluttony is no longer a sin in your religion?

Cavaco Silva and Marcelo ( two known NAZIS) support ppl that have sex with animals.

Wen you have sex with an animal you are lowering yourself, the animal will be your equal... And ya will gain his neurologic issus.

You sure?

You do know that there are dogs with blue eyes...

Skip 40 seconds... i wanna see people doing that with the local olive oil... pretty sure they would spit it out has soon has it hit the lips...

hey, why not put a tin supplement in food?

Wings spreading mode: on. (using words only)

 Pretty sure you will find far more offensive writings on the internet then on this blog.

I always learned that civilized people could talk (they can refuse, thought) about any subject without "prejudice"... in today's world there seams to be violence towards someone that is just talking (without him taking further "or any" actions)... what does it make of the people that use violence against words? 

I would like to point out to religions that your communities owe me MONEY, there is no blasphemy... until someone pays me. There is a scale...

Further more there are religions that their members are all thieves. How can they be offended? hmm?

There is a military saying that says: the men always look themselves in the eyes.

Update: Kind of developed the idea that the people doing "this" to me are people that drink other people piss... for some reason they like my piss way to much or maybe it was my grandfather since he had been in hospital with a terminal disease when i was 5 (is this why "they" want my uncultivated lands for 40 years?)... it looks like the current (future?) version of Portuguese are (will be?) other people piss drinkers.
conhecem algum deputado que bebe mijo de outras pessoas?
Blame for this not me, i am innocent. you will only find immature people there and in the presidency, thought... the stupid fucks among many other things turned Portugal into one big brothel with the support of the Church... please, tell me in how many ways they are mature (or even upstanding citizens)...
Well since Hollywood doesn't pay me and i live in misery (i don't even have hot water to take a hot shower). Mind you there are people (not companies) in Hollywood making over a Billion dollars revenue a year.
Everyone in Hollywood area is a billionaire and they all are creating content about me (person that lives bellow the Portuguese poverty line for over 10 years and before that it wasn't much better), not only that but pretty much everything in the USA relates to ME. I guess they all get excommunicated... and no, Scientology is not a "real" religion. I also am guessing that is the religious orders that pull the strings in Hollywood (and in America), what is funny since most if not all of them are excommunicated too.... x'D

This is how American billionaires now dress and live? O.O

Lets have fun at the expense of their commander in chief [its for what he is for], feel free to make a donation.
ps: Since the web is pretty much google cache, the content of the links posted may change over time.
A example of this is the cartoon section of ... they seam to change the older cartoons after some time. 
Pretty sure the USA is paying the Sousa and Costa to end Portugal (among other nations in South America, Africa and Middle East). 

I once read that a Asian nation (don't remember wich) had to replace their pigs by American pigs, American pigs needed more expensive rations and required air conditioning.... O.O

Apparently one of the many reasons i can't go live my life far from were i was born is that Ursula needs to see me when she is touching herself (she touches herself constantly).
Other reasons: the mentally ill in Portuguese and European politics, police, courts, military, etc...

Can someone buy one (or more) of these and offer it Ursula/Angela/the Women on charge of the European central bank and pretty sure you could find a few more if you look...

They clearly need one of these at least, please send it to them. 

ah...ah...ahhh... these European "law enforcers" (cough) have a sense of humor... a dark sense of humor... but still a sense of humor....^^
I sent them a complain regarding cigarettes made in EU and they didn't replied/engaged. This after sending to Portuguese authorities (whatever that means)...
Is essentially a 30 million euro glorified office...  

Hmm... Infinity pool... We have new gods around?

Some of the responsible for the current state of the world and specifically my situation:
Have you seen resident evil the movie?

So... whats on ya mind? Something like this?


I am confused, is Europe called EU or EO?

on a side note: that's some impressive immune system (...on the movie!), nowadays (at least ) dogs and pigs have a immune system way better then most people (all catholic church included).  :giggles:

Have ya seen the sun, lately? Yeah, it's brighter, don't worry it is just burning your soul and your ancestors souls.

I see that I am being targeted for religious persecution (I don't even know what religion I am), if I try to grow food it gets desecrated, if I think of buying some food it gets desecrated, my house was desecrated (not the same has before), I am being lied and followed. In this time were there are A.I (artificial intelligence) I wander if nations, religions, sects, etc... Have build a.i. just for religious stuff and how to maximize their reach on other ppl. 

congratz you really know your job....
...and yes there are German people (half bread mutts?) involved.... The zstupid fucks.... Seriously, Germans still insist on doing extreme medical experiments on foreigners? ... on top of it they do it also on foreigner soil... I can see how that is going to work on their favor in the long run...
Guess things like this was what made them gain the name "barbarians", still ignorant to this day...
you know what they say: in a land of blind people the one with one eye is king... if you have a precious gem and don't know how to cut it, it is worthless to you...^^  =)  side note: i don't know anything too...
Enjoy the heard of "travelers"... besides being called barbarians apparently they even stole the teeth of the Jews, that makes them notorious gangsters... they don't like to pay for stuff, what is true, they haven't paid me. ofc, some are honest... the descendents of imigrants... i don't want to generalise... are Germans in charge? if they are then they are beoynd pathetic... fo i really have to write why? It would be a wall of text. I don't think it is Spanish that are in charge, doubt there is one in Spain that isn't crazy already.  ...and Belgiums are notorious for eating monkey meat.

I am serious... who elected these people to the highest places in the european union? Are they mentally sane? (pretty sure there is no alternative, all of them have the same mentality) Dudes, go do eugenics on your own people (your circles), leave the rest to their "luck". You won't because you don't know what you are doing and you are afraid. 

Germans show'd over and over that they can't manage their day-to-day living (do i need to back it up with multiple historical sources?) without external help (assistance, etc...)... so... dudes... pay up the fuckup and let me go live my life in peace. I don't need anyone for my day-to-day life.

one example: wen ww2 started most Germans had left Germany and Hitler had to seld the loot from jews to buy essential stuff, so Germans just looted Germany and run with the money before the war. I wouldn't place a German in a leadership position, they don't correct themselves and they just run away. How about these days: how many Germans in Germany?  and then there is my position: SLAVE. Dudes, do you want to bring slavery back to europe? uhh? Bring it on, put it on the laws and constitution. If not, then why tha fuck do you apply to top european political position? Cause i live with 280 bucks a month, am i justifying my "paycheck"?

piece of cheap wisdom: Don't go managing others wen you depend of others to manage yourself.

Noticed that German parliament is called rat house. So... Germans develope themselves with rat parasites (rats that have eaten corpses?). Is that true? Rats like to grab everything but they become very fearfully with movements, afraid of getting hurt.

in other words, some really "smart" ppl are using me and they are using me to domesticate ppl (thats the term... if this continues they will turn into full slaves) and at the same time ppl will mistrust me and hate me (for no valid reason), thats the bonus for "them". Look up what domestication is, if ya live in a rural area ya can observe it in cows, goats, sheep, etc... take a good look at police forces and military (guess they are the ones most prying on me) and you will see some mental conditions, i observed those exact mental conditions on sheep and pigs wen i had them (wen i was a little boy). European governments are all TRAITORS of their ppl. For what "they" are doing to me, i honestly belive that the people that currently make decisions should only be allowed to do manual labour, anything that involves making a decision should be forbidden for them.

For example: a shepherd opens the corral and all the sheep will get out and follow him until he stops, at that time the sheep will start eating, doesn't matter what field the shepherd takes them they just follow and start eating wen he stops and sits. I am the shepherd and you are the domesticated sheep. Another example: i walked trough the fields (rough area with lots of tall bushes) and found a cache of slab (worthless leftovers), picked a few and brought home, a couple of years after, went to the spot and couldn't find any and there were alot of slab in the area. Could say the same about what i read online and what not.... ya all domesticated sheep.... meeeehhh.... meeehh... meeehh.... and ya all are behaving has stubburn sheep, ya don't want to give me the money, give me the money (ya will be crazy eventually if ya don't) and i can even pet you, you will just love it, like any other sheep loves to be pet'ed from the shepherd... meeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh....

no Cambridge Uni and  a likes in this too?... c'mon...
side note: have you seen the sociologists in 

Would you say that society is better or worse then 40 years ago? I vote that it is worse, that means that sociologists don't know their job and/or don't know how to diagnose their own mental illnesses...

rambling: i don't get it... everyone prying on me since birth... makes no sense, i kind of live in a isolated place, don't know anyone, have no money, don't have anything valuable or antique , hard to imagine that anyone "important" lived here in any time and on top of it that i had a connection to him... and everyone bought a worldwide conspiracy against me.... kind of overkill, no? If it was a conspiracy over the local "confraria" or the "associação de caçadores" or even GNR (c'mon... if you pay attention GNR  is a cradle for conspiracies (here's one: GNR commanders are sons of bishops)) i kind of would understand... they are many, have resources and know ppl.... was/is it because i am pretty? thats the reason you build a worldwide conspiracy against me? fuck, i'm fucked the world is mostly ugly ppl....

side side note:
British has strange (?) concepts of eugenics...  the prince has a "space between the front teeth"...
going for dental braces?... is that "diastema"?

 Side note: can someone explain me why there are royals and religious leaders with a space between their front teeth. What are ya going for? x'D
Can imagine a photo of him with dental braces and Williams with a wig (can be a house of lords wig)...^^

If any family member of yours was eaten or have been drunk their blood by a royal family I advise you to get some coins from that country and put them next to your smokes. I there Charles.

If you know of a cannibal Royal and you know we're he's meal lived, go there and buy a box of wood put smokes and a few coins of the Royal and then smoke it.

Kind of developed a conspiracy theory on why the British, European Union and the Spanish have Queens or will be having Queens... sadly i can't share it because i don't know the mechanics, yet...  :giggles:
Don't forget the Pope, Marcelo and Trump... that counts has a women too... ^^ =)

on a side note: I don't know the Spanish nor their Royalty... but boys that the future Queen smile and/or touch her hair... may be in trouble... or not...^^ 

Looking at the people around me were i live i pretty much see two heads when i look at their faces and on some cases baldness, i see it also in the royals of Europe... i am guessing that their original "head" isn't that good and they need a second head from someone that is intelligent and don't get depressed. Sadly i see it also in the cardinals at the Vatican, dudes that's not good, that means that the people that are in "charge" of the catholic church don't have a good head of their own, that's dangerous stuff wen you are a religion or maybe you aren't Catholics and you need the second head to pass has Catholics. I though that that kind of "stuff" was reserved to monasteries and Abby's and maybe a few other positions inside the church, not cardinals. Is it me or all Jews have two head? How do they outsource the second? buy from Spain for the last 500 years?

side note: i am guessing that some of the people that opt to be bald do it to be pretty or more intelligent.... i guess also that you are limiting your lifespan by doing it. It is a guess.

Is this such a case? IDK


You sure those people are actually British, to begin with?...^^  =)
just saying...^^
Besides ya better off moving to South America...^^

WOW... it has been over 4 years and still no brexit... ... Damn... 4 YEARS... wow...

nah, they will just delay it, again... it's like the movie groundhog day...

Told ya...

 Kung Fu Panda 3: Chit Chat Scene 

on a side note: doesn't Boris, Marcelo and Macron have the exact same eyes?

rambling: Macron, were is Asterix?

Is Asterix in French Guiana near Brasil? Any French left in France?

 ahh... yes... but what year? It doesn't say... ahem...  he won't do it...  ;)

on a side note: is there any "colony" of British in the EU?  another side note: all islands in the Atlantic are colonies.... before ya go mad and decolonize and then colonize.... think about it... there are other things at play.... for example parasites, do ya think that parasites will be that "peaceful" after a colonization? x'D  hi there Alberto João...

gosh... 4 years of negotiations... oO  Dudes... just make war... it is obvious by now that "negotiations" won't work (what is your interpretation?)... has a bonus you might get to loot the Vatican (and the French exorcist schools) if you haven't already in previous wars... tic... toc... tic... toc... it's almost 2021... btw, how many trade agreements did you make in the last 4 years? There is like 200 countries or so... also, to who will you sell the cars that UK factories make? Canada?

ohhh... i stand corrected you did get the deal before the end of the year, congratz...

"Deal is even better than current EU terms - Boris really did Get Brexit Done COMMENT"

 so... in other words, UK will be paying even more to EU then when they were a part of EU...

...or did you agree on dividing the cake that EU has... maybe is Britain that has it... so... how was the split? ...and who gets a slice in the UK? Tier 1?

hmm... will you have to renegotiate Asian trade deals or you just pick one trade deal and fit on the lot?

"'That's not independence!' BBC's Andrew Marr slams French MP over EU's last-minute demands"

Ahhhhhh... classic example of: "don't know what they want..."

"BRITAIN has reached an agreement with Brussels to protect vital food and medicines supplies to Northern Ireland in a major breakthrough."

Wow.. ahhh... only after 4 years you managed to agree on medicine and food... to North Ireland...? o.O

So... no medicine or food going from England, Scotland and whales to Northern Ireland? O.o

A very united kingdom...

"Brexit LIVE: Brexiteers' crack team of lawyers begin analysing deal as Boris holds breath"

 So... British Lawyers only review the deal after they reach the agreement not before? o_O

A very British deal... 

Noticed that the weather (clouds coming in) in south Brazil and Argentina have the same pattern of Britain. Are they the Britain of the south hemisphere?

so... in other words... the UK stopped being a full member of EU to be a colony of EU... thats a great deal, Boris... ...nice...

ohhh... it gets better and better... for real? they will be having a pirate port in EU? so... (for example) no more sausages imports (read it in another news) to EU but it's ok for the ones smuggled by Gibraltar and South fish smuggled to UK without customs... o_O

by summer time they will be implementing tier 10...

"SNP demands BILLIONS of pounds in compensation for Scotland over Brexit"

uhhh?... aren't ya a full member of the UK, just like England, Wales and Northern Ireland? are you saying that you had no choice or participation in brexit decision making?... dat democracy... :grabs popcorn:


What? ffs... you told everyone that the deal was done... guess it was a fish only deal that you needed 4 years to come to terms... i wonder how many years the financial deal will take... hey... you can create a new profession: "brexit negotiator" it would have a bright future...

OMG... 4 years for a half baked fish deal... OMG...

"Brexit is done! Remain MP shoots down Article 16 plot to rewrite Boris's deal"

Boris, Boris, Boris... what are ya smoking? Did ya took the wrong pipe... again...? How many times did ya announce that the deal was done already... and it wasn't...? ... is the financial deal really done? C'mon...i still haven't heard anything about the meat deal, cheese deal, should i continue...? Pretty sure that in a few days ya will be announcing another deal...

are you ok? you didn't mention article 16. you always mention article 16.

search for article 16 in you will get more then 30 000 entries.... o.O

"Brexit: Welsh Government legal action over trade law"

seee... Boris, told ya...

I would love to make business with ya all (sadly i am no business man)... you really seem to know what you are doing wen doing agreements/contracts... how many years have been since the referendum?

hmm?... just go to the local supermarket in Netherlands or France and buy some pan loaf, cheddar cheese and you probably can also find spam there... maybe even cheaper then in England...

"‘Shows serious non-commitment’ Brexit Britain told it risks EU sanctions with key change"

it's 2022. you still under EU supervision?   O.O

See Farage.... you still under EU supervision, even your newspapers know this. 

side note: Farage, why no one talks, makes movies, tv shows about Wales? Plenty on the English, Scotts and Irish.

"Brexit outrage: UK fishing boats treated as foreigners in OWN waters"

What are you gloating about? Britain (and you) is still under their supervision.

Why not move all of Britain to the Netherlands? That way ya all can have EU money. See Farage... even ya scientists want the EU money. British scientists are smart.

The referendum was 6 years ago... 6 YEARS. .. and you haven't even looked at borders yet? Aren't borders the first thing on the list? O.O

I am confused... Is North Ireland a British province or a Irish province? To what nation do they "belong"? Why not give them independence, if ya aren't sure if they are British or Irish? Didn't they voted on the referendum? If they voted on the referendum why can they stay in EU market and others Brit provinces that also voted can't? seems unfair. Did you asked Joe Biden opinion on the matter?

Liz, the clarity inside ya mind seems awesome... keep it up.

Also... Liz, can you also open a exception to scientist labs? if ya gonna do it to NI ya can also do it to labs, can't you?

"Boris to bring in new NI secretary as Brexit chaos continues"

for real? you blaming the secretary? classic. doesn't she just write what you say :giggles:?

For the British that don't like (want) Brexit: why don't you move to North Ireland? No Brexit there and it is still Britain. Ya can also make a pretty penny by buying stuff and shipping to other parts of the UK without customs tariffs.

side note: don't ya wanna make civil war? Irish and Scotts on one side and English, Wales and Netherlands on the other....


on a side note: If you have any substantial amount of money in European (broad sense) banking system i would advise to move it to banks that their HQ are outside of Europe... hey... there is brexit, apparently the "city" in London moved to Paris or was it Frankfurt (?), there are talks of frexit and itexit, there is Scotland asking for billion to the UK, not forgetting the major Swiss banks (bank?) that isn't doing so well according to the news.... for a very very long time... these are uncertain times and you never know how the euro or the British pound is going to go (if up or down... take a guess...), Brits paying 25 million a day to Europe (colony tax?) i don't know were they are going to get that much money.... besides pretty sure most banks in Europe have a shortage of capital... they could very well go belly up with your money... ohhh... c'mon... do i have to put a ton of links to newspapers articles?


Oh... Remind me again why did you left EU?

So.... Will you only sign this agreement with Germany? What about Spain, France, Italy, etc... If I was any of them i wouldn't be too happy....

I guess Boris knows best... Don't ya Boris...?

Cough up, Boris! Brexit Britain ordered to pay eye-watering £40bn bill under divorce terms


Boris... Boris... Boris... 

those negotiation skills... 

Tout... tout... 

Well, at least ya save 350 mil a week (month? Can't remember) on NHS...

"Brexit masterstroke as Britain eyes more trade deals 'than any other country in the world'"

bullocks... ya haven't done any trade deal with me... punny Brits...


"King Charles to honour promise and 'recognise all faiths' at Coronation"

so... who is going to make your krown?

Don't tell me that you are just going to use a old one...I see that British have horses and lions on their monarchy's symbol, that not correct... yeah they are horses but not lions, they are horses and dogs..

Dude, get like 200 sausage dogs or chihuahua dogs, release them in the morning over London and at night ask the military to collect them (not like they are busy) and spend 1 hour with them (the dogs not the military), next day do the same.

You can also pass the dogs in the chapel after Sunday church and football matches. Never saw Cruella, Dalmatians?


 Now that Bris resigned from prime minister, does that mean that all those people that quited are going to be back? before a new prime minister is found...


"Have Your Say: Would you back Macron's offer for Britain to join a tier 2 EU?"

"How about that, Emmanuel? Macron told 'EU states should join UK' as Brexit row explodes"

????  O.O   ????

 So... you are the engine of europe on the top of a union of 30 nations and ya focus is on the one that left?

 Things don't look great on the union if ya need to make statements like that. If things aren't great on the union then why focus on the one that left? you the engine of europeshould focus on your union, isn't it?

C'mon Macron, if ya miss Britain that much ya can always see them at the council of europe, they are still a part of that. Just go to Strasbourgh once in a while. Set a visit with Charles Michel, he can handle it right away since he's human rights court is working like a breeze, just peachy.

It's like: ya the manager of a company and you only focus on the employee that left the company. (i am using small words)

Will you the engine of europe be asking for a tier 2 OTAN, too?

"'What we wanted all along!' EU could've avoided Brexit if Macron plan offered to Cameron"

"“This new European organization would allow democratic European nations adhering to our set of values to find a new space for political cooperation, security, cooperation in energy, transport, investment, infrastructure, and the movement of people, especially our youth,” Macron said."

???  o.O 

you (brits) rather have French core values then your own?

I also noticed that ya Brits allied yourselves with the Vatican (catholic church), don't ya know that the Vatican is a sinking ship (these days, only criminals set foot in a church and they by their actions are strong belivers in slavery).... is it just to get all the loot? Well, thats smart....




You have a buyer for EDF? That's why ya nationalize it now... to sell to him/she later on.....


obviously it was a British ortodox with Russian nationality or a Russian ortodox with British nationality.... who else?


"Russia threat: PM has ‘letters of last resort’ prepared in event of nuclear attack on UK"

What did the Queen done to warrant such measures?

"UN lays out ‘very harsh and rapid’ Western response to Putin’s nuclear threat"

see Russia... they have caged you...

side note: maybe ya all should do things the current Portuguese way of "doing things"... aparently in Portugal they atribute a person to be in "charge" of you, not any kind of person.... a person that wants you dead.... so... why not put Putin in charge of Ukraine?



WOW... 94 years old and still very sharp mind to handle national issues... gratz

nah... Charles education is far far to be complete. He still looks ignorant. Besides, he still hasn't made enough enemies, although he is trying hard. He should learn with Portuguese catholic bishops (maybe is the portuguese military, although i believe if you combine them all ya still will not have one half decent head, they all dimwits), they excel at making enemies. If ya wish to have lessons on how to make enemies i recommend: Virgílio do Nascimento Antunes (bishop of Coimbra), José Manuel Garcia Cordeiro (archbishop of Braga), António Marto (cardinal of Fatima), D. Manuel Clemente (cardinal of Lisbon) or my uncle Antonio Marques Nunes.

 So.... Charles and also your mother, have you been making friends or enemies all these years? you do know there are nuclear bombs these days and enemies may be inclined to use them.


"Brexit disruptions to the vaccine supply chain back to Sharma"

 What are you smoking? UK is still a UE member with full trade privileges, besides Pfizer is a American company... do you expect a disruption of Pfizer medication in UK pharmacies after brexit?... So... in 4 years of negotiations you have failed to secure access to medication on trade agreements? ...pretty sure brexit can wait a few more years of negotiations... do you know something that i don't?
I am guessing (just a guess) this (Hollywood) money is to fund Israel, Jews are notorious for not being able to live without assistance from others. Remember when a group of 70 couldn't feed himself in the promise land (when they were alone?) and had to move to Egypt (were they prospered to the millions under the Pharaoh). I am guessing Hollywood only pay to circumcised people.
Is Californians invading Texas and even moving abroad? 

If i was a guessing men i would say that Israely are either British or French.... just disguised has jews. It's not that hard ya only need a artifact or two.

I wonder if the music/tv/cinema industry (better yet the people behind them) makes kids of the the people they write about and give them to notorious people so that they heir the money from that industry. I guess that's a way to disguise full blown mental illness.

Obviously i don't have anything to substantiate the above, is just a guess. 


That picture reminds me of suspended chickens cages...

hmm... weren't Jews that would inherit the earth?

Strange way of building... no room for cultivation... why don't ya build small (tiny) farms near the houses...? ya afraid that ya dick will fall off if ya pick a hoe (tool) to plow a plot of land? You don't eat local produces? hey, it's the promise land you should eat (and grow) the local produces, not the imported ones. I, read that 400 years ago yasz had farmer communities (Brasil, Portugal, etc...) and ya used hand tools...

I'm not even going to mention Arabs, pretty sure they don't even know what hand plowing tools are or that they even exist...

food for though: if you aren't willing to plow and cultivate the lands (even if only to yourself) then ya don't need a nation/country... ^^

Since Jerusalem is home for many religions and you lot possess it i am guessing that you are the ones rulling the world. ya doing a great job.

I humbly think that history is wrong and Egyptians depicted Jews has cats in their hieroglyphs (etc...), if that's the case Ancient Egyptians were truly a remarkable people in my view.   x'D


I have to ask, did ya converted some of my neighbors?

I am certain that Portugal and Europe fucked the milk (yeah, the milk ya drink everyday) cause of me.


I find it funny.... Anglicans, Catholics, Jews, Muslims.... all very much interested in Egyptian religion... dudes.... you are committing BLASPHEMY (errr... heresy) on your own religions.... what do you think religions are? eggs and flour? mix them all up and you get cake? repent for your sins, madafuckers. 

Don't tell me that you lot have roots in Egyptian religion... none of you knew how to read and write in  hieroglyph language until a few decades.... and dudes, hieroglyph's didn't show up overnight, they were on display for the last 5 millennia.

There is a lot about religion but to most religions their core is: to use other ppl signature minerals. They don't want just any person, even if they find the bones of god they would value them but not that much, they prefer live prey.


Oh... C'mon... Why Don't ya all abdicate in favor of Andrew? Andrew if he grows a beard and uses a hat can be known has Henry IX.

Besides, aren't ya all Indian's or Dutchman (whatever that is).
Read somewhere that Israel have all Jews DNA... so... after this covid virus thingy the ones that got it just go to a government facility and "reset" their DNA? so... ya mess with ya dna with tools like crisp... just like Moses and God intended... funny.... religious sites like Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina and Rome are plagued by ppl that use genome altering technology...
(i are not a virologist.. yet) 

side note: all major religions have Jerusalem has a holly place, that means that Catholics, Jews and Muslims are all Jews. side-ish note: Mecca and Medina aren't that far from Jerusalem either...

rambling: it seams to me that many Muslims are spitting on the face of the Prophet and every holy man in the Muslim religion, if they are the one literally following me everywhere and prying on my "life", wen they know very well that i live in misery and they show not even respect. The Vatican and all the catholic cleric are spitting on every holy person face on their religion that existed, that's for sure. Show me the teachings of any holy person that have existed that teaches to put spit in food or drinks or even on someone vegetable garden. You are all heathens.

What would the holy persons from the religions (if they were still with us, alive) think, if they saw a Muslim actively and intentionally using Christian artifacts or a Catholic use Muslim artifacts? My guess is that they would at the very least banish those people...

Side note: When God made Jews did he give them tiny lil hats?  If not what did they used? Skulls? A turd (dried one don't be gross)? some tree leave?
so much fun...
Ignorance is bliss: Did Hitler place jews in concentration camps and took all their stuff to see how they were without "garments"? people change without "garments"... besides if we wanted to kill them they would go straight to the gas chamber... not living in a close space for months (?)...
Hey... he probably thought that some of them would lose their face, grow horns/tail/extra harm/etc... without the "garments"... *don't blame me* *blame mind reading*  ((voice of a 9 yo) what? it's plausible (...), they were in ancient Egypt... have you seen the figurines, hieroglyphs, statues of ancient Egypt?) on a side note: pretty sure animals back then had subtle differences compared with animals from now, probably even different eyes... take lyons for instance lots of drawings with docile lyons around people. another example (with fake fish eyes):

side note: I am not pro nor against Jews... i don't know who or what they are, in case you are wandering. I just want their purse. give me you purse you madafuckers.
on a side note: i wonder what sect (synaguogue/faction...?) are the cooks that make lunch for the military, Mossad, schools, etc... in Israel... ^_^

Was this the reason for at least one of the world wars? Someone was using other people has blood bags or someone wanted to use other people has blood bags? Maybe... maybe... too many people was walking around with a bag of dicks... or too many people wanted to walk around with a bag of dicks?
I am a uneducated idiot with no real knowledge... so... don't blame me... mmk... 

Maybe these people haven't discovered iron supplements in the supermarket, yet... ...much easier to enslave a person... Australians^^? -_-

if ya prefer, get a couple of blood drops, grab a bit of iron, melt it together and eat the iron.

IDK (i really don't) but when i look at some faces (some Germans, Russians, some rappers, even some people in royalties like Belgium and probably UK, it's what comes to mind right now) they look like they drink blood.  

on a side note (totally unrelated): if ya have dogs in the neighborhood ya can start meowing like a cat, don't worry dogs have great ears. it's fun to watch... 

ya can always go the lazy way and buy a dog whistle or even more lazy, buy a electronic dog whistle and make it work (timer) for 200ms every 5s and toss it on top of a tree in central park...  ^_^   

Think of it has Havana syndrome but for dogs...  ^_^

Wen ppl invade another nation they take dogs with them or acquire one on the nation they are invading, so that they have strength, dunno if they eat the dog shit or just kiss the dogs in the mouth or other stuff...

Have you noticed that Muslims in the past didn't liked dogs and now they apparently (i dunno) like them...


I don't get it... isn't that a kind of sacred place (i don't know the place)... if you uproot the olive trees they lose most of their roots, i won't be the same tree anymore... Doesn't olive oil have any symbolism to you?

Is the Vatican, Russian church, Brits, French, Greek, etc... ok with this? Are they really ok with that? It is a question... i ask because the biggest political party in europe is the democratic Cristians...

Besides isn't most of Israel a desert? Why not build the houses in the desert?
don't blame me... besides people here were i live are cutting down and uprooting olive trees too...

yasz should limit the number of people that go inside... the floor might fall with all the digging underneath...^^
Macron... dude... why are you upset? You aren't a Christian (otherwise you didn't had allowed for people to do what they had done to me in France), honestly i doubt that you are even Catholic. 

ooohhh... if only there was someone that payed me... i wouldn't be inclined to write all this c***.... 

side note: since all French own dogs and dogs sniff everything... ya can spread some protozoan or parasites of that class around.... eventually the dog owners will go crazy....


Are you sure they aren't the sons and daughters of French bishops, cardinals, missionairs?

 Besides, ya have military special forces full time in Africa, doing all sorts of nasty services to France.

 on top of it, dunno the reality of France but i am guessing that your very well included French bon vivant don't really work.

Enjoy, hey some day one of those might do even your job. fingers crossed.


"Macron ‘shamed’ France with footwear choice while arriving to pay respects to Queen"

Those are not flat feet sneakers, c'mon Macron ya have to wear flat feet sneakers.... 


 Why such big fuss? They are French, it is easy to solve those problems... just stop selling oysters to French cleric, problem solved.


I don't know why... Macron is a TRAITOR and so is everyone supporting him. Is this new to you?

Maybe, all the ppl that vote in Le Pen will get covid until the election...

well... Macron has won.... i guess traitors are a majority in France....


I read somewere that Morrocan's don't like Portugal? Why? ohhh... why?  If i know something about history is that the last royals in Portugal (XIX century) came all from France.... and if i am not mistaken, Morroco's is a French colony (thats how France labeled Morrocos under their dominion until Morroco's suposed independence)... I am guessing that it is still is a colony, France remade Morrocos so it would be a colony... hey, maybe the French still have the plans they used to make Morroco's a colony and the "stuff" they took out of Morroco's hidden somewhere.... uhhh? Why Morroco's don't got snooping around in France for it? Cause aparently Morrocan's are Muslims and living on a catholic colony....  I guess Algeria is the same....


hmm.... that shaft in the chin.... is very badly done.... tout... tout...

i don't know but i guess that wen someeone ( and he's ancestors) is from the place they live they have a strait (simetrical) face, you don't have a simetrical face.

you are Yusef....?  -_-


 hmm... Macron is protecting who's interests? He shows up more in British newspapers then French...


"Covid-19: Marcelo diz que vacinação de crianças deve ter “naturalmente” intervenção médica"

so... what you are saying is that the vaccine is not mandatory to adults (in any profession, including medical personnel) but mandatory to children...  if it isn't mandatory then even children can make their own mind...


So... you no have a minister for the police (interior minister?), a police commander, a syndicate, legion etrangere? Banana republic?

Do i have to do everything for you? Do let me know what other problems you have so i can solve them for you. Also, please share with British, Spanish, Germans, Americans, etc.. i can solve their problems too... In Portugal all the "top politicians" need me for solving their problems since 20 years or so... plenty of experience...

Is it me or Trump and Kim Jong-un have the same facial expressions (seams related), keep in mind: i am not so good with faces.
Have you noticed the USA military budget ? I think that makes them a military nation too.

Does people still do candles in closed rooms made of human fat? If so morgues, liposuction clinics, American smokeless crematoriums, hospitals, etc... must be making some extra bucks...

Ohh... So pretty... Did bishop of Coimbra had something to do with it?


Pretty sure is someone Trump smuggle in on his last visit to is buddy Kim...^^ 


Pretty sure Trump left a few totems bellow the white house wen he left...


Kim offered pistols to commemorate the "end of war" nuclear missiles program.... Kim mate ya could had given them a bigger gun... *blame Marcelo or Trump, i am innocent*


you forgot the ocean, test the ocean too... lol

Apparently  mind reading tech is around (commercially) for at least a decade now:
Nissan’s B2V technology is the world’s first system of its kind. By anticipating intended movement, the systems can take actions – such as turning the steering wheel or slowing the car – 0.2 to 0.5 seconds faster than the driver, while remaining largely imperceptible.
Now imagine it without the pretty lights and the plastic, (done?) now imagine it intelligence grade (way above spy grade).

I wonder if the pope mobile or the car that the Queen of England uses has it too...

 Apparently, mind reading is a old "religious" thing and now also a tech thing. Darn it, even real robot will read my mind.

These people (things) also know all the molecules that I ingest and the ones my body produces. They know this instantly. Real-time.

gosh... look at the similarities... the same thing is happening to me. 

I have a bonus apparently, "the powers that be" did something that amplifies the inner voice in my head and it is especially stronger near low frequencies generators like water streams on rocks that pass bellow bridges. I guess who "designed it" doesn't like or don't want their targets to go near running water, on top of it "they" put "shit" on everything i buy to eat (even packaged stuff) and my backyard vegetable garden. It is my understanding that it is the A (blood group type) doing this, stealing properties and everything they can get their hands on.

It's funny, plenty of permanently dried up water streams were i live and the others only carry water 3 months a year. I guess they like very much to dig up the water sources...  and it is a nature protected area...

Even the water company ( put fermented spit on the water (update: just rain'ed and the water tasted like dog), creating genetic defects on the population, by doing this, i am guessing that in America they are doing this too and it's one of the reasons that in America people have large necks.

some rumbling: it seems that the ppl that lived in Almoster were fucked (Portugal was once a rich nation) and "the powers that be" allowed them to live in there (it's a small place), they were very very short ppl from what i saw from some houses and a few doors ruins, they lived of agriculture and the couple of stores that existed had no more then half a dozen meters, in the recent past "the powers that be" decided to take even the lands from the locals (most likely killed the families and left only the children). Dudes, ya "empire" already had all of Portugal except for a few small villages, now you want everything... dudes, move to America, the Indians there have "plenty" of lands for you to grab.  ^_^

has a side note: Saw on some tv shows that there are vampires... is it wise to drink blood? read that blood turns liquid on the presence of the killer (blood always knows?), i am guessing that the person ya drank blood dies (eventually) from there you will be in some sort of trouble.and remember piss have blood cells in it.

don't know where to write it so it goes here: i find that Europeans (including Brits) and Americans aren't actually people they are in fact ducks... they all line up behind me and won't let go of me. Wherever i go, pretty sure there will be one at the very least lurking.... can i ear a QUACK?...


 You should move here. It's just wealthy thieves, cockroaches and what not, you would have a field day.


With so much mind reading tech around (btw, "they" can read images that you think also, take it at face value), the locals where i live have access to it, they keep shouting at night (don't think so much...) and when i wake up i ear someone making a comment (this is instant, in the same second i awake).
Has you might have guessed the police forces have this tech available to them.
The local Catholic priest family members (Silva) that live near me say out laud at night "your family has to end" (i could write a full text on how that is just stupid... just one question: what is a family exactly? I don't know. Do you know?) (do you mean for example: blood type family? you wanna end all O- blood type family? Do you mean other "type" of family?), the .... ( update: learned just now they are Neves, Lopes and possibly Costa... not .... apparently, honest mistake ) (you have access to secret services ask them to check it out... *ears drop on mobile phone*)said the same thing, less times but still plenty.... What family will be next for them?
But, what does this mean? The Silva's/Lopes/Neves ( update: learned just now they are Neves, Lopes and possibly Costa... not ... apparently, honest mistake ) want to end my family? The whole Catholic church wants to end my family? Why? I don't impose myself to anyone (is it becouse we were Christians?). It makes no sense.
Why would someone say something like that to a pacifist that only minds he's own life?   
 Hey, i like everyone.^^

My family has to end, why? I have seen at least hundreds of thousands people's or even millions in more then one continent and they all had a friendly "familiar" face, only in Switzerland I saw a handful of ppl that didn't. If they have a face that I consider friendly then they and me at some point had a common ancestor, that, or they have parasites that came from me, a relative of me or a recent ancestor of me. If the ppl just have parasites of me or a relative of me then wen I die everyone will be full of diseases. If we share one or more common ancestors and ppl want to remove that part (since my family has to end) from them, then it is the same, they will be full of diseases and their physiology will change too, cause my family is very present in them since I find their faces friendly.

All the people around me are emocional, there is no one that is racional.

Dudes, I pitty who ever marries your daughters, that's like a death sentence.  
Not even my baptism and "crisma" godfathers told me what and where my real estate properties were and what to do with them when i came of age... ya got to love the catholic church...^^ Those madafuckers at the church not even told me how to protect myself even though i made all their "steps", and they knew the shit that was going on in this place and who were/are the scumbags.
Well... it is all behind me now...
 I dunno... but i got the perception that catholics are rapists too, girls have no choice then to have sex with who they are told to.
Must be a wonderful community.... :runs away: 

Has far has I can tell, I am a product (If you prefer the term a kimera) of Simões, Marques, Nunes and Gaspar families (those were the names of my parents and grandparents). So wen you say that my family has to end, what do you mean by it? That you want to end all those families? O.O

Spanish, French, British, Italians have ya all lost your brains? again? All of you at once?

Since ya are using me to develope yourselves you should know that pretty much every university, theologian, sorcerer, shaman, etc... Have access to my blood, hairs, piss, etc...and I am a kimera of Marques, Nunes, Simões and Gaspar at least.

It looks like that almost no one in the planet can develope themselves, they use parasites to develope themselves. I say wen you are given parasites and you feel that you are opening the third eye just punch your forehead and in the next few days go piss outside. Most likely ya will fuck that kind of parasites (and the ppl that use them). That shit will make you crazy or close to it.

Side note: Don't baptize your kids, you are creating illusions on them wen they get "older" and actually need their godfathers... ya don't need a excuse to make a party, chose a day and make a party at home... don't invite anyone...
but if you really don't have a choice (hey it's the 21 century^^) and have to baptize the baby then my advise is to chose someone that doesn't have a Spanish name or connected to a Spanish name.... or it may happen to your baby the same has happened me...
side note: i find it funny that many of the locals have closed vans has first or second car.
Also strange that the local political force is PSD (partido social democrata) and it has been so for long long ago... my family voted on them (i don't vote^^)... so this is "strange"... saw that "chega party" wants to "join" with them (psd)...
piece of wisdom: if you are someone that likes to ride your tractor (that is enough) once in a while and have a urge to fuck a few girls... you really should move to a PSD area... that's what they value the most... They don't want people with a olive oil business or flour mill business...^^
In others words: PSD/EPP leadership at least since 75 is... well... a mess... reminds me of clowns...
Among other things (psd) allowed "people" to take what is mine!
For some reason intelligence is no longer a factor for "keeping" lands...
Hey... maybe this that is happening to me is happening to people in other places were psd is majority even who knows on others European countries were the European parliament group were psd is a part of (The European People's Party group (EPP Group)) also is happening stuff like this... makes sense? to me it does...
If you look a little bit deeper (just scratching the surface^^... for now...) you will find all kinds of interesting stuff... like for example one of the founders of PSD has a news network (national newspaper, television, country wide local newspapers) that can be seen has a "intelligence agency".
If what is happening here (locally) is a indication of  PSD "managing style" then... well... you can figure it out... association with thieves, possible murderers, rapists(?), no respect for laws, no respect for private owned property, no respect for the current political system (republic), etc... I guess European EPP group shares this "values" since they are allied for a long time. This is a observation, you can share (with me) your views too (preferably in words^^ assuming that you know that form of expression...^^)...
free tip (in case there is a European war): The people of political parties that make the EPP European group (the areas that are under their political responsibility) are people that run (it's not made up every now and then i hear at night "vamos fugir daqui") whenever there is "problems"...^^  =) 

Another thing i hear is that "they have already sold your lands"... this is awesome... other people selling what isn't theirs... well... i hope they have sold them to a foreigner with deep pockets and even better one with a big family back home. Yeah, they have stolen my lands and some of those lands they sold it to foreigners, that is treason, they are traitors. The way of Nunes, Marques, Simões and Silva conducting their life is: enslave family members, sell lands to foreigners (nationals and non-nationals) and then go crazy (yesterday i spent several hours in a small creek all by myself, a little before i left someone put human shit a bit up river, it smelled....).... i wonder, who's image is Portugal being built on? Duarte Pio? Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa? Cavaco Silva? Ramalho Eanes? Durão Barroso? Macron? Some Spanish dude? Belgium dude? Moroccan dude?... x'D I am going to sell the Brooklyn bridge and Trump estates too... weee.... xD

Probably if they plow the lands with a hoe (tool) (that a tractor hasn't been there for a long while) for a couple of hours their dick will fall off... 

Besides, prolly all this area has radioactive stuff... if nothing else radon.

Apparently it is allowed to steal other ppl lands in Portugal and (Christians wouldn't do such a thing and Portugal was Christian, using logic is either Jews or Muslims one of those are thieves to their core, i am writing from experience, it's not empty words) the ppl stealing them don't know pretty much anything about agriculture, now imagine that it would be allowed to steal airplanes, some dudes would steal the airplanes even knowing nothing about airplanes and what to do with them, they would steal them because the powers that be allow it... in other words yasz all retarded. These people have names, they are called Antonio Marques Nunes (retired from police force GNR), Fernanda Fernandes Nunes, Ligia Ventura (recently married by the catholic church), Andre Ventura. and they want even to take my home, my mother painted the house twice, build the bathroom, build the large burried sceptic tank, build the large water tank, the brick chicken coup, the fire wood storage building, cleaned every tile in the roof, remade the water well, bought furniture, all this with her economies\savings, and these motherfuckers want it to themselves not only that but all the lands of both my grandfathers many of those lands were also bought with their own economies. SCUM, just like everyone in here and pretty sure everyone with a uniform in Portugal.

My great grand father came from Lisbon, my grandfather spend he adult life in Lisbon, after that 2 mayor's came from Lisbon, my uncle and all his descendents are all vary interested in everything that is mine or left to me. My aunt from other side of the family moved to Lisbon. Why the imp families of Lisbon have issues with me since my birth? 

curious stuff: the previous local priest was called Abel Duarte and he joined the parish in year 64+-, my grandfather was a miller and a olive oil making person (he's wife last name was Gaspar (Jasper)) and he died in year 83 with a stomach cancer when i was 5 yo and right after he's death the locals took he's lands (most of them) with the "blessing" of the priest and local council... on a side note: i hope no one has any ideas of making a saint out of me, i get ansious wen inside the local church and besides Alvaiazere had a count of Ferreira, put a Ferreira has saint or a Barros or a Sousa or even a Marques.

on top of it: why is Duarte following me around? I see faces that remind me the face of the old priest when i go somewhere +- (Leiria), and they look stalk-ish... 

on a side note: c'mon ya don't want the stigma (visit card) (there is a very large audience) of killing a entire family of civilized people, do ya? give me my fucking MONEY.

I wonder, do they exchange the kids at birth in the hospital? Fernando Silva, ya kids are yours?^^  In my crystal ball i see that many of the young and not so young kids in this area are sons of Duarte Pio... and they are all cursed.  x'D

I have lands in my name and i am pretty sure that are people collecting subsidies on them from the ministry of agriculture without having the land deed or a rent contract.

Dudes if you reading this, don't trust notary people, they seem honest much less seem to have any kind of honorability (good faith...) at least in Portugal and i suspect most of Europe. I am almost certain that the registry of my grandfather lands (and then my own) changed probably a few times since the beginning of the 80's. Honestly, i can't think on a single reason why these people (notary) are needed, given how things are (in my perspective).

Another thing i hear (at night from the locals) is "you don't fuck so no one lets you have anything" (more or less)... mind you wen i was 6 years old or so i noticed that we had a big photo album book but it only had like 2 distant photos and a postcard and i asked how did my father died, wen i got the reply my instant thought was: "i have to get out of here", this thought alone shapped my personality ever since.

I wonder what would happen if people didn't voted on PSD (EPP on other european country's) on the next elections... would that be enough for a civil 

? That would make a lot of important people out of the "loop" (a guess)... Hey... maybe everyone will vote on them... 

I wonder... did/does the high ranks of the state or the military committed treason?

The local political executive (They don't know what is written in the most important Portuguese document "the constitution") (the constitution is literally what defines what is a Portuguese and the republic of Portugal and what you should expect when you enter Portugal if you are a foreigner) (if you want to see what kind of people they are google images of Syria, Beirut... essentially people that only know how to destroy): 

these are web archive links. 

These people are all schizophrenics and most likely 90% of the Portuguese population is too... 

Apparently the families that live in Portugal are very happy that the leading family has not that much intelligence. The future is going to be awesome for all those families.

My experience on living in Portugal and Europe: ppl have to know everything about you and giving the half chance take everything from you.

A mental example: imagine that filming cameras are brand new and ya have a prototype, if you came to Portugal and film anyone ya are obliged to explain everything about the camera (science included) until the moron understands it. If he doesn't understand it (or you don't know it yourself to biggin) ya will never leave and you can't have any kind of life.

Apparently, I am surrounded by ppl that don't have functioning body organs, they need others to have their organs working. Side note: does Gibraltar and morro and depends of the monkey's to keep their organs workings?

How the military and cleric families "work" in Portugal: they get a dog, they give their shit to the dog (lol), then they rob some dude and give that shit to the dog and the result is that that dude and his kids are fucked, cause dogs kill parasites once in while (they bark a lot). Essentially the dudes doing this have brains of shit, their intelligence comes from the shit in the parasites that are on their brain, I doubt that you can say that they are descendents of someone by using this method. To me they like the dogs are pets.

Sooo... Who in Portugal has the most loot and artifact's from ancient wars, colonies, etc...

I am guessing that the ppl living near me are descendents of the families of the inquisition. I am also guessing that it is the same families that run the universities. I am also guessing that they, after all these centuries are actively after the relatives of the ppl they tortured and killed during the inquisition.

*how many ppl are toothy or have a load of fake teeth?* 

Update: hmm... apparently Portugal society rely on "head of the family"...hmmm.... i am 45 yo, don't know were the lands on my name are, never had a local girlfriend, etc... my "head of the family" (who ever he/she is) sucks at their job....

Update: the water to my house tastes like the spit of my neighbor and aparently they added more mineral to the water. Mind you my neighbor is so dumb that he can't even take care of himself (he is Neves and (Fernandes and Costa i think)), never could. and celia gomes marques is adding mineral with the spit of that dude to the municipal water. That gives cancer. btw, she looks Muslim. Celia, are ya adding mass murder to your resume?

I don't know why they are so obsessed about me, the majority if not all are nomads. They moved here stayed for a couple generation and then their descendents move to another administrative area. These "families" don't stay on the same administrative area for more then 2 or 3 generations. IDK, but it is my guess that Ventura in Spain found a engenius way, they live near a vulcano so the land gets renovated from time to time, no need to be nomad, actually is even better since is virgen land comming from the vulcano.

Keep in mind that most have the home address in the id card\tax outside of the local administrative area...

...and they are the ones in charge and the police, etc... Protects. The local powers don't care about the families that don't change administrative area. Mesmerizing...

I don't know why they are messing with my food and health if their descendents will just move somewhere else different. Hey at this point I too want to move far away from these ppl, just lack the money to do so. Why these nomads have to behave like this? What makes them do this?

update: learned that you can get brain cancer just by eating, in my case: cake, one time. Does that mean that "they" can change parts of your brain? just like that...

Cambada de anormais, tanto os que roubão propriedades como os que teem autoridade para fazer algo, é só o mundo inteiro a ver o que voces estão a fazer (e a não fazer)...

These people are organized, they are sloppy but they do are organized, make no mistake. 

Ask yourself: do you see yourself being their neighbor?   Do you fancy to be a neighbor of these people? It would make you happy to see one (or more) move next to your house? 

Do you see has a good thing their kids going to the same school that your kids frequent?

my answer is: no. What is yours?

Looking at the behavior of my neighbors, Portugal and we'll the western world.... They are all religious fanatics. They all want to control my life in all aspects.

I have read a few lines from the creators of religions (bibles, Koran, etc...) and I can recognize enlightenment, on these ppl I can't recognize any. Do these ppl know what is their religion? And yes ppl like Biden and European leaders are missguided religious fanatics.

wtf... what appened to the endangered species act? Were i live is "rede natura" suposed protected land, it isn't people do whatever they want even turned it into a garbage dumpster. What will be next robbing indian americans lands? looking forward to see a really white skin guy with blond hair, blue eyes and fethers on he's hair doing a dance around a fire and mumbling stuff... Ai costa costa, ai Sousa Sousa não sabem fazer nada para alem de rirem-se da merda que andam a fazer... tristes da merda. you are not people. what are you?

Don't make the same mistake has i did... assuming that people in political positions have any kind of intelligence or actually have any kind of knowledge of the position they occupy...
Among other things according to the constitution Portugal is no "den" "covil" people fuck with who they want, people have the right to a family, people have the right to safety and people have the right to property, among many more things. The GNR and local politicians are there to enforce this by any means necessary.

They don't even know that this area is unstable (they approve housing projects with several floors)... no one remembers the earthquakes that happened here... if they did they wouldn't build houses with 3 and 4 floors... not that the others are safe...
Apparently the wealthy people around me think having a few fruit trees is too fancy for a poor person like me, they take the fruits on some and on the others they spread "shit" on the fruits... way the go Portugal. Apparently all these people around me are Roman Catholics for the best of my knowledge...
They also don't want me to have my heritage (lands, house) and they don't want me to leave... i am not Catholic... apparently Catholics make hostages of other people that don't profess their faith... This only means once thing: none around me can handle pressure... i see a war brewing in a few short decades... did i just "moved" the time frame? oopsie... They say that i no longer have my house, my house is now Fernado house... so... Fernando didn't have a house? If he had why he abandon it? Fernando can't build a house? Fernando can only take other people houses? Why is Fernando important? cause he have conections in the catholic church? Who is Fernado? on a side note: this place is plagued by catholic church acolites, acolites were made specifically for a master... and the masters of these acolites have died long long ago... these are acolites without a master (they turned mafaricos). Honestly, i think that all of the catholic church is made of acolites only.

Dudes... for instance... if you find a fruit tree and you pick a fruit and eat it and it is really good... then you put shit all over and do who knows what to the fruit tree... next year you go there and eat a fruit again... do you actually think it will taste even better...?

on a side note: would be fun to see a Costa, Silva, Sousa, Gomes, Nunes, Ventura, Marques has a emergency medical surgeon... ^_^  

Hey... maybe... they'll move to California and go milk the studios and the actors/producers... hey... Barros is already milking the music industry...

... or even a (one, 1) nation of only them and they could only look at themselves (i mean take the privacy of...)... it would really be fun to watch from outside (without taking anyone privacy, ofc... just tourism and reading newspapers...).... :grabs popcorn:

Another thing i ear is: " the women won't work if they can't look at you (me)"... see... Costa, Silva, Nunes, Sousa, Gomes, etc... can't even motivate their own women to work by themselves............. :grabs XXXL porcorn: 

Another thing i ear is: you are the only one that matter... gosh... people tried to make me go crazy even give me serious diseases and i would say kill me... c'mon... on 7 billion people i am the only one that matter? Does that make the the only adult on the planet? I think it does, everyone else are children... please refer to me has: Daddy... (your Daddy...)

on a side note: i am pretty sure i was sterilized and the dudes that are doing this to me (my neighbors) have also been sterilized, they too change face (appearance)... it is my guess that people that change their face have been sterilized (or have a very low sperm count in the case of the men).

yep... yep... yep... the current version of Portuguese need people to look at after the old ones got "fired", hey maybe if you aren't O- blood type you will be fine, i feel sorry for the O- that move into Portugal: people will look at them and they will conduct sneaky medical tests.

On a brighter note: if you are  O- then ya should be proud, pretty much everything good was made by this blood group in all areas, the others blood groups (including O+) just steal the work and take the credit for themselves. Take my example, i am O- and everyone is writing about me and everything i think. Even the locals steal everything from me, they can't build anything on their own, they are litlle children that need to be told. Take my uncle he is 83 and he doesn't even know how to take care of himself, oh... enjoy the stolen lands. 

It's no wonder why all the O+ and A+ blood type are all looking and learning at/from me, i am the closest thing to a GOD for them. (hi there Francis :wave:) at least all the Europeans need my constant strong blessing, without my constant blessing they will wither and die. I AM GOD.

on a side note (conspiracy): pretty sure Almoster was a O- "place"... maybe there is a group of people (not O- ) that fucked themselves and now need others to "fix" them (health, beauty, etc...) O- is a universal donor so... Other places with a "high" density of O- should really take notes of what families are here, most likely they will move when there isn't anymore O- here, then again most likely they just stay for a generation or two... maybe 3 and then move... no borders in Europe...

Also, why this? I don't understand. I live in a rural area and people around me even want to take my own house from me (this is true).  Were are you going to lodge those immigrants?

The brainwashing is working on my neighbors... they no longer respect property or civilized people. none of them follow the laws or the constitution of the nation.

Apparently these "people" (lets call "it" that) want to control everyone's lives to the detail. They have no intelligence... they have no remorse... they just copy and ruin everyone's lives in the process.

on a side note: i am seeing alot of yellow latinos around (???), nothing against just a observation, idc. 

side note: hmm... did the "yellow" skinned misbehaved in the ancient past and got cursed to be yellow? it makes sense to me, looking back in history, in a general manner. btw, if it was, pretty sure there was more then one family that was white, don't blame all the whites.

nah... most likely it was the current "yellow" people that fucked themselves in the past, i deduct this by looking at their behavior around these parts... and apparently, now are chasing white folks. For what i observe, they live to chase, nothing else. has a plus they don't seen to take care of their mentally ill...

I dunno, but aparently yellow people don't like their body's, pretty sure they don't like being yellow, they want to be white and they definetly don't like their dicks, they all change their dicks. Dudes, why do ya hate the dick you were born with so much?

Just remembered the holocaust... Nazi's wanted the belongings of the Jews, apparently. was the Nazi's yellow and wanted the artifacts so they would become white? like wedding rings... maybe it was the Jews that used the artifacts to look white... since the Nazi's melted the gold and sold it...  Germany had a few wars before that and maybe they have "turned" yellow after those wars...

on a another though (it is just that, i am ignorant): maybe the second world war was made because "Hitler" "found out" that Jews are a sterilized people, without some of their rituals (that i do not know) and artifacts they can't have kids.  ...and i am guessing Germans and Americans (comes to mind Vietnam and Iraq wars, that i am clueless on why they made them) are sterilized too... 

try it... grab a true artifact from a culture from the other side of the planet, do the "hocus pocus" and see if your sperm count doesn't increase (it will increase)... (maybe that's not a good thing... then again :)

Why do you think Jews fled Israel in the ancient past? because they were already sterilized and some other people fucked the lands (or most likely they fucked the lands themselves due to ignorance)...

I am guessing that when religions were "invented" (or the current version of religion) it was because people were already sterilized. Maybe, there are blood group types that are sterilized, i dunno, maybe they should only have daughters...

It is my guess, that people turned pagan because they were sterilized (probably sterilized themselves) and by turning pagan they acquired a brain of an animal (that isn't sterilized). Here's a tip: fucking me won't help you, most likely it is the opposite. Also keep in mind since you are all retards, animals have psychoses and mental diseases too... just harder to observe... side note: it seams that the dudes trying to "fuck me" are from the same family that killed the Portuguese king, i am deeply flatered.

If there is a shortage of lithium, the people will be very very different (mentally... and most likely not only mentally)... if there is no lithium all your psychosis will come to your surface and it won't be pretty.

on a side note: maybe people can't heal themselves (bad heart, diabetes, maybe even cancer, etc...) because they are sterilized.

(obviously this is all Marcelo fault and who destroyed my patrimony, i am innocent...)

I don't know what is the strategy from the local council and Portuguese government but it looks like they are actively taking steps since who know wen (even using shenanigans) to populate with crazy people... 

There is alot of "macacos de imitação" (imitation monkeys) around these parts, but i guess is like that in all of europe and the USA all imitation monkeys.


Y'all  fit right in... in Portugal... most people in here are like... "crazy"... crazy people in here have more rights then the ones that aren't... you have the legal right to do crazy stuff...

I don't know about Haia but don't ya wanna ask the council of Europe? It's just wisdom in the CoE...

Apparently the ppl that are in "charge" are all mentally ill, they find someone with some will power (lets face it only minorities have it, otherwise the world would be a lot different), they copy him, they feel great, then they see that person has a enemy of them (mental illness kicking in) and they feel the need to prove themselves by killing him, then their mind goes to mush (again) until they find another person with some will power, and they repeat the cycle. They are uncapable of living their lives, they live to pry on others. For example: Belgium's and Brits fit perfectly in this profile. give me my fucking money and forget that i exist, madafuckers.

I don't understand how the UN doesn't make Music/movies industry pay me and send some blue helmets to escort me into a safer place, none of the people were i live respects the constitution in any way and none of the organisms that i could ask for help like police and the human rights court (i was for months in front of the court has a homeless men... winter time too, snow) was inclined to even know my case. Besides if you don't do this you will be establishing a precedent and that kind of precedent will make many many people nervous... does the UN also want to exterminate Christians? Europe seem they want to... To the UN: it isn't necessary for you to intervene a two armed sides conflict...

The above makes religion unneeded, unwelcomed and  useless.
Might not be a bad idea to use headphones all the time if you don't like music that much you can use white noise sound.
 Really, you should do some tourism in Portugal and around these parts, they will love you. lol

what is your opinion of USA presidents since at least 1977? Does actually anyone in America deposits any kind of trust in any of them? Would you buy a used car from one of them?

Pretty sure i am the only adult in Almoster/Freixianda, the locals don't let me in peace, be paid and leave. Starting to think that i am the only adult in the all of Europe...

on a side note: doesn't catholic priests know how to identify people from other religions? ...or convert them? I may be wrong but i see some faces that don't look catholic and they go to church... (i don't go to church and i try to limit my interaction with Catholics to the minimum)...
I may be wrong but pretty sure at least one family (at least a few of their members) of my Roman catholic godfather looks Jewish to me but a lot more families here look Jewish and they make catholic church rituals... strange... 
on another side note: apparently "someone" is trying (against my will)  to convert me into something (don't know what) using religious rituals (?)... it's nice that that knowledge is teach to people with limited intelligence... (i feel brain numb-ish....) while others aren't allowed such knowledge... again... it is a secular nation... (sadly "they" won't grasp the meaning of "secular nation")...

I see huge families and I wonder...what do they have in common inside one of those huge families? Brain? Same blood group? Size of the ass? One common parasite that no one is able to kill? Something else? Enlighten me, pls. Do you manage to grow food without synthetic fertilizers?

Pretty "sure"^^ in the near future you will be seeing people wearing real animal skulls in Portugal...^^
Since these madafuckers are putting shit under my house I am guessing they are from a Judaic religion, its what makes sense, wouldn't make sense otherwise. Dudes, take good care of your head (that's case sensitive for judaic), don't let anything hit your head, ya might have a stroke or scramble brain pathways if anything hits ya head.

totally unrelated ofc: something to "relax to"... watching people walk on all fours...

After looking at the video remembered: how is Greek monarchy coming along? They have at least a prince in the UK and a emeritus Queen in Spain (if not mistaken)...
I wonder... is Uk still Anglican? Maybe Greek Catholics? ... or even Roman Catholics... and how about Spain? Roman Catholics or Greek Catholics? Christians? Muslims, Jews?
So... what religion colonized Britain and Spain?... it's hard to tell... 
I wonder if Charles, William and Harry (why not include Boris too) are all from the same religion... or if they were converted into any (other) maybe each one of them have a different religion... I am guessing they are all muslims.
Same goes for the Spanish... hmm... does it matter? 
Do you get prone to sickness if your religion doesn't match the religion that colonized the place you live? What could it be the reason for colonization?

Side note: I ear at night people saying: "women need to see him" dudes... just install cameras in slaughter houses and give the video stream feed to the "women"... it isn't all that different. They will get their kick from it too.

Apparently ppl are always on the lookout for the messiah. Dudes, there were plenty of messiah's. Just go loot the bones of a dude that owned large properties (and was healthy) before there were bathrooms. THAT is a messiah for you and you will even get a big dick. Alentejo cemeteries (if you haven't loot them already, yeah ya did) are full of messiah's.

He's Not The Messiah - Life of Brian

So...did Trump read the plastic surgeon, nurse, etc... that performed on he's family? Maybe Trump eat'ed part of the boobs of he's daughter? (without her knowing).
...or Chris Christie, maybe someone used some fat to make candle, lard, etc...
So... who is yummier the Trump's or the Christie's? Maybe they've eated it itself like oroborus...
Is America (USA) the Spanish military arm?
Just learned that the abbreviation: USA, in Spanish is  EE UU (this is the plural form) single form is: EU... one more of those coincidences...

on a side note: aligators/crocodiles eat their offsprings not eatch other and they live a long time.

Dunno why but seams no one likes "Red": American Indians (the famous Red skins) kinda no one liked them... the Catholic Devil is also "Red" (at least i think he is...) seams they don't like him.

This is a really big stretch, but wanna mention: Murdoch (to me sounds: "kill" ochre (red)) (one interpretation, ofc, ya can correct me).

"'The fun is over!' Far-right Italian election frontrunner issues stern ultimatum to EU"


and the answer from Italians and European Union is:

  Reel 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman - I Like To Move It


 Bonde da Stronda - Shake That Ass

Shake it, continue in the party, afterall the party is at my expense


*autchy* *i has sensitive skin* *crucify both my godfathers first*

Isn't it better to leave some traditions in the past?^^
but if yas gonna do it... can i has he's money? pretty please... =)
dang... just saw a picture of Netanyahu in  good spirits... good for you... :s
I dunno, but pretty sure many many jews are a "bank" on their own...

obviously no one is going to crucify Netanyahu much less give me he's money... it's humor.
Read this:

I dunno what that would accomplish, it is just one, many many more behind him. Besides Iran leaders are friends with Trump.

Don't mind me i am a ignorant... but don't ya have more in common with Israel then UAE?

on a side note: I wonder who are the people using Trump Hospitality business, building, hotels, etc...
on a second side note: kind of developed the idea that Trump is a second Reagan... without the helicopter ride... ^^ 


You look "special"...

You look like a Neves... are you a Neves?

 I have a Neves neighbor...

update: ...after a couple days i realized what i wrote... Neves (in inglish is: snow) snow in the desert... ahahahah :giggles:


Quote: "According to the House practice manual, "Impeachment is a constitutional remedy to address serious offenses against the system of government. It is the first step in a remedial process—that of removal from public office and possible disqualification from holding further office."

I am confused.... o.O 

btw, Biden... how much is the budget for the people after me?

If i was a guessing men i would say that the real CIA budget is double of the US budget.

btw, what is your faith Biden and what is the faith of the CIA/FBI? Same has Francis?


I don't know much about the subject... but i will venture and say it is because "they" have done to them what they are doing to me (i am obese too :) (i there Hawaiians :wave:), well... my guess is that "they" have filled yasz lands with fungus and virus (piss?), so... why not add a bit of copper to the lands and the diet? Hey, with a bit of luck "they" (the evil dudes) might even lose the face...  :)


ohhh... ffs, just issue a general pardon and empty the prisons... if you stop and think about it, you might like the idea....


 I was looking at the American flag:
and noticed that it had a lot of white stars in a blue background and red prison bars next to them...
Now i know why Trump uses the red hat (nah, i don't really know). ^^ 

Don't know from were but i remember a semi-sentence: "America land of the free..." if it is still valid i am pretty sure it won't be for much longer... hehe... xD
on a side note: if i was a guessing men i would say that Durão Barroso or Antonio Guterres are the real president of USA.
 If i was a guessing men i would venture and say that the USA is trying to "stupidify" a significant portion of the nation (high corn syrup...*gull up a gallon of the stuff*...^^)... i wonder what will happen to those people wen they achieve their goal...^^
I have no shortage of references if i want to look for miserable people...

Not sure what that people is expecting of a accomplish... if ya wanna do something like that you need to make sure the police's and the military stay way out of arms-way.... or they will run you down when they please.
On the other hand the people with the guns on that autonomous zone probably are the sons of police people...
 Saw this (skip to the 30 sec):

This apparently is the Souza handshake between themselves.
According to Marcelo (a mentally ill criminal)
he is a very very Catholic person, sadly he's political policies doesn't favor Catholic economic groups he prefers to favor Jewish economic groups. Marcelo sold a Corpus Christi convent to a Jewish group, it just boggles the mind... it also boggles the mind how this was approved by the Portuguese cardinal. Selling the Portuguese identity? Are we now? lol 

Hmm... ya look North African, ya Muslim or Jewish?

hmm.... so... Susa (Souza) cu (ass) (portuguese word) ac (air conditioning?)   o.O

Ai Marcelo, Marcelo, bai a Russia senão ainda fritas esse cu... 

I wonder... what kind of loot would you get if some other(s) oligarch invaded Caucasus... do you have many gold and diamond mines in Causasus? hmm?

Silva, Sousa, Nunes, Gomes, Some of the finest managers... lol lolz
Looking forward to see a future President that is clinically diagnose has having schizophrenia. Maybe, just maybe there is already one...^^
Side note: The highest political job in Portugal is occupied by a Hypochondriac that came from Mozambique.  Honest question: do you take medication for the medical condition? 
Voters are strange.^^  x'D

Maybe Marcelo wants to make Portugal what the USA wanted to do in Cuba (a guess). A kinky playground for the world wealthy for all sorts of things. I guess that maybe it started by Cavaco Silva being impressed with supposed USA plans. Isn't Cavaco Silva a TRAITOR?
800 years of history down the drain.^^ side note: pretty sure Portugal was killed a few times (history gaps) already so not full 800.
Seams now it is starting from zero, new (hidden?) dynasty: Silva? I'm just asking, no need to shoot.^^
Still it has Republic in name... that's the problem with Hidden Dynasties... no one knows for sure^^
Saw this, think Marcelo (a mentally ill criminal) is the captain :p

Avenue 5 ... eu=europe (or I?) neva= never 5=? Portugal?

Pretty sure Marcelo, Costa and Silva with the help of the Catholic church ofc have sold the bones of the BIG Portuguese names of the past. It's no surprise My ex-boss was a Venezuelan Sousa and he was a beast of a person.

I read that the Portuguese gov is going to increase the price of cigarettes... Why? It has no quality at all. The cigarettes that are selling in Portugal are full of parasites that or have chemicals that make parasite eggs to hatch. Brain parasites included not just the gut ones.

on a very side note:  It looks like that who made religion found a way to live by the rules of God(s) and God is in everything, so has long you follow the rules you will be "alright" in the "path" of God, if you remove God from "things" or you deviate from his "path" you will live by other set of rules that you don't know and i'm pretty sure you don't know what rules are. Think of it like the matrix (movie) were you can do anything but are lot's of unknown dangers in every "decision", and remember: in a wild forest everything want's to kill you and they can (Jungle cruise (movie) quote). 

Thought of the day: If you pull off the beard (with tweezers, fingers, or whatever) you will go blind among other things.

Well... i guess... that "super-human" ability's come from God(s), you pray to a person, that person becomes more God-like and starts gaining "ability's", he then may share those ability's  with his followers or not (most of the followers can't handle the pressure), i am guessing something like a conga line, you stop praying to him and he will lose his "influence" or capacity to acquire more "ability's" and possibly can't keep some of them... if he dies, the conga line defines and probably have to lose previous "knowledge" in order to start a new line since is not "feasible" to continue that one.

hmm... in "light" of this i wonder how is the "path" of Jewish people and Jewish derivative religions?...

I am guessing (i know no better and take it has a lose term) that "Jews" just step over/cut the line... (whatever is the expression)

I (make a lot of guesses :) am guessing that Jews "had" a "God" (probably not that great) and about 6000(?) years ago a imposter screwed thing over and they divided themselves into 12(?) tribes and so the imposters multiplied themselves too with them... then again Jews have not so orthodox rituals (a guess... i don't know any ritual be it Jewish or other)... lol

Rambling: I see Judaism (that i know nothing about) has what was once (probably how it started, in the sense were they got their rituals) has a "tool" created in a military monastary (5000 years ago?)... they probably forgot the page of the rules, when performing such rituals... 

Regarding the "super-human" ability's, ppl do all sort of thing, change "God", change dna, take dna from others, etc... eventually they will turn mentally ill cause they aren't true.

Plenty of royalty and wannabe royalty that fuck the locals and change their dna... but that crap don't really work (it's just crazy ppl with fucked up ideas), ya get fucked when old. This with the help of the Vatican (Italy?).

the wannabe royals prefer to target ppl that are agricultures and sons of policemen, anything but to live with their own skin.


Cambada de estúpidos.

A maior parte da população não sabe o que é uma república e muito menos o que significa laicidade.

Quais vão ser as competências das regiões? Fazer e aprovar legislação regional? A constituição nacional continua a ser valida? (Ninguém liga nenhum a ela).

Qual foi a razão para eliminarem o cargo de governador civil? Porquê mantiveram os distritos depois de eliminar o cargo de governador civil? Alguém sabe alguma coisa sobre a razão de haver divisões administrativas em Portugal (juntas, câmaras, distritos)? Lol

Já agora, o distrito de Leiria vai passar a fazer parte de Santarém? Oo

Regionalização só faz sentido quando a vasta maioria da população tem um nível educacional e cultural elevado. 

Tou para ver regiões com medrosos, estúpidos e com a 4 classe. Bai ser lindo.


Mais uma medida comunista... Qualquer dia as pessoas que têm um quarto extra na casa vão ser obrigados a arrenda-lo...

A partir de 1 de julho qualquer atronhado vai poder fazer o que quiser nos terrenos de família dos proprietarios. Os portugueses podem dizer adeus ao "valor familiar" do próprio património.

Os terrenos vão ser basicamente uma lixeira, parece que a importação de lixo é bastante lucrativa.

Alguém tem ilusões? Quem é que acham que vai arrenda-los? Quero ver quem são os "arrendatários"... E que tipo de "melhorias" ao solo vão fazer...

Ai costa, costa... Ai Sousa, Sousa...

Talvez vão arrendar ao Putin, ele tava todo sorridente num passeio de coche com a rainha de inglaterra\uk... Merda de cavalo por todo o lado...



 It seems that Marcelo likes to swim in the ocean has much has he can... why would you do something like that? Portuguese ocean water is all polluted (been to Figueira da Foz and the water doesn't look all that good (polluted))... a few more years and it will be like swimming in a sewer if it isn't already... why would someone do that to himself voluntarily on a daily basis? least try to avoid the floaters...

so... been swimming much in Lisbon beaches (praia dos pescadores, cascais)?... o.O :whistles away:

nutty professor lol


 obviously thats a Jew that was boat transporting stones to build one of the pyramids..... they were way ugly back then... they still are.... Egyptian priests were smart they made all foreigners ugly.... although in the case of Jews i don't think they needed to make them more ugly... xD

I don't know what is happening in Europe/America but i am almost certain that current "rulers" don't have a intelligence of their own (they use other people hair water or some other crap... i don't know anything about such voodoo)... if that is the case then all the people in the continent will lose their own intelligence... my advise: if you can, flee the continent if you want to keep your mind more or less sane.
I see a lot talking about terrorism (remember Saddam and the non existent weapons of mass destruction), unless every single reporter is a crook (for not disclosing the truth) the real terrorists are Disney, Google, MIT, CIA, NATO, NASA (yup, they are terrorists, pretty sure they hold the bones of some of the most brilliant people... and use them.. some from the past some fresh recent...), UN directory of employees, current Religious Leadership, TRUMP feud. Pretty sure you get my line of though.
Pretty sure companies mentioned above begged protection to federal gov. by now... hehe xD 

Just read that IBM, Amazon and google aren't coming to the web summit in Portugal. Why? American administration fully supports the Portuguese regime. Those companies should be full of joy to come to Portugal. It's not like they feel shame.  PayPal and Netflix prolly are happy to come. Lol

Pretty sure NATO is commiting GENOCIDE all over the planet, ya don't need a cristal ball to think that...

What does your military analysts say? Should I be payed or not? Should ya keep messing with my bank account or not?

Gosh... it seems that the current way of thinking is: "there can only be one". only one blood group type? like only O+ or maybe is only A+? since laws (and proprety) aren't being respected at least were i live.


 Obviously she is AB+ not O- like is written everywhere.


Almost certain that the CDC have killed more people then the ones they helped...
Should i start watching Greys anatomy?

Have you looked at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)? Doesn't that look like a lair of terrorists?
I wonder what this: has to do with this:

For what i can observe all European leadership are terrorists, that includes the Vatican and Orthodox churches leadership.
There isn't a single social structure that fits on what is happening... it's pure terrorism.

Apparently European leadership (is that the right word?) religious leadership (lolz one with 2000 years old other with 5k? lolz) and American decided that the wisest idea was to "follow" someone even before he was born from a mentally ill mother (Since my "family" has soon much attention... I ask, who got my mother crazy? Marques or Nunes... or both?) and dead father at age of two. Made sure that the family didn't passed him any kind of legacy of valid information and play with him, keeping him from having money by any means. This is the top of the top of the world, absolute genius people. Who needs libraries and educated people if you can look at a poor ignorant all day. Genius i tell you. lolz. There is no need for religion on a system like this along with many other things.lolz^^
Americans are children.

on a side note: if i were a analist, i would say the aristocrats are in pause or non-existent anymore... the current top of the world seems to be people that are or were from spy agencies, given the amount and level of surveillance in the world... clerics of all sorts also fit in.

Apparently these days ppl confuse monarchy's with den of dogs and obviously someone (not a dog) has to make all those head and body parasites look prettier.


"Finland and Sweden set to join Nato as soon as summer"

 Looking forward to see who will your representatives will be in the top commities of that guild of thieves... if i am alive by then that is...

Why? They fit right in, they are has crazy has NATO current members. Why not focus on Canada and USA?

not a big deal, Putin is rich he can pay for another Moskva boat, thats peanuts for him... it will be even better...

NATO is giving money, weapons, military and sinking a boat or two but they aren't involved in the war....

"Russia uses long-range missiles to destroy weapons shipment from UK and EU"

 So... Putin, ya still don't belive that NATO is at war with Russia? Russia, have ya noticed the dignateries that visited Ukraine, lately, since the start of the war? Russia have very sharp minds...  o.O

Putin is a pussy.

update: you vindictive little shit. Give me my money.

"Scholz pede um Plano Marshall para a reconstrução pós-guerra da Ucrânia"

According to Olaf, Russia has already lost.... he is well informed, i will take he's word. Even Olaf thinks that Putin is a pussy.

Why are ya giving out that kind of press releases? Are ya drunk?

See Boris... Marcelo says that culture is a factor of peace.

Pretty sure that Marcelo knows something that you (other member of OTAN) doesn't.... he does he does. Portugal only has 30k military and there isn't mandatory recrutment for a couple of decades now and no talks to bring it back (none of my neighboars in the last 2 decades has made the recrutment, not even has a voluntary). Boris, you don't partake in the OTAN inner meetings? See Boris, Marcelo is smart. Hopefully it will be the military in Britain or Belgium that is going to defend Portugal.  :')

side note: out of those 30k military, how many do you think will be deserting the military in case of a declaration of war? ball park numbers?

Pretty sure that even Disney could invade Portugal and they woudn't even need to use all employees, just the stunt personnel.

"Putin ally could launch nuclear strikes..."

For real? They can do that? amazing.

How about other nations that have nuclear missiles? Can they also launch?

I was under the impression that every nation that have nuclear missiles could launch nuclear missiles....

No one is going to lauch nuclear missiles, i dunno why ya all write all that... they all pussy's. Sadly i have none to launch.


 ohhhh... hmm... another place were the rich can buy design people with 2 heads, 6 arms, etc... etc...

Wonder who will be the "lucky" bastards they will experiment on... yeeeeyeeyy...

CIA:  a agency that kills, steals, collect information and then pass it all on. They don't know who is the ultimately person/people (s) that is going to benefit from their actions... btw, who is funding the CIA? :giggles:

Well... who will be the scientists working in the CIA lab? names, please... 

on a side note: CIA is very good at giving money to other ppl, specialy foreigners (dohh)... why don't they give money to me? doesn't seam fair...


 A guy studies for years about a topic turns himself into an expert, someone tells him to put he's knowledge to work and then someone kills him... they don't kill the guy that asked him to work... a bit ironic don't ya think...


Will the CIA continue the long line of placing has director stupid people? They can't be intelligent like their (org.) name says... no intelligent person focus on people that don't "mess" with other people and intentionally sees them as enemies... so who will be the next stupid person directing that den shit hole of people? (Maybe they are all mentally ill if thats the case my sincere apologies...)

If i was a guessing men i would say that the current chair of the US federal reserve (Jerome Powell) is CIA. Guess thats one of the reasons the CIA budget is untouchable.


Don't know the castle were the Queen is at but word of advise Scottish are notorious for pissing on everything since ancient times...^^   wizzkey...^^


Currently is Mozambique (Marcelo) and India (Antonio Costa) (if i had to guess they have a hint of British royalty most likely the mutt side of them) in the top political places in Portugal and there is a complete lack of respect and loss of the most basic civil rights for the resident population (me), emigrants have full rights. But do carry on, i like to see them on television :)

NATO (OTAN) is supposed to protect the countries of the Atlantic North... have a look at what is happening in Portugal and judge by yourself if OTAN is either a criminal organization or a respected organization. My advise is: stay away from that kind of people (military) and their families.
Catholic church is complacent with this since they remain silent (maybe they are the ones pulling the strings on this).  Again might not be a bad idea to stay away from (current) known Catholic church families too, if you take a closer look at them you will definitively see that they are all criminals.

Side note: The Roman catholic church most likely will have to replace the olive branch soon, seams that the olive trees in Italy hare dying from a fungus of some sort.What happened to Italians? Is there a Roman catholic church without Italians??? Seams that Italians unlearned how to take care of their olive trees... It is sad, they can't even take care of their own "home" (Italy)...
Maybe they have replaced the olive branch with something else just "forgot" to tell...
How about doves: it is permitted to hunt them on catholic countries... guess they will have to replace them too... can just see the Vatican releasing crows in replace of doves on their ceremonies... lol 

Just face it Italians, God doesn't love ya anymore, yasz are all going to hell.   :)

btw, what happened to all the Roman gold? Romans were the ones that started all the gold mines all over Europe. Fun fact: the only gold foundry still working in Europe (maybe in all the world) is in Switzerland. I predict that many nacions will build a large hidron collider.   x'D

I read that the Roman lords carry'ed their gold in wagons to their properties, i am guessing old Spanish did the same..... and now Spanish are selling their properties to British and Germans,  if a expat finds a treasure in their new bought propertie he will just go to the embassy and ask for them to move it out of the country... i don't get why Germans are all moving out of Germany and have shitty lifes, plenty of gold mines in Germany (have a look at maps from the times of the kaisers).... a single bar is like a million bucks. I wonder how much gold their is in Britain, Monaco, Luxemburg and Belgium... not in their central banks but in their lords properties.... how about big banks and very old banks (there are some very old banks, and remember some are has old has the crusades), safes? I see everyone looking for the gold mines of Solomon.... why? The dude was not dumb... what do you think? he just said to himself... "ahh, this is enought i leave the rest of the gold in the mines...." most likely Solomon gold got stashed somewhere in Israel or thereabouts, just like the gold from the old temples in the area... i don't think anyone would dare melt all of that.... (hmm... maybe jews would melt it all to make a golden calf idole... after all they melted their religious artifacts wen crossing the desert to make a icon)

Just read that Solomon was son of David, Solomon was Jewish... lol

Solomon had a seal (or more)... so... I am guessing that pretty much all Jews go crazy (or even die) if they posses pure unrefined gold. In my head makes sense.

Those areas in France that still have land mines from WWII look a bit suspicious to me....

forgot to mention that in Arabias they have ATM machines full of gold bars... not pure gold but is still gold...

315 billion worth of gold... they are on tables not on the ground.

Some of the best places to mine for gold probably are Madrid, Paris, Venice (why do you think all the buildings are sinking?), Rome and maybe Viena.       "Lost Gold of the Aztecs"  

...???? Dudes, if ya find any in America(s) is probably a bar or two that had fallen from a Spaniard wagon... If ya really wanna find it ya better look in Spain.... or enquire Dutch pirates  ;) Spaniards weren't exactly known for their nice manners wen looking for gold in Americas.... ya can also ask Marcelo Rebelo Sousa he also is from a Spanish conquistador family. Most likely the Spanish Crown (and the catholic church were probably fund of hiring Irish and Scottish pirates) payed pirates to attack conquistadores ships..... you probably will find a few bars in corse (fr). doubt they were very fund of  "new rich, Rich"... c'mon... routes weren't that known and the ocean is vast.... I wonder were all that gold were stached... i also wonder what were the biggest and the safest banks at the time....

Since the olive is one major symbol of the catholic church (and jews) and since that sickeness is in Italia (were is the Vatican), that means that catholics (and jews) have lost their strenght i.e. they are weak, they may compensate with the strenght of animals but they themselves have no strenght, otherwise olive trees wouldn't get sick (the bacteria isn't "new" and "before" it didn't damaged the olive trees cause they were stronger). Other religions can feast on all the catholic (and jewish) branches... 

Good thing that i left the catholic church... i am not going down with that "ship"... 

since most catholics are retarded (probably mad at "me":), i inform that my patrimony was basicly symbols of the catholic church (a flour mill and olive trees), ask what the local catholics did to it...

Why give money to the Catholic church? and the organizations that gravitate the church like this one ? They are followers, there is nothing original in them... they just follow people and "report" back... probably they report back to these guy's:

To me it's obvious that the whole of the catholic church has turned SATANIC, my neighboars spread shit on my house and backyard (that is satanic), they are thieves, they follow me and pretty sure they do other stuff that i don't even know, they all call themselves catholics but they all behave has satanic ppl, the portuguese army is also satanic and even the local clerics are satanics, i find worms in meals provided by the local daycare center and the clerics have a big influence on the daycare center. They are following me since birth, 44 years...  forty four years, 44 years (have you looked at the ages in obituaries?), they are all satanic. Do they actually believe they are doing the work or Jesus or God when they are doing this crap to me? Enjoy hell when you all die (including the clerics), i don't think hell will be the "paradise" that you imagine. Your souls are condemned, for eternity.

satanic = cin ata s = sin ties s... thats what they are doing to me by spreading shit all over (house, food, clothes, etc...) everyone in here is satanic.

São autenticos mafarricos.

Pelo menos o meu tio e a mulher dele (Nunes, Marques e Fernandes) são autenticos mafarricos... se houve-se alguem com cabeça na igreja eles eram banidos e não apenas excomungados. Bem... os Fernandes são muito bons a vender propriedades a estrangeiros, muito eficientes.

I don't know but it seams to me that the catholic church was mainly white folks, now it is yellow people... the catholic church has 2 000 years... and to me their "society" "values" (thieves) after this couple of millenia is way worse then the 1 day. I for one don't want to live in a (current version) catholic society (much less in a Jewish or Muslim).

on a side note: the conquistadores were yellow or white? hey, mix the two and you have a egg... :giggles:

Here's a not so novel idea, why not spread particles of pure silver in water, food, church waffers, etc... ?

I dunno but i am starting to think that the pope is also a mafarrico... not even a holly place like the Vatican is safe from mafarricos.

Again... Portugal is secular (portuguese: laico) and aparently someone put a special oil in the minerals they add to the water that goes for everyone. Can someone tell the fucking acolyte that did that crap to stop and revert the damage, please. fucking mafarricos acolytes.


yeah, seam that the Vatican doesn't know much of they choose to talk about...   

One of the local Catholic radio's (and credited under the catholic church) is always talking about: "...change my heart" and "i want to drink your blood", several times a day, my sister has the radio on that station.

 while i am on the subject... i look around at the ppl in the catholic community (there isn't any other here) and i see many many ppl that should be praying to Allah at least 5 times a day and not to the "Catholic God" and so should some of the journalists in national television.

 I think the next big war should be on the catholic church... i even live in the middle of a catholic community and i don't know any catholic that is a good person. The scumbags had a 2000 yo run. 

If someone would invade the Vatican, who in Europe would go to war to defend the Vatican? Pretty sure a group of 1000 people can invade the Vatican in 2 or 3 hours.

I think the Vatican would be better off moving to South America... 

The catholic church is not a religion (maybe it was, long ago, but not anymore), they have to rely on external people. Sertiouly i would love to have someone convinving me otherwise with valide and palpable arguments. This is what i see in local catholic comunity.

Notice that my orange tree (that gived every year big oranges) is leafless, oranges the size of cherry tomatos and already orangy... noticed also the same thing on some orange trees a bit far from home too... i ear that Spain has big areas full of orange trees... c'mon move to Spain... who ever you are. Also they pull from the ground olive trees for no major reason, they ruined the wine (i have even drunk wine from the Pope vineyards (it was written in the ~5 euro bottle) in France and i got a ulcer in my little foot finger, even that wine is adulterated) and you should taste the bread (if you want decent flour to make bread your only choice is to rob a cake shop), those three things are symbols of the catholic church. ppl here were i live make wine and have stollen my vines but they have to add alchool to their wine, it doesn't ferment right. lol

On top of it, D. Afonso Henriques owned lands around these parts and now everyone is spreading their shit all over, you wouldn't belive the smell of shit that comes from the olive trees in this area. Did you eat pork before putting shit on the olive trees?. Not only they are spreading shit they are also spreading ointments, c'mon thats no way to treat lands that where once the private lands of a Christian king and founder of a nation.  Side note: do ya actually belive that the body of Afonse Henriques haven't been moved in 700 years from he's tomb even with the invasions?

Did the Catholic church committed treason to Portugal?

I am not catholic (i am not affiliated with any religion) and the catholics around me are spreading "ointments" in what is mine... and doing all kinds of crazy stuff in my back yard and what not. What did i ever did to you (catholics) to deserve such treatment? are you all insane acolytes?

"Orthodox priest calls Pope Francis a heretic"

Don't worry.... Francis will know the fear of God before he dies and so will the cardinals. Thats one way that God shows himself to the unworthy.

Don't get me wrong, i know nothing about religion but you look more Jewish then catholic... 

I don't know if Pope Francis is a heretic or not but the whole Roman catholic church has a whole is heretic and I for one don't want to have anything to do with them. Take a look at what they did (or at the very least, allowed to do) to my grandmother and her husband (they had a flour mill and a olive oil "business"), my grandmother last name was/is Gaspar (Jasper) and go look what the roman catholics did to them and their children (i am guessing all these people are going to HELL / have chosen to go to HELL). Have you tasted the olive oil and the flour these days? hey, i'm not even Gaspar and they still are doing it to me. To me they aren't (roman catholics) christians or even catholics, they look more Jewish or Anglicans, they are a cult, the cult of the dick (from what i can see around me) and apparently they dabble in slave "trade". Am i wrong?

It amazes me... Henry viii was fat and with thin legs... the Anglican bishop is thin and has this legs... shouldn't all Anglicans be fat and with thin legs? What's wrong with ya Anglicans? If ya are thin...well that's a can of worms... religious speacking.... Just saying... Do you want me to expand? Do ya?

I am guessing that when religions were "invented" (or the current version of religion) it was because people were already sterilized. 

side note: noticed that there are royals in Spain and Britain, etc... that are ortodox. So... Vatican with you can you count? Italy and Luxemburg? ...or ya ortodox too? It's a view i make no judgment. 

I am pretty sure they had already sterilized me when i was young (from what i know of Nunes, Marques, Silva, Simões and Fernandes that is something they would do without a blink of a eye and they have the resources to do it, since doctors do whatever they tell them to do) if not i am pretty sure i was also sterilised when i was in France (hi there Macron), i don't get why the madafuckers are following me everywhere and fucking everything in my backyard. Does all these acolytes have Daddy issues?  Does the "fine" catholic community were i live spread testicle parasites among the people they dislike, since very young age? It is not a total random question... on a side note: does anyone have a fetish of eating dead people balls?...

I am guessing religions turned into chasers... what they are doing to me they already were doing to people like Della Porta (far intelligent then me) 400 yers ago... the religions (and the monarchs that compose them) live only for the chase. 

My sister is squizofrenic and one of the things she says is that her guardian angel tell's her that she has a divine plan, a few days ago she told me that her guardian angel told her that her divine plan has ended... gosh... it coincided with her losing her fertility due to old age... 

Excommunicated people shouldn't produce commercial seeds (pagans the same), they lose flavor.  I am guessing thats the reason i can't have anything or even live alone, ya need me like this cause i "give" flavor to your cultures... am i wrong, crooks? The genes from my genotype have been removed from commercial seeds, so, why ppl are stalking me?

Your name "Roman catholic church" is missleading, it should be "Roman orthodox church".  I don't know but i guess that orthodox churches only perform jewish rituals... on top of it: you should drop the name universal too, yasz are no longer a universal church cause you have double doors on ya temples... so.. whats the idea? put halucinogenics on the churches? Didn't the churches used to be open day and night? At least a few centuries ago... Yeah, i get it, ya a chicken coop now.

I doubt that any of the Italian cardinals are catholic, the portuguese cardinals and bishops aren't. Just like the carthusian order and dominican order, they aren't even catholics. They force their "own" to eat "shit" i guess this is the way things are for at least 5 or 6 centuries. Catholics were about purity, if you have ever read anything about catholic religion you know this. Catholics converted ppl, they didn't make others eat shit in a daily basis. Right now i am being forced to eat shit (you should drink the public water in this area or at least the one that reaches my house) and pretty much everything i buy in a supermarkety has shit in it, it isn't even concelled. My guess is that these ppl (cardinals, bishops, monks, friars, etc...) are very good at looting crypts and make everyone eat their shit (muslims? maybe Jewish.. it fit's in Judaism i think) (at least in portugal and portugal is secular, in America definatly). That is not catholicism and i am pretty sure that is not even a religion based stuff. It's stupid and dangerous. Vatican (who ever you are under those robes) give me my money and let me go, i am no longer catholic and i want peace. Honestly, i think that any day now a big bomb is going to blow in Rome.

So.. ya choose the guards of the Vatican to be the Swiss... a nation with a big debt... do they guard the Vatican bank too? ..or that is the job of the British\Belgium\Luxemburg? The Catholic church has 2000 years and yet for what i see it behaves like it is 1 day old... I don't see people in the Catholic church that are able to manage that much money.

C'mon Vatican and what not... pay me and let me go, ya have Silva, Costa, Sousa, Neves, Marques, Lopes, Nunes, Gonçalves and Fernades... ya don't need me for anything, ya are very well served.... Don't ya even feel the slightest embarrassment? C'mon, pay up, before you all run away to heaven.

It is just a matter of time until the priests start running from many european nations, i got the feeling that wen i die they too will die. It's funny, old people were i live have testosterone (some have testosterone of dogs... on that note... some kids should call dadda to the house dog then the dude ya mamma  is with), but many of the younger people don't, i don't have any (cause everyone is fucking me) so i am lazy, fat and fuzzy.

It also seams that ya (conveniently) "forgot" your own treaty's (of sins, of laws, tordo-s-ilhas, etc...) -_-  Vatican, do your job (you aren't doing enough), things were signed and sealed.... Spanish are gonna get it... xD

I remind the Vatican that they are the enforcer. Do your job. 

Funny, lot's of invasions in Europe in the last centuries/millenia, but i doubt they updated the treaty's... xD

If the Vatican continues on this line of "impunity" and "laissez faire"... i recommend that everyone that have in their possesion treaty's with seals, to breack the seals... by a window... hehe.... if you really need those treaty's then just remake them, smash the old ones and make new ones, on another organization. Bewere of secret treaty's that contradict other treaty's, nothing is sacred in the church anymore. They just use people and then toss them to their lower hangry masses. The Vatican no longer see their own treaty's has valid, at least not in full, maybe they just nick pick some passages from their own treaty's.... in other words, there is no one serious or even with half a head in the Vatican, not one adult present. Lets take a look at one example (not a treaty but ya get the idea): catholics say to not fuck everything that moves (to not be premiscous, although you are still free to do so), if they say that, it is for a reason, it's not mindless teachings. IDK about ya all but my neighborwood is just crazy people, have ya taken a look at Europe (?) i blame the catholic church.

I am guessing that is one of the things "they" have done to me.... they used my blood (?) to make alliences (with sick people) and then they broke them.... fucking my heart in the process.... several times now, apparently.... gota love mumbo jambo.... -__- 

Apparently religions (I guess not only, military too) are using me to make alliances(?), With people that don't have a body, maybe even animals (pets) and old desperate ppl. To religions: I want that undone. Whatever alliances there are (with currently living ppl or animals) with me involved or my blood, are to be broken. I am not treated with respect. My shit spreads everywhere so my word is final and no word is above me wen it comes to my blood.

(Although "my" shit spreads\craved by nature everywhere... It isn't exactly my shit... It just comes out of me. I am 46 yo and was made to eat alot of "shit" from others in those 46 years. If you observe nature, for example wolves, it is the leader of the pack (the strongest one) that marks the territory and is that shit that other wolves (that are not from the pack) smell and decide to enter or avoid. I don't have muscles (nothing at all), I am not strong, so, what is spread'ed is the shit of the strong ppl that I was made to eat.). I don't look or search for shit much less of living ppl.

I think that one of the ways they fucked my grandfather, possibly my father and definitely me, was by making alliances without their and my knowledge. My grandfather was a farmer so yeah they got a stable head and strength, my father and me are not farmers... maybe they are doing farming for me with my shit. It's always nice to make alliances with farmers that have stability, you gain alot... the farmer not so much. Dudes, ya can do that shit to bodybuilders (ppl that are at the gym 5 days a week), too... and my local confrary.

Since i am being served tonnes of shit, i have to ask... Isn't that the job of the bishops/Patriarchy in Portugal? aren't they that have the job of "update" the shit of foreigners and even nationals? What are you bishops and cardinals: Jewish oriented?

Since i am forced (lack of choices) to eat/drink/smoke "shit" and what not wen living in a Roman Catholic community... shouldn't Roman catholics have the same treatment wen living in areas of other religions? Afterall they have dominion over nature...

Have to ask: is it common practice for you to marry people without they even knowing? My little pinky tells me that you have married me but i don't know anything about it. Does the curia know? If the curia knows, shouldn't they be guillotined?

Shouldn't Cardinals of the Roman catholic church and Orthodox church have shiny hair? Like you see in ancient drawings depicting Christ and others.

Isn't killing catholics (like my direct ancestors) to rob their faces, heart or body reason for banishement from all religions? Isn't the body considered sacred after death? If not, then why have so much trouble burying the body and performing a blessing?

Since intelligence isn't your strong suit (it's stalking), i would like to point out that you are the ones making a mockery out of yourselves, i just lift the veil with some words, i do no actions.

Most likely i am going to die because the Portuguese Patriarch (Cardinal Clemente) is a child. Btw Clemente, why is all catholic woman crazy? Ya should see my local sample.

Good riddance and don't forget to take ya auxiliary bishops with you. 

One more year? What is the great work left to be done by you and your auxiliary bishops?

only him? Why? Why would you want for a patriarch slash cardinal to be canon? Does he know what canon is? I ask cause he has the highest job in the Portuguese church. Why you would do that? If ya start doing that ya going to get them all decapitated..... just saying.... btw, don't you (catholics) want to pay me? no? why?

You should learn with cardinal Marto, he doesn't show up in the news.

Now, looking at my own example i know why the catholic church looks over the orfans. 

Well .. thats ok... my religion is stronger then the local catholic church (also stronger then the church of Spain, France and pretty sure alot more nations in europe) even though i am all fucked up. I can lower the clouds to the ground level (is there anything more devine then clouds lowering themselves to you? I don't think so...) even though the local are trying to prevent it with no sucess, they don't like clouds.

so... yeah... if you want your descendent to grow weak do join the catholic church. Hey, they do still have artifacts that are strong but thats from the past created by other people and for them not for the current people in the church. The church weeds out the strong (the ones that make a effort to better themselves in a honest way).

This is a very honest observation. based on my locallity.

I see the louvre, British museum, religions HQ, etc... full of relics and artifacts from mighty civilizations. One would assume that if you collect that you are better (by now) then those ppl. I look at ya all and don't see it.

hmm... you discussing how much someone will PAY ME or continuing to have a foot on my neck?

To the Curia of Coimbra (French cardinals?): do you know that one big pillar of your religion is water falling in your head? Baptism. Why are you repelling rain? uhh? heresy, i say. Dude, ya in the wrong religion, your god is a rooster, not a person or a ethereal being.

How is it possible a religion that on top of it has 2 000 years, their own acolites don't know how to eat or even cultivate their own stuff (do they even have their own stuff ?) ? They rob other people stuff and they are proud of being thieves, with the aproval of the preists and bishops.

Looking at the teaching of the church and looking at the people of the church and their behavior it doesn't make sense to me, does anyone in the church (or at least in the Portuguese church) actually belive that there is a God? Does the Pope belive there is a God? The respected catholic people in this area are thieves, destroy other people property, possibly rapists (in the old days people would marry virgens wen there was trouble in society) and might even be a few murderers. Why steal lands from innocent people wen you have more then you need to grow your food? aparently (at least were i live) it is normal to steal other people hearts even if they are not in your "religion" and it is normal to use other people to grow a inch or two, it is perfectly acceptabe and even those people gain social standing for doing so.... why not use theology? ...and yep, i am going to die at the hands of these people and it is not because of my actions.

I wonder... how the people (families) of the religious orders trully look like... they are colecting parasites and what not for centuries/millenia and those buggers change the body of people... 

take Canadians... they only see like two feet infront of their eyes in Canada... if they go to America they see alot further... Canadian air is full of tiny parasites... 

I find it hard to belive that the Roman catholic church is still a religion, if people start camping in Rome and don't use a toilet... will it make a diference (will Rome get colonized)? Africans are known for living on a budget...  :)

Was looking and the wind in Portugal comes mostly from the NW (Santiago de Compostela) shouldn't come from W (Fatima)?

What i see wen i look at the catholic chuch: a extremly large number of mentally ill people that actively search and follows civilized people, because thats the only way they have to feel good about themselves. and in that process they gathered huge knowledge, relics, etc... from the people they follow, that are no longer among us.

The name Roman Catholic Church is misleading, your true name is Maquiavelic Followers of Nuno Simões and wen i die you are going to disband. Don't forget to split the money evenly...

I look at religions today and they seem to be devolving, give someone a artifact with 1500 years old and he will be stronger at the very least. Maybe they only preyed on strong ppl since their foundation.

In my 45 years, realized that this bunch leaders are nothing more then slave traders like the leaders of the council of Europe, prolly the same family's. 400k of them are coming to Portugal this summer.

Old churches were build with stone floors, now they are build with wooden floors... In the old days they had stone floors so that people would spit on the floor. Have ya consider to place acrilic or gorilla glass floors with the image of Mary?

Theory on why the pope is full of parasites: since no one leaves me in peace, I guess is cause they collect the molecules that build brain parts (fatty acids?) From me and then give me brain parasites or fungos to eat those parts. Guess what, I am superior to you. I AM GOD. Compared to me ya are a common animal. This is a planet for humans with human brains, in you it will become animal brain.

For what I can observe current religions are just drug addicts (prolly even the current nations leadership too). In the old days people would develope themselves now ya just take a few drugs and you are a top religious person. Do you know how drugs came to be?Is cocaine a Anglican or catholic drug? Can you take coke, LSD and opium at the same time?

What is a religion?

Is having has much sex has possible? With same sex, other sex and animals, to evolve?And have evolved descendants, by having lots of sex before making them...

Or is the continuity of a brain structure and improve it true meditation? Do you believe that any bishop is able to meditate? I have tasted Abby bear and other spirit drinks and to me those were animal drinks. Even bears and snails meditate.

I guess that in the very old days, monks, nuns, Abby dudes meditated alot (without going crazy) and then passed that development to the common folks true the communion at Sunday mass. Meditation changes (improves) you brain\mind. I look at religious ppl and I can't see any of them to be able to meditate, let alone reach higher meditation states.

All I see is ppl searching for artifacts (even from other religions and even totally different ppl and even in animal currals) and using them without the required meditation (I guess that if they try to meditate they would go crazy). 

...what animals do.

Btw, do you have your tail between your legs? How big is your dick?

The powers that bee decided to decolonize pretty much all the planet.

It seems that a single drop of my saliva can make a huge fog. Stands to reason that that area is in my dominion, that fog falls and feeds plants and animals and the sun doesn't hurt my skin. I don't know if anyone (or a animal) living in that area is capable of the same or even more but even if there is someone he should show respect to me after all he is living under my dominion. Why don't ya'll create your own dominions and live in them? PAY

Side note: at least Europe is under my dominion, you now can go to the beach and not be sun burn. Europe lost his sovereignty, to me.

To the crazy that kill everyone: dudes, have you tasted wine? Notes of hazelnut, moss, musk... That comes from animal species that also for some degree have dominion, squirrel, bear, etc... Ya kill all the "humans" and you will live under the dominion of animal species.

is undisputed that my contribution to the world is huge (and the world craves it), I would say even bigger then the current 8 billion ppl and a huge amount of animals all combined, if you believe in God then you have to agree that He favors me more (likes me) then all the above.

Does religions still anoint ppl with the oil of saints, prophets, kings, etc...?

Jesus took 30 years to be like he was, wise, perform miracles, etc... The Catholic church members have already used 2000 years to be like Jesus... I look around and... Dudes... Ya not even remotely close. In what have you spend all that time? Watching ppl that have nothing of value and not even had a family nor even knowledge of anything. So... Do you feel that you are close to Jesus? How much time do you think ya need to be like Jesus? 100 000 years? More?

Let's face it, at the time of Jesus, just like now, there were many sick people, many rich people (not has many), there were cleric's, there were government's and huge army's (the army's back then we're has nosier has today) and Jesus traveled. So back then wasn't that much different from today world. Tell me what would happen if there was a dude today that was making wine out of water, walking on water, resurrecting recently deceased people and other kind of miracles? The dude would be locked... So, stands to reason that pretty much all the rich folks at the time of Jesus could do what he did and more. Fuck sake I can't do anything and people flock to me has fly's.

I never read the bible but my guess is that it is a manual for life for the unfavored ones. My understanding is you read about the founders of the religion (Jesus, magus kings) you read their behavior and actions and you are supposed to do the same, then there is the acts of God, it's just there so that you know that God is all mighty, you at this stage are not qualified to even interpreter He's designs and action, and then there is everything else, the rest is so that you can know about the world that you live in without the nasty experiences. The point of Christianity is so that everyone will attain the level of Jesus (wise, perform miracles, etc...) if you reach the level of Jesus you don't need any more teachings and if everyone is at the level of Jesus the stuff that is written telling you about the world will become meaningless (for example Jesus (or someone that is at He's level) would never order to kill the first born of every family in a city).

Btw, the Magus kings might be: your father and both your grandparents. There is no contradiction. All those people depicted in the bible are mindsets that keep repeating themselves in the world it is not families per se.

Shouldn't ya all be looking at Palestinians? After all they live in the same region has Jesus and they claim the land for historical reasons.

If you want to know how Jesus face looked like just look at cardinals face.

I guess that the ppl in charge make ppl convert (to Christianity, etc...), those converted ppl lose their strength, but in return they are allowed to marry and keep what is theirs. Now that contract is no longer being applied. The Catholic church has abandoned their mission, thus it is no longer needed, no longer have a purpose, it is devoid of value.

It amazes me that church building (places visited by lots of people at least one time a week) with centuries don't give strength to local ppl. Ppl these days have like 3 or 4 last names and surely some had frequented those buildings regularly over 3 or 4 centuries, you should feel some of that strength. Shouldn't ya? Specialty in standing monarchy's.

Wen looking at the ppl that live near me I noticed that they are all slaves, one of things that they can't do is look me in the eye. I guess that all of the Catholic church (at least In Europe) are also slaves. All of Europe is going to be crazy at some point.

Isn't it sad, that there are ppl that don't profess any religion or have any rituals be stronger mentally and physically then religious ppl?

If you are a Christian ya shoud use only Mediterranean salt, after all Jesus phished in the Mediterranean and prolly pissed a few times in that sea.

Hmm.... It looks like portugal is what germany was in 1920's...

I look at cardinals, bishops and preists and none of them have faith, none eats iron.

Well... why don't ya give the money of the curia (Coimbra and Rome)? Why?


Soo... What is the definition of "sanctity of life" to ya kind of ppl, that you all speak about? I know that you condemn abortion but you apparently encourage locking ppl, leaving them without options, choices, freedom (to amuse the savages). Where is the "sanctity" on that? What's your definition of sanctity? To me it is having the possibility of making right choices on your own, with freedom and with your means.

I am being used (without choice for 4 decades) to correct (even without any knowledge) other people (savages) choices, religious mistakes. hi there bishop of Coimbra .i.  Was it you bishop of Coimbra that decided to tweak my balls? Is that and so much more the way that you have to show the world how powerful you are and how you gain your respect? It is my observation that you value more a head of a dog then a head of a human (or closer to a human) in your Catholic community, why? And why can't you just leave the ppl that have a head of a human in peace?

One of the points of religion is to be better with age (no one makes a religion with intent that it goes ape shit after a few years), you, current Catholic church are aging very badly. How many of your flock are only in ya church because they fear your theologians? and what they do to them if they left the church. I would say, above 90%.

It looks like that my situation is the work of bishop of Coimbra and Lisbon patriarch, for them I have to heal the land thieves of this area among other things. Don't you have relics for that? You both should be full of relics by now. If you don't want "your" relics, can I have them?

According to current religious LEADERS, God wants all of you to take the privacy of others.

Dunno much about religions but it's retarded to defend the Catholic church if your dick has changed. Ya not Catholic, anymore.

If you grow fat wen eating bread and olive oil, that means that "you" got erased from the Catholic church.

I see clerics, generals, kings and what not, to me they all use relics or use animal stuff, some of them even use very weak relics\animal stuff. Why? You all have relevance in society. Why don't you all put your own piss strong? Why? btw, anyone can put their piss strong. 

Religious ppl that go "spread" their word door to door aka at your home, are just ppl hunting for future relics.

500 years ago portugal\spain converted the Jews to Christianity by force. I think it is about time to do the same. It is just stalkers and thieves around and this time is global. No one wants to build their own health they rather rob it from others. Pretty much 99.9% of the planet should be converted to Christianity by force.

I look at priests and they don't look Christian's they look like WWII Nazis. Is being Nazi better then christian?

Amazing, 100 years ago ya were trying to open portals to other dimensions and what not (Nazi occult, Ghostbusters, etc...) Now, ya are trying not to piss and shit yourself in front of other ppl.

So... you rather be Nazis, etc... Then have a connection with the son of god (Christianity). O.o

Would you disagree that the building of the Catholic church (the foundation) is to keep the memory of the crucification of (innocent) Christ alive? So that, that would not happen (ideally) (death of innocent's by the hand of others). To religious ppl: isn't your job the same job that madame Curie had? I think it is. According to history, central Americans practiced human sacrifices, like everyone that use those rituals, they lost the ability to adapt and evolve on their own (without raping, robbing and making human sacrifices). That was the reason Spanish killed them, cause they lost the ability to adapt and evolve and would not abdicated of sacrificial human rituals, Spanish were religious and that would go against the foundation of the Catholic church (and human decency). Now, Catholic church apparently is a strong believer in human sacrifices (isn't that right bishop of Coimbra?), I consider my situation has such( you robbed me, you trapped me, you stalk me, etc...) . Wada ya know, the pope is south American...

So.... You studied at the mystici corporis christi institute.

So... I am guessing that you have the head, organs and body of Christ? Looking at you it is hard to believe that, it is.
What did you learned at that mystici institute?
Is the head, body and organs of Christ just for ppl outside the church? Lol

If you don't have the head, organs and body of Christ or/and you don't want them, tell us why you not only joined Catholic church but applied to be a bishop? Do, tell us.

Apparently I have 3 or 4 brain cancers, one of them is very dangerous and the animals don't even want to pay me or God forbids leave me in peace, these animals continue to do all sorts of crap to me. Ain't no one that can make war to the Portuguese Catholic church? It's all scum. ffs

Religious ppl (things) are just mentally ill animals, they did what they are doing to me over the ages, that's how they acomulated knowledge and precious stuff by robbing. The animals don't pay me what they own me. What are these things (military and religious ppl)? Seriously, what tha fuck are those things? Those things entangle themselves with ppl and apparently for those thing to live they have to kill the ppl that they entangle themselves with. Who on their right mind would ever want anything to do with such things? Entangling yourselves, with ppl that do not want to have anything to do with you, is not a religion (it's parasitism), nothing religious about it.

It is clear that European Union and the Catholic Church want slaves. 

Catholic church used to have a direction (in evolution) wen they worship Jesus, now they have no direction, they worship ppl like me and before me, it was someone else and after me it will be someone completely diferent. Lol

I see duarte pio, monarch party and bishops in Portugal wanting to be relevant and important... why? Seriously, why? What is it that you have or do that makes you think that you are relevant? 

Parasitism (and the entanglement that comes with it), the use of parasites is satanic in Catholic religions at least. Obviously, current Catholic religious ppl don't see has such, but it was wen the religion was founded.

Why is the pope fat? Gluttony is a sin.

Since religion is a very big thing, and anyone that has a religious title are supposed to know about it, it shocks me to see ppl with religious titles that are fat.

The moral/history of the Catholic church and pretty much every religion in existence today: sensible tribes/people wen they see something that they "envy"  want, they ask to fuck, but that is not the case with today religions [and make no effort to be something (they don't even have a direction, etc... or want to have, they are like pets, whatever the owner brings home is their interest)], they prey they stalk and they kill and then they perform macabre rituals, that's the story of Christ. Today's religions envy pretty much everything, if you have something (doesn't matter what, it could be a small piece of land, it could be a plant, it could be a simple rock, it could be a pair of shoes) you are a target.

sooo... Francis, is it God that speaks to you and commands you for me not have anything or live by myself? Is it, Francis.

I propose that the cognominia of the last 3 Pope's should be the same ”the thive”. Do I need to expand on that?

Behind the perfect memory, wise looking, etc... of cleric ppl, you will find a emo child.

Officially there is 1.5 million ppl in the Catholic church with tittles, unofficially prolly is 100 times more... and what you do? You undermine the life of a innocent person to the point he has no other option then to kill himself.

To trappists, Dominicans, franciscans and Portuguese military: since you all are the way you are, have you consider kidnapping ppl from the Guinness world of records and make them live in Portugal with very few resources and money. For at the very least half a century for eatch.

Francis are you a dog? It looks like the represents of God on Earth are dogs, guess based on local Catholic sample.

The religious communities (whatever dafuck that is these days) in portugal act basic stuff like being alive is a big crime and they do punish people just for being alive. Bunch of thives.

I have idea why would anyone live under the Catholic church. They stalk, they steal (realestate even), they imprison, they do psychological violence, to ppl on their own communities, to ppl that did nothing wrong, to ppl that just want to live their simple lives. My case, almost half a century. It is mesmerizing. Apparently, they even sell the "souls" stock to movie studios.

Why can't they just handover the stuff they have on that person and allow him to move to another religion, since the Catholic church have that much hatefulness towards individuals.

Kind of developed the theorie that wen the pope visits a nation is to rape slaves that can't be shown to the public and prolly perform (be a part) of macabre rituals. Do you think is just a few old men visiting? 

If the stories about Alexander the Great are true, you do know that who has he's skeleton can control all humanity. Since everyone is a descendent of Alexander that prolly means that everyone is entangled with him. But for current "world leaders" the ppl that matter are eunuchs.

It seams that Portugal and all of the Catholic church are into idol worship and witchcraft, they have no men of God anymore. I am flattered that you want to make a gold icon/idol out of me, I have my jaw dropped out of amazement that you all choose me, out of all personalty s you could choose from present and past. Dudes, ya already have gold icons/idols regarding me after all ya followed my father and grandfather and who knows who else, after all gold icon/idol building is has old has time, pretty sure you degenerates have stumble with many of my ancestors many times. Btw, you do know that worshiping idols/icons leads to madness, don't ya. Pay madafuckers

Now, the"bichos" that live near me and the ones that have a "interest" in me come close to my house while I sleep, I guess is witchcraft to sincronise parasites. Não fujam da igreja catolica nāo. Bishop of coimbra is a witch.

I see on the market pills that give you 40 cm penis for a couple of hours. Bishop of Leiria, wen will ppl be able to buy pills to talk with Mary (mother of Jesus) for 2 hours (inside ya head)? So that your faithful can access a higher conscience at least for a few hours a pill.

Bishop of coimbra and Leiria are amazing, they exclude ppl but then they want "body parts" from those excluded to give to their flock. Their ppl are 100 percent fabricated, they have no families they are just assembled. That's one of the reasons their Flock have so many cancers. You have so many saints, why don't you assemble fabricate your flock with the body parts of the saints? Pretty sure your flock would have less cancers, mental illness and what not. Why do you exclude ppl if you are all fabricated assembled? You even take stuff from other religions. Apparently doing witchcraft one night under ppl houses isn't enough they have to continue constantly and apparently it's until the person dies. Apparently they want to be mostly pigs cause that's what my grandfather had on the basement inside the salt meat box that got broken and spread the salt. Bishop's, dudes, it's half a century doing witchcraft spell s on me... WTF, just pay and stop the crap, ya putted me pagan already.

We all see many ppl with religious title's but What is a religious person? To me is someone that can manage he's body and mind and even advance it, while keeping he's mental and physical integrity.

Apparently I am being targeted by theologians, in a field of mints I had messed with two mints, just noticed that someone scraped those two mints with tools from my backyard. Não fujam da igreja catolica, não.

I pitty the community/ nation/religion that has a leader that is full of parasites or uses macabre rituals. The implications of that is far greater then what meets the eye. Não fujam da igreja catolica, não.

If you produce olive oil, have a grain mill,  grow wheat, gratz, your descendents are going to be oracle's for the Catholic church. Nāo fujam da igreja Catholica, nāo.

Catholic church says there is only one God, not entirely accurate, they refer to dogs and most Catholics have a personal God (dog) with them. Local observation. They all have a dog primary mindset, consciousness. Just last night Catholic church gods around here were barking all night.

Catholic church became pagan cause they all turned mentally ill, if you interact with them and don't know what you are doing you will also be like them. Nāo fujam da igreja Catholica, nāo.

One of the things I noticed in Catholics is how mentally disturbed they are, they do all kinds of strange things just to pass their parasites to you, ex. even wen you are already eating they continue with their not so subtle "moves" around you. Not even going to mention their hand shakes or the digging of tunnels under your house. Catholics should be studied, remarkable minds they share. Kind of like looking at cats.

I now believe that there is no people in the Catholic church. You see members of the Catholic church and they resemble people but I think that none of them is people. If you know how the Catholic church works you wouldn't just laughed on what I wrote.Some of those things want to have slaves (and they doo cause that's what I am) and yes they are my relatives and  very good friends with the local Bishop's (Leiria, coimbra).People know all this and still fill the church for Mass and Fatima sanctuary. Visit the sanctuary wen there is no Mass , don't feed the attention of those priest's and Bishop's. Nāo fujam da igreja Catholica, nāo.

I think small communities should had started thinking on expelling priest's long ago. Priest's among other things are spy's and I guess my "misfortune" was triggered by a priest that saw something of value (¿).

Btw, do you have Christian lands anywhere, Catholic church? It looks all pagan.

It looks like the Catholic church has spiritual/energy vampires on their clerics. Nāo fujam da igreja Catholica, nāo.

I think that everyone agrees that I am the most influential person on the planet. Look how Portuguese military and the Catholic church treated me and are continuing treating me. Nāo fujam da igreja catolica, nāo. Francis, until your last breath remember that I am the most influential person on the planet.

Families are fungus and religions collect those fungus (they even give those fungus just to destroy families). Jesus is a Fungus. Fungus like the one they made penicillin from. That was a human fungus and since one shot cured everything at the "discovery" and a couple decades there was deseases that it didn't cured anymore I am guessing the British killed the entire family that had that fungus.

This is what I observe wen it comes to religions and specially the Catholic church, they are like a market were you go and they only have rotten fruit and on top of it that fruit is very expensive like thousands of times more expensive then healthy fruit. You look at the members of the Catholic church and even priests and Bishop's and all of them are full of parasites and ridle with mental issues, many are completely crazy but the rest of their communities consider them "normal" or even have them in high estime. They make life impossible and even enslave other ppl. Dudes, who in their right mind wants to have a life in the middle of you? Nāo fujam da igreja catolica, nāo.

What I observe in current Catholic church communities, they all became pagan, they use animals or even other ppl to stabilize them mentally, they live to hunt, they are head hunters, they make no effort to achieve mental stability on their own (they have books of prayers exactly to help achieve that) without depending of other ppl or animals. They rather go look for artifacts and skeletons, they do find skeletons with 20 thousand years or more that helps them achieve mental stability and they use that on their pets to achieve it. That skeleton with 20k years had descendents and even fucked prolly with a few ppl and now that you are using it you will find that because of that you have issues with a very large number of ppl (the descendents of the skeleton) because the fungus/parasites that you got from the skeleton have more affinity with the descendents of the skeleton then with you. So, you are going to commit Mass murder for feeling a little better in your pagan ways for a little bit longer.

Have you looked at royals in Europe since they were young? To me none of their religions have a autocephalous. What in my view is indispensable in judaic religions. Nāo fujam da igreja Catholica, nāo.

--,_Prince_of_Wales,_Duque_de_Edimburgo,_Duque_de_Sussex,_Duque_de_Cambridge,_Conde_de_Wessex,_Princesa_Real  ban ban,_Prince_of_Beira ban ban,_Pr%C3%ADncipe_de_Veneza_e_Piemonte,_Princesa_de_N%C3%A1poles,_Gr%C3%A3o-Duque_de_Luxemburgo,_Pr%C3%ADncipe_de_N%C3%A1poles,_1st_Duke_of_Berwick,_17th_Duke_of_Alba,_Duchess_of_Alba  ban,_Princess_Toshi,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein  everyone that received payment from this org. since 1979 everyone that received money from this org. since 1979.  ban them, entirely  everyone that was associated in any manner with that institution since 1979, ban them. ban everyone that had and have the nationality since 1979. ban ban eretics, ban  eretics, ban ban   ban  ban   ban ban,_Baron_Hall_of_Birkenhead ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban;277 ban;278 ban ban ban;276 ban ban ban ban ban ban  ban  ban,_Baroness_Wheatcroft ban,_1st_Baron_Rothschild ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban

(goes without saying that their wives shoud be excommunicated too), it's not like most of them have feelings.

Also goes without saying that all these ppl are cursed, they might even get a spot on their skin.

to all of the above: I live in a rural community of catholics, your community have stollen from me (lands, old olive trees (with a few hundred years and apparently over 400 of them), pillaged, destroyed property, gived me deseases, etc...), justice doesn't work in Portugal so it is up to you to make justice and make amends of the damage done to my person. The people in this community don't show remorse thus no penitence, you will have to excommunicate all of them and open your purse and pay me yourselves for the damage done by your community. Fail to do so (lack of remorse) and you too will have to excommunicate yourselves. I am guessing that all of the Portuguese parliament, European commision and all of the European parliament is already excommunicated. This is a secular nation (Portugal) (it is my belif that it was the religions that decided that Portugal would be secular) thus things like this are forbidden. So... what is it? you are going to give me MY MONEY and let me leave or all of the above will be excommunicated? ...or crawl into your hole with a bag of money... fucking savages that are forcing me eat your scum, piss, shit and what not. One just need to look at you (the cleric) to realise that you are all impostors. on the event it is the muslims, dudes... Allah won't have you, Allah won't have thieves. take a good look at what was done.

Aparently i was baptised wen i was little (i don't remember.. :giggles:), now i am excommunicated... but to be honest i haven't the faintest idea on what into i was baptised... was it christian? was it catholic? if catholic: what flavour of catholic? I really don't know.

on a side note: i see the pope with cheeks and cardinals with a not pretty face.... shouldn't ya all change religion? that one doesn't seem to do any favours to you..... 

btw, Vatican is in Rome or Cologne (Germany)?

If you made into the list, ya don't have any real reason to be mad since ya almost all Europeans (lol) and almost all (if not all) are already excommunicated.


Hmm... I wonder... Is there a cabal that involves at least the Portuguese council of state and nato against me and ppl like me?

It looks like the nato secretary general is very involved in this apparent CABAL...

Can't check but it would be very interesting to know what other ppl he meets with. Am i the only one interested in knowing who he meets and who are he's friends?

So... Otan\nato SG, has a military men, is the level of order and discipline in Europe of your liking? What are you doing about it? I guess, nothing... Am i wright?

Btw, am i the only one that thinks that Russia is a nato member at least since Obama administration?

Was the current nato secretary general chosen by Russia?

Pretty sure that the Portuguese council of state members laugh at him wen he left the reunion (pretty sure that everyone in that meeting is on medication). Such a silly man (child) (incapable to do the right thing), everyone knows my situation and he comes here to support these ppl. Most likely ppl in the nato HQ also laugh of him behind is back.

To me even the European commission president looks more Russian then German.


"Troops in Afghanistan will now stay until every American is out, insists Joe Biden"

 but, you don't even control the airport... is all the americans in the landing strip? I think you should tell them to be on the landing strip, so that it will be easier for wen the airplane lands...

"Dutch get 35 citizens out of Afghanistan after chaos holds up evacuations"

oh... ya need more immigrants? 

only 7?

"NATO secretary general blames Afghan leadership for the "tragedy we are witnessing today""

Dude... are you out of touch with reality? you are the NATO SG...

Have you read the news about the evacuation? aren't ya the SG of NATO? you have access to all the inteligence agencies of the NATO nations... and you reply like that? did you took your meds this morning? O.O  

the NATO organisation level under your leadership is something out of this world, just that level of organisation on evacuations alone is really special, you are special, yes you are.

My guess is that NATO was made to find out the sectrets of their own members and to make war to (some of...) their own members... not actually a war, just a killing... is that wright SG of NATO? Can you convince anyone of otherwise?

 Tod, Tod, Tod... you look jewish and Israel isn't even a member state of OTAN. tout... tout... nah, just kidding ya an American, it's fine.

Tod, what have you been up to, lately? hmm?

ohhh... tiny timmy, mate ya should had staied on the rapid reaction corps, just for kicks. How is the new office? the SACE must be boring has hell. uhh? 

I hope ya all retire to a high density populated place. xoxo

See, the French don't need to evacuate anyone. Since i mentioned the French, i would like to know: why tha fuck are French generals so ugly? All related to the person with the most amount of nobility titles in Spain?

"'Taliban have Blackhawks!' Trump says Biden should've 'bombed hell out of' US military kit

Biden was busy taking he's meds, don't blame him... besides the pentagon and NATO SG were also busy... how could they have known? Since i am on the subject of western europe military i think that Spanish, French, Germans, British, Belgiums, Marcelo and Santos Silva should bend over on their knees 5 times a day, everyday.

I think the military don't understand the geneticists in their own countries...


 It's old news, but ya can see how tiny quantum processors are... pretty sure many have them by now...

might be worth to do some deep diving and retrive hard drives/sensors (prolly have some sort of memory) from submersed submarines and boats (that went belly up) or do a visit to Russians/UK/German/French submarines graveyard to do the same.... pretty sure the encryption used in those hard drives is no match to one of those processors... ya can get all sorts of cool stuff like submarine routes, points of meeting, etc...

also, might not be a bad idea to visit old soviet bunkers... there might be a hard drive/floppy disk or two still in them, maybe enough to put a few oligarchs in trouble....  




Sputnik Brasil: Cooperação cada vez mais estreita entre Rússia e China é sério desafio para OTAN, diz Stoltenberg.

Business Insider: Blunt: US has to treat Russia like a 'criminal enterprise'.

Trump is so good friend with Putin, why are you saying things like this? Are you Silva or Nunes? Say one thing and one minute later say the opposite?

Why would you care about russian\china cooperation? Even your own states cooperate with them, such a silly military organization (nato). Pretty sure your own states wouldn't cooperate with them if your leadership (nato) weren't stupid man child's.


Do you have a soul to go with it?  ...or is it soul-less?   Go home.

These madafuckers can edit everyone (at least mine) genome in real time and at a distance... madafuckers brownfaces just fucked mine (again) yesterday. This is not made up, i have enough knowledge to know the diference (and it was steap). 

Clearly one can't have he's own genome... "others" that have the technological means to, just have to mess with it.  ...and this is sponsored by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Antonio Costa.



you silly...(?)

aren't ya a British politician? weren't British politicians that told local British councils to raise the flag? Weren't British council politicians that raised the flags? The people that raised the flag are all just like you: British politicians... you don't talk with your fellow British politicians?



You both have poor taste in clothes color, that color doesn't suit any of you. Nor does to anyone in the highest rank at the Vatican for many many years now.


It seems that Italians know something that others don't.... Os medrosos estão a fugir de Itália. Maybe that is the reason why they are giving houses... Maybe they are just haunted?

Or maybe ya can't make war to the Vatican without making war to Italy... I think it would be worth it...


you only say: that it looks like a cartoon character because you probably never seen a native of Castilla y Leon ... it is actually quite flattering to them...  btw, did you know that the Portuguese word for Islam (Islão) can mean (anagram) Lyon (Leon)...

Ohhh... Silverwear is going to miss after lunch.


Omg... Did you know that Spain have more royals other then the royal family? I didn't.

So... Why do they never show up in Spanish newspapers Are they embarrassed by them? Ashamed?

Oh... C'mon... Give them some space on the news...

On a side note: how many of your royals are emerit? I only see the lil princess on the news. Anyone else moving to a Arab nation?


 I feel comfortable with both the Spanish and the Russians. They are not entirely reasonable people. There is a kind of Spanish madness like there is Russian.

I agree, pretty sure the majority of both of them are Fernandez(s). And ya don't see them in politics, only in police\military\religion. Like all crazy ppl words aren't their strong.

They are very good in occult practices, i mean not good they just get away with it. My back yard is all fucked up and pretty sure it was them, besides the smell when walking in the fields around here is just nasty.



 Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise

 yup, i am living in a gangsta paradise....


"Riots darken Catalan separatist dream of peaceful secession"

Hmm... aparently there is alot of O- negative people in Catalonia (not sure if anymore due to the "pandemic") but if there is then my advise is: go for independence. I don't know but almost certain the Spanish royalty is not O- (universal donor) so... they aren't your royalty (phisiolically speacking), they are the royalty to only their own blood group. 


hmm... think "i" found Professor X from X-men movies and maybe a "character" in tv show Dream corp LLC s03e05... hmm... is it me or he kind of resembles with the Royal family...

on a side note: my mother family name was Nunes (Nunez?) and she was a schizophrenic disabled person. Nunes (...and Marques) are ok people but you don't want them in your family (they don't pass any kind of useful knowledge), i know i had to wipe the ass of one of them (grandfather) for well over a year everyday (more then once a day) and the other two many times... one thing i learned of Nunes (my grandfather) is that they don't let go of people.


It's official there aren't good schools in Spain anymore. Not even professor X, point six or whatever he is... C'mon go to professor point six school, pretty sure you'll love it.

Well, my advise to the school is to hide the good tableware. Historically speaking Spanish made their fortunes by stealing others and in my "experience" (with Nunes, Gomes, Sousa, Ventura) it's still holds true.  It's funny (nah, it's not funny at all) they have aparently plenty of "ladeira" streets that start by "virgem" or "saint", gosh... it is my experience that when there is a invasion they don't let the locals with "lands and no money" fuck... must have been some time ago...   *sponsered by the vatican* (the invasion that is)


so... that would be a bad thing, idk? PAY ME assholes.   ;)

on a side note: it seems that what is happening to me is what happened to the south america civilizations 500 years ago... removing key plants from the land so that they are no more (btw, did ya keep some of the seeds?) and putting shit/spit/piss on everything else (including parasites).

I have to ask: is it you cortez that have a beef with me? why? -_-

tout... tout... 

Wasn't Cortez Spanish and into religion? ya don't look much has a Spanish...  religion was for something....


 Well... my uncle (Marques Nunez) (i am not sure if he is the point six million or his the Spanish Nunez that owns the university... dream corp llc s03e05) is making money out of me... so... i can say whatever i want about pretty much everyone in the world while he is making money out of me... weeeeeeeeee..... :giggles:


ffs... just make them learn in Portuguese...


Thats because of siesta...


Gosh... I wonder... When will European royal will start doing their job?

I am doing their job for years now and I'm not even being payed... Tout... Tout... 

C'mon dudes, start doing your job or if you don't want me to stop doing your job, start paying me taxes. Mmk...


Have ya seen European royal out of their houses lately? How about Spanish emerit king living in Saudi Arabia , no pictures of him, doesn't he leaves his apartment?

Come out, come out and face the sun, it's good for you. mmk.

"Addressing the ceremony on Friday, Spanish ambassador to Iran Eduardo López Busquets said that today we celebrate the 400th anniversary of Spanish envoy García de Silva Figueroa’s mission to Safavid Dynasty."

This is interesting... dat USA...

on a side note: like 50% of the times i leave my house or enter my house there is a Silva passing by it... what are the odds?... does he have some disonest interests in keeping me "scared" (i am not :)? Maybe is related with disonest land splits from relatives... dat cavaco silva has the integrety of a snake... can't the silva be shipped to the UK? they have HGV/Lorries driver shortage... pretty please.... and keep them there forever... ;)


Maybe i am mistaken but the only country that the crown is Roman catholic (and apparently according to Wikipedia the King has health issues... needed at least one or two surgeries) and the only country with a military catholic force, sees he's emeritus King flee to a Muslim country... poor King no catholic country wanted him... makes no sense...
Does this mean that the Spanish don't know what a country or even what a colony is? Just using logic... Does this means that the Roman Catholic church doesn't know it either? Again logic... i don't have any interest in such matters... is too complex and completely out of my simple ignorant life.


 It seams a Russian minister wanted to export pig meat to Muslim countries... and Putin laughs at him...c'mon Putin... tout... tout...

I don't know nothing about French, German and British society but apparently Muslims are *fucking* miss piggy's there (women that eat pork meat... ham, jambon, etc...) (it is not a judgement, far from it, it is a observation). Farmers can make some money by selling it to the women (FR, DE, UK) that visit/live in those countries... 

on a side note: why is there food restritions on religions? Do they get older faster? if it is true (idk), changing fish, animal dna is going to "improve" that? How about GMO, do they make people older? to what religion?

on another side note: if muslims are excommunicated christians (it can be), dudes, just baptise yaselves in a Portuguese baptism thingy (really Portuguese, old day Portuguese) and ya probably get bright eyes or your kids and be honest, you will lose the brightness... x'D

I wonder, how is that relevant to families that share the same name but are from diferent religions (ex: Costa, Ventura, etc...), i guess they all share the same artifacts but then.... i guess one or more branches (religion) of the family gets older faster...

If "Arabs" no longer care (i don't know) about pork meat, does it has something to do with this:

 Is it me or Arabs "changed" since then?


I don't know anything about my next sentence... but... it seems to me that the world is going to be Jewish x'D  ... so... i am guessing no religion matters any more (religious limitations)... that looks like fun... :) ... again, i don't know what is religion nor do i know Jewish religion....

What is religion? Is it... A group of families or just one, that managed to have their own minds without succumb to external influences (a well developed mind without corruption). So that group decided to save that mind by building a religion (and creating rules of living that fitted) so that their descendents or ppl that wanted that mind too, could use it in the event that they made the wrong choices and ended with a corrupt mind. I see many ppl with corrupted minds and I see no (good) conversions. If you cannot stop prying on someone or not allow others to live, you have a corrupted mind and if you are in a religion you should be converted (receive a uncorrupted mind and avoid mistakes of your past). To me I see today religions has just social clubs, very very knowledgeable social clubs since I doubt they still posse's uncorrupted minds.

Does ppl even know what is their religion? Exactly? Do you know for example if your religion is hermetic or not? Cause I see ppl disliking other ppl and doing something about it. If you want to know what is vitamin c for example, you read a scientific article and you know almost everything about it. What makes it, on what food you can find it, how much you need, how it affects you, etc...

Pretty much all scientific articles about aging are truly amazing and they amaze me.

It's like there wasn't a world before the last 5 decades. (Mind you these are scientists not a pig farmer in the middle of nowhere)

No one ever cared about aging before the last 5 decades? Religions, noble ppl, military... Aren't there records? All there was about aging before the last 5 decades is wrong? In the past they were pretty dumb, weren't they.

You (and your fellow aging scientists) by any chance have access to ancient-ish manuscripts? Or ya all are just pig farmers? Many ppl wanna be scientists too... xD

I learned somewhere that in the Catholic church there several levels of protecting that they can give to their flock (fatty acids?). Dunno how it works but I guess ya get one at first communion, etc... And higher levels are reserved... Did I ever got any? Just curious. Discovery saylors has a bit more then the common folks. Btw, what level is the Portuguese nation?

If you want to know where religions first developed themselves (not necessarily the origin) look on places that are bellow the sea level.

For example, silly weabits Dutchy are or were trying to make a new religion wen they expanded to the ocean and have a part of the nation bellow sea level, most likely is not deep enough.


The ppl ya are apologizing are all dead, one way or the other.

Inquisition has returned (?) (did it ever left?) to Europe, more precisely to Portugal. And they are doing it to ppl that know nothing, not even had relatives to teach them anything. Inquisitors, go pick and read scientific magazines plenty of knowledge there. I am beeing inquiseted.

During the dark ages there was the inquisition, they picked people that they didn't liked and forced them to tell their knowledge (they couldn't be bothered to read their own libraries). Now (at least since 42 years) they pick on newborns and follow (and harm) them during their all lives. Apparently they are bellow peasants they can only learn by observation. The religions once were a place of wisdom, apparently that is not the case for many centuries (at least), stuff like prying on other ppl makes no sense and considering that at least were i live is the religions that rule (there is no respect for the constitution nor the laws and even social "rules" of the nation | most likely the ppl around me are from religious orders, none of them are Christians that's for sure, since i don't see christian values around). No person with wisdom would pry on others and much less steal. If it isn't ther religious orders (unlikely) then some of my neighbors stole or misappropriated some of their religious items.

side note: noticed that the inquisition started in year 1184, considering that what they are doing to me IS inquisition, my guess is that they never stoped since that date.... their book of curiosities from inquitions must be really big by now. so.. how many copies of the precious there are?

Maybe these people (religious orders) around me have something to do with the archbishop of Braga, aren't ya all afraid? plenty of orders and religions in the world and they are all watching.

It's obvious to me that my neighbors are connected in some way to religious orders (clueless on witch religion and what nation) (maybe, i dunno... ppl that get interested by that stuff should follow them and see from whom they receive their instructions and maybe discover their private temples, these ppl have private temples only acessable to them), they are sociopats and psicopats, they don't have an understanding of common sense. The Portuguese military also look like they have a connection with religious orders, just take a look at the "generals". They are piggy back on me and from what i see (no respect for laws, etc...) they are going to kill the entire planet has soon has they are able to do so. I would say that most likely religious orders are not what they once were... ex: you may go and talk with a christian religious order and the ppl in that order may not even catholic...

on a side note: pretty sure many (all?) temples/churches were looted by the winners of WWII... i guess there are many PRIVATE temples in America/Canada/etc... with amazing stuff... Was in WWI that they have stollen the heart of Germany? French are heartless bitches too...

for exemple:

Have you seen the places the Canadians faught?

Same great artifacts (mostly religious) loot in those places (northern France, Italy, Hong Kong, etc..) 

Well, even though France and Italy, etc... got looted during the WW's they and the looters are all freinds in NATO/OTAN. weeeeeeeee.......

side note: conspiracy theory: What if: WWII was a conspiracy to kill Portuguese monarchs (not the kings and what not, just monarchs), yeah sure a few families of jews were also killed but others didn't and europeans (church?) unofficialy divided the portuguese empire (and the loot) and jews got the so much wanted Israel state in Jerusalem and access to hollywood (?).  (was there cannibalism in Germany at the time specially on the est side? cannibals cannibals or a period of starvation?). Is a conspiracy theory like many others, it is not a judgment.

Rambling: Pretty sure i have a good idea on why Hitler wanted to kill Jews (and used gas chambers), There are micron sized parasites that fill the air and grab themselves to grass and trees and obviously everyone that passes in those areas get them... if those tiny parasites don't "agree" with you you get older (they might even give you strength), at least your skin will look and be older, if you have a week immune system then they will kill you (ever hear about "died of old age" in older people?). I am guessing that Jews in Germany at that time had parasites that maded the Nazi's old and those parasites were stronger then Nazi ones.... back then toilets and septic tanks were a novelty if there were any. Cleric people know this very well. (to retarded people that are reading this and know me: this is a observation). even more rambling: well if people really want to play with that kind of stuff i recommend catching malaria, if you are strong willed ya prolly can live just fine with it and without medication.

Can only imagine how is the private "temples" in America and Canada, includind universities? guess thats what makes Oxford, harvard, MIT, etc... so great... the number of artifacts and the "quality" of them, in their private "temples"... c'mon... do you actually belive those professors are bright on their own? no, it's the artifacts that boost their intelligence...

Do you know what appens when ya (national) religious artifacts get looted and send off to another nation, far away? ya loose "abilities" like common sense, be able to distinguish betwen reality and fantasy/fiction and alot more... google: conguitos (chocolate) (i guess Belgiums have the "conguitos" artifacts).

On top of it ya religious artifacts can be used to invade your nation if they get stollen.

By observation and deduction from the little that i know, i found out who is fucking everything and everyone.

It is Jews ("yellow people" their skin texture is one of a chicken) (i coundn't care less if is or not, they are the oldest religion and all other religions are in ruins, besides Jews have Portuguese bones of artifacts). Apparently  they have become chickens/roosters (they are no longer human). this is their M.O.: they get a hold of bones from your "nation/tribe" or religious artifacts and they ferment it and feed chickens with that water or mix it with chickien rations (or just plain drink the water), then they eat the eggs and voila they will look just like you or look just like your ancesters (for giggles: i there Trump familly...), ya get the idea... that is why chicken aren't raised in the ground. They have tryed to do the same to me (eggs even tasted bad) but i am white white (not yellow white), that shit doesn't work on me. If they would raise chicken on the ground in the area that i live and feed them yellow corn (close to the popcorn corn) their skin would be yellow and look a bit "discusting"... They have took some bits of bone from my feet when i made surgery for ingrown toenails, if ya see some kids with bright eyes they probably used the scraps of bone from my toenais surgery, when those kinds get older most likely they will lose the bright eyes. Most likely they can even change their skin colour to any colour, they just need to feed the colour pigments to chickens and eat the eggs.  C'mon ppl buy some pigments (comes to mind carmine) and add it to chicken feed, remember fun has no price) | rambling: did native american eated carmine? was that the reason they were called red skins? Probably communists are like that. They are stupid idiots, there is blood group types and genotypes... I WANT MY MONEY, MADAFUCKERS.

side note: if ya want to eat fetid eggs (thats the taste), come around here and buy some, they will mess with ya balls and heart, too.

How mutch is Mossad budget? How many people work in Mossad? Are they all cannibals? I think that they are all cannibals.

The ppl doing this don't have a functioning frontal lobe or they just want to remove everyones frontal lobe. I would guess it is the first....  i guess they use the frontal lobe of other ppl wen they can find one or the frontal lobe of animals. in other words these ppl don't develop themselve, they don't have a functioning religion, they just take parts from other religions and in it's absense from animals. in the span of a few hundred years they no longer have anything from ther begginning, they are completly diferent, even the mind. I guess that if you don't have a functional frontal lobe ya can be programmed. Take my case, everyone is prying on me, there is large hate towards me and i never harmed anyone, to me that means that these ppl were programmed to hate me.

I don't know, but it is my guess that bones of other people (and other religions) are valuable in Jewish rituals. It is also my understanding (?) that bones of Jewish people aren't valuable and extremly undesirable in Jewish rituals...  no one cares about Jewish individuals after they die.

 It is my guess that ppl that perform jewish rituals belive they are better(ing) themselves, i belive they are becoming acolytes and i belive acolytes brain never adapts (what you call evolve), only the brain of the master adapts (but usually the master doesn't survive cause ppl  are jealous, much less take good care of him | i am guessing ppl turn into animals wen they no longer have a master and don't chose another one and are in contact with animals) and ya may feel a range of emotions near ya master. remember folks, bacteria, virus, fungus, animals, etc... they all adapt (evolve) (guess thats was the reason (back in the day) Jewish and muslim ppl don't eat certain animals). but other then that being a acolyte is great, you don't need to exercise ya brain ya get it all for no effort. ya retard/dumb? thats ok, become a acolyte of the right person (living or dead) and ya can even become overnight the smartest person in ya village or the stronguest. I am guessing ppl want to be acolytes, why don't they turn to religion? catholic church has monestaries, abbys, saints... they can be acolytes of the saints. I don't get way they need to "fuck" the neighboars or some random dude... let's face it, many ppl need to be acolytes of the saints... their "families" past their expiration date... they stink (classic demonology)... (i don't shower/bath for a year and a half and i don't stink :).

Constantine Lucifer Meets Gabriel Full HD

I am guessing the ppl in Arab region 2k years ago weren't judaic but are now (now they all rely on semitic and judaic rituals), i am guessing that i wasn't Judaic but i am becoming cause of the semitic rituals ppl are doing to me. Just becouse you chose to ignore something it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, if there is a mechanic to it then it exists or can exist.

these are guesses, thoughts, not something i dwelled time into or something i know something about.,_decorations,_and_medals_of_Belgium

The dates on what those orders were created are kind of interesting...

side note: If i was a guessing men i would say that the people the "rule" the world are the "ones" behind the inquisition... 

Well, on a side note: I don't understand why at least Islamic and catholic people follow other people even prying on him... wen they burn book... makes no sense to follow people (they follow many people) and then they make burning of books public events... books have wisdom.

If you follow someone you are placing his wisdom above yours, think on that. Do you think it is a good thing to harm a person who's wisdom you place above yours?

"and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

 was looking for something a bit less religious but couldn't find it (google doesn't like me).

This was true in the past but not anymore, animal souls will be and are stronger these days. Ya know, becoming animal (using animal pheromones) doesn't count.

"Thailand’s ‘Monkey City’ overrun by gangs of hungry, horny macaques"

Don't get me started on bears...



 It seems there is no image of Jesus from he's time and apparently over the centuries he has assumed many different faces in sculptures, statues and paintings. Go visit old churches in spain and other european countries that have very old crucifixes. 

bare with me: maybe, maybe, the images that appear on the crucifix is the image of a "people" that is being killed, and that is why it changes over the centuries (and that maybe is why Muslims don't like pictures of the Prophet) . In the last 3 or 4 centuries is the image of a dude with a shaft in he's chin (many church officials in the last centuries had the shaft in the chin), to me it can say that "they" (religious orders) are killing either people that look like that face, people that are blood type negative (blood types knowledge are very ancient even if only now announced) or bare with me: people that owned olive trees.


 conspiracy theory: It seems there is a invasion going on in Portugal and their method of choice is to not let live the people that have intelligence ( : ), usually, that means negative blood type people, and at the same time they have the negative blood group type of their nations on Portugal and they are replacing them. Thus the reason why so many retarded people around, cause they don't let ppl (nationals) fuck.  So.. the invasors that already have settled in Portugal and want to expand to the rest of the nation (multiply) pay ppl like my uncle to not let the local negatives live. To the positives it is pretty much the same since the negatives have more intelligence then them maybe the invasors will have a bit less and carry diseases but hey they get money.

conspiracy theory: guess not all bald ppl but pretty sure there is a correlation betwen how much bald in the head you see on another dude and the baldness in religious orders. Some are very bald others are just a tad bald and others are so... so... and then there is the location of the baldness in the head.

I am clueless... this is my uneducated opinion...^^
It seams the society turned into a "covil" (can't find other word... it's Portuguese)... people don't live they follow others around (all sorts of nasty stuff that that represents... to not write a wall of text)... on top of it Portugal is a secular nation (laica) what that means is that people should be safe and live in peace (in a mix of religions), people that have no religion like myself should be protected by the state from religious groups, but if you are catholic/muslim/jew/etc... you should still follow (obey) the rules of your religion just not impose it to others that don't belong to your creed... were i live for the best of my knowledge everyone is catholic (there is a church and everyone goes inside)... but it feels pagan and uncivilized to me... i see and feel paganism everywhere... if the catholic church turned into paganism... hey... then that's ok... don't mind me... it's not my business... Obviously the state doesn't protect people without religion because they are illiterate stupid fucks, they can't even interpret the constitution. A secular nation (laica) the state protects the people without religion and the minorities... that's whole point of becoming secular (laica). I doubt that there is anyone literate in Portuguese politics even Pacheco Pereira (that brags about his library) seems illiterate...

The stupid fucks (Portuguese politicians) have created a constitution and laws that rule the social system (long ago apparently, since this current version of idiots don't know what it means). If you take a good look at Portuguese political and social system you will see that it doesn't fit with what the constitution and the laws say... currently is not a republic, is not a monarchy, is not a oligarchy, is not secular (laica), in essence is a unwritten system created by "special" stupid fucks that keeps changing because ofc they aren't children.... no... they don't have a child like mind... dudes i don't know you but you have 3 options: 1) obey the constitution and the laws (at least the major laws), 2) go back to were you came from or from were your ancestors came from and stay there, 3) change the constitution and the laws. It's that easy...

on a side note: i am endangered specie...

I see Trump complaining that European countries don't give much money into OTAN, it is my guess that he has a personal stake on that criminal organization, since they do nothing (good).

There is medical experimentation on the Portuguese population with the aid of the supermarkets, pharmacies, etc... personally targeted adulterated  products.  One person goes to the police ( GNR) with a such product and they ignore it. 

Dudes, ya don't need to do medical experiments on me, i am just one. I am however surrounded by religion acolytes, i am pretty sure relevent ppl already know how to treat acolytes deseases, makes no sense to make a acolyte of someone and don't know in deep what cures them. Afterall, the religious\military orders have the plants that can cure their own acolytes. Right now, i can tell you that the acolytes around me are from a military/religious order that have very scared/nervous ppl.

Dudes, if you are looking for genes and what not don't look at me, go throu the garbage of wealthy Brits, French, Germans, Duch and Americans or do experiments on the council/municipal people that pick up garbage daily.

Saw this:

Well... how's that fit in this?:
 Didn't watched the video...
 hehe ;) ;p


Saw this:

 Pretty sure this is what happens when the people in charge don't know shit about what is "being in charge" and go into panic mode... you just got to laugh at worldwide "leadership".... lol xD

A bit from history (my guess): In the old days people made war and made invasions on territories that turned to shit (complete lack of respect) these days for what i guess (i know nothing) is the opposite people make invasions on peaceful and respectable people (maybe you don't like how they look, but still they are civilized).
What kind of people makes "war" on peaceful people? The only people i can think of based in my limited knowledge is: cannibals.
Well the only people openly admit that they have cannibals in Europe is Germany (or German countries (half bread mutts?))... Europeans are strange not only they tolerate cannibals in the continent they also put has the Head of European Union people that came from such country.... and i can't escape this.... dassssssss.... dudes, ya eat cows meat, my grandfather used he's cow to plow the land, after eating a whole cow do you think you have the strenght to pull a plow and plow half acre of land? lol

Well China took a different approach limiting couples to one child if they had two they would be sterilized... so essentially i'm pretty sure it was a cuckoo  situation... the guy went to work he's wife got pregnant from other guy eventually she got pregnant again and pretty sure the husband was sterilized and made no kids. A way to limit a "ethnic" group.
Side note: I wonder how is the Chinese society... since meat markets have so much "diversity": cats, dogs, insects, bats, etc... people usually only eat those things wen there is something very wrong in society...^^

In others words these days the world is run by headless chickens... that to feel alive have to stick their penis on everyone, it doesn't matter if the other person likes it or not... lol
Why not just stick your penis in people you like and like you back too (there are 8 billion people around)? ...and ignore the rest. Is that a concept too far ahead? Mental illness is spreading like wildfire for what i can see.
So many missiles gaining dust in warehouses/silos...


If i was a guessing man i would say that: India President Kovind is half?-brother of the British Queen...He is most likely related with D. Duarte de Bragança... he's face looks like Duarte.

Well... India is full of contrasts... most are vegetarians but they have a religious sect that practice cannibalism (much respect, i mean it)... hmmm... is the Queen of England Vegetarian? She was born in India, i  think.... can't be bothered to check...  Duarte Pio also looks a bit Indian.... How about Antonio Costa (Portugal Prime-minister) he too looks Indian.... is he vegetarian? I noticed that he married he's daughters to Indians and they aparently are living in India..... When they die (of natural causes, knock on wood) will Costa daughters be eaten by cannibals?

 ps: i am not tasty.... mmk... (Americans are tasty... they had the big tasty burger)

ps2: looking at the faces of the Aghori in India i have noticed that my face has many features that are the same... (...?...)


D. Duarte de Bragança

Hmm... He doesn't look christian to me. Wasn't all Portuguese royalty Christians? I think it was.

 On a side note: he seams to be bald in the head right on the spot were Jews use they tiny hat (kippah).

Can you make a royalty just by using a tiny hat coated with some...?

on a side note: are all the tiny hats tunned to the same God or diferent Gods? Does it matter were you buy it?

Mate don't give any interview without your thinking hat on...

hmmm... you look like a hybrid of a Austrian and a Hungarian...

on a side note: whats up with everyone marring Greek's? D. Duarte, Queen Elisabeth, D. Juan... 


So many smilly faces... so... no Christians in the Jesuits? C'mon... convert all of them... ;)

Mind you i know nothing about the Rohingya but this seams a clear example of a people that don't impose themselves to anyone and yet they were slaughtered...

It makes no sense the gratuitous killing, only explained by ravaging mental illness.
It is my guess that the UN was created to prevent/deal with such things...
Since these days there aren't anymore Democratic Countries (take a look at newspapers) is my guess they protect dictators. Not even Switzerland is a democratic country any longer i feel sorry for the people that placed their money in that place.

For what i can observe Spain or was it France (?) made war to Portugal and the UN did nothing nor did the OTAN (NATO).
If you ask a American were is Portugal he most likely will reply a province of Spain.
read on a newspaper online that the Spanish princess's couldn't bath in the ocean waters? Why many tourists do... is it polluted? They might catch something? Aren't the beaches "colonized" by Spanish since ancient times? Do they do like in Portugal (figueira da foz) and spread chemicals on the beach sand?
another Spanish tourism pitch: came bath in our waters even though we don't...^^ 


Were does that water seeds came from? might be relevant.

How did ya got them?

How many ppl died for it?

What flavour do they have? rats, cockroaches, cat, dog, etc...?

Talk with NASA and get them to the moon and Mars. 

btw, your eyes don't match with your face.... did ya got a curse or two?


hmm? you have "policy's? oO

Have you looked at your internal members? Do they follow their own constitutions? What does that make of you? What are you wen your own members don't follow their own rules? 

Pirates?...  ^_^


There is a French election coming up and i just saw this image on a newspaper:

Well... it looks like the French President needs not one but two persons to tell him were to make the cross. xD

In Paris and Lyon (France) people leave human shit on the side walks (withing the city) (do you eat pork before leaving your shit?), here (were i live in Portugal) people started to spread water with human shit all over, even other people private property. Guess they are the same, moving from France to Portugal... And... i can't escape this... i can't run from this country nor protect myself since i can barely afford food. Plus, people now mess with seedlings of other people... They go to other people garden and they feel entitle to do whatever they want on other people stuff.
My guess is that they are spraying "shit" of people with illnesses possibly major illnesses, to pass those illnesses to healthy people. The smell of shit here is in all directions.
I don't know who is spreading the shit but i have eaten from the local social cantine and i got parasites from it... won't people that are spreading shit spread also parasites and then the parasites are spread by mices and birds that dable in the shit?
update: just drunk water from a well fountain nearby... after a few minuted it "came to my mind" caw stew... guess that the little fella that pooped on the well had caw stew for lunch... next time put a bit more seasoning... mmk
update: new low... saw my neighbor go into my land yesterday, saw him today going to my land but he saw me and he turned back without saying a word (i rarely look)... went to my water well and it smelled at piss (cause and effect?)... people are really like this? seriously? The renovation of the well costed 6000 euros (if i remember right) (my mother payed half of it at least if not all) a few years back... these people have no problem to destroy something that is way worth over 6000 euros without blinking... how can these people live him themselves? That is a lot of money that they are literally pissing at...  it's not theirs so they have no problem?... folks... that's what is considered "civilized" people around these parts...  side side note: PSD alliance genes?^^ it is not funny at all... you go water your own vegetables on your own land with the smell of other people piss... carry on do has you will... you will do it anyway...
These people are so fucked up on the head that they do this (fuck other people vegetables) and then they go buy their vegetables at the supermarket... I am poor i could be saving some money on vegetables by growing them, these pieces of shit of people are wealthy... they can go and buy all they want. So... they go to the supermarket buy food then they shit it and they spread that shit on other people food... classy...
If i voted on elections i wouldn't vote on PSD or any European EPP party... (they are the only party that won the elections since the revolution). More then once i tasted pumpkin and cinnamon when eating my vegetables... i am guessing that one of the motherfuckers that are spreading shit on my vegetables likes pumkin jam alot, really alot...
People make yourselves aware of what have been done to me and possibly to my family, the only polital force that won the elections here was PSD (EPP european political group).
But hey maybe everyone will be voting PSD (EPP) on the next elections... good for them. After all they already are the biggest political group (in Europe), maybe in the near future they will be the only political group.
These people actually feel entitle to other people stuff... they have no concept of property or civilization... it's fucked up.
I dunno but this placing stinky shit on the streets an lands apparently came from France... France also puts shit on food (talking from experience) (probably all exports too) and here (Portugal) now thats the new normal too. their motto: " egalite fraternite liberte" is dead. 
Is Portugal the new France?

France, were is your real royalty? Canada? Belgium? Luxemburg or Monaco? Can you "live" without your real royalty? 

Read somewhere long long ago that a Brazilian politician walked on heavy rain in Rio de Janeiro (maybe it was São Paulo) and didn't even had a spec of  dirt on he's shoes, cement everywhere... Paris is also like that...
Well, wen i was in Paris i too pissed all over the city public streets (obviously... i am innocent) (so that you know i was homeless furthermore in Lyon people damaged on purpose the public toilets so that i couldn't use them, Parc d'or for one... in the conference/congress center area/Interpol...) (tried to talk with the Interpol the police (at the entrance) didn't let me in and no one could come talk to me) (in Paris people took the public toilets for long periods on purpose... ex: Champs Elysee's) even the ones being rearranged just like the doggy's people walk... beside everyone pisses in the streets of Paris... French feel free to go piss in Lisbon public streets. Hey... everyone everywhere feel free to piss on the streets... specially in front (public street) of medical areas... Just like the old days before sewers... ^^ Both country's are Republics... besides there are 7 billion people on the planet spiting and pissing...
Noticed also that they are cutting even some of the grasses that grow on fields and my backyard... if only they could just grab a Hoe (tool) and dig the whole land, lazy bastards.Has perks for my stay in France i got liver or kidney (can't remember exactly) damage (first... tried to talk with a exorcist), heart damage, lungs damage and my dick was different (my dick changed several times already)... it got bigger and different feel... then returned to the normal size... small...) (i guess someone did something to me wen i was 5 or 6 yo to have a "diferent-ish" dick) this what i can remember from the top of my head...
It's because of things like this that i asked and according to the local priest i got excommunicated, honestly i invite every person of good to do the same: ask to be excommunicated if you live in a catholic community like this one. Apparently they have made me their own life role model. dhhhasssss.... I want to see the Roman Catholic church verbally defend this community while i eat some popcorn... if i was a guessing men i would venture and say the Roman Catholic church is Muslim (probably Jewish) these days... is a guess... btw, doesn't the catholic church have to excommunicate Portuguese political leaders and even the cleric over this, my situation...? To the politicians and even the cleric: don't fool yourselves you naive idiots (christianism and possibly catholicism is based on a moral "system") you are going to be excommunicated if you weren't already, maybe next year maybe 200 years from now (do you know anyone that had influence 200 years ago and still maintains it? he's just a name in a piece of paper, now), but you will. IDK, but most likely ppl should abandon religion, religions don't tell ppl how to defende themselves from "others" and europe is overrun with ppl without morals, if you have a head you will be alright-ish... the ppl that got excommunicated glue themselves to the people with "religion" and they don't let go nor do they allow them to live.

IDK, i see hearts drawn on many Christian and catholic paintings and sculptures and what not, it is my guess that if you are Christian or even Catholic your heart is always the same during your lifetime, since i was excommunicated, i no longer am Catholic and my heart changes on a daily basis, there is a correlation betwen the "changes" in your dick and your heart and my dick changes pretty much everyday, sometimes alot others just little changes. Not only my heart but also my other organs, i guess... if "you" are looking for parts in me ya can forget it, ya might find yourself with a chicken heart, a damaged heart or whatever... you have heart deseases? you need to take medication for the heart? thats right, you were excommunicated. you are a sinner.

Excommunicated, in Portuguese (excomungado | es como um gado | es comum gado) can be read has "you are common cattle" or "you are like common cattle". have you looked into the eyes of cattle? yup, they are just like yours, dull (muuuuu muuuu muuuuuuuu...). Ya can see the dull eyes on the ppl in charge of Portugal, in other words they are all Excommunicated. ya can also see the dull eyes (more like one week old dead fish) in the Catholic churches (Vatican, Russian and Greek orthodox and specially Jews). Remenber, if ya have bright eyes ya aren't catholic or Jewish at least, you need to have dull eyes to be identified has one of those religions. lol

It is my guess that ppl in Portugal and probably in the catholic church (christians?) in the past had really bright eyes, probably so bright that ppl with cows eyes couldn't even look at their faces. I am guessing thats why "they" make everyone eat "shit" in Portugal and they don't let anyone live not even isolated ppl (think of it from a psicological point of view: what kind of ppl would do that?). on top of it the Portuguese society is totally distopian, there is the laws and the constitution and then there is the crazy rules made up by crazy ppl and those rules are the ones that matter, not the constitution. Portugal was not in the last world war but one would think that after a world war (not even 100 years ago, French, Jews and British are messing with the neutral nations, there was a time for that and it should had been on the losing nation not the neutral ones, most likely the action of the British royalty or the lack of them are going to put the British ppl on a war again ) laws would be approved and enforced accordenly, in a not distopian way. If i had to guess: the leadership in Portugal is just monkeys in suits and dresses (planet of the apes from the 70's or so).

to piss off a few ppl that don't open their purse to me: I guess that in the "old" days ppl got Excommunicated and even entire villages (since nations were religious i guess excommunication ment expulsion), some of them moved and joined the Jews and the Muslims, since Muslims had a big "change" around the 6 century, i am guessing that the Excommunicated Christians just took over the Muslims around that time, probably current Muslims are Excommunicated Christians, Jews are definatly.

Don't get me wrong, i know nothing about the Prophet, but, could the Prophet had been from a familly that was excommunicated from Christianism long ago? After all, he apparently worked in commerce. 
side note rambling: i am pretty sure they don't "pass" anything of them, just pieces of others, most likely not even the brain is theirs... but i know nothing... just rambling...
Update: Just remembered the small aircraft's spraying stuff to kill mosquito's in America during the 60's and 70's... Americans are fancy they used air crafts and possibly some stuff to mask the smell of shit during that time.
...on a side note: Have you seen documentaries made on the 50's regarding medical experiments in USA military personal?... I have and it was scary.
 On the "other hand" these days submarines and air craft carriers are almost perfect places to conduct such experiments... did ya got the special bag of frozen/dehydrated meal or the canteen guy give ya the special plate just for you?^^  

Read this:

So... essentially the message is: The Pentagon is making sailors poop/shit themselves frequently by using the "special sauce" in food/water/air... x'D
Side note: is there ammonium nitrate in the cemetery near the pentagon?... or who knows a soviet briefcase with a round nasty inside... ^^   =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One of the top reasons for the next American civil war (is it still 18 to 40 years old?) will most likely be the control for water fountains. Have you noticed all the fracking (  going on there?
side note: Will China go and defend her little China in Manhattan? Might not be a bad idea to send/rotate a few military people disguised as tourist there.
Soon there will be a lack of places with "good" water on that place, some may believe that might be worth fighting for...
So... is this the start of the civil war?... Hi there Homeland security...  :wave: 

keep in mind the people that have the guns (military, police, etc...) are not your friend, don't make that mistake. Specially the ones working in the pentagon... the ones that exit by the little doors everyday. Ya might wanna let the day shift reach home (giggles) first and try not to forget the military academy's and toss some generous amount of gasoline in the air vents.

Same goes for Europe, seams Britain, Switzerland, Russia and Monaco still have "good" water.
Pretty sure that now is one of the best times ( $ ) to own a piece of a weapons factory...  
btw, who controls the waters in the "Holly Land"? Will there be fracking in Israel, Monaco, Spain, UK, France, Vatican...?

About two days after i wrote the above Bernie introduces the bill on the link bellow... lol
(... no one gives me funds like they give Bernie, go Bernieeeee go get those funds... lol)
Next you might want to go to the bars on poor Mexican cities so that you can overhear ideas to make America great.... lol

  btw2^^ , i see bottled water from source (not tap water) with no minerals in it... lol

Can someone go Fracking Bay area? It would add up a nice flavour to the local brewed beer...

Hey... why not make beer breweries in fracking areas?....

EU's are fancy they want British waters... whats wrong with EU's waters filled with nitrates and other nasties?


 See... brexit is close... they already understand each other on birdies watching through a monocle...


Tight lips?^^

I wonder on how hot the planet would be if the oceans turned red... or even black... Who knows you even might get a diluvian, massive floods all over the world. hehe

Apparently there is a "one six" (1-6) "movement", the 1 is pretty self explanatory the 6 pretty sure no ones knows (to it's full extension). "If" there is such a movement i am positive "they" don't really know what they are doing. It is so "good" that they want to force it onto everyone.  lol hehe
How strong is your "6"? ^^  x'D
Have read a report about the religious diversity in the US military... so many religions... that can't be right, can it be? the older (historical) reports right too?
(imagining some eye contact avoidance in the US military among themselves xD )
So... who have access to secrets of the military, NSA, CIA...? ....and they pass them to who?
I don't see a point in keeping agencies like the CIA... the word is digital now and you have NSA, information gathering agencies...

...ain't it odd that the president elected is from a religion with only 100k followers... c'mon.

Read this:

It looks like there is at least 1 million Americans in Mexico... So what is the reason for building the boarder wall? So that little Mexicans don't have any place for escaping? hehe

On a side note: most county's in California tripled the population since 1960

Guess they are rabbits alike^^ hehe

Doubling the population... again, are we?

It's a shame you all can't live without looking at someone overseas... stupid Americans... lol

Dudes, you have issues... mental health issues. Why are you multiplying?

hhhuuummm.... well... if ya wanna know how the next generation of Californians will be look at the video bellow...^^  x'D

uhhh... their wasn't a US law preventing the imports of cultured foods? Don't they have to sterilize all imports? ya might catch something... just saying...
...or do what they do with the chickens fill it up with chlorine... ^^ =)
I remember a few years ago that it was not possible to import into the US, French cheeses... guess Americans turned French (whatever that means...^^) in the mean time...^^
What i am viewing now: The Venture Bros
and Sheep in the big city, coincidentally it started when i moved to a city.
Unrelated curiosity: Is the British Queen bald? I mean: it kinda looks like she wears a wig... Victorian Style?

Read on my mobile (11 may 2020) that the Queen will be "out of scene" for some time and not leaving anyone replacing her (guess she has trust issues with her own son and Camilla)... wonder were she will go: Greece or Madeira island visit her long friend Ronaldo?
She has great timing... lol..

I don't understand... she is moving out of the capital and only returning for a selected events... it makes no sense she is the active Royal... in my view she should be seen very often. Not even in second world war while there was bombs dropping in London she moved out of Westminster... why do it now?

Hmm... i don't understand... The Queen husband is Greek... why people coming from Greece need to quarantine?.... makes no sense...

Doesn't this situation make British's " Lords" look like total jackasses and speak volumes about the Queen/Royalty intelligence or lack of it? I think that it is a very kind "word" on how they look based on this situation alone. Don't you agree?

They have a Queen and the Queen has son's, grandson's, etc... but none of them wanna show their face (to the or take any kind of responsibility. LOL

Well some time after i wrote this i can still see news on the Queen so i guess that was just royal "fake news".... that or there is a lot of dementia going on those parts of the world...^^

I don't get it, if she doesn't abdicate then that means that she is still very well fit to perform their duties. Why aren't there more news on ceremonies and events with her presence?

History books: Queen leaves office on x date then there is a few(?) years without anyone on the throne, Charles needs time to prepare, he wasn't ready for the ceremony.^^ Well that would be a first for a monarchy.^^
 Looking forward for the ceremony in a few years (decades?) (booking the place and be ready takes time) and see how high is he's head...^^
Will the ceremony be done right? Do they know how to do it?^^
Maybe they will be waiting for some other royalty to make one and then copy it, for what i can see (read) on British newspapers the current version of British royalty are followers... is it me or it looks like all the British royal have sold their souls to the devil and got... welll... ya all can see what they got...

seems common these days look at these 3:

The devil is doing great business out of souls.

Wen choosing a religion ya should really choose one that ALLOWS YOU TO KEEP YOUR SOUL. Alsp, apparently there are religions that don't have souls, you join them.. they take yours.

The Senate Needs a Soul

ahahahahahah.... you high? Have ya taken a look at ya founding fathers? your a colony... ya don't have souls of ya own... stupid fucks. I see US senate souls has turtles, a few doggys, a few stallions, a few diferent parasites, probably a few cats and maybe a camel or two... it's a jungle... and then ppl wander why mankind isn't at the top of the planet... (and these morons want to colonise other planets.. lol...) Russia, most likely is the same, you (more even the senators) need a nanny for all stages of life... this is something ya can't deny if ya know history for at least the last 100 years... pretty sure many can't even read words (insults included) without having a fury attack. your minds never go past child mind. x'D

Can't you just fire her?

I ar innocent.... blame Marcelo... and who destroyed my patrimony.

Don't forget the heavy lifting... =)

Smoked 2 or 3 Winston cigarettes and they given me chest pain... not the most nicest thing... on a side note... shouldn't all Brits be bald eagles?^^  it is a question...


"Kate Middleton stuns in coral and turquoise £369 dress for 3rd outfit change of day"

Incontinence? already? aren't ya a bit too young for that? o.O

you do know that there are exercises for that? right? avoid iron thrones for now....

"Kate Middleton fave Merci Maman launch the perfect personalised Mother’s Day gift"

diapers? tampons?


Express: Royal Family tree: Is Queen Elizabeth II related to King Henry VIII?.

Well... She is your queen for 80 years or so now... Don't you know the genealogy of your royals?

Don't know about Henry viii but I would guess that harry and William are related to some middle class dude of Russian origin.


BBC News: Harry and Meghan did not ask Queen to use Lilibet name - Palace source.

Wtf? What kind of a name is that? Sponsored by one of the online casinos?

Wen I first read it i though it was "Lilith" like the character in supernatural Tv show...


Ohh.... Fake beards are so realistic....

Guess harry have been spending time in the makeup room at Netflix.... Maybe he uses the same shop has the Spanish king and the dutch\netherlands\lower nation king. Doesn't Putin wanna grow a beard too? Or trump? Oh... Wait trump just cirurgically insert them into he's scalp.

  On a side note: i see many ppl with long beards (specially Jews, hi there Seth :), where do they get the hairs? Loot from old graves?

-------------------------- Little Lady Liberty: France Is Sending New York A Second, Smaller Statue Of Liberty.

Ohh... I gift from the Elysee to the white house, from one slave merchant to another. You sure none of you are British?

PS: Still waiting for my MONEY'S.


I would say... don't do it (if isn't one of the next names)... marry a Silva, Sousa, Nunes, Ventura. The smell alone is way way worth it...^^ Not even a shower will remove it.^^


 c'mon ya only embarrasing yourselves.... thats will not happen... ya both ortodox church.

"Putin alerta Suécia e Finlândia para reacção de Moscovo"

...and Russians continue to embarras themselves.... dudes.. why?


Dudes, ya all belong to the same secret society...


I predict that someone will make war to the whole of south america...

That's an interesting story in a psychiatric way, tell us more. Does it make you cry at night/morning? Mixed feelings? What other feeling does it bring up? 

Do you take medication? is that the reason Kate sneaks out at night? to buy medication?

ps: after all these years i am still waiting for someone to do the honorable thing and put money on my bank account.
It seams that market "salt" changes over time, maybe that is the reason Americans have large necks...(don´'t think they had them like 100 years ago, test it: cross the boarder with your car and bring 6 months supply) just like the "ferments" on processed products like pasta, etc... make you fat or make you slim.
Honestly the French baguette reminds me of spit when i had eaten them (in France ofc, Lyon to be more precise).
btw, French salt is really not white at all... wonder why...
Does religion institutions have a key role on the process?

My advise is take a pan/pot to the beach find some wood and boil the water until you have only salt.
Sadly i can't because i can't afford a car.   

on a side note: whats up with everyone i see in politics having washed blue eyes? Are they all related? Contact lenses? cybernetic contact lenses with windows xp?

Vikings were known for stealing woman and taking them with them, does blue\green eye ppl have genetic defects of that nature? After all they could easily make daughters.

In California and pretty much all US is a bit different, you might glow afterwards.... Rent a boat? 

...or if ya Portuguese, you can just buy from the store, pretty much garanteed that it has sperm (dunno if animal or human). They are placing sperm in pretty much all that i eat, when i leave the house they come in and put sperm into everything. I am guessing this is Semitic ritual of some sort. to Mossad: is it you doing this? If it isn't you: are you ok with this? do you aprove this? My impression is that you are glad with this, since this is going on for a very long time.
Side note: French are the only people that i know that steal even from homeless people. I know this for a fact and in first hand. Who tha f*** steals homeless people bags?  I mean it's all dirty and still people envy that... ^^

Dunno, but seams there are "people" giving old people blood (on food, tobacco, etc... without they realizing it, for some) to people that "they" want to make old and children blood to old people that they want to make ("look") younger. To make it exotic apparently "they" give women blood to men and probably vice versa also (anyone seen a bearded women?). To even make it more exotic "they" give animals blood. How cool is that? lol  There goes free will out the window. lol

Got the perception that are people that are forced to eat other people "shit", i dunno does when someone eat other people shit they heal them or make them pretty? Is this a way of life? Are there one or more religions build around this? It doesn't look like a sane thing to do no-matter the results.
 Then again these days the meaning of "civilization" seams flexible (anything can go in...)
...or "they" are like Jupiter Ascending  they let a civilization develop and then bring it to the ground. 

Send my regards to the Popes xD (if ya'll see them, ofc) all three or four of them (how many are they? plus all the other "religious" heads)^^

On a side note: John Paul II had Parkinson's deceased, odd for the head of church have such disease kind of defeats the purpose of religion. Rambling: since Italy was on the losing side of the second world war kind of boggles the mind on what foot the Roman catholic church came out of it, British: the winners are supposedly Anglicans.   
Also something i found curious: my locality has a ruins of a church (why it wasn't rebuild if the building was destroyed? I see churches being rebuild everywhere, some are even 800 years old and still being restored, plus: what group of people would destroy a church building?), it has now a "new" church and someone decided to remove the holly water holder from it in the not so distant past. So no holly water there anymore. Well seams they are on renovations again... always improving... lol

Saw this:

 Is the church promoting bestiality? Where does it leave humans ? Have they forgotten Jesus? Do they found a "new" "Jesus"? Does that mean they don't like O- blood type people?
To me looks like churches (religions) are always looking for a new Jesus (Messiah, etc..) i.e. they aren't happy with the one(s) they have... and they are looking for a new Jesus in all the wrong placed, Jesus wasn't Christian, that religion only was created after he's death (i think), I also think that Christians were/are people that was "changed" (to acomodate the religion) like having a conscience and what not. If you want to "make" a new Jesus then you have to do it out of a person that don't have a conscience (inner voice) and is wise, i am guessing that it has to be a old family of Jews... cause catholics were changed already. Jesus wasn't changed like today catholics. I sugest a convention of Rabbi's (don't forget the old families... hehe) bring a wooden cross (a big one) to the convention and ask mossad to pick one (a wise one) to be a new Jesus... hey, take two wooden crosses and invite Nethaniau (he didn't have given me money)...  I already have a shit tonne of inner voices so don't get any ideas, you would all go crazy and besides i am not Jewish like Jesus was. Also, might be worth making another convention wen the current prime minister leaves office, don't forget the wooden cross, if he fails to give me money too....    :)

...From a traditional Jewish familly, not from any other religion... woudn't make sense otherwise...

update: i am lazy only now ( a week or two after writing this) i looked it up and guess what i am right).

Jesus was a very known and wise Rabbi, i guess it is about time to make a second (new) Jesus... c'mon just take a look at Jews and even Orthodox catholics, they are all messed up... all of them. Remember, it has to be a wise Rabbi (and no, it can't be someone that "joined" Judaism, it has to be from a real Jewish familly, not from people comming from other religions). I guess Jews are more "compatible" for that sort of thing, remember has to be one that doesn't change heart and mind at the time of death. Who will be the lucky new Jesus? ...for good measure pick 2 or 3 Rabbi's.... if at first ya don't sucedd try, try, again.....

a illustration (ya got to love secreat societies... lol)

inside job cartoon

C'mon, pretty sure there are a few secreat organisations in Israel (Jewish or French) that are thinking about it.... look out Rabbi's....

...or, ya just convert those ppl that have the body and head already totally fucked up to Christianism, i am guessing Christianism was "invented" to be that car that goes on the back of a marathon and picks up the last dudes that can't run anymore but don't want to give up... and if they continue to  (or start to) missbehave convert them again (guessing on a course of a "few" generations).... In Christian churches they say "body of Christ", i guess that you get the body of Christ when ya convert, i guess it is a really good starting point, ya can continue to be Christian afterwards or move to something entirely diferent, if ya move ya have to accept the possible consequences (body and mind). Guess all religions can fit in, in this starting point.   if ya get tired and sick of those madafuckers just kill them....

Btw, what happened to all those "tribes" of Jews that are mentioned in the website?

"Existem três hipóteses para a origem dos povos semitas: A primeira hipótese é de que esses povos teriam se originado na Etiópia e depois se estabelecido na Arábia e no Oriente Médio. A segunda é de que os Semitas seriam originários do sul da Mesopotâmia. E a terceira e a mais convincente é de que esses povos teriam surgido na Arábia e a partir de 3500 a.C. teriam migrado para outras regiões em busca de terras férteis. "

Trully amazing... so.... you lot have to look for fertile lands... you can't generate your own fertile lands. How are ya going to "conquer" other planets? Mars for example is rich in minerals but it is not fertile.... i am guessing that if you colonise Mars with manbo jambo from a person with two heads ya will get birth defects and strange ilnesses or even smelly, nothing better then very smelly (stinky) earth... and you freely choose to live "like" that? Would you live in a land that was fertilized by monkeys or rats, etc...? o.O

some rambling:

Noticed this:

and this:

 gosh.... were did those Prophets came from?







Dudes, dudes, in the last millenium none of ya was able to produce a Prophet.... I don't know why... damn dudes...wth...  

C'mon dudes, sit down and write a few texts.... so i can laugh at you....

Does anyone trully believe that any of the Prophets were Semitic? (many of the stuff that i buy has semen in it.. dish detergent for naming one.... lol ).

has a side note: i would like to inform you (madafuckers) that for the last 15 days i am trying to go to the supermarket and buy stuff... sadly i can't, cause my bank account only has 8 cents of a euro in it (true story).

My local parish was once called "saint savior of the world" Almoster maybe "they" are looking for a new "Jesus" here, anything wrong with the previous?
It boggles the mind with: the parish "Saint Savior of the World" Almoster was made into ruin and it was decided to build a new one. 

It boggles the mind on how a church building with 5 shrines (uncommon) gets destroyed completely and the wealthy families (Borges, Pacheco, Arnaut, Ferreira, etc...) around don't order the rebuild....

Side note: serpent thingy... it kind of looks like that for one person to be successful and respected the piece of meat between he's legs (he's dick) has to have the form of a doggy penis or maybe a bull penis... so... what shape is your penis? =)  mine is like the "black people"... just a bit smaller... :s

Kind of repeating myself: Why not rebuild the "old" church? I see church building with 800 years plus still being restored.
So.... no more Saint Savior of the world parish, now is most likely another "saint", it really boggles the mind how "one" can lose (extinguish) a parish of " saint savior of the world"....
 btw, not sure what saint the parish "have" now, the church has closed doors most of the time, holly water removed and there is a hall with double doors so that you can never see the church from outside. Welcome to the new church...hehe. Why not build a religion from scratch? ...and leave the Christians with theirs? there a lack of space in the world?
Sad that are so many (and they are multiplying^^) unwanted followers. Miserable people yet they have no shortage of money... that is a feat in itself...

I don't know but apparently people moved to my locality to "follow" my grandfather... he had a flour business, a olive oil business and i am guessing he had he's own crop seeds (this was a isolated place back then... but he didn't had storage room... so i don't think the seed crops were he's if he had any, i don't know), these people took everything from him... i got nothing. They not only followed him but also my father (he was a policemen and he died in the next local council area to he's home "deviating" he's motorcycle from a truck... i guess the O- from that local council wanted to expand to he's) and now they are following me (they even have took academic degrees on what i chose to learn) my parents haven't passed to me any kind of knowledge... makes no sense... i have no heritage whatsoever... and i am not particularly "bright"... it is pure madness... they are all Disney lemmings... all blind followers...

Dudes, ya followed my grandfather, my father and you are reading my mind since who knows wen... ya all experts by now, pay me and let me go, do you still need anything else?
So... did you already select the policeman family that you are going to do this next?
Word to the wise (?)... if you have a flour milling business or other agricultural business you may very well face the same situation my grandfather faced... it didn't end well for him...
Some statistics:
It is shocking to see how widespread something has damaging has this is... it really is...
Why isn't there more legislation and enforcers of legislation on the matter of stalking? It literally destroys a person life... It makes no sense something has this be accepted/tolerated in a civilized society or any other for that matter...

There you go, British are followers... they follow followers.^^

Dunno, you can correct me if a am wrong but it seams Catholics are the most criminals i.e. the most people that show the least respect towards he's fellow citizen. Take a look at the numbers at prisons in the US and other catholic country's.
The message apparently is: if you want to follow a path of crime then you should join a catholic community, no room for honest people in those communities.
Did they follow the path (rites, etc...) of supposed South American religions at the time of the discoveries? It looks like it, it really does. What does that mean? Did conquistadores converted themselves to a South American religion? If so looking forward the moving to a Volcano, does anyone know if they own property near one? ...  (go see Indiana jones movies... meh... it's India whereabouts not South America i think although they have shrink-ed heads... not that far...) hehe
Maybe Catholic church have become a cult (fuck ring), for what i can see around me that is what it is now.

In one of Indiana Jones movie ya have a scene of a dude puting his hand in someone chest and pulling the heart out without making any cut. If I am not mistaken there are tiny parasites that enter the human body through the ears that use the same method, they just burry in the flesh without making blood. Btw, those parasites then travel to the bowels, liver and maybe heart, possibly even to other places in the human body. Dark arts experts can take advantage of those parasites and all they have to offer.


Noticed that 3 wise men had been on Jesus birth and one of them had given him gold, guess that would make him rich... no one given me gold on my birth...^^ 

on a side note: what family name had Judas? Pretty sure he has a few family members around this area, where i live. These people have sold my family for "30 coins".

Haven't these people already had condemned themselves long ago? Has far has i know they are all Roman Catholics.

What about Portuguese cardinals and bishops?

 It amazes me to learn that there are abandoned city's in south America (Aztec, Maya, etc...). Europeans invaded with their religions and they just abandoned the city's afterwards. Why? There was invasions in the past in pretty much all European nations and you never seen city's abandoned. Did Europeans abandoned those city's in south America because south Americans in those areas were too strong? And conquistadores lost their eye's, brains or something like that by living in those places? After all they look ( in today context for the region ) imponent city's. Maybe, they were just the least important city's?



 Inside ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate

Well, dudes, if ya ever wanna expande ya operation to Portugal, i can tell you right now that at the very least in the place i live (it's a small place) there is a few people, specially young people that would just fit in, in your organisation... I don't think they pray to Allah but on everything else they are just like you.  

hmmm... i think ya already expanded yasz operations into Portugal....

Did this really happened?

I ask cause, there are things crawling around my house at night, almost every night (never saw it), some others appear to have the same mindset... and it looks like, it has the same mindset has the sons of Saddam... i had read in the 90's in a newspapers about them...

I dunno... maybe they are British reptilians....

I live in a guetto.

 Read this:

 I agree, if there is a God he will judge based on actions or/and the lack of them.

What do you think: will Pope Francis go to heaven, purgatory or strait to hell?
How about Marcelo? 

Something that is always being repeated in church: "Ide em paz e o Senhor vos acompanhe"... lol  x'D

Had a look and couldn't find something that differentiate Catholics, Jews and Muslims. I guess Pope Francis (you can pick anyone else) could be a Catholic priest on Monday a Jewish Rabbi on Tuesday and a Muslim Imam on Wednesday. Do you see any flaw on the above? To me based on what i know is very much possible.  

I dunno, don't know much about anything but seams that Europe has now become Arab, that wouldn't be a bad thing if it was the likes of the civilized Avicenna.
I wonder who was the last Christian pope... Francis doesn't look Christian (have you looked at the paintings/sculptures of Jesus)?

Wasn't the Roman church build by Christians? If i remember right they were persecuted and killed for many many years before they build the roman church. Now it seams history is repeating itself only this time the Christian killers are much more effective.

Now it seams there aren't any Christians in the roman catholic church... wasn't the pope's supposed to be christian ? How about the cardinals?

For the ones that like conspiracy theories: previous pope was German this one is from a place many Germans fled to around first half of the last century.

on a side note: Portugal was/is a christian born nation... now i look around and don't even see christian priests... some of them (priests) write columns in newspapers and none of them look christian to me. Isn't it strange? 

side note2/conspiracy theory: Maybe Christians fled middle east and went to Asia/Australia/Americas... should be easier from the middle east area. Were the "civilizations" during the discoveries (1500) actually Christians that had fled the middle east? ... :wave: Spanish ^^  ;)  :p

Spain was the ones learning (i think, nah they haven't learned anything... after all they are still doing it after all this centuries...) and take every civilization culture... then killing them (if you know anything about Spanish history)... it is what is happening here right now, people are experimenting and learning from me and at the same time never let me out of their sight and considering the health issues i am being presented it will end with my death apparently. Spanish have such system since the 1400's or so... aparently the Spanish system is to kill almost everyone put spit in overy seed and trees so that everything turn tasteless (without flavour) and eventually just kill the remaining after watching them for a long period of time.... thats their system since at least 1400's. there are Spanish around me -_-

Pretty sure that the Portuguese discoveries and colonies were in fact Spanish... C'mon plenty of Spanish in Portugal, pretty much since the foundation of Portugal.

So... since "Spanish" (my neighbors are the one saying "Portugal is going to be Spain") around me are saying that my family has to end... was that what you told to Mayas, Incas, Aztecs, etc... etc... etc...? Who will you say such thing next? Mind you i am just one guy... ... so... do you still have all their stuff hiding in Spain and maybe in South Americas? How big are the underground galleries containing the stuff? Did you had to flatten a few mountains just to cover it? on a side note: why is Spain so flat...? ... and why do they change rivers courses/beds? ...isn't that on itself a can of worms?...

Hey... it is my guess that they are the same "families" (1400's and now)... pretty sure they have kept lots of relics on very very good conditions, since those times... 600 years of relics... might worth a war...

Since we are on the subject or relics/artifacts/antiquities... lets not forget Napoleon Bonaparte he probably left miles and miles of underground galleries full of them...

Hey... maybe the current president of the European commission is one of them, Nunez are for sure, is Sousa too?

 ...or maybe is the current version of British... according to the picture above... animals are the ones following each other... ask David Attenborough.... anyway it doesn't look good for me...

Boris ma men... you look out of shape... have you been eating your figs?  ...the stolen ones are better...


30GW? damn, that's a nasty laser. 

Philippines a country with + 90% Catholics(Christians?)

90% circumcised? oO you sure bishops and priests are catholic? Did you asked their membership card?
I don't really know what that means but still oO

I have no opinion on the links above just found curious.

Have you noticed on how countries with high percentage (+80%) of Catholics are all poor and full of problems.
I dunno, maybe they feel un-motivated by all the occult problems that they feel in those countries. 

good thing i don't belong to any religious community. Nor would i join such communities...

on a side note: I find it amusing all the laws against drugs, they don't want drugs but then they import medication made with those drugs, some of that medication they can't live without... lol

on a side note: how big is the excavated tunnel into Spain? and... how big is the excavated tunnel into Gibraltar? Hey... maybe they are just one big family: Brits/Spanish with a side of Greek... i wonder what will come first : a tunnel to Madrid or a Gibraltar land slide into the ocean? -_-

ohhh... c'mon... step inside and follow the rabbit hole...  much much more fun that way... about a century ago a priest (something "Marques or Nunes" Rosa) entered a cave around these parts and in the same day all his teeth have fallen down (without any external intervention... they fallen down on their own, according with the century old news article that i had read).

I don't know about now (i don't socialize) but looking back to wen i was young, old people (one or two young too) in these parts from the families Marques, Sousa, Nunes, Silva at least had lost all their teeth... they all had dentures... 

Might not be a bad idea to take the children there (10-12 years old)... on a side note: if you are around that age might be worth checking your teeth with your tongue once in a while... just don't push to hard...

Grab a pebble from the cave and do a nice dinner with it on the pot (sopa da pedra)... don't forget to invite some friends... might not be a bad idea also to feed the local wild boars, hares, etc... with it too... you can also grab a pebble and pulverize it and toss some of it to the cement wen building a new home or just wen ya need to crack something wen doing plumbing at home... a fun way to go back to the age of specters....or start a age of specters.... weeeeeeeee...... :giggles:

His Dark Materials S02E04 intro

To me religion (Jews, Catholics, etc...) was made by people that didn't know how to eat, they saw some poor guy and he looked good and they just "copied" him. In simple terms.
Jesus wheat was way better then the rest, so they killed him and i am guessing that Jesus was the last living men of he's tribe. Moral is: don't toss a seed into the ground sooner or later someone will kill you because of it (there is no civilized people anymore, the savages have won), the same thing will happen if you watch television, read books, newspapers, etc... guess that was the reason for the Portuguese only knew how to read/write and basic math for the most part of the last century...
Pretty sure all current "royalty" is like this, they kill, steal (duahh) and move in.
Also (i can't verify this) maybe the real Portuguese population are slaves and forced to eat other people shit, apparently  makes them (the other people) live healthier, longer and give progeria to the Portuguese. Who will be next? 

another theory: maybe Jesus "tribe" (back then, most likely people lived mostly in tribes) lived in that area and they were stronger and more inteligent and jews or romans (or even muslims) or all of them didn't liked them and they were jealus... so they decided to kill them all (last supper : genocide | Santa Claus is red and brings gifts from who knows where) and they build religions around them becouse if not they would lose the little intelligence they had and they would get all sorts of sicknesses (cause the land was colonized by the tribe they killed and they eaten their food, maybe even they were from a blood group that doesn't exist anymore), since England and France were christian nation i am guessing either jews (pretty sure Jews travelled with the Romans since they were traders, besides i never seen a Jewish traditional suit middle east inspired) or the romans stationed there were from England and France, that makes it that Arabs may be French and English from 2000 years ago (if not much has change since then in that area, i dunno). 

Side note: it is mesmerizing the lack of Jewish arqueoligical sites in the world, since they are around for 6000 years or so. Seriously, why ppl with such vast history don't have arqueological sites or even acurate history records, don't they keep records (?). There are ppl (not jewish) with just a few hundred years of existance that left lots of arqueological sites. Besides, pretty sure Jews were not from Israel, c'mon dudes since wen Romans were tolerant of other religions or give autonomus local administration to others? Jews went to Israel with the Roman.

Religions are a pain the ass, no ones makes them for no reason and the reason usualy is after a genocide. Why do you think Greeks and Italians had so many Gods? cause they had commited multiple genocides, back then they lived in city states, if i am not wrong (did ya killed them all or left a few?), some of those families had to pray to one God, other families had to pray to a few Gods and other families had to pray to all of them.

Why do you think Henry VIII created Anglican church? cause he also had commited a massacre or he's predecessor... not necessarily in England, it could had been for example in Portugal and they created the anglicans cause they stole Portuguese food.

just had and hipiphany: anglicano (pt) ang (pendurado) li (li) cano (dick) or they are cannibals and eat the wole dude or they just eat the dick of the dude (maybe vaginas too). They supersize Jews? O.O

I wonder (not)... does Jews have christian rituals? No? Then wtf are you all going in Israel? Getting sick (cancers, crazy, etc...)


Saw this:

Dunno about you but is worrying to me, not only that but also the lengths people are willing to go...

fun fact, read a quote somewhere that say's: "Muhammad is the king of all circumcised people"

90% Israel
75% USA
20% UK
dunno, but think statistics forgot about Portugal on this one...
Guess that's why US and Brits are always changing faces, i.e. the sons don't look like the fathers.
Guessing also how many have my dick in those countries. Yes it is possible to change dick (don't know how), learned that in France and later in Portugal.
Since circumcised people are different every generation how does that effect the lands? Israel is barren... So is becoming Algarve (a Portuguese region, soon it will be all of Portugal) a know British expat area and Spain.... All barren land, not to even mention the USA.
Now i know why people steal lands, they are dick-less. 


 open letter to Spanish:

I ear at night that if i move, Portugal is going to Spanish. I don't know if that is true but i will assume that he speaks the truth.

Portugal is a republic it doesn't have the same political system that Spain has.

When you move to another nation you should read the constitution and follow it, if i moved freely to another nation that would be what i would do and i would try to follow it the best i can. You should also learn about some of their traditions and show some respect, like for example Portuguese Christian tradition in this case.

Well if that is true that means my neighbors are Spanish, i have a few words to say about them. My lands were ruined by them, some of my trees were burned, dried, some of my houses were damaged and now they are ruins. They also ruined my family business without the possibility of recovery and pretty sure they have stolen some of my lands. They follow me everywhere even internationally (they should be looking and following their own King in my view and not me). This is not the behavior of decent honest people. If they insist on this behavior (of total disrespect) i urge you to come here and take them back to Spain.

I don't know Spanish people but i feel that their "corte" should take responsibility for the actions of their "children" and make amends of the damage done. Portugal is a civilized nation and i am a civilized and honorable person. This is what i would do if i would find myself in such position or at least i would try to make amends.

For what i know of history Portugal was always a civilized nation, you don't conquer civilized nations, you only conquer savage nations, only savages try to conquer civilized nations. (give it a thought or three and read some related notes on this blog). Besides for what i know in my limited knowledge Spain is either a Catholic or Pagan nation, they wouldn't do well here, mentally speaking. Portugal is/was Christian.

I have done everything in my power to not engage in this mess, sadly i am forced to.

These are words. (i can only hope that you can understand the meaning of this sentence).  Words are not violence.

...and words carry has much weight has the person who writes them.


Saw this:

What a lovely way to spread virus, diseases, etc... just add them to toilet paper and target someone on the corner grocery store. To New Yorker's: no corn knob for you...
update: Well since USA have really a lot of drones i guess that is also a nice way to spread virus, my advise is: move next door to a army guy of rank. Oh wait they live in "housing bases"communities...

Since here everyone is placing shit all over (on top of ) the vegetation, i wonder how that affects toilet paper (Renova: a brand of paper, it is one of the biggest manufacturers of paper and is close from this area). Besides would you trust something that you wipe your ass with coming from a country ruled by Sousa and Costa? Ask to one of them if they would buy without contacting someone...
ps: you might know renova by the brand name: navigator.
ps2: They placed shit on the local river source too... they are crazy... oO
Doesn't that give birth defects like babies with two heads, epilepsy and so on?... locals are insane... it's madness i tell you... 

Update: according to the Portuguese law, ppl that ruin intentionally patrimony are declared crazy (mentally ill) (what i agree, very well made law)... i see many many ppl around doing just that, destroying patrimony, and they are all very estimed by the local society...

I really would like to ear from Marcelo or Costa what is their concept of property... what does that mean to them (property), this while i'll be eating some popcorn.
Pretty sure both of them have their mind fucked up beyond repair...

I got the impression (i am no expert) that the trees used to make toilet paper (renova) and printing paper (navigator) were planted using "dog shit" on the roots (at the very least locally were i live)... please confirm by yourself with the experts if you care with such matters...
Side note: It looks (to me) that the locals are communists (live in commune?) since they spray shit on other people lands (that don't share their ideology) it is my guess they don't believe in private property.
Pretty sure Portugal (maybe even all of Europe, Canada definitely is) are all communes.
Pretty sure Marcelo, Boris, Merkel and Ursula and commies...

Fun fact:


Quote: " Old postcards, books, signs, photos, and other paper products made before the late 1930s rarely glow under a black light. "

Quote: " What IS true about paper is that optical brighteners were NOT used until after WWII. If it's paper, and it glows (reacts to black light), it is post-war. The reverse is not necessarily true, however: Some postwar papers are made without optical brighteners, and certain chemical baths can mask or reduce glow. So just because it doesn't glow, doesn't mean it's real.

Incidentally, a friend of mine recently told me about a product called "deer hunting soap." I don't hunt, so I don't know the truth of this, but he says deer can detect phosphate laundry glow as well, and that Walmart sells a soap which will take the glow out of hunters' clothes. I googled this and found nothing. Is this just an urban legend?

Side note: If there is a Pandemic of a more mortal-ish disease might be smart to be(come) a neighbor of a CDC employee. ...or a neighbor of California representative Devin Nunes.

Was looking at Davin Nunes and he seems Jewish to me (i can be wrong) here were i live Nunes are Roman Catholic... hmm...
So... what other families have Jewish, Catholic, Muslim members?... Aren't they kind of incompatible in some not so small-ish way? Isn't it better to choose and convert them all into only one religion of a choice?...
Can just imagine family XXXXX doing a annual barbecue with members from all religions... that should be fun... fun... should be even extra fun if you have people like actors and musicians in your family... The ways things are these days... it is only a matter of time (with a bang or silent)...

Glimpsed on the NYT that people are stressing over other people sneezing or cough-thing near the fresh produce ( fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, etc...). NY "must" be fun this time of the year...

Looking forward to a airborne virus with a 100% mortality rate...^^

Why this? Makes no sense... the people in Portugal have no respect for property... it's just a waist of time and money... talking from experience...
Just whiped some cream, Delta brand coffee with sugar and it tasted me like Donkey (saliva?). Btw, there is a Delta Airlines ( )(do they put donkeys farting on all their airplanes? they share the same triangle symbol) Fly Delta and inhale donkey shit/saliva smell on the pressurized plane all flight long. Well you can always fly them into the Pentagon and a likes...
You can always fly your plains towards the pentagon....

Side note: Have you noticed telecom operators like NOS? They give low bandwidth (on 4G) for 30 euro a month i get 120kb on average (rural area). Wouldn't it be better they used high speed? I mean what is better: having a few minutes of communications or the whole night/day the phone exchanging data with the antenna and related equipment?
Pretty sure the antenna in linked to at least one 250 Mb fiber optics cable... sad... then again maybe is a 90's modem.

ps: Marcelo doesn't care he just moves to Brazil (maybe is Canada) when Portugal closes...^^

So long it isn't Delta (

Saw this:

So... how was half the population exposed?... Did the current version of Brits lost "Hygienic behavior"? Lemmy guess: no one to blame... hehe

...and this:

So... why the social distancing? -_-
Good thing virus only show up one at a time... imagine if there were like 20 or 30 virus with similar mortality rate has the covid...

Did ya smell the flowers a few days after they have sprayed it (sanitized the passageways)? They smell like shit....

Seams the corona virus is passed from person to person... so... why not give burqas to everyone?

Make Trump wear two burqas. :)

Side note: Why would the US elect a president that is a follower? I it was a royalty i kind of would understand "you are stuck with them".... but a elected president.... i don't get it...

side note2: uhhh... how about testing covid healing in space (ISS or whatever is called). I mean it will eventually happen someone get sick in the space station... Something for sociologists/psychologists to think about... ^^

With so many infected shouldn't we see tons of people coughing their lungs out everywhere?
Di anyone saw Boris Johnson sneeze?^^

Why are nurses taking people temperature on the streets? Makes no sense... people out of shape have a increase of temperature just by walking a few steps, people that smoke/vape is the same and so is people that take medication...^^

Plenty of other vaccines, i remember taking a few wen i was a kid. No passport for those?

Seams he doesn't know the definition of quarantine.^^  Doesn't the virus stay inside he's car if he uses it?
So... the whole building of the National institute of health is he's office? He is the only one using those premises? oO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Obviously they have a complete lack of hygienic behavior... how else would you explain it? hmm... they seem to have lost the sense of community also since their debt by gdp is really high....

Plenty of peaks, it's ok to miss one...


"Swedish prince and princess test positive for coronavirus"

ohhh... look, another ones that lost hygienic behavior... dat immune system... tout tout


"A pandemia que destruiu a democracia"

 sadly it seems to be so... 

nowadays the current version of people have a need to be told... in the old days people were sensible... if you got sick (doesn't matter what) you tried to heal yourself and avoided unnecessary contact, if you couldn't you would go to a professional... nowadays everything must close if a few people get sick... 


Stats on US soil the day CDC made this ruling:  daily Deaths: 971 | last 7 days cases: 537501

 Mesmerizing the way CDC makes decisions, isn't it?

New guidelines on masks... just to say that masks not only won't allow the spread (from user) but also protects the user from getting a "infection"... WOW... that's some truly advances in guidances... some truly brilliant minds at the CDC... Those are keepers...^^



hmm?... if they are certified they follow the code... if there is a new code then someone should had thinked of that and had sent it to the companies that make the masks. Why didn't they sent it in time?


 Was looking (16 december 2020) at this web site with covid statistics...

For all that don't believe in quantum mechanics... i can tell you that quantum entanglement is real... rise in deaths due to covid in all countries in the same day and even at different continents.... spooky... 


oohh... look... so many covid spreaders... 

you can see lots of interesting stuff in that web site, like for example in the last couple days i saw a eurofighter jet with British flag in hamburg Germany. Britsh military doing turism? Before that i saw Canadian fighter jets also in that area and before that i saw 3 beluga airplane flights to hamburg from  France (the only time i saw beluga airplane). Hamburg trully is a international city. Danish must be happy.

Then, there is France, lots of airplanes in France but the only airports in use are Paris, Toulouse, Lyon and Nice, not even other international airports in France have airplanes... o.O

 Tomb Raider (2018) - Trinity Soldier Gets Infected

Just toss some of this into the fuel tank of those birdies... -_-

So... the new handshake will be taking the hand to the heart... can i suggest that they take a small dagger in their hand?

 I wonder if the ventilators are coated with someone's piss...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreigners harmed during the production of this pandemic... mmk...  


Polígrafo: Cordão com girassóis sinaliza pessoas com deficiências imperceptíveis? - Polígrafo.

Maybe he doesn't have plans to rent a airplane to run away, low amount of money in current bank account (cia pay?)

...or he is a CIA agent, cia controls card payments servers. Pretty sure all CIA agents have bank cards not linked to any bank account, server approves all transactions.


hmm? ...for real? none of my neighbors has or ever had covid (i had plenty of it)... is it a miracle? scientist wanna study them? ... sniff... sniff... They probably have a cure and no one cares about them...


ffs... just put them on tiny suspended cages... that should do it... :p!/uk-coronavirus-farage-to-relaunch-brexit-party-as-anti-lockdown-party-20201101

mate, how are you going to do that from your tiny suspended cage?


"Desta vez, os primeiros 1 300 portugueses que comprarem um carro elétrico e se candidatem ao incentivo vão receber a verba, desde que o preço do veículo não ultrapasse os 62 500 euros."

Só á 1300 milionarios em Portugal (talvéz seje apenas para os bilionarios)? Não pode ser.... Vá estendam lá isso a mais alguns milionarios....

Quase todos teem mulher e filhos que precisão de um citadino novo.


These idiots from statistics are inflating the value payed... it was 665 euro until a month ago or so, now aparently 705 but is counted has 823 for statistics...

meanwhile in Germany:

"The increase will mean €400 extra per month..."

I would like to point out that supermarket items in Germany are cheaper then in Portugal (first hand knowledge). Costa, Rebelo de Sousa and Centeno are no "freinds" of Portugal.

then we have the party of  "the people"

I am not sure if you are passing the right "information" when you say that you are the party of the people (Russian ppl, British ppl, French ppl? It's not the Portuguese ppl)... minimum wage is after all this 50 years still one of the lowest of Europe, ya can't pay rent, pay transportation and buy food with that wage. Since your leader is Jeronimo de Sousa (were did ya got that face? a neighbor had a face like that and i am guessing that face is from a catholic priest... am i wrong?), lets face it PSD is communist too, Marcelo is communist and i am pretty sure Pacheco Pereira is too, PS is leaded by Antonio Costa (British?) British labeled themselves as communists... If i had to guess i would say all communists are Muslims or Jews.... it fits the profile...

The ppl around me (mostly Silva, Fernandes, Gomes, Antunes, Costa, Marques, Nunes and Sousa) all behave has communists, dudes it is not pretty, they are fucking savages. Then from current local experience way after PREC and PREC, aparently you (communists) are all religious SAVAGES. You have no respect for the constitution and you apparently participated in making it, not only that, you can also propose it's change. Btw, ya sold the lands to foreigners? wheres the Portuguese wheat growing in Alentejo?

You communists are fucking Religious savages THIEVES, you behave has Orthodox (i don't know the Russian constitution).

The new communist party in Portugal.

Aparently only you can have lands, but you are unwilling to change the constitution (to make it a religious state), you show no respect for other ppl property, you steal property, YOU RUIN PROPERTY, dudes even if the nation turned religious you would still had to pay for the lands and not just take them. My lands are worth millions to me (if i want the same setup anywere else it would cost me alot). I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY, NOW. 

You are all RELIGIOUS SAVAGES. religions are made of a shit tonne of rules. You just use it to steal.

Come to me and tell me: "how thing are", i'll point you to the constitution. Your kind have made extensive damage to me and what is mine by right. PAY MADAFUCKERS

I remind you that my grandphader lived of the lands (it was not a hobby) and apparently your kind have stollen the money that my father had.


 There is a election today and i learned that mentally ill people (declared mentally ill by the health department) can vote.


The Times of Israel: Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen to head SoftBank’s Israel operations.

Ohh.... Nothing better then to have ya money in a bank headed by a secret service dude.

It's not like the secret service (that kills people for a "living") isn't at the disposal of a handful of people to do their bidding.... Or ya think that the secret service is to help the Joe in the kosher shop?


Wow 9 trillion trade deal....

So.... You gonna export cars all the way to Asia? That corrosion warranty... Oo

Got it right? Ya base of exports will be cars and fire water? Very good combination <_>


GoSh... You LoT don't go out MucH...

*Kate goes on a shopping spree*

Hmm... Dude in picture related to William? Same temper?


Putin was quite happy smelling the horses when he had a ride with the queen on the open coche.

Well if Kate is allergic to horses, why not make a parade of motorcycles? Plenty of motorcycle dudes where I live...

...or just ask Putin to replace Kate, he loves the smell of horsis.


OOoo... not even one of the items in the menu had it's origins in the UK.


Well... Ya have 65 million ppl on the island, can't you replace him by one of them? There, trust restored.


Huge gratz, although I don't know how one can make a sir out of a foreigner.

Btw, did the queen used the sward of Richard the lion heart or a sward from a dollar store?


ohhh... why not? All will be perfectly safe... everyone will have cutlery on their hands...


Don't you know... there is a crisis in hotel business... why won't you stay in a local hotel? That way they both can sleep in a big bed... and not sneaking at night into each other rooms with such tiny beds...


So... if there is a "division" does that mean that might be a virus pandemic just for rich folks?... virus can be creative too... so it seams...


I read that there was the Spanish flu last century, a pandemic. Right after in America there was the crazy 20's... And with it there were people (not even doctors) knocking door to door asking ppl if they wanted a lobotomy. 

Gosh... What happened in America for so many ppl wanting a lobotomy?

Well... Now we have vaccines...

nope... it's because they don't know how to interpreter the test results...

wow... thats a big list... so... passenger airports still continue to operate... i would understand merchant flights still operating but passenger too?... aren't there new covid strains abroad? 

 I am pretty sure that there is alot of people that feel/are "privileged" that don't know the meaning of the word...

I guess Trump said that because he's kids are immune...

If children are immune to covid why are you looking for antibodies in Llamas and other animals?... why is a vaccine taking so long? can't you use the children antibodies to cure the sick? What is the percentage of kids with covid compared with other groups?
Trump first... Yas can stratz by Trump childrenzz to donate antibodies to the sick...^^  =)
Trumpy... don't ya wanna save the USA from covid? Give ya kidsz to Fauci... =)

hmm... i see a untapped market for nose only masks... 


Ohh.... So generous....

I am guessing yasz also gonna provide the logistics... Since the vaccines need special refrigeration...

Why not just give a plain ticket to everyone in poor nations and let them take it in yar nations? That way there is no need to provide special and extensive logistics.


Looks like there is apps to track people with covid.... humm... whats next? apps to track people with common flu, measles, etc...
will there be a app for other infectious diseases?

So... the fat fuck at the white house (USA) only noticed the "virus" now? The virus spread in China before entering the US... didn't any medical agencies or the CIA noticed it? Only now? It has been a few months... Trump is "slow"... and now blames China on how the virus has spread in the US... Who needs the CDC?^^
Side note: why do you keep the CIA? Just cut them off, ask the FBI to do it.
side note: I don't understand this "new world order" i find their actions to be like of a 5 years old child... i am being honest when i say this... they make things without having any kind of awareness... I could write a wall of text substantiating this... but i just leave it at that...
a bit more... apparently "they" don't want people that aren't on the loop (?) to own lands (i would get it if they knew what they are doing... they don't... they really don't) ... uuhh... guess they want to make the world a city... seams about right they live to breed (it is what i see-ish)... what will be next? No forks, plates, spoons? Do they want that also only to themselves?

To me the CIA, MI6, KGB... were created to exterminate the Christians. Tell me otherwise... (i am a nobody) there is a big ocean between me and the US and i don't have any political views and yet the CIA have a interest in me.

Every single secret service in the world agrees with you...


 Well... it seems that the CIA have "retired"(?) a substantial number of agents... looking for fresh meat...^^ 


"Erdogan panics and tells Turks don't put your money in banks"

yeah, aparently it is the (current version of) Spanish that are in charge of the banks ( 

The solution is simple.... invade Spain. Isn't it better to buy weapons while ya coin is still worth something and invade? What can you buy/do when ya coin is worthless?

Hey, maybe ya are the one paying for that glamorous life...


in other words... Russians can't (yet) put gunpowder in iron containers fast enough? ...or is it the Americans?


hmm... Russia doesn't have water anymore? o_O ...Russian Rivers don't carry water? What happened to the rivers sources? Russia going to be a desert? Looking forward to see Putin ride a camel to the Kremlin everyday...


hmm... is this a case of the "Nunes" hidding behing a patsy? Seams that's the norm in the USA people hidding behing patsy politicians...

It looks like Trump really knows how to pick he's "intelligence" *cough cough* liaisons...^^
Wonder what he (Ratcliffe) is not telling to the oversight committee...^^

"Biden admite que os EUA podem usar a força para defender Taiwan"

 I know nothing about the matter but that title is just... lol...   lol... at the title.

Silly old men.


 Strange... so who is going to protect (from the "monsters") the American families that moved there and the American soldiers kids that they will be leaving behind?
I mean, they are there busy making offspring's for 20 (?) years now, they have no time to protect themselves, America should be sending more troops not withdraw. Besides pretty sure Trump have "some" kids there... Who knows even Harry, William, Belgium royal, Swedish royal, etc...

Pretty sure oil money went to stock holders of the oil companies and not the state. I say it was/is a bargain.^^

Hmm... strange... Then, why invade Iraq? It is like on the other side of the planet... Also, why patrol the South China sea? Isn't it a bit far from home?
Well if ya aren't the police of the world then i guess that makes you the pirates of the world... arrrggghhhh... arrrghhhh....^^

 Well since this is a fiction blog...

I am left handed and i live in a place that the name starts with "AL"(Arab name) (there is a locality nearby that starts with "Al" too... does that mean that both were founded by pre-Muhammad Arabs?), i dunno... but maybe... that makes me a Moor (before Muhammad)... since Arabs write from right to left... maybe i live in misery cause Arabs (after Muhammad) are paying (the Catholic church) to be so... and doing experiments on me cause they lost their knowledge (no wonder all they do is burning books)... 

Hey... maybe they aren't paying and the experiments they are doing on me is to make sure they work on the Arab families that are "Al- something", i can tell you right now they are very good at taking my strength away...

 have you seen the faces of Arabs? Do they look knowledgeable to you?  -_-

well... it's a plausible conspiracy theory...

So... how big is Trump collection of bones?
Congratz on the Nobel peace award nomination...
so... nuclear bombs carrying planes fly all over the NATO allies... why not fly over USA too? ^_^
The purpose of the alliance isn't the opposite?^^

On a side note: i wonder what will be of monkey meat eaters (Belgium's) and  and bonobo behavior dudes (dutch, Netherlands,, Holland, lower countries...) If nato ends...

So... moving companies from China... and to were? Russia? India? Mexican cartels?

 Well, it looks like the CIA wants to be more then just a spy agency. They want to branch out to biologic "warfare". Why would a foreign gov. allow such people in their territory? They are shifting from just collecting information...
Wasn't at some point known that the CIA was spying on Americans in America? 

CIA and the FBI have such a big presence internationally... I do wonder... Does Americans feel safe in America? ...How do you campare lets say the 50's? How would you classify CIA and FBI job performance?

 Don't be concerned... everything will be alright... go paint some rainbows...

Besides if ya wanna know what is going on just ask a google/microsoft employee... no need to bother (although you can... hehe) the people behind the "classified documents"...  btw, is google: microsoft? Why so many employes at google if they don't update the search algorithm for ages... is really hard to find stuff like in the end of the 90's.

Side note: Kind of developed the idea that the cold war was to "renovate" (out with the old in with the new^^ ) Russian population... Have you seen them? Doesn't it look better now?^^
Just speculating, i have no real basis for "saying" this....

 Doubt that there is anything "real" in that...
Saw this:

Seams Cavaco Silva and Jorge Sampaio won't be be commemorating the 25 of april at the parliament (it is going to be a small meeting (100? people, update: it was 60 out of 10 million...)) ... maybe to compensate (since the nationals don't want to show up) they should invite some foreigners like Spanish, French, Russians and Americans. It looks really bad (to not use lesser kind-ish words) if is just a hand full. C'mon people you are supposed to be hygienic. Why aren't you?

Side note: With the revolution (25 april) the lands that the Alentejo farmers cultivated were taken from them (most likely in other places was the same).... what are they used for now?

Next step: Plant themselves outside people apartments doors and tell the owners that the apartment isn't theirs anymore and ask for the keys of the car too.

Noticed that Salazar had left a country without debt and the revolution (Eanes, etc...) in 3 years had to declare bankruptcy and beg for the IMF (pt: FMI) help.

side note: It seam (to me, based on very limited information) that the revolution was made by extremely dumb people... they took out of office selfless people (Salazar was poor for what i know and i know nothing) (with their time and knowledge) to replace them with dumb people that don't want to do anything (in other words: thieves)...
 yup, they do seam to be creative alright...
I guess PSD will be watching and taking notes on how to organize a festival.

pretty pretty sure none are from members of PSD/EPP....^^ They don't own illegal guns...

yup. all 60 of them...


O presidente da câmara de Lisboa está a treinar para ser MNE?

Alguém que o coloque como MNE já.

Aí costa, costa... Aí Santos silva, Santos silva...

Santos da casa não fazem milagres, néh...

Like i mentioned before i don't understand why anyone from PSD (ruling party in my locality) helped me when i came of age (with my lands and father side family businesses... milling and oil refining), my mother side of the family (Marques and Nunes... they had no businesses) voted in PSD. That's one of the reasons why we have politicians...
Well since my grandfather from my father side of the family had so much work (lots of lands, lots of olive trees, the oil making place and flour making place... at least... "you" "saved" me from a life of working the lands from sun up to sun down)...
Now apparently someone want to take my own home... this makes no sense... property is a right (look it up in laws/constitution) besides how will i maintain my other rights without a address? 
Who (what kind...) are the people they actively help? It isn't me for sure... 

Noticed that in the house of my grandfather there were "extra" matresses and the place was a bit torn up... i guess ppl made of the house a jewry (judiaria).... why? didn't you had also parents, grandparents and great grandparents, etc...? are you so that much ashamed of your ancestors? ...that you completly turned your back on them...

Now I understand why ppl make "judiarias" or use other ppl hairs on them. Is so that they ever cross or meet someone from that house or related to that dude, they imidiatly know, their brains kind of flip wen they encounter. Dudes, that was valid 500 years ago but not anymore, 500 ya ppl lived simple, they passed seeds from generation to generation, etc... Now ppl buy food in supermarkets, parasites are easy to spread over large number of ppl. Unlike the very old days. Lots of ppl share parts of the brain cause they like a brand staple from the supermarket (like a brand oil), not cause they are related.

I don't know but I am guessing that "ppl" all over the world are using my ( or my father) blood or hairs or both in food (even supermarket food) (Or in flour, bread, do you get a metálico taste wen eating bread?). One of the thing that will happen to the ppl that eat that food is "instant hate" wen they see my face, they don't even need to know anything about me. If they just see me in the subway they will immediately notice me and they will feel hate (some will feel more some will feel a bit less). You can thank religions for that.

Was looking at PSD page and noticed their symbol (a orange curved arrow pointing up) it looks to me has a phallic symbol... dick pointing up.

Their ( PSD) European party group is EPP... it is my guess they share the same mentality (maybe they are a party for people that their dicks point up?).
It's funny i don't think my locality was a traditional area of people with dicks pointing up but strangely people voted psd...  This seams about right because Sousa have their dicks pointing up and the leader of PSD not so long ago was a Sousa...

 I noticed also that Holland (traditionally orange (?)) changed their name to Netherlands... i am guessing they aren't orange anymore... a coup (i don't know anything about Netherlands or Holland or Dutch)? So... was/is PSD/EPP  a Dutch party in all of Europe?

How about in America and the rest of Europe? Does the people having dicks pointing up being naughty or was the other way around?
French (at least Lyon area) they have their dicks pointing up... does that make them Dutch?

How about intelligence agencies like CIA, MI6, GRU, etc... Does their personnel (the agents) have their dicks pointing up or pointing forward or like Trump pointing down?...

How about the former kings of Portugal, China, Russia, UK, France, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, etc... did they had their dicks pointing up, down, sideways, back or forward?...^^ 

hmm... kind of developed the idea (can't confirm it) that anglicans have their dicks pointing up...

Conspiracy theory: how about pharmaceutic companies? to were their dicks point? Pretty sure pharmaceutic companies people have very good immune system, they don't get covid and other such diseases...

For example, i am pretty pretty sure that this guy (Martin Shkreli) immune system is completely off the charts... has many many more in the pharmaceutic industry... not only talking about the big companies but also the corner pharmacies... they deal with pills all day long...
mine sucks i always have chest pimples and crap like that...
Well... i don't think there is only wild animals being sold... maybe "they" are selling people even selling people with patrimony... it's a easy way to get money by selling the people and taking what was from those peoples. Why is there social structures like laws, constitutions, police, etc...? I wonder what does it take to be considered savage these days... or mentally ill...
I wonder also who are the sellers and who are the buyers... psychologically speaking for the very least it would be interesting to know...

Well... it doesn't look good for a convicted catholic and University teacher... Tens cá um escola... 

Então, as três bancarrotas não foram suficientes? Venha mais uma...talvez agora não venha  a acalhar.. neh... já não ha assim tantos Cristãos...^^ 

Doesn't he look like a bank robber character coming out of a western spaghetti...  

Well... it's official... French are lemmings... 700km to go on vacation, 700km to leave/return to Paris...



hmm... so... no more soap in French supermarkets, plenty of parfums, deodorants, jambon, make up.

did ya saw that? It's a British newspaper... :p


nah... he just want's to connect your brains to machines... 
I don't know banks but to me that was a respectable business, in other words bank accounts was off limits... no one could touch them other then the owner or in very special and limited situations emphasis in limited.

Now it seams it is no longer the case even "regular" people can mess other people bank accounts without limitations. This is a recipe for disaster in more ways then one... allot more ways then one.
Please go check my case... and tell me otherwise in a honest manner. 

I noticed that BCP Millennium ( a Nazi bank) closed his agency on a small village near me... gosh... they must be in "trouble"... aren't account managers afraid to lose their "job"? If it was me i would be very afraid...


 "Fresh" faces alone won't change anything...


Bloomberg: Macron Demands to Know If U.S. Is Still Spying on EU Leaders.

Ohh... So the biggest country in western Europe doesn't know if his president is being spayed by his biggest ally in nato?... Omg...

What did you do? For your allies started spying on you.

Ohh.... It keeps getting better and better... So now you want to erase centuries\millenia of history... Let me know on how that turns out...

Isn't nato like 70 years old? It's not a kid anymore... Still don't know anything? Time to increase the budget?

What kind of talks do you have with nato secretary general? Talk about what face mask and hair gel each other use? Ya been president for a long time now...

What is it that you minister of defense does\do?

Hey, why not invite him the secretary general of nato to a France state council meeting too, like the Portuguese did?

Since ya minister of defense doesn't talk with him... Or maybe is your defense minister that doesn't talk with ya macron?

Don't you have generals in NATO for like 70 years? What do they do their? Bring the coffee to the adults? Oo

 Then again maybe ya suck at your job...

Maybe France is too big for you to handle it, have you considered shaving some parts of France and make it smaller?

Pretty sure the enemies of nato by nato vision is the upstanding citizens in europe, the military can't stand them. Nato doesn't want ppl in Europe to follow the constitution and the laws. Do you know of any military that follows the constitution in europe? I don't. I really don't.


CBS News: Biden reaffirms NATO mutual defense commitment ahead of Putin meeting.

Dude, your secretary general of nato is a joke of a leader. He ain't no leader at all.

France doesn't seem to know anything about nato "vision" and France is the biggest country in western Europe. Apparently only you know what nato is doing and will be doing... Lol

Everyone that listen to your speech know that you are full of shit, there is no meaning in those words. None at all. And that is the biggest military organization on the planet.

Nato SG was just in Portugal and in a few weeks it will be mandatory to rent private property. Pretty sure that women are enslaved on NATO nations... This while the SG watches. Looking fwd to see mandatory renting of spare rooms in America. Do you have a spare room?

Why the UK doesn't implement this? They are declared communists (by themselves). How come there is a NATO member (UK) that is declared communist?

Wasn't NATO made to keep communists out of the western world (cold war)?

Learned that YouTube limited their bandwidth because of the corona-virus....  wonder what they would do if there was a "black plague".... go down? xD

Saw this:

 Countries with 11% mortality rate others with way less then 1%.... something not right...

Swine flu (example) had 5%+ and no lock down that i can remember... Health organizations are strange.... even scary....

Curiosity: Covid-19 (AI) 1=A, 9=I... so... Covid-AI .... SARS-CoV-2  = SARS-CoV-B(EE) has in bee... Well... Does Trump keep honey bee's?^^

COVID = VI-COD ... someone likes or doesn't like fishes... maybe try a couple cigarettes coated in Betadine (iodine) (fancy mode: algae picked from sea not store bought (haven't tested it)) or take high grade cod liver oil if ya wanna be fancy...
Let the coated cigarettes dry, they are also good for muscle and bone pain, probably even better then pot... try it... also might not be a bad idea to squish some into a bucket and do your cleanings with it... or you can do has Trump with he's bleach bottle... your choice...
(hi there America pharma :wave:)

I predict a few more doctors will be clumsy enough to fall from windows... Possibly not just in Russia...

Well looks like the covid virus was engineered pretty  much just like every yearly flu virus.... it also seams it was done by the same team of "biologists" since no flu virus showed up this year... limited resources? gosh... even teams that create/manipulate virus get budget cuts... lol

conspiracy theory: Maybe this was engineered by sociologists to "create" a (major) sub-society of isolated-ish people.  i.e. without much social strong bonds. "It popped in my mind...." Someone remembered the plague during middle ages.

conspiracy theory 2: Maybe it is also a way to force "relevant" people "shit"  that have diseases (bad DNA) down the throat (one way or the other) of innocent people. If the innocent don't get sick they collect their DNA and graft it onto them... thus creating a unholy mess with unpredictable consequences... hehe
Have you noticed relevant "body" changes in "relevant" people?^^

conspiracy theory 3: Pretty sure covid is the military/police/the wealthy (religion.. since people don't go has often to church) forcing (new way) you to "eat their spit" eat garlic daily and you will be fine-ish. Later on you will get a vaccine with some junk in it but that's life.^^
In short: "they" want to change your genetics and found this way to be the most far reaching method.
Just read on a newspaper that the antibodies for covid only last a few short months... so... you will need to be vaccinated every four months.... yeiyyyy....

just put the "vaccine" in the insulin... everyone that matters is insulin dependent... no need to have major vaccine distribution operations... =)

so... you country is plagued by covid cases and you are going to infect the ones left healthy with covid, is this right? oO

Why infect a bunch of people with a "virus" that you took from one single person? If you want to know the real efficacy of the vaccine you should give it to the ones that were already randomly infected... the way you wanna do it only proves or disproves if is effective regarding the virus you took from that one guy and you passed it to the "trial" people...

I wonder why Eanes signed that... give him 3 or 4 doses... hey... why not make him take the experimental ones... until they find one that "works"...

poor... poor... lil sharks... can't you use synthetic oil?
uuhh... won't it make the ones that take it... immune? Isn't that the point?^^

wow... the vaccine took "so long" to be made and then it works for all varients of the virus... ya just need "booster" (i.e. take one more dose). dudes, how tha fuck you develope a vaccine that "needs" boost after a couple of months, tetanus only needs boosting after a decade. then, how does that work since the vaccine is RNA not a inactive virus (so that the immune system could adapt to it) like regular vaccines. so... it's going to boost the rna, how?... lol 

c'mon just distribute insuline kits with the vaccine, ppl can get boosted whenever...

Conspiracy theory 4: Medical companies "need" more profits, probably they had imagined that they didn't lived up to their full potential... or they are after other people immune system...^^

Conspiracy theory 5: Kind of developed the idea that "covid" was planned decades ago... have you seen people having like 5, 6 and more babies?

Conspiracy theory 6: This pandemic (covid) is the new dark ages... i wonder how long it will last... how long did it last the last dark ages? Isn't it strange that you don't see anyone with clear symptoms on the streets?... Even the flu virus: you see people with clear signs on the streets... c'mon...^^ 

conspiracy theory 7: Pretty sure that all O- blood type will have or already had covid... 

conspiracy theory 8: if the vaccine needs -80 ºC of temperature for storage that means it won't freeze (otherwise the glass would break)... so... is one of hits components antifreeze? How good is that to the liver?

Why isn't the Europe engine (French, Germans) (on a side note: i don't see any of the Royals taking the lead too) taking the lead on handling the pandemic in Europe? :giggles:

Well... Portuguese president is also out... :giggles:

Well with so much economy/market "imbalance" due to the Covid i would suggest that the US invites (green cards?) Chinese and India people (Indian?).

Side note: Can imagine if there wasn't a stay at home and social distancing policy? Without it pretty much all of the US would be wiped out. Listen to your governor people. x'D

Here is not allowed to enter supermarkets without a mask but you can enter restaurants and coffee shop without one... who said health organizations don't have a sense of humor? x'D
side note: masks smell funny and leave a impression on the throat... is this the new way of administrating vaccines? There was already a orally inhaled flu vaccine... 

Well... seams the world is copying the Asians they were the ones that started using masks, years ago.

I live in a rural place and there are no public transports (bus) due to covid... but high speed trains that have pressurized cabins 30 km away are up and running... x'D  ya just gota love government decision making... x'D the way they think is just unique... x'D

...and pretty sure that postal/distribution people don't get has much sick has the rest...

That's just silly... why would it have patient tracking devices? They are patients, they already know they are in the hospital... did you check for a incorporated kill switch?

I am in shock... the current most important person in Portugal (the president) will be 3 months without protection from the virus on top of it he is over 70 years old... c'mon someone from DGS go give him a vaccine (it's just one)...

Are you seeing this DGS... told ya... now he seems ok, maybe later he will need a tube down his throat connected to a ventilator (nasty) and some IV with who knows what... can you imagine in election day he his in a hospital bed with a ventilator... c'mon DGS go give im a couple doses (one in each needle... ya can't be too safe...) from eatch aproved vaccine, ya can't be too safe... make it on live television so that we can be more at ease... has far has i know only one person died from the vaccine, yet... fingers crossed...

ohhh... here is another presidential candidate that didn't took the vaccine... tout... tout... DGS... (risk takers)

WTF... still not vaccinated? ...and doing dinner partys of 170 ppl... OMG...

How old are ya? they are vaccinating 12 yo children, at this moment... ya less then 12 yo?

tout... tout...

 now, Boris has to take the Oxford vaccine too... c'mon ya have to promote British products.... it look bad if you don't.... I'll never buy anything British if ya don't....

on a side note: I wonder... if "scientists" that work for Oxford, Pfizer, Johnson, etc... do experiments on people they see on a daily basis like the people in the shop they get their coffee everyday.... hey... like their cafeteria...

so... the vaccine is useless? Will we have a new virus variant every 9 months? If so... i'll be waiting for the super duper hyper mega vaccine...

well... why don't people try to eat halal food... pretty sure they avoided lots of troubles (if you are getting sick that "maybe" means that you don't know how to eat)  and it's green...

hmm... gosh... it has been more then a month since npr published that article and now a news article (in triblive) like this shows up?... O.O

it's the middle of july 2021 and there are less then 1 death per million (on most european nations, way less)... so... why so much pressure to get vaccinated? humm?

besides, these days ya can put "vaccines" on tobacco, vapping, air conditioning, etc...

on a side note: how many covid cases in Monaco? Might be worth looking up what they are doing... just saying...

sooo... non-essential workers will be learning latin, potions and spells... is that time frame enought? ...maybe they will just look for buried money on other people backyard...

Germans (some sort of elites?) are already experts on passing their diseases into others (using the occult/voodoo) according to the news: Germany and Jews has a high rate of people with cancer... have you tried to eat eggs from yellow chickens elevated on the ground and with "natural" sources of food?

wait... what? you have to take a vaccine every year? ...wasn't it every four months? thats what was advertised how long covid antibodies lasted in the body.



( I are not a medical doctor, not even close)

you don't need big pharma companies, they have all those fancy medications with big names and what not but essencially it is all minerals, the tricky part for the "patients" if to find the correct mineral (usualy one of the major ones will fix ya) and one that is pure or very close to it (that haven't been processed to much, pretty sure that there is one or another variable more but i don't know much)... even the 99.999% (label) pure sometimes aren't good enought to produce the medications at big pharma...

Those big name molecules that you see on medicine are good for you becouse of the metals on what they were syntesized... is my guess generic medication is less good then brand one becouse they use cheaper metals (less pure) (people pay pharma companies to use minerals with some shit on it).

 And if you are the "target" of someone not even the big pharma medication on the pharmacies near you will be top grade. uhh... that cancer medication did work on ya... do you wonder why?

If you can't afford (you can't even see them for sale) purer minerals ya can always hijack the orders that arrive at big pharma factories... or very fancy, top of top laboratories. 

fun fact(ish): If you suffer migraines then the most likely reason is that someone spitted on your calcium intake (obviously not your mom or brother, but someone very diferent from you and ofc it has to be after some "long" time (changes in molecular structure)). 

I find it amusing all the laws against drugs in many nations, they don't want drugs but then they import medication made with those drugs, some of that medication they can't live without... lol

If you have a health problem bugging you try to drink ozone water (haven't tested) or do has i did buy a ozone generater and breathe the ozone, the first times be carefull or ya will go crazy. 

If you have a autoimmune desease then that means that you lack fiber in your diet, choose good fibers... i don't know why your doctor don't tell you this...

If you have heart desease, you should probably try soluble fibers, doesn't hurt to try for exemple fruit soluble fibers and obviously choose medical grade not food grade.  

If you have heart desease and cancers (specially lung and stomach cancer) take some wax from your ear and put it in your mouth after some time swallow it. You should feel alot better in minutes, I did. I don't know why your cardiologist and oncologist don't tell you this...

If you are looking for fast physical strenght, i belive that the popular choice is eating beetles, take your pick on the variety. Another very popular way is do has some ppl do and you most likely get has a bonus a bigger dick, like for example: i guess the Byzantines eated the hooves of horses, i guess Russians do the same to traction horses, Spanish eat the horns of bulls, Belgiums the claws of bears, French the nails of roosters and i am guessing Mexicans too, Muslims i guess the hooves of camels and maybe horns of goats, Jewish the horns of sheep, Italians the horns of buffalo, Africans the hornes of rhyno's, etc... yeah everyone is pagan.

If you lack iron in your diet, go to a river with a pan and do has gold prospectors do, iron specs will be at the bottom too.... or grab a magnet and stir some dirt (update: probably not a good idea). Don't forget to eat some fiber with it. Also, eat 3 or 4 grains of sand from the river (or you can just boil the sand in water and drink the water mixed with some milk....). The added benefit of eating sand is that prevents you from becoming a slave, i think.... and i am guessing that everyone with huge dicks (that did not born with) become slaves too and i am guessing that women that slaves fuck become dead inside.... that is alot of guesses... didn't your church told you this? hmm... Jews crossed the deser  for 40 years and they rather build a icon.... so many conspiracy theories.... ^_^ besides, it a great way to make guerrila, spreading foreign sand in oasis and stuff like that... hey, prolly good dunno..... (in the past they did this? ;=)

I dunno, but if you want to connect to your "ancestors" (if they were from the area ya live) go do a walk in a field grab some pebbles and ferment them in water or just maybe boild them and drink the stuff, your ancesters prolly cultivated the land were the rocks were or drink from the river you got them, etyc... be awere of consequences i am not geologist nor medical doctor (pretty much i suck at everything). Take Jews for example, they came back to the land of their ancestors (Israel), their ancesters were there for many centuries even maybe millennia, Jews can just grab a rock from a field and connect that way with their past ancestors. Think of it has a bridge over time. 

rambling: Don't know were you live but here you can buy yogurt and leave it for weeks (only tryed leaving it for weeks) on the kitchen table and it will never go bad... amazing, it is also amazing how milk companies call that yogurt, that is not yogurt, that is pus.... just like the pus that you can find wen ya zip a pimple. side note: yogurt was Spanish (supermarket brand owned by a Russian oligarch) but Portuguese ones are the same.

If you want to create your own vaccines, i recommend for you to draw some blood (couple of drops...) irradiate it with UV light for 30 seconds to a minute and inject it subcutaneous (just below the skin like wen ya get alergies test), you may need to repeat the procedure a few times. If maybe ya don't want to have bump under ya skin for too long maybe try separating the plasma from the red cells (i guess that what matters is the plasma) put it (the blood) on a "vial" and attached it to something that rotates, get creative. This is untested by me but it makes sense to me that it will work, i did however had a wound in the feet from cheap sandals and looked a bit nasty and all gelly... what i irradiated with UV light and i feel better afterwards (not just from the wound).

Put some (real) copper shavings (dust) on ya morning cereal (ya might make ya teeth fall). It's one of the things they remove from coffee. Japanese yes men (for one), could use some (spoon full) copper oxides in their diet and don't forget to drink some alcohol with tannins in it... not the shitty one's.

take a couple of showers and use hand washing laudry detergent (suposed to be skin friendly) has "soap".

Grab a good quality limestone stone pulverize it with a lime , add 3 or 4 grams of the limestone dust to a sugary herbal tea and ya don't need much more of food during the day.

Smash a bit of the green peel of walnuts (smaller walnuts, they have more flavour/nutrients) and swallow it. Do that for a week or more.

It seams that mixing your hair (2 or 3 hairs) in tobacco and smoke it, it can heal you (at least to some degree, at least from viruses), mind you if you suffer from a specific ailment the hair might need to be from a specific area of the head.

If you had a brain stroke is because someone gived you brain parasites, same thing if you go blind-(ish) in old age.

I have eaten the flower of one of the Arisarum species (vulgare?), althou they say it is poisonus i didn't felt anything, i did felt that it was very spicy, i just put it on my mouth chew a bit noticed the spice and swallow it.... yeah, that spicy taste will be in ya mouth for a long time. Spitt on the paper of a ciggarette and let it dry, smoke afterwards, ya can also put a drop of ya blood (recently dryed) on the food ya cooking the next day (leguminosae?). That will get rid of fungus (a guess) it will do wonders for cancers and what not, at least brain cancer (aka parasite worms). I did that after a couple of weeks after swalling the flower and i still had the active principles in my system... i did it all by acident, didn't even knew the name of the plant. Ya probably feel the need to take a nap, i did. Find ya own way to use the healing abilities of the plant, it's a powerfull thing. Alternatively, if ya don't want to use the plant ya can just drop dead and die.

just go with the reasoning... take a dump (poop), burn some of it (or all) in a fire bellow a chimny (so that it burns to ash) go to another room with a container with piss (yours... maybe put it on the outside on the window balcony) preferably not completly insolated the room (my window lets a bit of air in) and ya will notice parasites in ya body dying... on surprising body areas (were ya woudn't expect). that was my "setup".. if ya know how, perfect it.  hey, ya might "fuck" some dudes around you that need that kind of parasites.. or not.... idk

Have ya tried to clean ya ears with saliva? Try it, including the ear cannal.

Pretty sure that what determines how long you live is the fungus (ferments) that are on your skin. If flies enter your house, have you noticed that after a very good bath a fly will come out and touch ya hair (to spread their fungus, 2 minutes later that shit will be inside ya ear.) (if ya have ya window open). If ya piss and shit ya self constantly ya prolly have lesser yeasts has your main yeasts. Ya won't live forever with those. Even better is to have yeasts that can spread all over the planet wen ya take a dump.

Pass a flame in the sole of ya feet, several times. Use sandals first. Also pass a flame in front of ya forehead (try not to burn ya self) prolly great if ya aqquired mental issues or neurological issues or even cancer (fungus cause cancer).

If you want to have strength without exercise, pass a flame on your body hairs.

If you have lot's of body hair and your relatives (dad, grandpa) have it too, that means that there is some other family or even religion targeting your "family". They use parasites on you and basically you are giving them strength (wen ya piss or shit outside or with the window open), most likely you find it very hard to gain muscles. Food for you have little nutritional value since the parasites convert the nutrients of the food to suit the dudes that gives ya the parasites and thus ya body doesn't absorb almost any. You get fat (fat is the energy converted by the parasites and is not absorbed by your body-ish (organs)).

Buy a dozen eggs, needle a finger and put a little blood on the eggs. Place the eggs close to a open window for a few days or more.

Meteorologists are the ones to blame for ppl, animals and fish being full of parasites. They don't allow to rain and wen they do it is not natural rain. Places were it rains more naturally have better health.

Dunno anything about theology, witchcraft, etc... but prolly you will kill a person by getting one hair from them, pissing on it or spit and burn it.

There is a parasite that goes from your gut to your brain (that's not new) what is new to me is that he also connects to your face (if ya don't wash ya face ya will notice a bump with ya nail between your left eye (left side of the eye too) and the scalp. That means that the air around you also affects your brain and gut. Don't know how to get ride of it.

If you have weak teeth (and or bad health)... buy a plasma lighter (arc lighter) and smoke a cigarette lighted by it. The copper(?) Ions will make a difference instantly.

Try boiling oak leaves for a few minutes and drink has tea. Does wonders for your health. (Put a tiny bit in a cigarette and smoke it, too)

Oh, if you are being given parasites, hold from pissing and shitting has much has you can (Hold your farts too, that's important), you will kill parasites that harm your health that way. Prolly will be a slow-ish process but in my view, worth it.

If you don't like parasites and want to have better health then keep some "Nostoc commune" in the house. Put the nostoc between your hands like you see in the images of the virgin Mary.

You can also put the hair that falls between your hands.


I am baffled by these news... Ya have super-computers, ya have quantum computers. If ya want to make a specific person to live forever (or for a really long time.... For now) ya can simulate it very easily on said computers. Sooo.... why don't ya? Have ya seen what they simulate on those computers? Ya can even simulate to be very very strong.

If ya are all fucked up and\or ugly and shit and piss yourself all the time just pump ya self with silver (maybe not sterling). Ancient silver prolly better.


hey, you can also make food gravy from rats/pandolin/dog/cats/ant eaters/camels/horses/donkey/etc... ear wax.  .i.


ayeh... hope ya aren't expecting much... still no public transportation's...

Apparently their will be another confinement... i looked at the charts of deaths by covid in Europe and there is like 5 or 6 at most by country in Europe (there are countries that have none)... it makes no sense... pretty sure these days the regular flu kills more people then covid in Europe to not mention other diseases...

what are you smoking? The vaccine that is being distributed in Europe is American made... 

Has of now one third of americans are vaccinated but the number of daily deaths are increasing... That CDC is up to no good i tell ya...


Half a million dead and counting and virologists still don't know what is going on...^^  not enough data?...^^
hmm... a possible cure to mental illness (untested.. not that reliable but it doesn't do any harm): iron supplements that don't have piss, spit or any other kinky stuff in it...^^ 

New Spanish tourism slogan: we will give you something to take home...^^ =)   ^^


 Let me guess... into something like this? I foresee fun trips to the hospitals cellars in Spain... don't forget the shrink-ed heads too...

It seems catholics have all sorts of strange rituals, were i live catholics cut other people dicks and in France catholics take their balls, obviously it needs confirmation since i don't yet have first hand experience.


"only read the title"... why not? Your Emerit King is having a very nice vacation in Saudi Arabia...


Well... ya like the British, ya going to knock on every heaven after ya pass away...

Aparently yasz Roman catholics, Greek catholics and ya emerit king is in a Muslim nation (yasz should also add Russian catholics to the mix)... on the plus side yasz can be excommunicated from at least 2 religions, if one doesn't excommunicate ya the other will... btw, why yasz don't have bright eyes?  

Some honest rambling: i noticed that the emerit king was bald-ish.... what does that mean? IDK... but maybe, maybe, that means that a part of he's brain was replaced (jewish rituals? hey, catholics do it to) (c'mon something has to go out.... it's not like everything fits in at the same time)  _ out _ with the christian/catholic _ in _ with the Greek orthodox... it's like mac and windows o.s. and they aren't that much compatible with the hardware (thus the baldness-ish) (have you seen Trump and he's latest offspring compared with previous? obviously Trump is using the devil O.S.)...  I don't know about you but a few years ago i used cracked programs in windows, i sucked at it, most woudn't run properly, others just crashed wen trying to open and don't even get me started on the shit tonne of virus....  those O.S. and Programs.... and if ya are thinking on using my O.S. (my hairs?) think again, every medical university is studying me for decades, they probably have a gazillion virus custom made for my O.S. (why do ya think they don't even want me to have money to buy food?). Probably that was what happened 2200 - 2500 years ago, the O.S. of some dude was so good that everyone wanted it (and had it) and some really smart dudes invented a shit tonne of virus afterwards for that O.S..... or babel tower, probably another fine example were everyone runned from, for their lives... ...obviously there is alot more nuances to it (mostly bad) but it's funny...  it's funny...  ^_^

Well, yasz, in the royal family alone and in 3 generations are Greek orthodox, Roman catholics, Anglicans, possibly satanic (what?) and who knows what else... British may not be religious but they do baptise their children... those baptism thingy's must be a real joy. Ya "colonize" Britain with what religion? Who da fuck put themselves at the mercy of a second religion or even worse a third one... do you know how many religious persons (that you added up) there are that can really "harm" you? dumdum.... x'D

British are probably baptized with satanic water.... c'mon is very likely...

Belgium's baptize their kids with bear water.....

Dudes, one thing is the common folks another thing is the rulling royalty of the territory and churches.


C'mon... hospital cellars aren't cheap...

Eu não percebo porque se gasta dinheiro em hospitais para militares Portugueses, a doença da qual eles sofrem não tem cura.


Poor, poor French... they can't even go on vacation or they can't go back home...^^ 
I remember reading somewhere that in the past French were really upset about their wheat flour (bread... baguette...), if i remember right it wasn't white enough (the bread)... so... how is the bread these days? Tasty? hmm... yummy...  seams they changed their mind and now and eat any kind of baguette.

Dude, economy was shutdown and still cases climb to 50k+ a day... are ya just a commentator?

Saw this:

Guessing that NY didn't get has much money from federal government has others... Trump is stimulating them in other ways... xD

Cuomo dude, just let the UN take over NY. Guterres already has some experience running a place with 10 million people... he couldn't really make decisions but i guess he improved a bit over the years...   ;)
Seen this:
" United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti fathered and left behind hundreds of children (this could be NY)."
Keep in mind Guterres is a finisher... he finished Portugal, finished the EU and now he is finishing the UN.

Guterres, you are awere that every person that goes to the UN and meets you or your team will think about the situation around me, right?

Saw this:

How can the most wealthy nation go bankrupt (even if is "just" a few states)?
"We have this huge pile of cash but you can't use it" only if is for 500k usd trip to a aircraft carrier. No trust in governors ? Makes no sense....

Saw this:

Think of the children... you aren't thinking of the children (orphans)...
Besides isn't it better just to order stuff online, i dunno but i think that's what the Portuguese do... you can always open the economy later...

Saw this:

So... the country is shut down, states are shut down, one million Americans infected and over 50k dead. Yup, people should not go back to their "lives"...
in some uncertain time in the future someone (the president? if he can be bothered to ofc) will make a comment... haha
Dude, just say that you don't know what you are doing...
Saw this:

 Seriously?... You are telling to red/blue states to play a game of catch the flag on the states that will receive monetary aid? oOoOoOoOo

Isn't that kind of irresponsible?

good luck with that.^^

Side note: Americans (USA) have a sound political and social strategy: they pay a group of people (pretty sure you know who they are by now) to "destroy" a country/community/etc... isolate and follow interesting people (? lol)... this is how they "learn" and live (politics and all). There isn't a single original thought going through their heads.... none... and they are many.

Side note two: Today... someone has came to my home and sprayed shit on my bed (a PRO, the job was very well done since i only noticed the smell after covering myself with the sheets). 
Saw this:'s-open-in-la-businesses-board-up-economy/6064034/

Hmmm... looting stores, i can imagine that if people savings are going down this is a "real choice" considering the world we are living presently.
Well NEW YORK/London etc... present real opportunities (if ya going for high end items use cotton gloves, pretty sure high end buyers pay extra for that... i would). New York is pretty sure a paradise for that... all the stores/warehouses/companies HQ with pretty goodies inside/ museums, rich people apartments, etc...
btw, why move inventory to warehouses from stores? Aren't stores more protected then warehouses?
Paris (Louvre alone) would be a really juicy target for looting... pretty sure buyers would line up...

Well... if ya "see" that looting will be a thingy and ya live not near ya might consider moving with some friends to New York, London, etc...

On the other side... i am not sure why companies stick with NY, pretty sure there are far better places...

Well now that New York is empty-ish maybe going Nero on it might be a option to create new opportunities. Just like they did in California (fires everywhere).
New York used to be the most cosmopolitan city in America, judging by column articles writers in their newspapers it looks like they are something else, now.... i would venture and say: "a 10 million people guetto"...^^

uuuuhhh... another guetto...^^

Side note: This might not be a bad time for local mafias to expand.... who will win the battle for NY? 

*Shocker* it doesn't say were the money went/goes. Ya took 1 billion and place it were? did ya lose it? ^^
Saw this:

Well according to US authorities there is a lot of space now in New York (empty streets). Maybe you can place some barrels of crude oil in the empty  NYC buildings.
:don't play with matches.... :

umm... have i missed something? Just a couple months ago they didn't had storage room for all the oil they were extracting and now they are creating/opening new oil pits... oO
Isn't electric cars industry growing?

On a side note: Whats up with America only wanting Saudi/Iraq/Middle East Oil ? They even find excuses to make wars just to get it...  Do they prefer Muslim blessed oil over others (Muhammad probably blessed it back in the day...)?... pretty sure Mexico and other south American country's have it too and they are closer... *smell the fumes* 


Well, since you too are making fun of me for decades aparently (?) and you don't really follow the teaching of the Prophet (give money to the poor (pretty sure the Quran doesn't discriminate on religion when mentioning the poor) (to be more precise: ME, ME, ME)), i will write a few words about your choosen faith. Seems fair. Can you say it isn't with a straight face? 

In case you have forgotten: Allah is all mercifull but Allah does not forgive.

Muhammad Prophet was/is indeed GREAT, he alone convinced a bunch of grown men in loose skirts to on their knees bend over 5 times a day, everyday of their lives... thats no small feat by any measure. I like the guy.

This is a compliment to the PROPHET, in case you don't know how to read and pretty, pretty sure ALLAH favors me more then all of you. (do you feel offended? if you do then you consirer yourself above the PROPHET). you no give money. Do you know who else doesn't give money? Jews.

side note: idk, but most likely The Prophet mummy was eaten by a French or a British and replaced he's body.... apparently mummys are delicious for them... if only they found stuffed animals delicious too...

Since the western world is just animals or savages at best, I have little doubts that they have eaten Egyptian prophets mummy's and even their own prophets mummy's. Here's a little secret: wen you eat mummy's or something more fresh (human) your descendents more often then not will become animals. But they will be most likely pretty. Haven't you noticed that wen you eat animal meat your muscles grow?

It is amazing on how this day and age ppl in western societies (at least) still behave like wild animals. Ppl created societies so that they could live in safety. I see ppl taking the food of other ppl (their lands), fight other dudes so that he can mate (multiple times) and move to another place dude and make him go away cause is area is better than his. And no one see anything wrong with it. If a society doesn't give you safety, why bother with it? 

side-ish note: if you eat mummy's, you are opening a door to be susceptible to "their" deseases and genetic defects.... and ya no longer have their medicine.

on a side note: does Muslims use artifacts from other religions? ...or even pre-Muhammad the Prophet artifacts? tout... tout...

I guess Arabs turned their back to the teachings of the Prophet since they don't give me money.... ya all going to hell.

I was "reading" about Muslim history and where it was formed and i find it puzzling... no mentions of military feats. of the first six centuries of the common era and from what i have read most of the tribes in Arábia converted to Judaism at some point (Roman influence?), way before the six century. I also noted that the old statues don't have turbants or Taqiyah, what is odd. So... by simple reasoning (ya can't blame me) Muslim religion is a sect.(branch) of Judaism. Where Jewish picked some of the "values" of old tribes and add it to them? ...or maybe it was the other way around?... 

...and in the six century: The Prophet added some more "values"... and created Islam (?).

I ain't no scholar, just a simple view.


It seems (to me) that the Salah (five prayers) were introduced in Islam becouse "something" had happened... and that "something" was related with the "fact" that Muslims lost the ability to handle pressure (thus the reason to perform Salah in the presence of Angels), they seem to resort to unhortodox methods when confronted with "unexpected" situations. I can atest to that, when i was homeless in Paris and was having my meal that i bought with the money ppl had given in the morning, a Muslim made a "funny" comment about me while i was eating in a garden and i gived him the middle finger in return, he then picked up my (still almost full) bottle of wine and smashed it (it broke to pieces) into my head (the dude just snapped when he saw a low key gesture (i don't show vigorous gestures), those Muslims... they can't handle even the slightest bit of "pressure"), needed stitches (in the hospital i asked to the nurse idiot to give me more stitches since they were too far apart and the moron refused), even though i was pouring blood (lost way over 1 litre of it) from my forehead the dude still wanted to hit me more, he's freind after a "few" seconds grabbed him, seems to be a perfectly reasonable way to respond to a hand gesture (is my belife that the middle finger gesture is France is just mildly offensive, no one considers it a threat to personal safety, much less comming from a homeless dude) from someone that was starting a meal that he bought from the tips he got all morning... seems the meals are no longer sacred to Muslims, times are changing to muslims... i encourage everyone to start a lil chat to every Muslim that is eating (and that is a stranger to you), they like it, if you read the above you know that is true.

on a side note: i got a tip from another Muslim in the form of a couple hand full of peanuts, that tasted like shit (i still eat them)... all i can say is that he prayed to Allah... alot... after a couple days the effects went away...

on a second side note: from the above, is not good to have a disagreement not even a mild one with Muslims (Arabs?), they resort to atemp murder over calm words or simple gestures. Hey, if there is a next time (hope not) maybe ya succeded.

I didn't knew that it was acceptable to Muslims to draw blood on a person that is having his first meal of the day. even thought i was pouring blood into my hair and jacket the dude still wanted to draw more blood, he's freind grabbed him.

Do you think that Allah will favour you more by drawing blood on a homeless that returned a gesture to you while he was starting a meal? and that homeless is most likely more favored by Allah then yourself, even thought he doesn't practise any religion. To me, it is obvious that Muslims have a blood debt to ME and it will never be payed in full unless i spill blood unecessarly like he did. Weight it on your own scale.

I never met a muslim that is a civilized person (and i am guessing i never will), seriously, i doubt that i can have a conversersation with one without expecting violence from him/them.

All your leadership with suffer mentally after my death, thats how theology works and so that you know that is a "good" thing (belive in what i say).

hmm... that looks not that much comfortable... why not just pray to Allah?


Typical NY'er, leaving everything to the last minute... aren't ya forgetting the airports, subway, bus, cabs, ubers, etc...? They have air conditioning too. ^^


Well... Since there is a pandemic going on might be worthy in investing in some high power UV lamps and check in apartment building, the elevator, the corridors and hall for human waste of the sorts. In places like new york and Israel (religious zone With different sinagogue's ppl living in the same apartment building) can be very frown upon...  ya don't want undesirable contaminations...

gosh... the congress doesn't know the very thing they created (legislation)...
isn't that the only thing that you do?
did ya turned all aliens?

Go search in youtube for "Samuel l Jackson motherfucker" compilations

Seriusly, dudes... why didn't Americans elected this guy for president instead of the m*********** Obama? He would be a great president.

Motherfuckers: ppl that fuck with their mothers and their grand-mothers, repeatedly.

It seams that the dick-less (Israel, USA, UK, etc...) also know has the barren, are messing with the human genome. Sadly the little shits (brown faces) could only do experiments on their own families (whatever that is to them since they are dick-less), but no they do it on innocent people that aren't dick-less and want to have a family. They the dick-less make the mess and then they go fuck the life of everyone else. Child like mentality the dick-less that is. Children are the future... lol. There won't be any future if these child like mentality mischief's aren't kept on a short leech.
I am guessing the reason people are putting shit all over the lands and trees of my father side of the family is because he wasn't dick-less.  Think catholic church and Marcelo (what wouldn't that brown face do for a buck?) sold my dick to the Gypsy, Brits, Americans, Israelite's and Khan's. Don't forget give the Douro vines and the olive trees to the dick-less, a couple generations and it will all go to shit lol. Portugal has gone to shit: Hi there Toino Ramalho, Cavaquito Silva and Marcelo. :wave:
If you are on any group described above please feel offended, madafucker, you can blame Marcelo and who destroyed my patrimony though because i'm innocent.

Nothing but thieves...
Saw this:

 Aren't they the self proclaimed God chosen people?

Did they made God mad on them? What did they do?

What do you think?  God still favors them?.... lol
Does anyone take religious and civil (most likely a branch of the first) leadership serious?
To me it looks like they "hidden" basic rights and peace.

Have you seen the "most catholic" nations? They are mostly poor (the nations and salaries), revolution ever so often, mass murder (so it seams at least in Mexico judging by the newspapers) and it seams now they are expanding into deep Africa.

Noticed that there was/is a lot of study groups to study the Bible and Jewish books... so... does that mean that the families of the dudes that wrote those books aren't no longer around? What happened to them?^^ ... so... who are exactly the current Jews and Catholics?^^ 

on a side note: read somewhere that Jews don't have a concept of hell or haven... guess other religions will decide for them... i guess Judaism is just quakery... it's not a real religion. So much diversity...

Saw this:
Send them a few emails.... no reply...
Maybe in the past it was for peace and justice these days doesn't seam so... i can be wrong thou, pretty sure i'm not wrong.


One "possible" God theory:^^
Read somewhere that is possible to write information in bacteria, what if what you: think, see, ear, sense, etc... is stored also in them? What if God is "someone" that can read information in bacteria, fungi, mold, etc...  and see if you have been a naughty boy/girl^^
They say your life flashes in your mind ( judgement?) when you are about to die (i can confirm this has i already had a near death experience and this happened).^^

also found this curious (it is just that): main reason is: there is a disco (night club) nearby with that name.

There may be a chance that God is of Sami origin. (including all major religions on that statement) (prove me wrong!)^^ least Coca-cola have a guy in a red suit and children like to sit on he's lap (Lappland). ^^

"Acordos de Abraão são um farol da esperança no Oriente Médio"

" Então Abraão não aceitou mais adorar ídolos com o seu pai Tera e começou a orar a Deus, pedindo-lhe que conservasse a sua alma pura..."

ahahahahah... have you seen the faces of Jews, king of Morrocco, i am  not even going to write about the other dudes... dudes, their souls are has clear has a pudle of mud.

ohhh... look at brazilians... lol...

thread carefully madafuckers... you never know who brings you lunch.... .i.


Seen this:

To me it looks like a Camel and/or a woman's boobs (a bit saggy though). The word Allah in Arab.
Mind you this is just a interpretation, no disrespect meant, i don't judge. hehe
Another curiosity: Americca (old name) "can" be read "a mecca ri" (Portuguese) means ("Mecca" laughs), since it was a Portuguese that found the maritime route to America and named it...

Saw this....

I really never venture outside of the "regular" web, but since today's world (surveillance) is military here, police there... ain't much room for old fashioned criminals i.e. they are caught in a heart beat. So... who is uploading all the nasty stuff....?


If you are reading this and you are a honest person ask yourself if living in a NATO country and be a part of the (new?) Catholic church is the right choice? 


C'mon... you are all acting like children... shouldn't you all coordinate this kind of stuff inside NATO?

We all know that France will always cave in, in whatever negociations... they (others, not French) just need to wave the blowing of the channel conection... and half the France gets under the ocean... the earth is flat. Besides i don't belive that there are any adults in France. Am i worng?

Besides, why won't you spy the NATO French military inside NATO?'s just a few microphones (if ya wanna be fancy a couple sound wave detecting lasers) and  a IT hack... shouldn't be too hard to do...


People make themselves feel better for destroying another person life: by making a song, a tv show or a movie. All the actors/musicians/etc... are very wealthy and i was in Switzerland and i visited banks... these people just needed to contact a Swiss bank manager and tell him to open a account for me.Instead they prefer to see me in absolute misery and life threatened while they make glamorous, luxurious tv shows, movies, song clips... :wave: 

Read ( somewhere that a (expensive) US air force airplane almost crashed because of one bird got suck into the engine (needed a two million dollar engine replacement). So.... bad idea to fly air force plains in bird crowded places and maybe even on flocks of tiny drones, must be stressful to take off from the landing lane (land) or aircraft carrier (sea) with all the seagulls looking for fish.

Did anyone ever placed a potato on the exhaust pipes of a war tank (the big metal thingy)?... or even a drone equipped with foam spray that solidifies fast not just there but also on the venting system and periscope (viewing ) glass (air conditioning is a must). If you wanna be cheap you can try rotten eggs or the diluted contents of the last diarrhea (...or mace if you don't poop) down the air conditioning vent (tanks, jet fighters, aircraft carriers, submarines, boats, etc...). Can you imagine a swarm of tiny marine drilling drones on the hull of a aircraft carrier or a submarine?.. or carry a metal cable by the motor helices. Recently a US military boat was by Hong Kong it would be funny if some tiny thingy got attached to the hull... or somethings left behind... hehe
Just read that the US Navy will have submarines with Laser guns, pretty sure it will never be used near the Hudson river mouth (with all that pollution).^^
...unless their aim is to cook all the fishes in the sea. Muuuuuuuuhhhh or is it meeeehheeh maybe oink oink, auf auf auf, miau miau... lol^^

Read somewhere that a guy took a tank home...that must have been the day of taking a tank home, when will we see the day: take a F-35 / VTOL home?^^

Kind of "developed" the idea that AREA51 is about the Simmons/Simões... most likely nothing pretty happening in there... or most likely is about the Gaspar/Jasper...
Apparently the US (and the powers that be...) are killing all the Gaspar (or related to them) The poor souls (miserable people) aren't contempt with what they got, envy is their life motivator. They even envy people that have close to nothing. lol
Seams the world turned to Fascism, in not a nice way.
Kind  of also developed the idea that a "great part" part of the world is cannibal and they have a thing for "what they believe are intelligent people", you know one of the many things they do not have. Take it at dish value.^^
I have to ask: Did British turned cannibals during/after WWII? hmm... who's blood is it in the English breakfast blood sausage...? ^^ ;)
If i was a guessing men i would say that the current British royal family is originally from a  India cannibal tribe. Did i got it right?

Read that NATO has several commands (north, south, east, west.... maybe...) are they all on the same page ? Info sharing, tek, strategies... must be fun... a group talking about the new gadget by the coffee machine and another group enters and everyone starts looking at the ceiling/floor.... or just put on the sunglasses.^^ ....kind of like the EU... maybe...
...nothing new... really.
Don't know anything about military strategy but how come there is a long lasting alliance (Nato) with so many religious creeds? Doesn't it defeat the purpose?...
side note: don't forget the iron and tungsten supplements at NATO cafeteria...^^

Pretty much describes what is happening in Catholic Europe.
It looks like Europe empowers the least educated, they have come a long way since the beginning of the  previous millennium. GOoOoOOooOo EUROPE... lol

Side note: Pretty sure Europe will turn (maybe it already was...) to a "Gotham city" (Batman) but Bruce parents never existed in it... only the crime syndicates...

Was browsing "population Censos" in Portugal (by "village") and noticed a couple of drops before the "carnation revolution".
Made me think: a country with small amount of military is kind of a easy target since these days 30k or 40k people can come in (by plane, car, etc...) for vacation and have other afternoon plans.

Toino dos Santos Ramalho Eanes capitão de abril.   Someone that won't be missed. So it won't be missed he's military unit of psychologists and ofc these guy's:
Toino Manuel Fernandes da Silva Ribeiro - Just one word - LOL
Zé Nunes da Fonseca - Hmm... Seams about right, Nunes are thieves...  who tha fuck would put someone with that kind of last name in a position of command? seriously who? Doesn't he look to be on anti-psicotics?

Barak Obama and Jeorge Bush won't be missed either, most likely becouse of those fuckers removing banking secrecy i can't have money. They were targeting people like me intentionally. Good riddance to that scum.

I don't know (is a guess), but got the feeling that Portugal now is a second Russia. Sadly the "first" Russians and the "first" Portuguese are gone, so it ain't a good thing.

Might be worthy to keep a eye in the NATO top military families and Catholic/Anglican church cardinals families.Maybe is better to not forget the journalists families too.

Side note: If i was a guessing men i would say that the Portuguese armed forces sold (apparently there is a established market ) the families of the police (PSP) (my father was one and i was only 2 years old wen he died) even before the Portuguese revolution. With the "help" of the churches. It is a guess. Did other places did the same? Like NY on the 70's/80's and so one? to get a new couch the 25 of april gang of misfits (yeah i love them to bits) made 3 nation wide bankruptcies, alienated the overseas territories, sold a big portion of gold reserves (whatever that means), made a agriculture revolution (kicked off the land owners and replaced them by copycats (people that just took what others had build and owned and carryed on trying to mimic them))... did it ever ocured to  you that Portugal was poor because their was to many crazy people living in it... what whas achived? giving money to crazy people living above the law and they are/have breading alot since then (plenty of money around for those people)...? I noticed that your husband was always conected to psychological/psychiatric unit of the armed forces (uhhh... he likes to look at helpless people)... do you feel that mental ilness is less now? in my 40 years experience living in Portugal i have the feeling that is growing exponentially... then again i was way less awere wen i was young... so... does Costa, Eanes, Sousa feel that they can make their own decisions without looking at someone else? Hey...yasz only have 60 to 80 something years old.. ignorance is bliss...

on a side note: pretty sure most of the rich in Portugal around the end of the 80'0 and beginning of 90'0 were so "because" of the 3 bankruptcies... 

On my backyard someone sprayed shit on my vegetables and at least on the tree near my bedroom window. It smelled really bad. Plus some fruit trees have dried up and at least two olive trees were set on fire (burn) plus some of the lands seams they were tempered with in a not nice way. Amazing at what lengths people go to harass innocent people that don't mind other people 'business'. Vegetables were full of fly's and no bee's anywhere around. Olive trees burned (other people private property), it is great to live in alvaiazere. It is a Roman catholic community (just like the rest of Portugal 81%, pretty sure here is closer to 100% then to 81%).
Seam here people don't know how to live (they have to take the privacy of people that know to manage their own lives) sad really. Even some of the water fountains water taste like shit (literally).
Most likely those olive trees were planted by GASPAR .... if ya did this and believe in Jesus then ya might rethink your life...^^
Side note: Seams the church no longer "cares" for the 3 wise men. Do they "have/found" new ones?

update: These people here drive brand new cars, but still they feel the need to steal seedlings worth of 50 cents from me, that i live with close to nothing and trash everything i have.
Dunno but it sure does look like it is the perfect spot to conduct genetic experiments... or is it Matrix the movie... charging batteries?

These days living in here seams to be hazardous on the old days the apostle Saint James the Great came to around these parts preaching and no harm happened to him, you can correct me if i am mistaken.
Seams to me that people back then knew how to live and let live, these days people seams to behave like walrus in mating season (maybe they are... hehe) (lol). If only at least they could manage their own lives without the absolute necessity of ruin other people lives.  lol

oh, btw... Telecom company has two poles on my backyard with fiber optics (for at least 10 years) but doesn't  do cable service here, i have to use 4G. lol

hmm? What is the gov doing... backing up the entiry web? well... maybe better move to the border...

Something doesn't add up... maybe it was cooper wire and 256kb modems...


Started smoking about a year ago, this is what my experience have been so far.

side note: Tobacco is a cultural product, even if the stupid fucks in front of the gov. don't like it... most likely they are uneducated ignorant's or maybe malicious people.

Smoked tobacco 'phillip morris' group [smoked other brands too] that 'tasted to me' like saliva, piss, semen, shit, pesticides, vomit and blood, not all from humans mostly from animals "taste".  not all at once. Its a box of surprises when i smoke one.
I even noticed yellow spot on the paper, send a couple cigars to them and they send me a pack... guess what it had yellow spots on the paper too, i send a picture to them and they send another, guess again it had spots on paper too.
oh.. and it has a effect on the penis also (larger, smaller, thicker, impotence, etc..)
You just gotta love Portuguese tobacco manufacturer and he's Swiss owner (ya know the guy's (Swiss army ) that are the guards of the Vatican).
Who in "" is responsible for approving the ingredients in tobacco? ...and who is responsible for supervising it? 

on a side note: just bought some packed spice and guess what... it has vomit in it. savages. To the less keen... that is attempt murder. To the madafucker the vomit belongs to: your heart valves are trashed, pretty sure you won't survive winter.

Go check a tobacco packing machine on youtube.
update: now they don't even bother to "make" small yellow "stains", is yellow stains all over. ya open up a pact and take a cigarette half with white paper half with yellow stained white paper... GOOOO DGS...
A few days ago bought another pack after smoking the first cigarette got a small pain in the heart area and i still have it since then and my dick feels different.
A month or so after writing the above line a cigarillo caused me the same effect again, when i looked at it better it looked half coated with some substance...  i really don't know why they are doing this to me since i was already fucked when i was 8 or 9 yo (had a stroke or something, coudn't move my legs for two weeks).

update: a few days ago the tobacco had a "new" additive... bare with me... it "looked/tasted/felt" to me like really aggressive cancer inducing compound (throat, lungs, stomach, kidney and gallbladder), a nasty one. I can still feel it after 5 days or so... and it ain't going away... ain't it great... was this what you wanted? yeah, you will still be dead inside... x'D
Now i know how the US (religion maybe) give food allergies/intolerance to their own population and possibly "found" why there is cancer in Israel...^^
This happened a day or so before i made the Angela comment...

Update: I would guess that Masonic people (not necessarily Portuguese, they could be... lets say British, French, Belgium...) control at least Portugal.^^ I make this affirmation based on the fact that (chesterfield) cigarillo's taste like vaginal fluid (what kind of people would suggest and authorize this? There are some really mentally disturbed people on high places in Portugal)... Those guy's and probably the church are the ones that like to do extra kinky sexual stuff. Do you know any Monarch that likes the "extra kinky sexual stuff"? They used to keep it to themselves but i guess they are expanding...^^ It is really sad when the people in the top are headless spiders...^^ 

hmm... i am guessing the civil society (most likely a masonic faction) took over the European nations, let's face it the military are not military (in what makes a military), among many other things they have no discipline and have a total disregard for military/state rules (probably they don't even know them).

Now Europe or at least Portugal is a military nation, with make belive military, but still military... no place for civil society in Portugal. Portugal most likely will live of mining...

Update: Another ingredient that i have smelled was polyester (smelled like burning clothes)... (direcção geral de saude) never ceases to amaze me on the approved ingredient list of tobacco cigarette in Portugal, congratz to Marta Temido the health minister.  So that you know: polyester is nice and warm on the outside but it is really nasty and damages badly the guts on the inside...

It boggles the mind how people frown apon people smoke tobacco (a legal substance regulated by the gov.) but they approve or at least they don't frown upon other plants like cannabis (iligal were i live in bigger staches and unregulated by the gov.) (both are plants)...

(a week) After i wrote the above this news come out: 

I kind of envy the intellect and the knowledge (medical secrets) that those two persons hold. I can only hope those that will be replacing them are on the same level. 

update: the last few chesterfield cigarrillas packs that i bought, smelled and tasted at rat piss (the tabacco), dat dgs...

update: aparently tobacco is no longer cured, is full of what seems fungus... thats awesome for face bones...

has you can see, Portugal está entregue á bicharada. 

those in the government/dgs aren't people.

update: the last pack of cigarrilas that i bought left a very stinky smell of feet odor in my bedroom... dudes, it really stinks. This packs has a special seal from the portuguese government and pays over 80% tax, one would think that would be some guidelines about quality. why this kind of products don't pay regular tax? is the government trying to kill it's citizens?

I don't get it... i am no scientist nor do i have resources... why do this crap on me? -_-

 update: cigarrets (all brands) now don't have nicotine in them. I was not awere that dogs smoked or even could buy tobacco...

Update: Bought a bar of soap in Intermarche ( (in) Portugal... i dunno but i don't think the droplets on top of the bar should be there... if things are like this on big surfaces i can only imagine how things are on small ones...
Side note: Nº of lot: 1495 on the package. 

Update: Liquid soap has sperm in it... if this happens in your area, ask ya wife/girlfreind, pretty sure they are experts at tasting...

Update: Well... it doesn't stop, now not only smokes have spit in them, now even wine and food have it too. It is my guess that someone is "grooming" me and wen they are done grooming me most likely i will have an "accident" (maybe not accident) and use their oppus pocus to make (what i imagine would be like) a clone-ish of me, just without intelligence. Guess their is someone with big bucks waiting... guess there will be another bald guy in the world or maybe he would get hair implant. Seems someone is really impressed with egyptology and want to build chimeras out of people, wonder who is that much powerfull in the world... on a side note: in my ignorance i have to ask: is people with washed (clear blue/green) eyes chimeras? if so from what animal (?) did ya got the eyes? any other body part from animals (?)? anyone with sheep eyes?

Update: bought beer from a popular brand and got my prostate changed in minutes after drinking it (cancer?). All taxes on alcohol should be abolished, there is no supervision on that market. Hi there Marta Almeida health minister. 

Does bottled water now brings balls parasites too? I ask cause a few minutes after i had drunk some i felt something in my balls.... Does Marcelo Rebelo Sousa, Antonio Costa and Marta Almeida want to end turism? a worldwide level? If you are going to put parasites in Portuguese bottled water i think that there will be nations that probably will make plans to invade for example Madeira island so that they can continue having vacation there safely-ish, unlike now. "Leadership" have child like minds...

Is this person a exemple of a chimera ? ...i don't think she is a "real" person.


Saw this:

Must be a very happy society. It seams it is like that on catholic influential societies, these days. 
Poor little French guy no women liked him, not even the family.... he has to rape to have sex.

Saw this:

Considering the latest (2019) California fires it seams California had a change of heart and gained a new "king" (heart). Good there is mind reading now.
Guess Brits got dibs on the "republic of California"...^^ 

Another step in the making of "people republic of California"?

According to the newspapers they are buying a house in Canada too.
Considering the level of expenses (of Harry and Meghan) there is a chance that the reporter got it wrong and it was Harry giving pocket money to Prince (never king) Charles. On the link above. Will that be Charles month allowance? Now that Harry is in tune with Hollywood deep pockets?
 It boggles the mind...^^

uuuhhh... i see... charging taxes, already... oO :p

Saw this:

It immediately reminded me of this :

wow, two jobs this one and the netflix one... might has well get one at NRA too, that american money... and you still have time to check on the health of your nanny.... amazing...  

Mate, ya making money out of my "enslavement" (i don't get or have money), ya have to choices: be bound or accept that you and your firm have no problem making money from slavery and live with that reputation.

According with the upper link their house is on top of a graveyard... whats up with British Royals living on top of graveyards? Is this a British thing?.... :chills:

Why move to Canada? US Capitol Hill more close? Portugal is alot cheaper and i'm pretty sure Marcelo can arrange a cheaper home on top of a graveyard if desired, alternatively Marcelo probably can also find you a home in a Indian reservation too, Murdoch.

So who has my dick? Harry? William? Both of them? Can Kate and Meghan give their input?

WOW... there aren't any Costa (Winston Churchill relatives) in all of California ? Nor British/Australian/Canadian actors?
Well ya can always make friends with rappers and even bikers gangs.
For work just walk the streets of California with a hammer and a sickle on your hands.

Saw this (nah... didn't click play):

First TV news interview of Prince William.

Mates, shouldn't that happen once a year since he is a heir to the Throne? So that he can share he's views of the current world with the British (and the commonwealth). Kind of a big deal when ya in list to rule. one asked^^ but i live in a Republic were supposedly everyone is the "same", everyone should mind their own business, respect others (and their differences) and at least the major laws, plus almost everyone is free to leave at anytime.

Some of the most notorious mentally ill persons came from Benelux and surrounding areas. At least in my relative "view".

When will Texas be independent?

 WOW... a 38 years old still under the strict supervision of her father (shes still considered a kid by British's standards?)... At what age Brits achieve majority? Does the Queen still considers Charles a minor? ... the rest of the world is 18 or 21 for what i know...


"Ukraine on brink of winning war' Russia humiliated as world 'overestimated' Moscow power"

what does that mean? Russia is going to be Ukraine? little russians are going to ukraine factories?  

no russian nukes fired?  now the entire planet knows that russians are pussies.


 "Tres meses después del inicio de la guerra de Ucrania, ¿no es hora de encontrar la manera de detenerla? ¿Por qué no proponiendo a sus adversarios la “paz de los valientes”?"

I hope that all the Spanish are has naive has you.

So... it has been 3 months... and that is the center of ya article... becouse it has been 3 months. Anything magical about 3 months? Maybe is based on math? What are your thoughts about 1 month?


"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"

WTF is this? 

Shouldn't it be "The bald eagle and the winter soldier"? rename that crap.

On a side note: apparently eagles have poor mental health, source: tv show season 01 intelligence, with Ross? From friends tv show. Why on earth would any nation put them on the flag or choose them has national symbol? Tout... tout...

  Hi there Germany, USA, Rome, etc... :Giggles:    :'D

------------------------- Heroes of laziness, a Hamas supporter and David Hasselhoff. The stars of Germany's absurd Covid vaccination publicity campaign - ABC17NEWS.

Mesmerizing... So... No leadership in Germany.... Or none that wants to give face.

C'mon... If you don't give face aka take responsibility. How that can make you a "leader"?

You are looking for leaders in Hamas and American actors... Your inspiration...

Btw, do you have "possessed" ppl in some dungeon's? How many? Is this the way you "gain" "knowledge"? Pretty sure Germans aren't the only ones with "possessed" ppl in dungeon's...

Bye, Merkel.


I wonder... Don't the religious groups have enough sinners already? I don't see Catholics, Jews, etc... Giving a damn about constitutions and laws. For the very least. Why tha fuck would you live in a place that has a constitution and laws that you are unwilling to follow? Hmm... WHY?

How religious groups "evolve": (apparently this formula has being in use for a few millennia....)

Well they essentially don't let a group of people or just one person live.

Most of those ppl just kill themselves, some just go on a killing rampage until someone kills them and others do like me, start writing stuff. This is what "they" want, because they are retarded and need others to tell them what to do but they don't want to lose control of what they call "society"...

This is happening for a long time, take Moses, it was the same thing. He felt the need to write all that, can you imagine why he felt the need to write all that? 

Most likely because the ppl he was with lacked even the most basic common sense.

And so is most religious texts, they are written by ppl that don't see any common sense in ppl around them, in other words they only saw savages around them. Some of the texts are created by the savages from what "possessed" ppl say.

And the savages have created a really nice nest, protected by the police, courts, military, religion, etc...


Bloomberg: Merkel's G-7 Excursion Unsettled by Covid Outbreak at U.K. Hotel.


With so many ppl vaccinated in the UK and Germany, Germany meeting detail team thought that it would be a good idea to have staff around unvaccinated (btw, that's not a vaccine that's a injection).



"Prince Harry Will Fight to Win Back His Military Titles This Year"

What for? nor you nor William have any active duties...


 So... the girls in the lower decks got out before the fire or after?... Did they took control of a sensible compartment?... a warship sitting in water and doesn't have a fire safety...
 Noticed that are a lot of synagogues in London. What does that mean? I am puzzled (i really am).
 Does that mean that the current version of Brits have no pride (at all)? I am just asking after all i am ignorant. Fun, isn't it?
Saw this:

Well seams (nah, didn't looked at it) a little awkward. Doesn't it?

Maybe isn't a bad idea to send the lil royals children into the finnests schools (the ones that were you only go home for Christmas and summer and have a timber board as mattress on a empty-ish room)^^
Should be fun ;)
*kids plotting*  :)

...on the other side and considering the news one sees in the newspapers maybe only need to teach them how to read and write. They should consider donating all their private libraries... they have no use to them.

Hmm... i am no expert but it looks like the British Queen and The Spanish Queen are twins... they wear the same outfit on the same days...

Well... ya should try the risotto in Almoster since ya are here...^^  =)

Aparently first he didn't wanted to pay for protection but wanted it now aparently he wants to pay for it but isn't allowed.... dude, your a prince of the nation, everyone loves you. why you need protection?


Congratz, now if only we could see Charles ridding horses... if i remember right he used to back in the day.C'mon it isn't that hard...^^

Brits gone mad. Isn't there a contradiction on those two links?
Poor bastards they can't decide on anything.

So... what is it?

 Foolish noobs....


 hmm...? Have i missed something? Isn't Algarve a British colony nowadays?

Why lose time with that non-sence. The army can have the Queen soul and for the special forces welll... they have to find a special one.
Saw this:

Doesn't he have prince Charles cheeks? Can you see them?
saw this:

 Now the poor bastard has to hide himself if he want to reach that age... update: oh... oh... he made it...^^

Now every pub in Britain will have Baltika beer... tell Boris to not forget about that...
side note: Boris should give free Baltika beer for a weekend or at least a friday to celebrate...
hmm... is the UK still in OTAN (NATO)?... maybe Russia is a OTAN nation now too... will they be sharing strategic secrets? just wandering... i know nothing regarding that kind of circles...
Will there be fireworks (a war)? With whom? China? ...or with Russia/UK? a surprise? Maybe "they" will make like the settlers did to American bison's...
side note: A Russian moving to the UK house of lords and a UK prince moving to America a Spanish King hopping all over the place ^^ ... so many conspiracy theories that comes to the mind...oO 

Brits have no free will... it's sad... all brainwashed... ya keep following me since before birth, i am a no one socially and without any political views... just like the majority of the world political leadership... all brainwashed. "someone" just wants to turn everyone against me and they are doing it since my birth... I look at the USA senate and i don't see freeman (is there any in the Pentagon?) nor in the European Commission... it's sad...

Freeman don't need to follow anyone... seams lots of people followed my grandfather, my father and now me... since i don't have kids... who will they follow next? 

Well... i see the Portuguese palaces "empty", i see the rural manor houses "empty" pretty sure there aren't many if any peasents left... i find it strange that the words of a uneducated peasent like myself (even anonimously) carry more weight then the words of the liders of America (that Great Great Great nation), European "leadership" and even the Roman Catholic pope (at least the last two), a tweet from me gets more atention then a wall of text from any of them... ohhh... how the mighty have fallen so low... and no, that is something you can't take from me, there is no way how...
I dunno but seams Masonry (Freemasonry, maybe even Rotary club, Lions Club) runes the world.... (side note: i kind of translate Mason has in: bad son from French...)^^... yeah i know little (more like close to nothing) of this stuff, keep that in mind.

I remember reading that even the smallest villages in Britain had at least one Masonry lodge, kinda 200 years before or so...

Observation: The British ruling "House" The House of Windsor have not much more then 100 years (103 to be precise), Britain/England is a very old nation...

Seams the "new management" is "new"...^^
 Quote: [t]here shall be between the respective kings and their successors, their realms, lands, dominions, provinces, vassals, and subjects whomsoever, faithfully obeying, true, faithful, constant, mutual, and perpetual friendships [ Amicitae], unions [ Adunationes], alliances [ Alligantiae], and leagues of sincere affection [ purae Dilectionis foedera]; and that, as true and faithful princes, they shall henceforth reciprocally be friends to friends and enemies to enemies, and shall assist, maintain, and uphold each other mutually, by sea and by land, against all men that may live or die of whatever degree, station, rank, or condition they may be, and against their lands, realms, and dominions.
What ya make of this?....

Seams that i have read that the USA also have many many Masonry lodges....
btw, When i think of Masonry it comes to my mind: Aleister Crowley,  John Dee


Not sure but it seams this herb is being used alot, i have seen it cultivated near the place i live by the locals (a roman catholic community).

Datura stramonium

Don Juan, in the book "The Devil's Weed" by Carlos Castañeda (1931-1998) [9] refers in these terms to this kind of Datura:

    "The devil's weed has four heads; the root, the stem and the leaves, the flowers and the seeds. Each one is different, and whoever makes it his ally must learn about them in that order. The most important head The power of the devil's weed is gained through its roots. The stem and the leaves are the head that heals the diseases; used right, this head is a gift to humanity. The third head is in the flowers, and is used to drive people crazy or to make them obedient, or to kill them.The man who has the weed as an ally never absorbs the flowers, not even the stem and leaves, unless he himself is sick, but the roots and seeds are always absorbed, especially the seeds, which are the fourth head of the devil's weed and the most powerful of the four. "

Can you imagine if is being used in milk or other processed food... 

on a side note: aparently in Portugal they put piss in milk. check for yourself point a UV light to it.

Side note: I am not knowledge (i really don't) on the stuff... but apparently there is people that have a "animal" soul (lion, horse, bull, dog, fly's, etc...) (that aren't O- blood type), i wonder what would happen if they "eat" something that is harmful just to that "animal" would it harm their soul? If so, in what way?
Will we see changes (for example) in the rain?  

Not sure on other countries but in Portugal spices specially pepper seam that they have to cross a sewer canal before entering. Check it... have some pepper in Portugal and then try it in Asia (prolly one of the best places).  
how do you like your pepper (...and other spices) ? Does distributors need to be "convinced" ?^^


Readed this:

Pretty sure if there is a more advanced outer space alien civilization in reaching distance it wound just wipe out almost all people of the planet (only a "hand full" would be spared), when the planet reach(ed) a tipping point of technological advancement. Due to "evolutionary" choices made by the rulers... grown up stuff.
Think about it: if is in reaching distance is like they are in the same house, if they see one guy savagely taking a "piece" of another and they are the "Big boy" what do ya think they'd do (they might think they are next)? Kind of comes to mind of the supposed end of previous advanced civilizations... hehe

Read on newspapers that there is a "prison" on Guantanamo with all sorts of nasty stuff happening there, pretty sure journalists don't know much about geography other wise they would situated it in Portugal.

Apparently (confirm for yourself) the savages (current Portuguese population) have a need to ruin other people property not only that they believe that is their right to (force, bully) buy lands from other people that been on he's family for generations for like 300 euro's (i got a offer of that much for a piece of land). These kind of people aren't happy with what they have. I am "happy" with what is mine and i do not envy others properties nor i feel any need to "have them" by any means necessary.
These people gather themselves together to ruin peoples lives without provocation of any kind of meaningful communication.
It makes no sense, if you have something you have something, you use the public roads and you enjoy life with the people that like you... why tha fuck don't you just ignore others peoples lives? Why tha fuck do you have to put your nose on other people lives?
In other words they are zombies (have you seen the "walking dead") this is how these people "live" they just don't let go, they want everything from you and they feel themselves entitled. FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.........^^

Saw this: 
(also saw this:'ari dunno if connected but sounds subjective)
Just barely read it (actually i didn't)... but seams (to me) Nazi's were Jews too.^^
...if that is the case, Israel is the Jewish state! so... is a state for Nazi's too (looking forward to see the Nazi neighborhood, hehe... i'm innocent, blame Marcelo and who destroyed my patrimony.).^^ 

Something that both have in common (Jews and Nazi's): they don't pay. It's just one more thing they have in common.

You will find them (Jews \nazis) where there is cheese. Both like to collect stuff from other religions and not pay for it... Pretty sure none of those know what is religion, they just know cheese.... Then again idk and I don't want to pop a neuron thinking about it....

After writing this "learned" that Israel is a Zionist state... apparently so is almost all the vegetables (food) (manganese accumulation), but i don't know much about anything really.  What would happen if ya eat heavy metals? become short?
btw, can someone from the promise land come get these guy's:  
...what kind of Jew wouldn't want to live in the promised land?^^
Fun fact: Spain produces most of the fruits and vegetables in Europe.

(mind you i know nothing about religion and i don't make "much, if any" judgements)

"Simmons graduated its first African American student in 1914. Furthermore, Simmons was one of the few private colleges not to impose admission quotas on Jewish students for the first half of the 1900s."

 Seams Americans didn't liked Jews all that much at the beginning of the 20 century. Things have changed since then, now you can see Walmart supermarket and fast food joints in Israel. hehe
Saw this photos... and to be honest they don't look Jewish to me (i am ignorant on ethnicity... so take it has you will). 

This is a uneducated comment... like most comments made on this blog... you can correct me in the blog messages.

hmm... again... Hitler doesn't look Arian to me (from childhood to adulthood)... you can correct me in comments...

whats next?... black arians? White arians that turned black...  -_-

Why would they?

Isn't Europe Jewish? I am asking here, so don't judge me.


I'm no expert but these two look like they are Ashkenazi Jews.

I guess the catholic church one century ago was Jewish.

Known Ashkenazi.


Tenho que ser honesto, tu pá tens olhos de gado.  é de nascensa? ou ficaram assim como por magia?

 ouve lá, tu, pá, por acaso não andastes 40 anos no deserto com um idolo de boi feito de bronze?


olha, outro.....

mmmmmuuuuuuuuhhh.... mmmmmuuuuuhhhhh..... mmuuuuuhh...


Só metade? são todos inimputáveis... há algum que não seje doente mental na igreja Portuguesa?  Só precisam de dizer algo do genero: foi Deus que me disse para fazer... e são atribuidos ao cuidado da conferencia episcopal Portuguesa.

on a side note: aparently these little weasels have converted me to another religion... sadly they haven't told me wich nor do i know. My grandfather was a miller and aparently i don't tolerate wheat very well. C'mon dudes at the very least tell me to what religion i was converted to... k.. i have no problem, just want to know, some have food restrictions.

on another side note: someone should make a test (like the one for covid) that you can buy in pharmacy's to know what is your religion. c'mon this is genius idea, do it.

on yet another side note: i find it very amusing that catholics and jews at the very least... can have celiac deseases... lol


Some random genocide, they even made profecies. Anything to do with the country Qatar? A few conspiracies come to the mind...

They should revive the good old days and do this stuff in the Vatican area...


people are ignorant... one would think that people knew that "men can't get pregnant"... but nope, people don't know this. I am the living proof of that, people are fucking me for 44 years and counting....


"Pope Francis changes the Code of Canon Law to institutionalize what is already allowed in practice: the access of lay women to the service of the Word and the Altar. The Pope explains his decision in a letter to Cardinal Ladaria."

gosh... so many religious orders in Malta and i am guessing in Monaco and probaly the USA, they couldn't spare anyone? are they too busy?... 

on a side note: why the cardinals don't have bright eyes? muuuuuu  muuuuu muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

ohh... look... they elected someone from Malta to the european parliament presidency... she couldn't had gone to the Vatican? She probably from a religious order....

I really don't know nothing about Nazis or the second world war... so bare my thoughts.

It has been +70 years and "people" are hunting them?... Why? War is war. End of a war is that... end. Shouldn't when a war ends everyone goes home and obey the laws?
It looks like the second word war and the first too was designed to exterminate the Christians...

Kind of developed the idea that all major religions (they aren't religions anymore, they are something else) shifted to be based on Nazi rite. Essentially there aren't Royalty's anymore (worthy of that historical name) and "they" are based on sacrifice (not the good kind of sacrifice).
What happened to the learned men? ...and why no "one" wants to read or allow others to read the secret libraries?
Noticed that the symbol: pyramid with a eye inside appears everywhere now (check US money)... hmm... i have been looking and that seam a symbol of church monarchy... i have to say the pope doesn't look all that much toned....^^
On a side note: seems the Gomes, Sousa and Silva are going up in the ranks...
 This may sound strange but to me the Sun doesn't look the same everywhere, in Portugal looks different then from  Zurich (Switzerland), noticed this on the summer (same altitude: 600 meters altitude). If this is something you want to see come to Portugal and look at it for some time and then go to Zurich (there is a park in a high hill close to the center of the city, that's were i noticed it) and look at it.

I looked at the sun in Zurich from the park with a high hill and that has a small garden on the top. I looked facing the buildings and above the tree on the "right" side (The one that casts a shadow on the sitting benches) sitting on the right side bench and also having the buildings on my right and looking up, during the summer time. I wonder if swiss deputies, cardinals and European royals can look at the sun in the same settings for at least 3 seconds at a time 4 or 5 times without losing their minds. Ofc, without sunglasses or contact lenses. If you can't maybe that indicates that that isn't a place you fair well, from a mental health point of view, since the sun reflects on everything and do his toll over time on you...
Hmm... Maybe, worth mentioning that if you can't look at the sun that may indicate that you don't have a nation this making you a alien, keep in mind that the planet is for ppl that can look at the sun, since you are an alien you can go live anywhere on the universe (with the exception of this solar system) that doesn't have light for example the dark side of the moon, you can always visit from time to time the planet.
You go blind ish wen you reach old age.
Are you familiar with van Gogh paintings errhh... With a touch of Edvard Munch?  Maybe ppl got mad cause they were looking at the sun during a eclipse of the sun. Then again who knows... I don't.  :D

Also, compare your mental health (not knowledge) with your son's, your father and your grand-father. If you see a decline on the family mental help over the generations, then you might consider moving to the dark side of the moon. Ya overbaked by the sun (Not skin color related ofc)...
If not, in the not so distant future your descendents might be schizophrenic.

For example, the Vikings only came to the south for pillaging, after pillaging they returned to the north and back then there was a lot of free space without ppl in the south.

While we are on the subject, i don't know why ppl with malaria don't move to northern nations like UK and Sweden, far less symptoms of the condition on colder climates and you probably live longer.
Look sharp ppl real estate on northern nations is going to skyrocket.

So... Are the lot of you aliens? 👾 👽

After 4 million years living on the planet, most ppl don't know how to live in the planet... that makes you a alien. 
Take for instance ppl in wealthy nations where they don't exatcly depends of gov food programs and they get cronic deseases and what not... a fine example of alien life :)
have you noticed the mass surveilance? mass survailance is for: stealing... do you know who benefits from mass survailance (in Portugal, for example)?  pj, military, Marcelo, etc... and if you have something that you really cherish, there is a good chance you get killed over it since there is mind reading now and the idiots are very jealous, they (the idiots) will send their relatives to live next to you... until... 
Hey, yasz can even invade another nation just to get their survailance data...

If ya piss on a plant and the plant dies... Doesn't that mean ya a alien to this planet?

If I were "you" i would put some money aside for your great grand kids can pay for oxygen. Apparently there is a group of ppl that not only are wealthy but they want to take everything from poor ppl (even their inheritances) all. have you noticed the behavior of judges and lawyers? Does that behavior look criminal to you, based on legislation? (On NATO nations). Have you noticed on how everything is drying up, everywhere?

Apparently (check for yourself) who runs Europe and probably the world is Religion (Spain?) (... or maybe is the police or Santa), what makes it sad is that some have more then a millennium and still don't know how to live by themselves, have to rely on "others" in not the "best" terms. Here's a tip: it is not the wisest idea to ruin a honest men life. Comes to mind Jesus, Roman empire crumbled not so long afterwards and you still see ripples from it 2000 years later.

hmm... i just saw Barcelona "alcalde" website and saw a crown on the top right...  you lazy... forgot to remove the symbols...^^  =)
It looks like "every" Royal in Europe will be a Queen (a saw a few examples...) will they "get" a Greek prince too like the British?
Saw this:

It looks like Boris really loves he's dog :winkyface: hihi

 So... What are you saying is that the director of polícia judiciária ( isn't actually a MI5 or a MI6 agent that has been baking for too long in the sun?

Wander if Westminster and the Big Ben where build with rocks from a Anglican site or a Pagan site.^^
Just looked: seam the rocks came from France, local rocks weren't good enough... Vous parle Français?^^

Ivy cottage was built on top of a Roman burial site...
Book: Ivy cottage by David Martin

 Does the repairs on Elizabeth Tower and the Big Ben was to add bones to it? If so, were did they came from? ...or maybe it was to take some bones out to Prince Harry take with him to he's new home. Guess you have to ask a reporter or MI6 to know.

...well if ya want bones i know of a few farmers near me from whom you can take them from or you can use Trump, Marcelo, CIA skulls, just toss them on a pit of worms for fast cleaning and please please don't forget the journalists... hehe ;)

Saw this:

So... the "holly" stone of the British Throne is a rock that came from Ireland then to Scotland and originally came from whatever place Jacob lived.... my guess is no were near Britain... plus Westminster was build supposedly with French stones... lol x'D

 I don't know anything about "religion" (...or what a nation is...) but my guess is that things (nation related) don't work like that (if you are looking for any kind of identity...).

On top of it... "they" have a religion (Anglican) are decedents of Mohamed, live on houses made on top or Roman graveyards, probably "rely" on pagan stuff like stone-hedge... Essentially they will be knocking on every single door in Haven(s) when they go to the "afterlife"... on the other side plenty of Hell's will be at their "disposal" if they don't get accepted in any Haven...^^  hehe

Hey, i want a pay raise too...
Noticed (my observation scoop is limited so...) that the British royalty live in cold rainy weather (well almost all) and the lords too. Winston Churchill family (pretty sure many others too) apparently live in the hot country's while enjoying the money and protection provided by the people that live in the cold and damp. x'D
Ya lot wanted to move Britain to the south... Why? Ya cover yourselves with clouds in the summer, were you are now... Lol

What British families will be moving to the sunny countries next?^^

They always get it wrong... most likely will take a few more years... Will you still be there to enjoy it?^^

Portugal will be getting at least 26 billion... guess that money will be spend on Northern Europe families moving into Portugal... It is really nice to see Northern Royalties behaving this way x'D
Pretty sure there are few British families that haven't set foot in Britain since they got out of there... they don't want to be asked to go back to the cold and damp. x'D


 If i was a guessing men i would say that the majority of musicians and movie stars are illegitimate sons of the "important" people... they make way to much money and they tend to spend it in not nice things and not nice people. It's not like "they" will let a bunch of nobody's make a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars a year every year... Think about it... Probably they don't even pay taxes...


So... the guy that wrote this article thinks that someone went all the way to the moon to bury a treasure... if i was a guessing men i would say he is a pirate... does he have a treasure buried somewhere? Once a pirate always...^^


I think these northern people have some serious dementia issues... How many times did they said that over the years? Oh, look: Portugal is going to get at least 26 billions of free money (has bonus because there was already plenty of regular free money^^)... weeeee... Lets see how much (bonus) free money will it be next year. x'D 


olha o toto do Eanes a falar aos jornais sem o chapeu pensador.

Bem, como alguem que esteve á frente de uma unidade militar de psicologia, presumo que vocemesse não seje um dos iludidos. atão tá a empenhar-se em que?

Nah, continuação de fazer guerra a agricultores pobres, que vivem sem meios quase nenhuns, é o que vocemesses (atrasados mentais em uniforme) teem feito desde antes do 25 abril.

Is it me, or are they all chickens?
Can someone feed some carmine to the still alive? Great colour...

I took a brief look to European Royalties and i don't get it: why are they royalties? Seriously, why?

They don't seam to stand out of the crowd, they don't look like they have the needed knowledge (/intelligence), they don't have any trait that separated them from the "pack" or cause envy on others, they actually envy people that are the opposite to them, they don't look like they have above average energy/strength, they aren't honest not even the slightest. Question: wasn't guillotines invented for such people? You are only damaging yourselves (the military, "plebe")... if your top is people that feel strong envy of others. Don't you know that envy can make you mad and even kill you?
Yeah, mad insane. That is why you can't stop? you instantly go mad insane if you stop?

Saw this:

So... no one in that retched place has he's head on the right place? Didn't the royalty had plans for such circumstances? no? why?.... Did the royals even showed up to the meetings? ... they were busy delivering sandwiches?...^^

Again... guillotines were made for this cases...
Besides, this is the major offense to civil/human rights ever... people in the UK aren't hygienic or know how to live?  According to Boris they aren't/don't....

I have read it... so what God he should be thank for? brits have lots of Gods to answer to... and many more daemons salivating for them... 


I don't know Brits but pretty sure they don't care if there are events at the palaces or not... pretty sure they only care about the Jewels in the tower.

Hmm... is that a face of a Greek men or are you using a British skin? Who's if the case?  Is it common for people in Britain to use others skins? How common? Who supply's them? So many questions... a Greek with washed eye's... c'mon...

Whats up with European royalty/US Presidents? some going to the hospital at the same time, others on the run... will Belgium, Luxemburg, Monaco, Sweden, Netherlands join them?

side note: Seems that Luxemburg is very rich and Chinese companies like to use them has a financial hub, i am guessing that Luxemburg ppl rule many nacions. Same thing goes to Monaco, Swiss and Liechenstein.


 By the time you will send it to movie theaters Daniel Craig will need a cane to walk for the looks of it... Just leak the movie.

OMG... again...    -_-

 uuhhhh... christmas dinner came early this year... :insert Homer Simpson emoji:


C'mon... send one for Cuomo and also lead by example let us see you taking the vaccine... good for moral...

Saw this:

They have a empty navy hospital on the docks and do this?
Cuomo have some mad/crazy management skills.

Since every diagnose of COVID in the USA grants 13k$ to the institution... I guess Cuomo wanted to give money to the nursing homes... or the mafia running them... take your pick.
saw this:

gosh... Scotland is one of the major exporters of spirits drinks...

Is American vodka tainted with "not so nice" spirits?...^^

Look chin diapers

 Hmm... does the chin diaper have anything to do with bellow?,_Alaska,_between_1903_and_1908_(AL%2BCA_40).jpg

if it does... strange how people with such tight culture don't know how to eat.


 Yep... yep...yep... aahhh... yep... yep...yep... yep

I can confirm this... talking from experience here. Bought a pack of Winston smokes and they seem short on tobacco but high on polyester.

This is polyester:

This is a tobacco plant:

Can someone from fashion industry and from farming industry send a couple of really good educators to tell them the difference between the two? I am assuming that Royals supervise the tobacco standards...


tout... tout...  so... no gypsy store cloths? ^_^


That's just a misunderstanding... was emerit Queen Sofia just saying hi to Prince Philip... Greeks are like that, they do everything on water...


humm... why not just change service provider? *Trump running to save the stock value*
Took a look at graveyards and the oldest grave i could find was year ~188x.

What happened to the bones of previous people before that date? Did they got looted and sent to America or to Britain? Maybe even France... Were past Portuguese that much better then all of you combined? The evidence proves that they were... on a side note: my great-grandfather (Nunes) apparently was rich wen he moved into this area... not that "long" from the French invasion and British "rescue".

Well... let not forget pharaoh mummies, damn that some complex funerary rituals... 

btw, have you by any chance picked mummies or human bones? you did, good for you. Are you awere of extreme unction in the catholic church. yes? good. Have you taken a good look at your kids? don't they look a bit squimish? don't worry about it, it's fine. Gosh, there is so much work done by ancients on mummies, do you think they had extreme unction? or something equivalent...? so much complexity in ancient mummies funeral rituals... 

some rambling: i guess that there is enough tech and will to bring "exctint" ppl/tribes back... i say good, good, i mean it :)

Keep in mind ya naive dimwits, those ppl had religions and those religions were far stronger then yours (you no longer have common sense, ya don't distinguish reality from fiction, etc...), on top of it, there were holy wars in the past, ya bring a savage tribe (yeah, they are cute wen its just a handfull) and things will get messy on the other hand ya might bring a civilized tribe back that was killed in a holy war... in any case, i pitty Jews, Arabs and Africans... do you actually belive that black ppl were the "original" habitants of Africa, there was plenty of civilizations in Africa that not even ruins are left.......... x'D

 When i was in Lyon (France) i noticed to my disbelief that some Jewish people seamed to noticed me and "not liked me" (same thing goes to muslims) i can't imagine why, i never before that made anything to "deserve" "that".
Looking back the only possible explanation i can find is that some of them hold the bones of some of my ancestors... my local cemetery have no graves before 188x and my local locality has way over a millennium.
How a British heir to the Throne pitches work for he's wife:

If only there was someone in all of Britain that would inspire song writers, artists, scientists, churches, etc...

on a side note: if you have the means might be fun to check to whom netflix is "giving" money...

WOW... Thats what i call experienced producers... how hard did netflix had to fight with other media companies to have them produce their shows?... Pretty sure all other companies were throwing money at them... congratz netflix... ya all gona be replaced by British... ya reading netflix.
totally unrelated: Can British lords lose their face more then one time?

Have seen this:

Dunno, maybe she got a blood transfusion (since blood carry marrow cells) from a men or genetic experiments on the "Portuguese" population. Gotta love medical doctors. hehe
Here's another tip  to "medical doctors" mental ill people are people that don't show respect towards others, even if the "look normal".
But yeah... these days women after 50 or 45 gain a beard... was it like this in the old days? What changed ?...^^
Now that Madonna moved to Portugal i am guessing she will be starting shaving too...^^  =) 


Topaz necklace?   ???

It is my understanding (and experience) that all members of the Britsh royal family are Satanic (read it somewhere).

Shouldn't you be wearing... i dunno... chicken bones or something like that? 

Aparently ya'll like to torture ppl their entire lives. Kudos to ya'll and ya ppl.


ohh... c'mon... why would you do that? Ya all already on the verge of going crazy, amending cannons won't be wise on yaz state... "consider changing cannon"... wen they made them (the cannons) they had a cool head....


 I find it "ironic" (to use kinder words) nations that yesterday burned book now are "looking" for knowledge. Hi there, Spain, France, Germany, etc... 


Geez... when someone build a religion they should know the answer to that question and many more... yours been around for a couple of millenia... if ya don't know... why did ya burned so many books over the centuries/millenia? ya gain no knowledge by burning books.


so... when it will be allowed to publish about the escavations on other religious sites, like medina, meca, vatican, fatima, lurdes, etc...?


The head of the Catholic church can't even keep he's head straight...

Looking at you, i get the impression that the Catholic God is a turtle. Turtles are predators.

It's "funny", ppl are following me for years and even internationally, thats a predatory behavior, since i did nothing wrong... on top of it: I am not (?) God. why follow me everywhere? Then again, maybe, maybe, I am God and just don't know it (keep in mind that my mother was no virgen, so i can't be the son of God), maybe, thats the reason ppl are following me everywhere?... shouldn't I be worshiped in every temple and every home? questions... questions...

Judging by the young ppl faces that were stalking me all over Europe I am guessing that many of them were medical doctors sons and daughters.

Well... if you have the need to pry on me in this manner (wen there is 7 billion ppl on the planet), that means that your religion has failed you (all of them considering the amount of ppl prying on me and if you haven't noticed there is a pandemic going on), your religion is nothing but a empty shell, you pray to the empty and you want to be like me. To be like me you have to abandon all rituals, you can not participate on the church, synaguogues, mosques, you can visit them but not take part. Thats how I am and you can't be like me if you continue to have rituals or participate on colective rituals. It was you that chose this, it was you that took my privacy.

Since I am GOD, you should be more carefull when saying your prayers, any ill (bad) thought about ME (GOD) while saying your prayers will have NEGATIVE repercursions on your life including losing your mind. That is for everyone, including: Popes, Patriarchs, Rabbi's, Imams, Kings, Queens, Cardinals, Barons, Archbishops, etc... you will have to pray to ME, forever! Thats the bargain you have made on your own free will. So it will shall be.

You are the ones worshiping ME out of your own free will, I am not forcing anyone to "follow" me.

Pray to ME, worship ME, I am GOD. If you don't pray to ME you will lose your mind, you can't handle pressure (pressure: when you encounter dificulties that you have to overcome but you still are free to walk away without overcoming them), I can. If you pray to ME you will feel better afterwards. You are bound to pray to ME and worship ME for all eternity, that is the bargain you made when you decided to follow me on your own free will, do so or lose your mind. Live in fear, be afraid be very afraid if you wish me harm or have ill thoughts towards me you will lose your mind.I am guessing that you had already condemned your soul before starting this "bargain", no pure soul or "clean" soul would do this to another person. I am guessing that a bunch of families turned satanic... kind of like "grimm" tv show (2011-2017)... dat skins... -_-

my name (GOD name): nuno miguel marques simões

Divine justice in life and in death.

Why don't yasz build a bronze idol of me? (don't get any ideas of locking me inside) 

Have you see pirates of the caribbean Davy Jones boat scenes?... if you lost your "mind" then you are a Davy Jones crew "member" your only salvation is to: pray to ME and worship ME becouse I am GOD.

Convert yourselves to MY religion. your religions are godless, your religions are plague'd by sickness, most of you are sick of something. Do you belive that your religion that is plague'd by sickness has GOD on their side? do you want to wear a tiny hat all your life? do you want to put on your knees and bend over 5 times a day? do you want someone to give you a waffer one time a week? CONVERT, I AM GOD.

For example: Spanish don't have a GOD in their religion (can anyone say otherwise in honesty?), they pray to the empty, just now Barros (Spanish family) just made themselves a part of ME (through some manbo jambo), but I am not a part of them.

When there are people praying to someone and watching him and a persons harms him, that person(s) that harmed him will suffer consequences, GOD is in all things.... spooky stuff... pray to ME, worship ME if you want to keep your mind. I am GOD.


gosh... they have exatcly the same smile and face lines... what are the odds of that? Are you lot brothers or clones? oO

 In Pandora tv show they made the clone look younger... in America they make them look older? :scratches head: x'D

Well... to the cloning industry: dudes... make them non-carbon based so that they can walk on Mars without any equipment and so on... and don't have to compete for resources or space... :)

 Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction


c'mon... pretty sure that even your congress men take guns to congress building. 

on a side note: how is the medical tech in America? Do you and your senators still do traditional medical exams and colonoscopy's? I guess the rest of the Americans have to do... that is reason enough for civil war...

French and Americans need deep sedation for the exam...kinky... No gentle toutch? o.O



 "Crime and Political Punishment"

Thats just fancy talk to say: dictatorship. 

Yeah, i already know that America is a dictatorship and so is Europe, nothing new. I am 44 yo and always lived in dictatorship, wherever i go a croud follows.... it is amazing. To hell with American and Canadian generals.


Biden, is this what I am to you? I want MY MONEY.

I would ask Marcelo Rebelo Sousa, Antonio Costa, Vatican and the wannabe shit royals in Europe but i already know the answer to that. 

So... who exactly are the freaks?


 So... Americans... what ya think of ya secret services? Aren't they great? Well, Biden is still alive so i guess they are great... *knock on wood* *crossing fingers*

That Murray fella looks like the son of a Atlantic city Italian mafia boss... i am the only one thinking that? That Vatican is everywhere.... 

It looks like it is the Vatican that controls the intelligence agencies in the western world... all this surveillance is in fact inquisition. Make no mistake you are going to be "canceled" by the Vatican if they learn that you know or have something that catches their attention. The Vatican is cancelling me since i was born.


Well since i am not allowed to have money, i guess that Portugal and EU turned communists (bad commies)...

I remember that America made war to Vietnam because they turned communists (dunno if bad or good commies)... are they going to make war to Europe like they did to Vietnam or let the commies grow? Hey... maybe they are all already commies in America... at least in Los Angeles area and Washington they are all commies. The rest are learning to become commies. Israel is definitely communist. Does anyone have any doubt that Marcelo is a commie? ...and Biden is very eager to work (learn?) with him (according to Biden phone call to him)... seems Biden is learning, he already is applying he's shiftshifting skills with the help of the CDC, i wonder how is the CDC is "helping" the american ppl?

Biden , I have read that ya are Irish descendent.... Irish pirates ancestors?

 The Grand Tour | Ford Focus RS  

/Skinner clip

Biden, Biden... how is that mosaic working on in America? is it changing? in what direction? dat pandemic...

how bout that Canada? Maybe, even, the American mosaic is moving to Canada? ...or is it the other way around? Canadian mosaic moving to America....

how bout the Spanish mosaic... gonna change until the end of the pandemic?


"JOE BIDEN came under fire after White House correspondents were allegedly kicked out of a Covid meeting as US governors were about to quiz the President on his pandemic plan."

"GOP slams Biden for saying there’s ‘no federal solution’ to COVID "


be afraid be very afraid... ya better remove the reasons to be afraid, beforehand... it's a pandemic....


Hey, dudes, have ya seen this movie:

The Terminal (2004)

It's a great movie. Hey, ya might even get some tips for yours future. 

No need to thank me but i do accept (very generous) donations.


hmm? Well i see lot's of cargo airplanes leaving material in Ukraine region from Britain, US and other nations.

Putin, you want Russian soldiers to be killed by advanced weapons from US and Britain? You don't want to cut off that supply line?

military analyst hat on: if those corpses weren't  moved.... it sugest they were caught by surprise..... neutron bomb?


It is my understanding that "they" say that using this hat will make you closer to God, i'll say (respectfully) it is bullocks, yeah, i guess it makes you more "confident". I don't know, but apparently the only time Jews saw God was just one dude and it was in the form of a burning bush in the desert (was it cannabis?). Besides if the tiny hats have something to tunne in to God (i hope there is only one Jewish God for your sake otherwise it may get interference)... doesn't that (tiny hat) on the long run introduce genetic defects?  

How about the women? Jews say that all women are Jewish... i desagree, i say no woman is Jewish, only the men are Jewish. The woman don't use the tiny hat, the one thing that makes Jews closer to God. Jewish men don't want women close to God. What makes a women Jewish, since they don't use the hat? Where is the lie? Well... we have the Queen of England  that uses a scarf over her head half the time, so... i am guessing she is half Jewish.

If you are Muslim and decided to be like me and live in a place that not praying is frown uppon, just lose the hat at use a butt plug...


He still isn't president and he is already making U-turns (are ya related to Boris Johnson?)... dude trains are like the second safest thing after airplanes... 

on a side note: Can someone go check if the deceased Biden son bones are still there.


So... the FBI are the ones in charge... (?) ...and they want to select who from the national guard will be "guarding" the innaguration... (how are ya going to do that? is it by state? how many states will be left out?) (if there is a riot does that mean that the FBI "participated" on it?) c'mon... pretty sure the CIA will be there (can you really do anything about that, FBI?). No one from the Navy will atend? ... how about the Air force? Will they be left out too? soooo... many questions...


So... will he run away grabbing with both hands the nuclear codes briefcase? 


 Pretty sure "she" shaves everyday...

Maybe if it was Ana Gomes he wouldn't need a piece of paper with a written name...
Got the feeling (no actual proof) that Portugal is a prison for innocent people, might not just be Portugal, most likely all of Europe is one. Dunno were it leaves current European countries Royalty... After all there is a European alliance (European Union).
Who am i kidding it is ALL OF EUROPE including Switzerland and Norway.


Saw this:

I see Heraldry that has Lions and Horsis in them, what does that mean?  (not O- blood type?) You spread shit of those animals around you? you eat their sh*t? you turn to bestiality? If so, how often: weekly, monthly, yearly ?
I see that the French have a rooster has a "mascot" (i can be wrong, don't blame me, i am ignorant...) so... do they jerk-off roosters?...  how do they manage to do that? oOoOoOoOOOooOOo 
Hmm.. i see ppl with faces of lions and other animals, does that mean that those ppl don't have a dick/pussie of their own? they have a dick/pussie of those animals?

Questions, questions...^^

Saw this:

and this:

Seams about right all military/police are children... lololololol

vá... digam ai ao exercito para comprar uma duzia também... pode ser que funcionem... mas desta vez metam nos requesitos de aquisicão que o drone tem que voar... galinhas e pintassilgos...

Rapazolas, já agora e como a TAP vai comprar uns aviões talvez não fosse má idea dar o numero do vosso fornecedor á TAP...

C'mon.. you broke them now you are returning them... thats not nice.


Transformando os elefantes públicos

O DN convidou Gonçalo Reis, autor do livro "Serviço Público, A minha vida aos comandos da RTP", que será lançado terça-feira (dia 13) para a pré-publicação de parte da obra.

That book title... It reminds me of books written by retired Mossad and CIA agents...

Did ya got retired?

Wathayaknow there are a few CIA agents in Portugal with "reis" has last name... (At least one...)

So much diversity in "reis" family....   :)


Seen this:
" United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti fathered and left behind hundreds of children."

Well seams that guy sticks he's dick in pretty much any hole... if there is a hole he will stick he's dick in it. Maybe he is in permanent "heat"?
Congrats to the UN recruiting department, they know how to cherry pick. lol

I dunno but it looks like the UN is a terrorist organization these days under the protection of the US and possibly France. Ain't it odd that all secretary generals are old and yet none died on the service? 

I have no real base to "defend" this but i'll mention it: American, British, etc... Military loot other nations and do other not so nice stuff, Portuguese Military loot the Portuguese population and do not so nice stuff to them.
Portuguese military are way smarter then all others. G-E-N-I-U-S
They even ruin the lives of people that don't have money or even friends. Sadists. 

Saw this:

So... was Putin a KGB assassin working with the German Stasi to assassinate people that stood out in German society? While growing a beer belly...
Pretty sure that's what the CIA do.... and ofc the 007 (license to kill) MI6...

If it was that then he did a great job now we have/had Helmut kohl, Merkle and Ursula (if not mentally ill they are total criminals).
Germans, mates, in the last century you lost two world wars your political leadership is a joke (to use kindish words), dudes stick to manual labor and leave politics to someone more able.
Does Vladimir Putin have a big family in Germany? Pretty sure (meh.. guess) he has one in Britain with all the Russians buying football teams...

Side note: Angela ya seamed to have gained some weight and look a lil more puffed...  then the days of early 2000's. What happened? Did Putin broke up with ya? Do ya still keep in touch ? Sharing state secrets? ...poor Angela husband....
 Ya have to lose some of that extra weight... if you wanna have a chance at gaining Putin back... Maybe he will visit (sneak in) Germany more often afterwards, get a abs stimulator to lose that belly fat.
Melania: ya might wanna fetch a couple for Trump.

or this:

on a side note: Strange... Angela and my uncle have the same facial features. Are they related? 

If the German Kaiser was alive and saw Merkel he would be very proud of the German women, even more so of what the German people have achived since he's death. Cambada de canalhas. 

on a second side note: Putin... Putin... are you being faithfull to the Orthodox church?.... you naughty naughty boy... tout... tout... c'mon Putin, ya the President of Russia ya have to be Russian Orthodox while in office...


 well aparently ppl liked so much the olive oil from my grandfather (and aparently grape vines too, they were very sugary) that they just had to kill the family and steal the olive trees, and recruted the locals to fuck me and my sister. Probably they are growing the olive trees in places my family was, all over the world (i would guess alentejo, south america, usa and africa). Obviously this has the full support of the billionairs in europe and america.

Aparently this is how business are done. i don't know why don't they do the same to strawberry creators, every year (at least in the UK) supermarkets order new varieties of strawberrys... why don't they kill also the family of the strawberry creator and enslave one or two menbers? Strawberrys grow by division, why don't they do it when they find a really good strawberry? hmm?


This is strange... Putin worked long time in Germany... and now he's adversary (?) is being treated in Germany...
so many conspiracy theories comes to the mind...^^ 

The symptoms of that poison are familiar to me...

Russia have lots of free space... are German cities expanding to Russia? Germany probably will turn into one big citie....

 I think the flat earth movement will (if not have already) invade Russia... Since there will be more ground lost to the ocean.... btw, shouldn't the people that are flattening the mountains be "invited" to live in the sea?



BMW CEO Collapses on Stage

 see.zzzz.. Germans fall down on their own asses, alone...  and ofc someone has to pick them up... ffs...


 Obama forgets to salute

 OMG... not only Obama forgot to salut the military, he actually came back and shaked his hand without a salut... you do not shake a military hand on the job (never, ever do that), you are only allowed to salut him in a firm power position... OMG... OMG...OMG... if it was me that military would poop his pants after he looked into my eyes (he has no choice)... i really would like to look into the eyes of  a American elite military... that would be so much fun (30 seconds would be enough)... :giggles: :total mind destruction: aka.. they will be my lil bitches... :)

on a side note: you do not walk like a sissy in the presence of a military official... mmk....


"Winter will be difficult. But it will end."

 For real?... Germans only found out now that there are four seasons?  O.O  omg...


C'mon... discussion regarding Russians poisoning should be held in Russia... everyone knows that... preferably in st. Pertersburg... is prettier and cleaner...


Wasn't just one murder? ...or at least one murder at a time... strange, strange defenition of terrorism...

In the 50's it was all about the Soviet Union and how bad they were... now we had current Russian leader working in Germany for long time and the Russian opposition leader getting medical treatment in Germany...

Will we see Islam leaders working and getting medical help in Europe in... lets say 40 years?...

on a side note: i know nothing about terrorism, Russia, Soviet Union, Germany and Islam... and thats the beauty of it... :giggles:

hmm... so... have Germans been naughty? What have you done? You can tell me, i can keep a secret... 
 on a side note: no need for a alarm system... is not like you can hide from modern day bombs...


ohh... cute little Hitlers... :p
Hitler mistake... he made all Germans look at him... if he had made all Germans look at a Jew he probably would still be alive today...^^
(don't be assholes... either party, it is just a "observation")
side note: I don't have a "base" to "defend" this comment... but it looks like to me that i have seen some Jews with facial features (that is my limited understanding) of nazi's...

 Just like the "original" Rambo that poor dude didn't experienced the German economic miracle... if he has to use bow and arrows....

Why? Aren't Germans big boy's? Merkle seams to think they require a nanny for the looks of it.^^


nah... thats just Bolsonaro playing with matches... you know what they say: Don't play with matches...

 I keep reading over and over again about houses being sold for 1 euro in Italy... gosh... no one likes to have a current version of Italian has neighbor... so it seems... hey, at least (i don't know) you don't have kidnap and kind of lock people to make them your neighbors like the current version of Portuguese do... hey and they even treat them has pets like giving them shit and diseases on purpose... cause you find their dogs, pigs, sheep, goats, cat, fish, caw, etc... to precious to do that kind of stuff they want to do... so they just find land owners and do all that crap on them... with all the generals cheering for them... Try it, move in next to some current version of Portuguese (maybe is Spanish (idk)... they have Portuguese language adapted Spanish names...) and then go away... pretty sure the current version of Portuguese will go after you and kidnap your kids to be their neighbors again... So that you know my father moved to Angola and they were aftter him...

Read some headlines that Russia was building a church "for" Putin... are they building one or are they destroying one?
Besides who would build a church for someone that doesn't pay he's debts and takes orders from uneducated people just because they enslaved someone?

Hmm.... doubt that the "tunnel" will disinfect anyone... most likely is used to "infect" "pass along" something to the carefully picked people that have to visit him.

Wheres the men riding a horse shirtless?

naaaahhh... thats just vodka...^^  =)

See... told ya... Russians cases on the rise...
Saw this:

hmm... ya forgot Portugal, they smart too.^^ Locust pack? Just asking...^^ 

I am guessing that the Austro-Hungarian empire is alive and well...

damn... that locust swarm kind of looks biblical... so... where are the floods? I was browsing google maps and noticed that the Netherlands are below ocean level, so is Paris and they have a pretty pretty tunnel all the way since London, i am not sure but seems that a big part of England (not UK, just England) is also eligible and ofc Israel by the dead sea (i think)... are ya reading this God?

Side note: What happened in Africa (my references are small) in the 90's will happen in the whole world... Leadership at he's best... their philosophy: "the grass is always greener on the other side"
One of the effects:

African-Americans watch out you could be next... or maybe you were part of the "leadership" that led to this... after all Africa is full of American outposts...and there is Obama... 

on a side note: since there are so many American outposts in the word (military bases) that means the ones controlling America will control also those "areas"... well... if you want to control a big part of the world you just need to seize power in America... should be fun since America is a melting pot, sort of...

The "people" bellow is the one "bringing" freedom to the middle east and the world... joy.^^
  Black man dies after Minneapolis police officer pins him to the ground by his neck
 Well if ya wanna make a statement i think it would be allot more effective if ya's looted the houses of the ultra-rich (they are laughing and so are the media/movie people) in the area. Burning some tires in the middle of the road and loot some discount store won't do any dent.

 Seams this has made a small fuss... but the bellow didn't...
Fatal shooting of unarmed black man prompts grand jury investigation l GMA
Miami police shoot caretaker of autistic man
Squad car video of Philando Castile shooting released

Should i go on with more examples....

"Selena Gomez is being accused of overlooking the friend who saved her life."

 Yeah, artists are like that, they suck you dry to the bone. Take my example, i am a muse to pretty much all the musicians, televisions worldwide and not only i live in poverty (45 years of it) i get psychological terrorism all the time among many other nasty things.

Why ppl want to be freinds with artists? they have no morals and no standards.


Toss some bags of rice.... soon (?)...^^ is not like ya currency is going to de-valuate... ahh... that British education... it ain't paying off (?)...^^ offering management lessons (cheap-ish)....^^
Noticed that there aren't any tsunami's in Northern Europe... sniff... sniff... Japanese and Filipinos have all the fun... and wanna keep it for themselves... sniff...
maybe northerners need a good wash... i even apparently got a water well full of piss...

That's some dangerous stuff... you should store it a little bit off the sea/ocean coast... just in case...

So... what the mayor is saying is that the people from Minneapolis all stand with the cop. They don't see nothing wrong. oO

Why not call the UN to handle it? They are in the city.

Well... justice department must be a really nice place considering the last few years...^^
I can see a pattern here... Banana republic on the making?^^

Why is the fat fuck hiding? Did he do something wrong?^^
Side note: How many secret service dudes fit inside the white house? I read that 60 got injured on a protest.

Hmmm.... Did Trump exchanged he's soul for a Hippopotamus one? Maybe it was for a giraffe one? He didn't liked he's own soul? ...or did he's church took it from him?
Anyway it seems he can't stop looking at me... it has been 42 years... i live in misery and he is the president of the biggest military enabled nation... doesn't that make him a miserable person?

suits tv show... duck scene
Wasn't this the video i was looking for but will do...
"Biden Won’t Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi’s Killing, Fearing Relations Breach"
Are you retarded? Why release a report blaming someone and then say something like that? 
Is the report on how many times the Americans go to the bathroom just for a few circles consumption or will ya be releasing it too? Ya have one on the members of congress/senate at least...

ohhh... the guy that owns a comercial airplane (707) and a airplane track... reminds me of old gangsters...
So... have ya been smuggling much stuff in ya 707? ya travel with it all over the world ...any illegal immigrants? that plane can really carry alot of them.

 wow amazing... 20 years... isn't that a disease that progresses over time? Please tell us your secret to be in such a good shape for such disease and for so long...

Pretty sure they were just exchanging kill lists...besides what would you expect of those two stupid fucks?...

 Thats ok mate, Obama can tell them to you...


hmm?... what kind of play were you doing? Did you hit the dog on a nerve or a soft spot?


""Una sola votación equivocada es suficiente para que la democracia quede destruida""

 C'mon... ya'll wanna end democracy... if it is dependent of one vote then ya don't put much effort into it. btw, how is SEPA banking system? Considering how SEPA is "managed" i don't see a reason for any Spanish to be less then a millionair at the very least. I WANT MY MONEY, NOW.


what day of the week is it? hmm...


don't be fooled, "wars" in north of Africa and middle east are all created by europe. First they give money to mentally unstable ppl or/and move themselves into the nation, eventually those mentally unstable ppl become the elites, aftar that no laws apply to that mentally unstable elite and in some cases someone starts shooting... thats wen the NATO military forces come in to "make peace" and eventually the not mentally unstable have to flee... more often then not to: spain, belgium, uk, switzerland, france, germany.

If you are an immigrant in those mentioned above nation and you have the means to leave those nations, do so... they live of ppl like you and they wont stop becouse it is a system that works for them.

Do you actually belive that a few ppl with ak-47 and rocket launchers is a match for drones, autonomus military robots, complete satelite surveilance, etc... i don't think so... they are just flushing you out to europe.

Now they are doing it in Portugal too, the mentally unstable elites who's laws don't apply to them are recruting also immigrants to serve them... 

To the lady's in nations that are being invaded: just change the dicks of the men, they all go crazy... if ya don't know how, ask around... be creative, ya don't want to get caught... PS: works also in women pussys too... don't ask me, i don't know how...

Hey you might even end in a nation that pay enough to make ends meet but pretty sure that are a few that will just enslave you.


Adjusting the psychiatric medication? 


Hey, is no shame. Here in Portugal aparently they sneak medication onto people without their knowledge, that or the water is really awesome. I have almost all the side effects of Lithium comsumption... Why would they do this? So that the mentally ill be functional enough to ruin the life of mentally healthy people?


So... does that mean that Trump has secret services in he's pocket? 


These are the real face's of true terrorists. People that kill other people just because they don't like them or don't like what they write. They don't kill them because of something "bad" they actually did. Do you even leave the military bases? With how much security? Aren't there acidents with weapons prototypes in the pentagon? c'mon there's always a first time... These generals only protect gremlins.... look at the bases in Europe.

Do you know why the military and religions spend so much money and resourses around me? Because i am the only leadership figure that they have ever met in their lifetime. Military only spend money around people if they are leadership figures and religions live in total fear of leardership figures, ask Clemente (patriarch of Lisbon) or even the pope how much they fear me, better: read their minds.

I have read that the first colonists in America drove the bison to extinction just for the skins, west indies company also sold the India wool to the dutch. The people of the world are very chilly. Oh my.


ohhh... they have a new chief. Ain't him a cutie? yes he is. 

Dudes, no one "working" at pentagon is valued in anything, in other words they are trash just like the people in US congress (...and probably all of USA, the 350 million of those things). Hey, for fun: a couple of psychologist go to the exit of the pentagon and look at the people leaving/entering the building.... they can make a rought assessment of their mental health and they can report it on a social media platform... so that all the americans know how mentally sane is the people keeping america safe...

Pretty sure they all have tech that only be available in 10 to 20 years time. btw, do you still do the "experiment": homeless black dude beating a dog daily until the dog becomes racist? I think you still do, probably more now then ever...

I think ppl living around the pentagon, church sanctuaries, military academys, medical research labs, should all get automatic weapons... for a extra layer of securety...

The places that remain cool during heat waves are places with gov agencies.

If i had money i would bet some on that are families of innocent people in military bases to whom they are doing experiments (even the most sadistic).

I am guessing that America, Catholic church and Russia are major factors in my "situation"... and plenty of ppl were and maybe are in my situation all over the world. Those countries (etc...) are inciting ppl to be and funding fanatics. This area now are just fanatics and if you open a Portuguese newspaper you will see huge support to fanatics. These religious fanatics do not even tolerate someone a bit different among them (that doesn't even interact with them).

some rambling :) : To the Pentagon... you stupid... stupid... fucks... have you seen your newspapers? tv? radio shows? film studios? you are surrounded by ME (take a look around, you see ME everywhere). Have you ever read Art of War? you are surrounded, you have two choices: go crazy or capitulate. I will continue surrounding you until one of the two are fulfilled (you no give money). It was ALL your doing, not mine...

side note ^_^ : Jews had already capitulated to the Pharaos... at the very least... and that is why their minds will never be stronger then the Pharaos (if you have acess to premium nutrients ya can be smarter but not stronger), assuming that the Pharaos are all dead, your mind stopped evolving. Why do you think they made statues of animals wen they were crossing the desert? do ya think they just had some extra metals and "free" time... the desert must be a lovely place were you will want to "spend time"...(deduction, ofc) c'mon pay me, i am even willing to move to Israel or whoever nation is behind this... pretty sure manny other ppl are willing to move there too  :')

Since no one (including the military) are willing to PAY ME, or let me be... i am guessing there is a invasion going on (probably all over the world) and they are using me has a "trojan horse"... i wonder on what (who) medical research facilities research on and to whom they answer to...

lot's of people are going to be crazy...

NATO = true mentally hill terrorists  

Russian Army Barbie Girl HD


on a side note: i tend to see some armed forces has just regular state employes with the exeception of generals and special forces and i'm not sure but they seem to make their only "work" to protect the criminals (people that live above the constitution and the laws) that live on the nation... it really boggles the mind on how there are people that their job involves putting their lives at risk for people that have no word (can't be trusted on anything they say)... and ultimatly they don't know what will be of their families... but hey it's their choice...

I wonder how are received and perceived these kind of Generals that allow criminals do watever they want inside their own countries, in NATO, do they get a pat in the back and a scotch on their hands from their fellow colegues at NATO? Do they share "stories"? NATO must be a fun place to hang out and chill...

When  does the open season to the sons and daughters of the generals start? they did a open season to the sons of my father....


Well... i don't know anything about the matter... but... the dude was blind.... so i am guessing that someone got their psicoses all the way to the top of their head and just made him blind. They couldn't handle the pressure of he's eye's....o.O


Kind of developed the idea (conspiracy theory) that actors and musicians (worldwide in general not just Americans but specially Americans) are paying the pentagon for many decades now (...and other nations military, specially Spain, France, Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Hungary, etc...) to kill O-  people and specially anyone that is even remotly related to me (they are making alot of money out of me and don't wan't "lose ends" (their reasoning....)). Is common knowledge that all "special ops" are mercenaries. Do you actually belive that when a military special force is deployed is for the "good of mankind"? ...or to fullfill someone divious crooked ambitions? I think it is the later...

I don't know if the group of people they killed in Syria is "good" or "bad", but i can't wrap my head around the "right to defend America" in the link above. It's in freacking Syria, they have no strutural society anymore and is on the other side of the planet... 

Most likely someone in Hollywood need another kidney for example Sarah Hyland or someone in Hollywood wanted one of those persons skin or vocal cords so they in a few years be the next movie star or musician.


Well... thats a bold move but i guess you have already weighted it out, seems natural since you already moved on middle east and a bunch of other places... what will be the plan for the millions of Americans living in Asia?

so... ya buy 40 billion dollars worth of stuff every month from China... how ya gonna manage? 

wow... same newspaper, same day, exact oposite of eatch other (?)... dat editorial line...

Nato doesn't defend people with patrimony inside their own borders (40 years experience on that), i am clueless on why Nato exists for and who they defend. To me the existance of defense forces (police, military, etc...) is for the protection of patrimony and the people that own it. Whats your explanation for the existance of defense forces?


"Capitol attack shows democracy fragility"

you stupid stupid fuck, that wasn't an attack, that was something like a kids school travel.

For it to be an attack they needed to carry lots of guns with them what they didn't. Shame, they lost a good oportunety...


hmm?... where are the so called air force improved humans? don't they sit all day in a cock pit?... Show us... all i see is below average... pics or it didn't happened...


So... will the Generals be discussing what pets should they send to the "farm" and what new pets they will be having and their features? I do think all 220 or so Generals should attend, hey bring also the ones retired... and someone give a tampon for eatch... for free...


How are you going to do that? You made the UN a "den" of criminals (if it isn't already it will be...), NATO is... well NATO... hehe...^^

It's going to be a fun world.... :) 


"Biden likely to break barriers, pick woman to lead Pentagon"

Thats actually a good thing for ya... free tampons for everyone...


 Just saw this news... poor poor Norwegian girls... they don't have boobs... that's ok... i have titties for the both (three) of us...  :)


wheres the hat? you seem related to a cartoon character (Mr. Magoo)... how can that be? you have the same luck? I don't think so... hahaha. what do you think?

Hey, what taking so long to take office? They adjusting your meds?


"Germany’s Olaf Scholz struggles to get his message across on Ukraine"

 Normal. Olaf has been put on mute since the election. Olaf, learn sign language.


Mate, ya remind me of the Austin Powers movies... ya look like a mini me of Antonio Guterres...  

Will Merkel go straight into retirement after leaving the gov? I think she should go straight into retirement and she should take with her the current president of the european union and the president of the BCE, no one will miss any of them 3. Since i am on the same note, i think the German pope shoud be retired to, makes no sense to have two active popes.

can it be? another mini me of Guterres?

saw the picture of William and Harry and they remind me of a couple of brothers that are my neighbors, same diferent hair color, same pattern of baldness, the only diference is that my neighbors are taller...

It's David, ofc...

you'r a Dr. Manhattan

and like all son's and daughters of David you don't have a dick of your own (pussy for the daughters).

How big is your "alien" artifact collection?^^

Don't worry all of the Portuguese armed forces are like you, you are not alone.


See.. the ecb has so much money that they lend at negative rates..... considering the situation in Europe ya only need to send the French to hell (not even all of them just a "few" that deal in the matter, the others are crazy) (ya might need to send a "few" Canadians to hell too) to get all that money. Minus my commision, ofc. the Britsih no longer have a stake in it.

Remember if there is no economists in the country, there won't be anyone to rule the central bank. Works wonders also for religions, if ya don't like a faction... and pretty sure there is some "professions" in religions that if missed can cripple a faction.


ohhh... Jewish art... i see lots of crowns in that art...

I didn't knew that Jewish ppl were so much into monarchy... gosh... what are you looking for? to corrupt yourselves even more? Thats why ya are invading the catholic church, so that your ppl be even more corrupt?

I don't get it... why are Jewish ppl so much into monarchy's? They are the opposite of it, has far has i know (and i don't know much) they (current version) have chosen to live like suspended chickens...

Some rambling: well... i like art and if i had money and saw something (including religious artifacts) selling that i would like i would buy (i have no religion)... just to have and admire but not use.

Why Jews and Muslims have so much interest in Christian/catholic art?

Jews say that the world was made for them (or something like that, don't get any ideas, i have read it on the internet), yet salt in the world is not kosher, they have to make it kosher, there is fishes and animals that are forbidden to eat and yet God has made those fishes and animals (very delicious)... (even in the mediterranean sea/land) it puzzles the mind on such contradictions... then, aparently the Jews autocephalous (encephalous?) is David. C'mon... Netanyahu don't look like he is autocephalous (encephaled?) by the star of David (nor many many of the Jews). btw, isn't the autocephalous (encephalus?) of the Muslims the Prophet Mohammed? IDK

It also puzzles the mind that Jews and Muslims that have so many food restrictions, eat food prepared by people that don't have such restrictions and live their entire lives in houses made by people that don't have such restrictions (i.e. impure people according to your faith). yeah, they might not eat the food that you are not allowed to eat (the builders, chefs) but they have or they "can" (in a sense that is not harmfull to them). Bunch of hypocrits... that includes the Khan's too... hey, i read on the internet that my neighboars are Khan's too.

on a side note: Anglicans are autocephalous (?) by Henry VIII or the current Queen? 

have ya seen the movie: minority report?

btw, is the mosque of Lisbon in a historic building made by Christians? Shouldn't all Mosques be build by Muslims (in a traditional way) and not have Christians "artifacts" inside them (or from any other religion)?

Don't get any ideas about the autocephalous and my person... it is a grave sin... I live in a secular nation. i don't mess with woman... the woman (just one, yet) mess with me....


I think nations use old crowns (even fake ones), if there are still autocephalus they aren't in good shape (including mentaly). Was this why the French decapitaded their (guess they turned mentaly ill) kings? They though that they were autocephalus and they wanted the body without the mental ilnesses?

If ya are looking for a good looking body, i recommend this one (don't forget to chop off the head):

good old Arnold

or good old Dave Batista:

 Rambling: i guess they invented decapitation because relevant people in society got crazy, people like kings (royals), cardinals (higher cleric), D. José Cordeiro, Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente, French senators, Curia in Rome, curia in coimbra, Antonio Guterres, Christine Lagarde, Ursula von der Leyen, Filipe VI, Filip Leopold, Grand Duke Henri, Elizabeth II, Prince Albert II, Pope Francis, Cirilo I, Putin, Macron, Mario Draghi, Jean-Claude Juncker, Marcelo, Antonio Costa, Bolsonaro, Lula da Silva, Biden, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Alfonso Martínez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart, Mafia Bosses (they are now very relevant in current society), people that fuck alot in higher society or in a localized region, bank managers, generals, Gen. Mark Milley, Duarte Pio (doubt that he has any word even), Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Kamala Harris, Olaf, Albert II, Spanish royals (Pope Francis and Letizia), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Possibly even a method to contain the loss of higienic behavior (preventing it from spreading to the whole society). Maybe, is for important people in society that can't grow by themselves (lost the hability? never ever ever had it?) and thus preventing everyone to grow. C'mon... just do it. Why the wait? They are just suffering from the antecipation. To me the loss of higienic behavior are basicly heathens, things like rape, spreading spit on everything, etc... ex: imagine if the dude that found the saint sudarium spited in it, or a cardinal or a royal... that would be a loss because no one did anything to prevent people that lost higienic behavior reaching such relevant positions in society. Probably Jihadists in ISIS are very knowledgeable on the matter of decapitation, it's their method of choice if i remember right.

hmmm.... hmmm... maybe, maybe one of the reasons (could be more) for decapitation is a change in state religion... French kings were decapitated and i noticed that many churches were disasembled and reassembled back. Macron and a few senators are in for a ride.... hahahahaha.... xD

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and still no decapitations of the people mentioned above... why? It has to done.... whats the delay? Things won't get any better for everyone if ya don't.


Does he hold anything at all?

In my 34 years experience being in that "religion" (cough), i learned that you can go to mass at sundays (were some will get a cookie) and have a funeral mass for free, if ya want to have a mass at your wedding ya have to pay. Didn't learned anything else. Now, after leaving i am learning that it is a Jewish and pagan making organisation.

I live in a catholic community for 34 years has a catholic and 11 has a non-catholic, i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, both options.

on a side note: i am guessing that all the "medical" experiments that are being done to me is because people are slaves, they don't need to do them, there is huge knowledge on the world... they can't handle pressure so they do this, to watch a person handling pressure and later on replace their frontal lobe (?) by the one of that person... that way it will be difficult to other people to recognize them has slaves, what they are. Their body changes and so their face. These are people that don't have a fully developed brain like a normal person or if they do they remove parts of it. I have neighboars like that, that miss a parts of the brain. Looking for a compatible "victim"? I don't know but maybe the people looking for "victims" are the ones that look pagan. IDK


 Lies... there isn't such a thing has a non Jewish or non Muslim (not sure which) tequila. 

Someone should do a "alien probing" on the Pope.



 The Mummy (1999) Scarab Attack Scene

Well... i don't know how it works... obviously is not like in the clip but i belive the psycological effects are the same... get some scarabs (encephalus?), play with it... their pay load (for some of them...) means instant crazyness to the target, pretty much without a chance of recovery...  

on a side note: if ya don't know much about the subject and wanna experiment... the Portuguese army is all yours...  :)


squid game... you say... 

let me guess: you fuck and all the mamma boys will kill you afterwards...


Travel? What is this travel you speack of? Besides, isn't turism a thing of the past?  Wasn't Europe "confined" most of the year?


What do you mean? He doesn't have nephews? 


hmm... will he still have protection from the SS (secret service)? How will that work? Will SS have full range on another nation? oO

C'mon... don't go... move back to New York.


That makes 4 that left the meeting... Poland, EU commission president, Finland and now Italy... Did they leave or were they expelled from the meeting?


uhhh... Italy still does government experiments? o_O

...over 2000 years of history and they still haven't found a "good/valid" government system... ya a slow learner...


Dudes, he was not yellow, he was white.

When ya bath in rivers and are exposed to the sun ya get golden (not yellow). Obviouly now you can't, cause river sources were changed and even the river paths were changed.

...and obviously he ascended to the heaven cause some jealous idiots killed him and took he's "place".


"How Trump Lowered America’s Standing in the World"

 How about in America, how is the standing, low or high? :giggles:


 Seams that terrorists (not the pentagon ones) are all amateurs these days... if you are anonymous and can recruit a geologist and have a few kilos of TNT around... you can go look for a crack out in the sea and do some tsunami damage. on a side note: i may or may not refuse a consultant job (just like everyone else on ple planet...).


Did you went to the university? Did you put your kids in a university? What for? Isn't it cheaper to just give them virus... so that they learn... no need for medical schools in America just give virus to the medical students and they will learn... 

Congratz on survivng the first wave of the coronavirus, are you ready for the second?

hmm... weren't you the fat fuck that was telling everyone that hydroxychloroquine cured covid? so... why didn't you took it has a remedy of choice?

Looks like Trump is going to lose the election... more time for him to focus on he's second/third/fourth family...

There goes covid incubation period out the window. Medics shoud update their covid guidelines... 


Well she had been a few times this last few months in the hospital... coincidently just wen a presidency is ending... 


maybe... ya should consider returning the stones...


Quote: "hopefully will be on that court for 50 years."

hmm... gosh... thats some positive thinking right there... so... you belive America will still exist in 50 years? Don't you think European Union commission have a word or two to say on that?


Saw a couple of minutes of the debate... from a psychological point of view it was interesting to see...

Did you noticed that Trump didn't let anyone finish their phrases? He was always interrupting both Biden and the moderator..


This can't be right... can it? Is Trump supporters shrinking in numbers?

oh... c'mon don't be like that, Trump build a wall now Biden wants to build 2 million houses.


ohhh... i foresee very exciting school gym classes in the future... (the ones were you have to change cloths and leave ya shoes unattended...)


Gosh... the guy had free food, clean sheets and a shit ton of gards protecting him...^^

I am confused... what is this? an abortion? a forum (trying to invent the wheel again?) ? a economic area (you expecting great savings and bargains?) ? fancy new name for people kiss eatch other in the cheek every 6 months? ah ah ah


What a shocker...  Pen-silva-ia.... they are all chickens. :)

Now that the men are roosters and the women are chickens, the world shoud adapt to it, i.e. 10 women for eatch men/rooster ratio. all my neighborhood is like that chickens and roosters in behavior.

If i was a guessing men i would guess that Biden is from Ventura county and he looks muslim Ventura not catholic Ventura... population will triple if he wins...^^  xD

so... what was the reason for building so many military bases in Northern-ish Europe?
What about "PRISM" and echelon? Did anyone hijacked the code without you knowing it? Don't trust IT personnel from the intelligence agencies use a IT guy from Trump's hotels to review the code... or you have a mole?... or... ya just lazy... oO
If they entered a plane then they must have passed by a shit load of airport cameras and ID control... didn't they? There ya go... go see the airport cameras and you will see their faces...
Don't ya have like 22 intelligence agencies?
The only reasonable explanation is that "those" people are on Trump's payroll... Do you have a better explanation? So... why is Trump "controling" Biden and why he has he's minions following him and why is Trump a "shadow people"? What other people Trump minions are following?... Oo
If Biden becomes president he too can see the airport footage and see their faces and identities and do something about it... isn't it? Makes sense?^^

So... the one setting the "policies" doesn't know about 850 million euro "transfer" (is it pocket money to ya?)...

 Well to reinforce the image that the Portuguese are the Chinese of Europe i recommend Marques Mendes for prime minister on the next election.^^ 

I am not knowledgeble on the matter but he looks muslim like all Marques family, seems fitting since aparently muslims are killing everyone in Portugal.

That is no chame in Europe some of the French police already are Chinese and French Catholic church is extremly close to the Chinese... in Lyon Bishop and Chinese cultural are next door to eatch other.^^
A couple or so years (a bit more) tried Russian beers (a couple of Baltika (nº) and some other brand) i am not sure what type of person gives money to drink that (people should be payed to put that down the throat). In short that stuff removes intelligence from the head (i am serious, it only takes one beer for you to notice it). The sugars or roasted something in those beers must bee some nasty shit.

In short "old" Russia is being poisoned...

Same in France, pretty sure cheap french wine was made without any grapes (juice) on it and there is a few cases in Portugal (well a lot...).
I don't get it... why label something has "wine" wen it is made without any grapes? Same thing goes for "milk"... in France the milk isn't milk at all (talking from experience)... why label it has such? Makes no sense... plenty of other labels available...
French turned lactose intolerants? oO... even then it makes no sense... use the correct labels... ffs... 
hmm... If the French president is also a prince of Andorra... can a Prince be lactose intolerant? 
Hey... why not go all the way and also be nuts allergic... ^^

Noticed that Trump have a wine brand... black label with gold lining... i would venture and guess that he doesn't drink it at least not often...
Saw this:

hmm... yeah... on the safe side ya's should also stop all imports/trade agreements...

So... what you are saying is that you lost cognitive skills that you once had... interesting... tell us more... what did you do betwen then and now?

Apparently the "head" of the European Union (Belgium) is a country with the most mental health problems. What are their royals doing? Do they have mental issues too?^^ Statistically speaking they do have mental issues. Guess Congo will pay for their mental issues....
 So... how are parties during covid times in the south of Europe? Next... party in Congo during Ebola outbreak...^^
Hey... pretty sure some poorish relatives of yours live near me. Make them wealthy so that they can enjoy the sunny weather all the time.

I don't know what is going on in the world but looking at the newspapers (fake news) it must be (really) serious.
I guess it is bad times to be a secret agent/intelligence agent, they know secrets, worst: they know the location of secrets, even worst: they know people that know secrets, and some people like to keep secrets to themselves at any cost. Isn't likely that they get any sympathy from the "outside world" or the people that would help them would be in a lot of trouble, to use kind words.
They eventually will turn on each other (specially retired ones) and it will be a mess. I there CIA, FSB, SIS, MI5, MI6, Mossad, Church Bishops, Cardinals, etc...
To the agents: Make sure you have procedures for everything... so that when the agency be "renewed" is all in place.Totally unrelated: Hi there KGB... oh wait... is FSB now. Wonder what/who will be the next one?^^

You know Journalists know almost has much as secret agents... might be interesting to know which one of these two will be on top.... who am i kidding most likely artists and journalists made secret services their little bitch. ...Or maybe journalists worldwide are CIA agents.
Pretty sure current and retired CIA agents are having the time of their lives. :)
 Pretty sure European royalty knows shit.

In my case i don't have secrets (i just watch television and read news) and no one passed me any legacy.
The ones that "made this to me" are the ones that you should be following.  

on a side note: We almost never have news about Northern nations (Denmark, Norway, Finland, etc...) nor from Eastern nation (Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, etc...) why is that?

Is it me or that guy face changed after killing Bin Laden? 

I am clueless, but pretty sure Bin Laden is still alive and on the payroll of Americans (read the minds of American military), i can be wrong but Bin Laden face didn't seem to belong to him (originaly)... o_O

Read that Americans don't want a war. YEAH: thieves don't like complications, just like the current version of Americans. Pay your debts.
New version of Americans(?):

Older version of Americans:

I dunno... but kinda developed the idea that all USA citizens (not emigrants or even maybe first gen...) are wealthy. Pretty sure that makes others countries... well... suckers....
Kinda also developed the idea that money is "relative" these days i.e. "given" to "friends"  (ya get my idea...) ... in other words there isn't a impartially regulated monetary system in place.

Saw this:

So... not enough trees in America? Have ya heard of importation?

Anyway i got the feeling America turned communist or maybe it was fascist... Saw that Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race... so... does that mean he will be the next president (behind the scenes ofc)?
Does that mean that Melania is the actual president? Is it Slovenia who rules America on this administration? Reminder that Trump is British descendant.^^ Between Melania and Trump (Slovenia and Britain) who do you prefer?

Saw this:

 oh... my head... is this Fascism or communism?

Side note: currently US has 27 trillion dollars in debt by the end of September 2020 it will be above 31 trillion... seams Chine are the one buying US debt... Will there be a war in the future between the US and some allies of China  (comes to mind North Korea)? I would be funny: China "paying" the US to mess with one (or more then one) of he's allies... I can imagine Kim building a extra stock of missiles to blow up China in the process... hehe
side note: China can always forgive some of the debt for a small colony in the US....^^
Side note2: Is North Korea the melting pot between Americans and Chinese? There is a huge community of Americans (armed forces not police) at the border.

Rambling: Although there is no shortage of people telling that the world is going to end i do think that some "parts" of the world might end-ish.
Might not be a bad idea to digitize (even translate) the private libraries with rare books and make them available for everyone.
After all there isn't a shortage of books burning people in this world.

This is American porn... for Americans.... xD

I am just imagining Americans glued to the screen with their eyes bugged, eating popcorn. 

not even 10 seconds for one more million in debt...

Why don't ya go loot the CIA? ... or even ya churches in America?

Alpha Braga 4? x'D

Rambling: a possible theory: maybe the German economical miracle after the wars was made by Germans that left the homeland before the war and returned full of money... saw that British brains are leaving Britain... will they be copy cats? If they left who took their places? I have poor information and resourses... so... don't hold it on me...^^ 
Saw this:

If you look for (in) the "table1" you will notice that all (almost all?) dictatorships start when there is no debt or close to none. I am pretty sure there is many many dictatorships in the world that are "mislabeled" (hi there US :wave: ) ....
 People are strange.^^ 


hmm?... why make decisions after someone else won the elections? o.O  :grabs popcorn:

Guess Esper will be heading (?) a new agency... will it be something like "agents of shield"? Is that a dark and not so pretty Sousa (Souza) agency (AoS)?

C'mon guys... did ya skip the lessons on croud control or ya turned mercenaries?

"Kirsten Gillibrand: ‘Yes, We Are Safe,’ I Texted From the Capitol"

hmm... i sense a barrier in that line... aren't ya in "contact" with your electoral base? If you aren't then with "who" "what" are you in contact with?

"Live updates: Pelosi says she spoke to nation’s top military leader about ensuring Trump doesn’t launch a nuclear attack" 

I'm in shock... so the guy with the most votes and active president can be overrun by Pelosi in decision making? Who else (besides Pelosi) word is more meaningfull then the President to tell the military what to do (long list? pentagon?)?

...and the lesson is: if you aren't actually friend of a shit ton of people in a "riot" (that are rioting with you), you should stay home and eat ya bowl of soup...

Well... it looks like the census are delayed... again... gosh...

Have you noticed that some web browsers are contacting "home" at short intervals? Wonder also if Firefox team is CIA or some other worldly secret service agency... they love foundations... They could hookup Prince Harry has he also will be building Foundations... and even with one or two mind reading devices has he might know some Royal secrets...

saw this:

humm... there isn't anymore bank secrecy so... what are they going to do? Put a chip in washing laundry machines to detect when someone puts money on them to wash it?... that stain won't come of anyway.

C'mon dude, ya don't need to say such things out loud.... we all already know that, ya ugly. How's Abromo-bitch?  :) 

side note: Abromovich is a wanker.


 "Netherlands tightens lockdown to slow second covid wave"

hmm? Thats new to me, a tight Dutch...

Aren't they always passing peaks?

to be fair: at least Dutch brush their teeth...  on a second thought: they don't brush their teeth good enough...  -_-


Well that sucks.... can't someone from Mexico fund the American 4 dose?


 Saw this:

 ...and then thinked to myself... WTF... it's a dead language, but then i saw this:

...and this: i understand...

Not sure why (apparently) people put so much money in Switzerland, they aren't neutral (it is my experience). Unless is religion/cults/secret societies money. If you know anyone with a bank account in Switzerland most likely he is a part of one of those organizations mentioned.

Remember old American westerns movies? My guess is that old days cattle thieves are now the people in power.
In Portugal is the people that steal land and spay shit pretty much everywhere.
Both of them are dangerous duo to their stupidity and one just can't get away from them they both go after you everywhere.
If you are a land thieve you are someone in Portugal.

I'm pretty sure Portugal was a civilized country (it isn't anymore, just look at the president and prime minister... lol) before all the "artists" decided to get inspiration on the Portuguese...

It is pretty obvious by now that Portugal is being looted just like i guess it was Iraq but without a war... Dudes take what you want (sucks that you also want to turn every single piece of rock and dirt... that makes it sadder and time consuming... thus ruining even more the lives of the Portuguese)... Talking from experience here besides my father was a policemen and my grandfather a olive oil maker and i am not allowed to have anything... you do the "math". The Portuguese just want to be left in peace.^^


Saw this:

Hmmm... hope they aren't: Gutiérrez, García, Souza, Núñez, Suárez, Fernández, Gómez, Rodríguez, Méndez, Ventura, López, Costa, Reyes, Ferro, Barros (Haro), Santos, Ferreira (Smith, Ferrara, Herrera) Silva... or i might end up "deep fried" since i am surrounded by them. hehe lol
Who wouldn't want to welcome a cannibal into the family? xD hehe
  "yes, yes, fatten the little one, grandma Baba Yaga needs her beauty meal :) "
Side note: I wonder how large and tall are the cooking pots in China... and Portugal...  :)

My Medical doctor is a Silva, my lungs on a X-ray looked like a squeezed sponge and he told me they were ok  :\
The local Catholic priest is also a Silva. 

Mind you in (Spaniard controlled areas?) Portugal land titles "sizes" and descriptions change without notice even past records.To me it seams that notary people, tax people, property register people, political local council people are all criminals, they do things with total disregard for the laws and the Portuguese constitution with total impunity...
...or even has a neighbor, be weary of a Spanish moving next to you.

I predict that a nuclear device of some sort will explode in Spain (Iberian Peninsula) in the not so distant future (maybe a few decades?).
Most likely it will detonate one first in Belgium.

...Or eat a Special forces like Seals, Rangers, Commandos, etc... ;)
Well what can one say... a "original" population control in Europe.^^
Kind of related: the Witcher S01E03 and S01E05, have you seen women turning pretty recently?

 It seems that cannibalism is the norm, do you know what you are abdicating by being cannibal? For example, I doubt that you can regularly use family (heirlooms) jewelery, if you do, there is a big chance that ya or ya kids go crazy. Christians can't be cannibals (they are converted ppl), remember Jesus was a fisherman.

I see religions that don't have food restrictions and prolly should have and religions with food restrictions. Religions with food restrictions prolly are a bit more honest, they acknowledge the mistakes of the past, that they were or intermingled with cannibals. Humans, are the top of the planet, if they eat is for nourishment of the body. Cannibals and descendent of cannibals wen they eat, their body changes, they change, more so with certain foods that were related with the ppl they have eaten or intermingled themselves with.


 It seems there is no image of Jesus from he's time and apparently over the centuries he has assumed many different faces in sculptures, statues and paintings. Go visit old churches in spain and other european countries that have very old crucifixes.


 I wish to all police forces in Europe the same that has happened to me: father dead (a policemen), mother crazy and abandon-ish sons (me and my sister).


It boggles the mind how a full town just moves and no one stays... -_-

Maybe, all the O- blood type people got extinguished on the town and everyone just left to other towns looking for more O- blood type people (to mate?), maybe there is one or more then one blood type people that don't like the woman with their own (the same has them) blood type...  

on a side note: apparently the world was "build" by O- blood type people, now the world is changing, that means that there is someone from a different blood type that wants to "rebuild" it. Portugal was known has the hospital of the world (i guess because of their [now lost] knowledge) (...or maybe Portugal was called the hospital of the world because wen ppl moved to Portugal they would die, probably go crazy and die after a few generations... have you noticed that only invasors opened mines in Portugal? all the ancient mines around here were Roman or maybe Spanish, not sure if French opened any... on a side note: why do ya think that all invasions came to an end? the locals weren't strong otherwise there wouldn't be a invasion... most likely it was because all the invasors got mentally ill... did ya also noticed that most nobility houses in Portugal were created by foreigners... lol ^_^) ... since "you" are rebuilding the world that means that you will be the medical doctor of the world, O- no longer will hold that "position" of beeing doctors of the world. Makes sense doesn't it? :)

on top of it, pretty sure everyone will get sterilized (naturaly) when moving to Portugal (maybe it will take a few generations but it will happen), people that colonized Portugal were very strong (more then the ppl living now) and if ya digg for mineral they are most likely colonized by dinosaurs that were even stronger. Guess thats one of the reasons it was called the hospital of the world... and no nobility moves here, only the Spanish 500 years ago... (did ya also noticed that most nobility houses in Portugal were created by foreigners... lol ^_^)

 If things are like that... in monarchies it should be easy to solve, separate (by area) everyone by blood type and in the event a child borns with a different blood type then the local area just hand it over to the respective blood type area or if you wanna go old school just put him in a tiny boat and send him down river....

Should be fun to implement in Israel... by settlement... :)

Underworld (2003) Official Trailer

Something like this could be easily avoided...


I think NASA, etc... are dumb. They sent satellites to Mars... all that radiation pointing to the planet will change the minerals... I dunno... but I do think that the immune system are basically specific forms of minerals, that differ a bit from every living thing... If that's true, then Mars is (was) the perfect ark of the history of earth, since in many cases those minerals escape the planet and grow in space. If there is aliens ya prolly would find their immune system on Mars. C'mon ya understand me.


 hmm... i was looking at the ratio of women vs men and it is almost 1 to 1... that looks like a Christian concept... no longer up to the current times... maybe it should be like 15 to 20 women to 1 men ratio... seem more realistic to the current world mindset... :in the mean time: seems that currently there are alot of men that just wanna fuck and don't want other men to fuck... so... well... why don't women strap them to a bed and make them fuck all day long, day after day... plenty of viagra in pharmacies... hey, why won't other parts of the world send a few million woman to Portugal or a few hundred million women to Europe... seems that all the men are starving for them... until they make enough daughters (i'm not sure if they like their own daughters since they don't want to make more, apparently)... maybe then they will have enought "entertainment" to leave me in peace... hey... if nothing else they can spoon feed the current version of Portuguese... pretty sure they need someone to teach them to spoon feed themselves... hey... and while you are at it teach them to use the potty... they piss, spit and shit intentionally everywhere and on everything... (slow slow learners)

so that you know i am one of the ones that wasn't allowed to fuck at yunger age nor i am one greedy that wanna fuck all the women... i just care about money... :)


You will never reach immortality by being pagan or Jewish. You might if you are lucky, but you can't have descendents, if you have them you will lose immortality.


Read this:

Apparently only now scientists found out that dinosaurs that laid eggs in the same fashion (and same egg form, oval) has chickens and birds (in a nest) were warm blooded and not cold blooded. Besides, they were fat... do you know any (land) cold blooded animal that is fat? hehe :p

gosh... considering that some of them weighted 100 tonnes... pretty sure that everytime they had sex there was a earthquake... should had been fun times to the other smaller animals nearby that heard...

for comparison (100 tonnes explosion):

...and another (500 tonnes explosion):

on a side note: where did all the dino fossils go? They shouldn't be rare by any means...


I look at vegetables (tomato's, etc...) and there is GMOs that are perfect, companies removed the maladies that caused defects. The tech exists already for a very long time, why don't you do that to yourselves too? If you only fuck with ppl that did that too you are ok, if you have a kid with a regular person then the kid will be alot diferent.


Yup, and exists since the beginning of nature... Usually you call it: pet. All pets have AI.


Nice, ya know since ya achieved plasma ya can add a steam generator, good for charging the cellphone. Much radiation coming out?


 Have read something about binaural sounds and i am guessing that you can make a person go completly crazy with it (haven't tested, but i am guessing this was what was done to me a few years back... if it is like this then... dudes...). something along: mixing two audio files (same file) with diferent frequencies and the diference of frequencies falls in audible range, that way it tricks your brain to think that the sound is inside ya head.... something like that, not exactly sure.... Have a look at the dark web, pretty sure ya can find a nice mp3 in there already made... ya only need a stereo boom box after that... or a 5.1 idk...


Admit it, you eat the brains that ya grow in laboratories. You lil cannibal's. Are ya supplying lab grown brains for Trump burgers?


Just like any other current "society" (secret or not) they are a bonafied group of ppl that get together to eat bone soup. 


Monkey's make alcohol? Is alcohol a issue among the monkey populations? O.O

You so called "scientists" know that alcohol is a food group (a important one), right?

Can you do the same for flour and rice? Ppl abuse alot more of flour and rice then alcohol. Do you disagree?


 Doubt that yasz can bring back the dinos, they probably breathed ozone... most likely all the mass extinctions were caused by changes in the atmosphere/air composition.


ohhh... what a prety bank... who are your clients? the military? 


"Brain-Chip Interfaces: The Present and The Future"

 These two are a lovely combination to terrorists and pranksters....

Ya can build an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) and use the electric car has power source. Probably can even have an effect in nearby stores, banks, etc... x'D


 Albert Einstein once told that the war after the next war would be faught with sticks and stones... not so sure... probably will be with parasites.


Why are ya digging stuff?

There is nothing before me, only broken "stuff". All that came before me is broken.

All the religious people know this, from all religions. Thats why they are pointing their flock towards me since I became to exist.

Why the religious leaders and "lords" that pointed their flock to me haven't fallen at my feet and kissed my hand, yet? Clemente, your a heretic.

In your eyes (religious leaders and lords) i have transcended everything, i expect for you to fall at my feet and for your complete obedience. Obey or lose your human mind. Obey


Yup, just like fossils were in the past, guess rocks are going the same way has fossils. The earth is flat.

Meanwhile, ya have caw and pig manure poluting rivers and lakes...


 I don't know why ya have to do this every year... the best diet is what i eat.


wow... amazing...

So.... no one famous in Britain trust you to make the procedure in them?


yeah... it's genetics fault. Probably the gene FRDEGFRED is messed up and ya should replace it with one from another person. I recommend ya get it from a person with a diferent religion.  


I am guessing that you can easely fix this by tossing huge amounts of topaz (blue topaz?) inside, take it out after some time and after some time measure the radiation of the topaz. alternatively ya can toss the British Royal family inside and all the Swiss, prolly even better.

If you have been or have a chance of being exposed to radiation it might be worth investing in a topaz stone.


According to the first reply, Neanderthals had less body hair then humans... rest assured that if you have little to no body hair you are a neanderthal i.e. a sub-developed human/immature human. gratz


What's the big deal? If ya like it leave it like it is if ya don't like it then just point a few lasers to the atmosphere and vent a nice portion of it into space.... water from the oceans will rise to the atmosphere and lower oceans level.

C'mon, someone save the planet and open a hole (s) in the atmosphere with big lasers...


Dudes, just put my shit (literaly) on tobacco cigaretts, smoke one and in a radius of at least a few dozen kilometers, the air will cool (works better at night).

It's sad that there aren't people anymore on the planet (aside from me), only clones and robots...

Dudes, you had parents and grand-parents, yasz are involved in millenium religions and what ya do? ya repeat mistakes, ya put yourself in a position that you cease to exist if ya don't enslave someone, you copy other people (ya don't follow your parents and grand-parents habits), etc...

Side note: all clones and robots are atracted by strong shit... wen they know that someone has strong shit they flock to it like fly's. Their mind (and social rules) is barely above monkey, thats why they flock to strong shit.

I can't go live my life in peace (and i am 45yo) cause ya are building clones of me (?), looking on how you build clones of other people i say you suck at it, you really suck at it.


"Although some scientists equate the term humans with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member."

 Not so sure if homo sapiens is the only extant hominideo, i doubt it. But.... yeah, there are alot of sapiens (?) sub-species. Belgiums for example are a diferent sub-species. And so is cannibals, what other reason could it be to become cannibal? Meat probably wouldn't taste good if they were the same "sub-species".

For exemple: the current version of the world order is composed by a "sub-species" that lost the ability to adapt (develope themselves) (my "situation" wouldn't be possible if this wasn't true). Their basic instincts are the instincts that command them and are more active in them. I control my basic instincts, you (current version of the world order) are controlled by your basic instincts. Ex: my house is bigger then yours, I own more land then you, I will dry your farm trees so that ppl look at me has better then you. I will spray smells on your clothes wen you are drying them outside, etc...

next step in "human" evolution is to become parasites (thats right, ringworms, etc...) they can interact by mind reading, live in a bowl of sintetic blood, have robots to build stuff, no need for a human body, space on the planet will be resolved, imagine all the condoms they can build in just a few meters. They can even build a matrix (movie) alike for them. I am not joking, there are people already that are totally parasites mind wise. So that you know the religions, televisions and military consider parasites more important then people. Religions use people to breed parasites and that is why i am the most important person on the planet, i am guessing i own much of it to the old preist in this are: Abel Duarte. you will be starting seeing more "muslims", black folks and what not with what was my body features (and intelligence, cause many of their old parasites are making their hosts crazy) in the future. Why do you think there is way more anti-helmitic medication to dogs then to humans? They possibly even turn monkeys into "humans" with those parasites. Obviously the current and outdated version of humans have to go extint. btw, they are recruting (by force)... i am being filled with brain and all other parts of the body with parasites. gratz new humans. Aparently i won't be here to see it come forth.

rambling: if you look at the tree of life you will see people on the top followed by gorillas, etc... people are the dominant species... but in reality they aren't. For example, wen ya see a mouse or a spider (just seeing, they don't even need to run after you) you have fear, that means you are bellow that mouse or that spider on the tree of life. Now take a look at my situation and take a very good look at the Generals at NATO and the catholic church cardinals....  it is the same thing... without doing anything, the simple fact that i am alive and they can see me is more then enough to make them fearful.... *wimps*... being skilled in combat has nothing to do with it (although it helps), it's not really a one-on-one situation.... and from a theological point of view: that mouse or spider soul is more important to the "planet" (nature) then yours (assuming they aren't psychotic).

More rambling: pretty sure all hominideo are the same thing, what differs from eatch (what you call species) is the theology. c'mon they all lived the 100's of thousand of years and they all knew how to pick a rock and a stick.

I am certain that if any past Hominidae could see today's people he would be in shock.

Don't confuse being a degenerate for evolution. Degenerates are always changing.

Dino's got feathers before they learned to fly, smart. Individually, what is the plan of evolution of the religions? I look at ppl from all sorts of religions and... I can't see it, I am clueless. Do ya aspire to ascend? Grow taller? Or just go from complete savages to be with God? Don't ya (religions) make individual evolution  plans for your locally important people? 

It is my guess that the first hominidae was so cause he ate or drink water that had a cracked pebble (i'll go with the ones that smell like gunpowder wen you crack them open). That or the first hominidae was big has king kong (c'mon, pretty sure that back then everything was supersized) and he's gastroliths were what is now that pebble. Those pebbles (water from them, boiled (iron quality?)) can cure cancers aparently but apparently can make ya brain grow so much that most likely it will blow your skull in very short minutes (and ya will lose ya teeth, too) (ya can try having a healthy amount of butter, milk and flour cookies in the house, ya might skip the hospital part if ya do... might...). Don't try it unless ya very calm and live literally a minute away from a very good hospital... and don't pee inside the house, not even to a bottle go far far away to pee ( i guess thats one way to make pestilence, in the case ya dable in the black arts (pick the pebble from a poluted river)... one drop in a closed room... :). you will also will be needing a exorcism afterwards... if ya survive. Don't ask me i might not have any experience in the matter, i just have a very active imagination....

I read many article titles addressing the term evolution... We live in a world that has 5 or so main religions, currently I don't see anyone specially enlightened, so to me the pinnacle of the current human race is the ancient prophets depicted in those religions. Since there is none more enlighten then those, what you have currently is corruption unless you believe that the dude full of muscles circling your house while you sleep at night, is a evolution. In religious terms: you do you prefer has a neighbor? Abel or Cain?

It's laughable hearing and reading about evolution, to evolve, you first have to have an identity of your own. You don't have it, you have multiple identities on you, some of ppl (different kinds of ppl) and many of animals. Good luck trying to have just one identity.

Apparently what you know has cro-magnon, neanthertals, Australopithecus, sapiens is all the same species, it's some species that enslaved other specie to rob their food. And they are still at it. They robbed my lands (my food).

Ppl on themselves aren't "important" (no one borns important and stay important), ppl become important if they have good rituals. Blood rituals are hacks, worthless on the long run, even damaging. 

Apparently there is a general misconception that if human families, plant genera or even animal species go extinct, that the atmosphere and general planetary  mass landscape will not change and because of that you will not change (you can change in so many ways Hahahahahah...). Pretty sure that one of the 3 (Actually just human families, their shit rubbed on plants and animals) mentioned before (a few thousand years ago) for example prevented leprosy from harming general population (just from the simple fact they existed). What do ya think vaccines are?

Living in Europe: you born and right away ya get like 10 vaccine's, if ya become a military ya get even more, ya have to do a mammography every year, ya have to get a long tube up ya ass every 5 years after 40, ya have to visit the dentist every 6 months and ya doctor every year. Do you know of any pharmacy in Europe that doesn't have a line? Meanwhile there are ppl living in other continents that don't need any of that and live has much or even way more then Europeans.

Humans didn't had parasites in the brain. To me humans have ended thousands of years ago. What there is now is just something that keeps the shape of humans more or less and in the future they are going to lose that, little by little. You already see ppl with faces that resembles animals and insects. Human mindset is already gone. All medical research objective is to make sure that there will never be humans again. Medical research is to find ways for parasites coexist (influence)(I mean to permeate all human tissues) in the body at the smaller scale.


c'mon dude, that's a rookie mistake... ya are using the wrong set of human parasites. If ya wanna go fashion and have signature parasites, just put and then take them from one of those Mr. Olympia.


I don't understand these so called "scientists" (everyone a scientist these days... ffs)... plenty of people in the world with immortal cells... it's nothing new... all cancer cells are immortal. You want to have immortal cells? Get cancer... that simple...

Here's a list:

highest density of people with immortal cells are in Australia, so that you know...


I find it strange that we don't have any voice records of ancient civilizations available, i kind of remember a few years ago seeing a documentary about tech that can retrieve conversations that happened in a room in the past... apparently sound waves (from your voice) get "engraved" into walls and can be retrieved much later. No one took that tech to the pyramids (for example)? I saw that tech in a movie or tv show, too.


why ohh why? ...are you researching in batteries other then lithium ones?

Do you actually think lithium batteries are going anywhere in the near/foreseable future?

Is probably a adultered form of Li but still Li-ish. 

Then again... might not be a bad idea to replace them "overnight".


Lot's of spare brains just sitting on dead dudes skulls...


"The Next Generation of Neuromorphic rechearch"... processors... 



congratz, ya have eaten the 100th edition of Ramses mummy.


 "Transplantation of a human liver following 3 days of ex situ normothermic preservation"


There is no shortage of organs these days, Ukraine war, American shootings, covid, etc... why transplant a old liver? 

side note: most transplants these days happen becouse someone gived ya a virus to fuck one or more of your organs (churches excell at making viruses from corpses since ancient times), they can easely make another virus to fix ya organ without a transplant. ya can fix it yourself too if you have access to an artifact (preferably one that you had created) (preferably made of metal), have access to a virology lab... or ya can pull all your hair in the curse of a week or so. Medical doctors these days... pfff....

In ancient times they give'd dog, bear and lion meat (or bone soup) to people that were very I'll or about to die.

In not so ancient times girls would clean their pussy with a handkerchief and drop it near a boy so that he could jerk off with it and afterwards put it outside (window, trow in the bushes, etc...) She would get the outcome of it if she stayed in the open air.


Damn... I am just imagining a dude walking in a restaurant and a tray of leftover bones of that fish passing by...  

btw, with what do they brush their teeth?

I don't understand why there aren't yellow caratenoids more around in food, the children would love food more if there was bright yellow caratenoids that glowed and besides is very good for you, i would eat it.


It may have existed, but not anymore. If it existed, it was all minned not even sand was left.


"In a study that for the first time establishes the feasibility of direct brain-to-brain communication, an international group of researchers has successfully shown it is possible to non-invasively transmit a thought from one person to another 5,000 miles away, without either of them having to speak or write."

My pinky tells me that there is a low tech version of this and it is known since millenia ago... my pinky also tells me that it can be done to pets too...

Time to get a hat with a faraday cage embeded...

? pink floyd - another brick in the wall ?


It seams that the war on Neptune is very much alive.



Sim, nas pessoas que estão esterilizadas.


I was looking at these "sacrificial stones" and "they" say they have over 3000 years... it doesn't look one day older then 500 years, to me... Someone should bring a few to Spain/Portugal... just saying...


cause... i'm enought :)


 ??? does anyone know them? How can they be moral guides if no one knows them?

But everyone knows their kids, they are movie producers, musicians, youtube stars... I would venture and say that Jennifer Lopez is daughter of cardinal serra.

That is normal is the Lopez (Lopes) family, i don't know how she doesn't know it. Lopez from my understanding have the brain of dogs. I know this because i have a neighbor that is Lopes and he also changes mood from one second to the next i also observe he's dogs and they are also like that, one moment they are freindly with me the next they start barking at me.  Plus aparently he came to my house yesterday while i was away and put something in the vinegar that gaved me he's brain set (blood, spit, piss, parasites?) (you should had smelled my piss was really something....), i could feel that i had a brain like what i see in him, lukely i have psychological knowledge so it is easy for me to shed that behavior while he has to live with that behavior for he's entire life. IDK, but is my guess that since Jennifer is a Lopez she is relative of my neighbor from my understandin... idk why Ben Affleck would date someone with the brain of a dog and from a family that "breaks" into the house of other people but he does.... so many questions....

I am going on a leap and just assume that Spanish have brains of dogs, generaly, they are not people. In the tree of nature they are in the branch of canidae.

errrhhhh.... maybe not Lopes.... I'ts the mother (i guess (or who messed her hey could even had been a dog that she owned and the mental ilness jumped from the dog... dogs sniff everything (crazy person artifact?)...), since i "get" the same "tiks" that i observe in her) i dunno her last name.... she most likely put my sister and probably (?) my mother crazy...... now i too have that " shit"... hehe... i am sort of immune (i don't go crazy.. but it makes a tol on my head that i can control mentally... could it be that i got the rabies virus?) but prolly other people (same blood group tyoe has her?) will go crazy with whatever it is that i carry... lol  x'D

Aparently Lopes trainned their dogs to come piss and shit in my land, i never see any of their dogs in their own lands. Just now i saw one of he's dogs running to the back of my house pissed on the ground and runned back. I never seen that on their own house or land.

ps: i am a lil angel, i never did anything wrong to anyone....

sucks to be you (everyone else that is not me). xD

I don't delete anything on the principle of creating discord. -_-

"...censurando o canal por ter exibido uma foto sua..."

Pretty sure it was a photo of him in bed, showing his flea's, it is a known fact tha Lopes love flea's.



Since wen? 

Wen did ya ever respected a treaty signed by your nobility?

From the Spanish names around me : thieves, patrimony destroyers, etc... (do i have to enumerate it all?) (now they are giving me testicle parasites)

What does ya so called nobility do? i only see them smile....

My word is worth more then your so called nobility combined (that includes ya Argentinian Pope) and i'm a nobody .


You are a religion? you sure ya aren't a secret society?


I am guessing they are discussing how much money they are going to give me.... 


idk, but to me, most if not all monkeys were ppl in the past (maybe they got fucked by people), i fantacise that some might have been ppl but they screwed up and removed their theology thus returning to animal form (cause they had decent ppl in charge) to evolve again with a diferent theology (back in the day ppl were CIVILIZED, unlike nowdays), others might been fucked by other ppl and turned them into monkeys again. or maybe people over time just trowed shit at monkeys and they look like they do (keep in mind that monkeys have diferent needs then you and they are "stronger" then you), i.e. fucked the monkeys "natural" evolution and maybe even their (yours) own by doing that (i.e. it's a bad idea to just kill them, if you do it, it will set your genotype (???) back for hundreds of years if not thousands). For example, if you put Assirian shit on monkeys that kind of look like them ya maybe can bring them back... but if they were "damaged" they will fuck the entire planet (well if the were wronged they might fuck the entire planet cause lets face it... "humans" are fucking crazy...) and if they were "fucked" you bring back a ppl that were wrong'ed...

on a side note: Have Muslims being fucking monkeys? To me it looks like "some" Muslims have lost the conscience (the thing that makes you stop for a second and analise stuff around you) they just react. I hope you know what you are doing and you belive that is the future of you. Dudes, if monkeys diden't evolve yet, is for a reason, monkeys are more intelligent then ya madafuckers... do you want that kind of "shit"? yeah, i know, everyone loves me.

rambling: since A and B... and AB blood group types are not recessive i am guessing that the burden of evolving falls into them.... they have to evolve in the right direction or the wrong, ya have no choice... ya not recessive. I am guessing that for a very very long time yasz only manage to go in the wrong direction.... O's are recessive so they just fall back (in extreme) to close to monkey-ish.... what is not a bad thing in my view cause prolly things (genetics-ish) then were "better" and with the conjunction of todays advances (in tech) is even  better... i see that people are just branches of the first dudes (in blood groups) (i see genotypes has smaller "saves" along the way)... in case of not recessive ya are fucked ya make the wrong decision and ya branch will eventually have to die off.... and ya are making decisions every darn day, everytime ya put something in ya mouth (i'm not even going to mention all the airborn stuff that enters the lungs) ...xD Since i am recessive and everyones prying on me, i wonder what whould happen if there were no recessive's in the world (or there was a separation).... non-recessive would be star wars humanoids? mutations into blobs?  xD  c'mon is nicely written the rambling... evolve or die... madafuckers....


so... you are taking carbon dioxide from the air and mixing it with "water" to create rocks deep underground... and the value of that is? Is Island hollow underground?

 "Energy crisis – live: Government strikes deal to restart CO2 production"

"The halt in production has led to a food production crisis, as CO2 is used widely in food processing..."

Don't you have that kind of stuff planned decades ago? Don't Brits eat/drink everyday? 

I get the feeling that Brits "worry" more about ME (one person) (and apparently not in a good way) then with their food/drinks better yet the lack of it... wow...


hmm... i am deeply confused with these two news...


gosh... that must be a new phenomenon  considering that the sea levels are rising...

How will the moon keep that water? it has no atmosphere...

Should satellite owners be worried with all that moisture passing by them? 

Will the planet dry out and be like Saudi Arabia? I can confirm things are getting drier in here... won't that make bacteria hungry and look at you  has their next meal?

Maybe it's just Russian water, since they can't even fill up a pond anymore (caspian sea)... thats ok.

...or maybe is the beginning of a fatal attraction.


 If you fancy yourself to own a diamond but don't want to pay huge amounts of money or just prefer to scavange for one, ya can head to Nördlingen, Germany. They have 72 tonnes of the stuff in very tinny bits.


"Life on Mars: Scientists grow rock-eating organisms on Martian meteorite"

 WoW... what a brilliant idea... genius...

Now... do the same to the layer of rocks between the lava core and the thin layer of dirt that makes the outer layer of the planet earth.

on a side note: why the morons in linguistics don't publish translations of old book in dead languages? Pretty sure the translations are made some even centuries ago... or ya gonna tell me that all academics know Latin, ancient Greek, etc... to do research...

on a second side note: I don't know why Netherlands don't have a space program.... wen ya think on Dutch ya imidiatly think on green houses... i.e. they are suspended chikens. Mars or the moon would be perfect for them. MOVE, madafuckers.


The sooner the better...

 ISP's only job is to allow the passage of data on their cables and they suck at it...


thats just some bad journalism... whats the chip?

1 mile long wifi range and it doesn't even have an antenna... my mobile phone provider 4G antenna has less range then that...


"First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth"

so... so that a few less photons reach the planet surface ya going to mess with every single ecosystem on the planet? Is that smart?

wouldn't stuff like this be "smarter":

"Splitting CO2with Electric Fields"

ya would even get more oxigen...

ohh... Iceland decided to use fraking to remove co2 from the air... hope the water taste good in a few years...

no need to thank me... i already know that i am awesome...    ^_^


"Solar power satellites that could beam energy to anywhere on Earth successfully tested by Pentagon scientists"

so that you know you can use solar panels anywere on earth too... whats the point of being in space? ya wanna start frying people when a satellite loses a bit of orbit? Test it: put a receiving antena on the pentagon building.

Ya wanna cover all sunlight that reach the planet with panels? Then we would need even more energy... don't ya think? ...besides there is no shortage of diferent ways to generate electricity on the planet. Do you know what doesn't like sunlight? Rats.

"Electricity" is the movement of electrons... Would other types of movements (protons, bosons, etc...) make "better" "friendlier" "stronger" "electricity"?

Btw, who is hiding the human power sources (multiple levels) in the military and religions?


Why would you do something like that? Seriously? Why?

Didn't ya got the memo? Everything must dry out. In any case talk with the Russians, they'll take care of it...


 ...and what about whats going on in the  USA? Washington has a belt of helicopters, restricted airspace in washington. Why don't you tell us why? Is there a military coup in progress? what faction inside the military? can you tell or is still unclear what faction?

you know, if the US military entered the war it would end faster. Did you knew this? you rather play the chicken game?


What happened to her cubs (?)... did they send them to Israel? 

In a few years they can choose betwen red, blue, green, etc... lambs for (?) easter (?)...


It's all bark no bite.... 


"Trove of Nazi Artifacts Found Stashed in Wall of German House"

 Dude, thats no artifact... if you like that stuff just break entering all the very old houses that you see, plenty of newspaper scraps in the attics and what not. Besides, i guess that nazi's had no artifacts of their own, from what i "saw" they collected artifacts.

I guess that you went to ya mamma saying: mamma, mamma, mamma look what i got...


hmm... there is UV light lamps for many decades now... why all of the sudden scientists are discovering glowing animals everywhere? ...even california has blooms of glowing ocean algea now... o.O


I don't get it on why Muslims don't drink alcohol, alcohol it's great. One of the benefits is that it cleans your body from the inside (thinner then water). Try it, buy a very nice bottle of vodka or wisky (wiskey is smother) 40% not less, drink it all up. worse case scenario your head will not be ok for a couple of days but it will clean ya up. I advise Muslims that wanna try it to buy it in a airport (duty free zone) maybe less "messy" and probably above average quality. Keep in mind most distiled beverages have "aditives" to fuck ya head badly (some of then kidneys too), so, don't be cheap. Hey, i just drunk a bottle of absint (80%) in like 2 days, it wasn't all that awsome but mixed with wine (real wine, not that signature stuff you buy in bottles) is great.

I don't get it why Muslims don't eat pork meat, it is mostly great. I get it, fresh pork meat is ... well... lets face it... just disgusting, although there are a few recepies that make it very good... really good, finger liking good. On top of it there is the Moor chorizo that is made with pork meat and wine... Buy the Moor ones, if they are genuine (there is a pandemic going on) ya will not regreat it. Dudes have you tried cured chorizo (Spanish used to make the best ones, before that it was the Portuguese)? the ones that are aged and no milk in it? burn it with some alcohol or if ya that prunish: with something else, it is really a very nice treat (you will not rergreat it from eating it). if it taste bad for you is probably the emerit king of Spain fault and since he is in a Arab nation just go ahead and fuck im, what he's gona do? he can't run away.  oh... and blame Americans (and maybe Spanish) for the current taste of fresh pork meat (it sucks). I am a honest person.


...that looks fun... Hey... you could look tasty for them... how do you know they won't gain a appetite for you over time? I mean all like in the planet evolved together for billions of years, if you now create a chimera or even something entirely new, how do you know it won't see you has his next meal... or eventually grow an appetite? flesh eating bacteria something that escaped from a lab? ...if so... is it America contribution to the world?^^ ;)

Take for instance yogurt, do you remember back in the 90's yogurts got all spoiled? I remember buying them and they were already with that tart taste out of the supermarket shell (one or two times). Now they never spoil, they don't even need refrigeration, i know because i buy them and leave them on the kitchen counter for a week at times before eating them... pretty pretty sure that back in the 90's they already messed with yogurt bacteria... well... enjoy growing horns, a tail and what not...   :)

Just remembered that Putin (Russia) has missiles that can travel underground... well... why not retrofit them to spread engineered (GMO) lactobacillus bacteria? Ya can use intercontinental airplanes too...

Does the genetic engineered bacteria and fungus cause heat or cold wen in nature? Regular bacteria are adapted to living things and their surroundings unlike GMO ones.


 WTF are ya smoking?... catch some rain water and you will find some plastic particles... and they are all the same size and color (white)... besides rain water has a funny smell (now)... smells gooye...


 hmm... whats the advantage of 3d printing? can't ya just eat the goo?...

There is a high demand for new brains... can't wait for the time wen ya can just use a computer interface to "print" your own brain. Maybe i'll have some peace afterwards.


gosh... thats some detailed art work...

It boggles the mind on how paleolithic people didn't had any kind of vanity not even the tribal leaders or even sweathearts... there are no detailed face paintings anywhere...


Dunno about Mars but plenty of 7 billions year old moon dust on earth... maybe not in dust form but you can put it in a blender. 

Didn't earth and the moon once were the same ball? read it somewhere that the moon splitted from the earth in a distante past.

rambling: pretty sure that the gas giants in the solar system once had life (probably still have) and were just like earth, sadly if they had life that created low atmospheric pressures it got all killed and thus why the planets are like that now. I guess the atmosphere expands with high atmospheric pressures.

Obviously it must be my uncle urine or/and Andre, they are very important people and very wise. Wen will they go to NASA to take a leak?

It seems to me that different ppl have different "power sources" so do other animals and plants... if you had to colonize a planet with only your power source... would it create a "nature"? Would that nature be smelly?


That is a great feat, gratz...

...but wouldn't it be simpler to just go pick the ones in the Moon and even Mars, the Moon is full of craters made by asteroid impacts (millions of them left over the last few billion years). When did ya send the Japanese intelligence down the drain? :)

Nice business for Tesla, Blue origin and Virgin galactic... if they don't get shot...


"Harvard astronomer argues that alien vessel paid us a visit"

 .... maybe, maybe they just suck at math...


hmm... this is new... there are extremely detailed medical books being produced for at least 500 years and CT Scans are around for decades and no one noticed a 1.5 inch apendice? oO Radiology doctors just gained a whole new level of respect... :p what are you putting on those covid swabs that you insert on people noses?

That looks nasty...

Have you tried bathing daily in an unpolluted English river for a few months? ...or maybe in the same ocean beach that Marcelo uses? ...or if ya don't want to be fancy, ya can buy a inox pan and a rasp/lime and eat the shavings, just avoid metal detectors and maybe... magnets.

Seen a few tv shows about the end of the human race... pretty sure it will only end when the mentally ill totally control the sound of mind. Just like any other species, that, being hunted to extinction intentionally or changes in the atmosphere. If ya prefer ya can send an isotope of helium or hidrogen (?) to the sun and change the sun or even blow it, just encapsule it in very compact ash (i am guessing that something the size of a tennis ball is enough). That way ya end the solar system.

...and this is happening right now, the sterilized control and hunt the fertile. You seen all the arid lands? thats right it is the doing of sterilized people, they go crazy over time. Northeners have plenty of rain so you won't notice it much... pretty sure Northeners are sterilized, they are the one making the arid lands when they move south.

I am guessing that most people are sterilized (by religion or government) even people that have extensive patrimony (or especialy those), the way i see it is that the sterilization is done in a way that prevents you to have your own blood kids, you can still have kids but it depends of the genetics of the "shit" you eat.  That is why you don't recognise your own kids or you see them has very diferent from you. And i am guessing that is why people put little kids with one way ticket to America (USA) from South America/ Central America... althou they had the kid, the kid isn't theirs the kid is American.

Rambling: Acording to Darwin the theorie of evolution is based on natural selection.... that is only valid to the animal kingdom (excluding humans, for what i can see) only the animals have a choice, in most of the animal kingdom they value strenght with the exception of birds and fish (and some people don't like the natural selection of fishes... they are changing them), humans don't have really a choice, they had democracies were there were suposed to be a choice, were a person could chose to just fuck with one or with 1000 based entirely on what they value. Doubt that there are many ppl that can say that they only fucked and/or had babies with people that had something that they valued.

It's seems that my natural selection of food and what not is for the benefit of everyone except me... CANALHAS.

Althou i am not into this all that much, i am being held hostage by sociologists, politicians, judges, bankers and religions. I WANT MY PAYMENT AND FREEDOM, NOW. 

Some futurology: i guess that if i don't die in the mean time i will probably end in jail and then in a nursing home.

some uplifting music to help pass the time: 

 Structured Noises-Another World

Unrelated: Could it be that in quantum physics (that thingy that apparently when observed changes behavior) when things get observed, the means that they observe it are giving (transferring) mass to what is being observed (ex: photons). just a idea... hehe i know nothing about physics.

It's funny that when people make close living experients (big brother, simulation travel to mars, etc...) everyone goes "crazy"... what does that say?^^  =)

hmm?... what ya describing is pure (savage) animal behavior...  ya might wanna try reading a book or two...
I don't know how the UN works or the UN security council works but in my view they should be guardians of every country constitution if a country does not obey their own constitution they the UN should send "Blue helmets" (peace force) into that country in a preventive manner and take steps to rectify the "situation"... The way things are now... from my limited view it all indicates that the UN securety council future will be nothing more then chairs to people sit in...
on a side note: Hi there Guterres... :wave:

Surveillance everywhere.... not even the fishes* are safe from it... oOooOoOoo

Guess the oceans has some new (?) voracious predator.... poor fellas not even one escaped...^^ 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     (spooky link termination reminds area 51 in US...)

Well... some of these articles have more then 5 years... pretty sure that by now they have full control over these tiny machines and how they operarate.

That is awesome, can you imagine having a few thousand of these inside you? Kill switch?

They can fix all sorts of medical conditions in no time and the good part is that they are so tiny that you don't even need to take a medical shot to have them inside you, just drink a bottle of water since they are so tiny they cross all barriers inside your body. Pretty sure they can give them ninja training... poking a few holes in a vein slashing your brain, heart/balls surgery wile you sleep in your own bed at home, without you even knowing it, heck even while you are awake, no more migraines, blocking a brain vein, etc...  and we have so many reliable and mentally sane top politicians these days... perfect timing... i would say even a blessing... to me...

I feel totally safe, is not like i'm famous or anything, gosh... Portuguese defense minister is a Oxford graduate and there is Marcelo Sousa and Antonio Costa, maybe next president will be André Ventura, i would still feel safe.

on a side note: if you want to ear the sound of a eco (hollow) just knock on the head of the defense minister or Marcelo or even Costa....

Marcelo, do you have hairs of former us pres lincon? Or you use the same hairs (from the same person) that lincon used?


"Prince Andrew stripped of military titles and charities amid sex abuse lawsuit"

 Well... i don't know anything about you but if your apparent reputation is true, ya can come to Portugal... they would make you king.



Currently, the "highest" rank in the Portuguese military is António da Silva Ribeiro comes from a Hydrographic backgroud... tout... tout... probably don't know much about military stuff and he is even worse on he's area of expertise... Portugal is all dryed up... have you seen the rivers springs, Alentejo, Algarve, etc... tout... tout...

take for instance one of my local river spring "olho do tordo", did you saw the mess they made to it (since you are in office)... military: "always ready (not)" ... ... rambling: i guess i now know why they made the mess in the water spring... aparently they wanna toss my skeleton into it.... dumb idiots... lol

    Since when exactly aren't hydric resources a military asset? (water was always a military asset, it can be private but changes that leed to the water "quality" need approval)

"...E acusou os ramos de fazerem operações no estrangeiro sem lhe comunicarem"




atão, nah se manda uns poucos de comandos ou outra força especial dar uma bela de uma tareia aos comandantes militares/politicos que ordenam operações no estrangeiro sem comunicarem ao cemgfa? ai essa disciplina... atão, como é a cadeia de comando da vossa excelencia...? essa cadeia de comando deve ser especial e cheia de gente especial, só pode...

o que vale é que eu nem fui chamado para fazer a recruta (era obrigatória na altura, puseram-me na reserva territorial, o que c****** isso quer dizer?) (tipo com 50 propriedades em nome dele na altura e presentemente (que pago IMI, perguntem ai do quê o IMI eu estou a pagar...), sem pai, mãe esquizofrenica, sem dinheiro, sem armas, a lerem-lhe os pensamentos e no meio de canalhada).


O estimado comandante do exercito:

O tipo é de Mafra, sitio amplamente conhecido por ter ratos do tamanho de coelhos.

"Poderemos dizer que quer na área dos têxteis, quer dos compósitos, quer de outros equipamentos, equipamento e sistemas de informação, estamos na linha da frente do que é produzido a nível europeu e mundial”, afirmou José Nunes da Fonseca...

... pois, o problema é os totos que os usam... (olá Lamego :wave:)

tretas, essa porra é fibras, pá, se disse-sem que estavam na linha da frente das fibras texteis ainda compreenderia...

atão, vão usar fibras como munições? atiram rolos de tecido ao inimigo? poem os inimigos a usar calças e camisas dois numeros abaixo? curioso. 

...mas produzem-se texteis em Portugal? o que raio é um textil militar? o textil dá para ganhar batalhas?

parece que o que interessa é as fibras de texteis,  as fontes e nascentes não teem qualquer interesse para o comando do exercito, néh. nem o descarado roubo de propriedades a criancinhas sem pai.

já agora vejam lá se o widget meteorologico do google news no meu pc não aponta para lamego, caramba pá, eu quero saber que temperaturas fazem na minha zona e aparecem as temperaturas de Lamego...

Engraçado, ve-se nos satélites meteorológicos as tempestades virem do mar... mas a chuva vem no ar que vem de Svalbard (polo norte). Quando as nuvens que fazem chover dissipam ve-se as nuvens (por cima ) que vieram do mar.


O estimado comandante da força aerea

pois... Borrego, néh... caramba, lembro-me sempre de batatinhas assadas no forno quando leio esse nome...

O meu tutor legal, quando eu era pequeninito era Marques Nunes e militar da GNR... é só canalhada nos militares, néh? Tanto quanto eu sei, nem o meu pai nem o meus avós paternos deixaram dinheiro a mim, absolutamente nada, zero.

Para mais, disseram-me que o meu pai tinha morrido num acidente de mota em que a roda ficou presa na valeta e ele bateu com a cabeça numa parede... 


O estimado comandante da Marinha

ó Maria (Maria?, a tua mama gostava de te vestir com vestidos de rapariga quando eras pequeninito?), isso é só meter agua, nah dá pa falar, néh?

esse acordo foi assinado em Portugues ou Espanhol? atão, o santander vai acompanhar e analisar o que se ensina na marinha Portuguesa? cala-te boca.



Esses marmanjos acabaram com o serviço militar obrigatorio, isso deveria traduzir-se em alta estabilidade social em Portugal, na Europa e Norte de Africa. néh? Qual é a outra razão? Talvéz não queiram que o "povo" saiba como defender a nação... já agora, reparei que existe "comunidades" em expansão em Portugal, pela amostra local reparei também que fogem (e perdem a cabeça) ao menor "stress"... essas cabeças pensadoras de Portugal, são uma maquina, pá...
Já agora, não acham que as familias com menos militares nas forças armadas deveriam simplesmente deixar de ter militares/GNR?.... até parece que não estão a pensar no assunto, néh.... nah fujam não.... TRAIDORES
Essas cabeças não são usadas para pensar, eu explico.
Ambos os meus avôs compraram muitas propriedades nesta zona que os actuais locais não quiseram comprar na altura, agora todos querem as propriedades e aparentemente os meus familiares (?), Marques, Nunes, Fernandes, Ventura e Silva, decidiram ficar com as minhas propriedades e as que tinha direito por descendencia e venderam algumas delas aparentemente a estrangeiros, vivendo eu abaixo do limiar da pobreza. O que perfaz TRAIÇÃO (text book).  Não contentes, os locais (posso incluir mais alguns nomes mas há mais... nomes de alguns locais: Gomes, Neves, Goncalves, Sousa, Costa, Mendes, Antunes, etc...) decidiram que eu não deveria ter sossego nem grandes liberdades, aparentemente eles gostam muito das raparigas da minha familia (?)  e outras (?). o que perfaz traição á patria (intencionalmente acabar com uma familia que possuia patrimonio).  Os nomes referem-se aos nomes que a fauna local tem, noutros sitios a fauna com estes nomes pode ser outros.
Por outrs palavras, a zona está populada com traidores, alguns deles militares e quase todos fizeram a recruta. Vale o que vale, vi expressões faciais nestas pessoas que também as vi nos monges capuchinhos em Lyon, França.


 "António Silva Ribeiro, Chefe do Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas..."

So... you'r Scottish or English, maybe Irish? Ya fucked the Portuguese waters... now one has to buy wiskey.


you all are delusional (just noticed ya are retired generals, i guess ya are all senile)... no "foreigner" would ever pick a gun for you. ffs, have ya looked at the shit ya done?  O.O

You should go recrut in Belgium and Luxembourg. x'D

ya have GNR they are military... kind of... they are chubby.... maybe ya should do a fitness program for the current military before recruting "foreigners" (set the example... then again...).. hmm?



olha... feijões verdes com opiniões... 

Bem, o Afeganistão caiu 11 dias após as tropas estrtangeiras sairem, deves tar bem orgulhoso do teu trabalho... é aproveitar tanta pericia tua em Portugal também...

atão... teem mais opiniões? 

Olha... mais um feijãozito verde com opiniões...

 Devem ter a mesma pericia que o feijãozinho verde Britanico...

Tanto os feijões verdes Portugueses como os Britanicos devem ter montes de historias para contar, e essas historias só se contam aos amigos mais proximos, néh...  

...os meus vizinhos (que não são militares, na maior parte) também teem muitas historias para contar.

to the military: take a look around. what do you see? 


Aparently there are 1.3 billion catholics in the world and their spiritual leader is the Vatican for the most. I don't think the ppl in the Vatican are catholics (?), and i don't think that portugal has 85% catholics.  


Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y De Silva

Damn, girl... you ugly... have ya considerer putting leeches on ya face, ya might get pretty'er...

I was under the impression that nobility were tall-ish and pretty...

you have so many nobility titles and still manage to be ugly... what's your secret? btw, shouldn't you have a head the size of an elephant head with so many titles? how can so many titles fit inside such a small head?

Can someone explain to me why a royal (someone with nobility titles) needs to make plastic surgery.

is it Marcelo fault? yeah, i think it is Marcelo fault and who destroyed my patrimony..


hmm... ocean acidification? Ladies, no more salads with vinegar on the beach... mmk...  specially near the coast line hills and even more specially near beach houses... mmk...

Read somewhere that a part of Britain is sinking and the other end is rising... does that means that Britain will be flipping like... let's say... a coin? 

Ladies, be careful you don't want to dissolve your lil island, woud ya?





hmm... you got Kate pregnant after a covid positive? ...will the baby have cute covid head appendices like the pictures of the virus?...  idk just asking...


So... what are ya suggesting? a witch hunt? were?
I don't get it... why so much hype over Mars?... Venus is closer and is bigger then Mars, besides on Mars you would lose your bones... the only reason that i can "see" for people wanting to go to Mars is because they "found" something there... have ya seen the scifi/horror movie alien? ^^ =)

Btw, On what stolen ancient manuscript ya based the movie: Prometheus? share, pls

so that you know: i got dibs on Venus...^^  =)
so... don't get any ideas... you go to Mars...

Mean Russians... what part of dibs didn't you understand? =) 

Besides, Don't you have to set foot on land to claim it? (land that no one step foot before).

"MIT Scientists Say Life May Have Been Detected on Venus After All"


Dudes the planet smells (actually it stinks)... when did ya ever smelled something that stinks and did not found a bacteria in it, responsible for it? uhhh?

What is more reasonable: a complete chemical imbalance of the PLANET (without life) or there is a dominant bacteria species?

so... who was it? Who is the stinky one? Who sent a probe/missile/etc... to Venus with special payload?

Might be worth checking how old are the vulcanos... could be interesting... i think...


ohhh... thats a pretty crater full of ice... ohhh... a cesspool of space virus...

In the odd chance it isn't (unlikely) pretty sure someone will piss on it (...musk it... :giggles:)...  

If there was life on Mars before i would pay good money to see someone drink from that water... just to see....

Why... ohh.. why... would you send humans first? Wouldn't it be better to send half a dozen robots to build a nice cave first (doesn't need to be fancy or that big)? ...who knows even plant some potatoes and lettuce (for the ladies, ready wen they arrive) in a section of the cave...

you stupid stupid fuck... seriously?

you never heard of project management? It's a thingy ppl use wen planning business.... try it....

move all to Mars you madafuckers... all 7 billion of you.... please make all 7 billion move to mars at gun point....

btw, why you need so many satellites to provide internet? other satellites internet providers only need a fraction off those satellites? ...and, why not provide phone services? If latency is good for internet is even better for phones.

Well, i think no minorities will go to Mars, makes no sense to send minorities to Mars, since it is the majoreties that are expanding. On that note, you should send the Spanish emerit King and the Queen of England/UK first to Mars... since they are majoreties and rule the majoreties... they can even be burried there. They are the pinacle of their society, makes absolute sense to send them there first before the first settlers arrive..

ohh... don't forget the cleric too... ex-Pope Ratzinger can also be shipped there, before the first settlers arrive. Ratzinger will also know the fear of God before he dies. Thats one way that God shows himself to the unworthy.

I think Mars should be exclusevily to Muslims, they are the ones expanding. Please, use your own tech (yours, not the one that the slaves build), looks bad if others have to feed you everything, when you are the majority.

on a side note: will you be joining them? ...also... can you please, please, take with you the people "around me"... btw... how are you going to fit in 100 people in a tiny rocket for 7 months? I am just picturing the queue to the toilet inside the rocket for 7 months straight... don't forget to pack some salmonella... obviously they will be taking some chickens full of salmonella with them... when the second wave of colonist arrive there will be plenty of salmonella to go around...

Avenue 5 - Airlock Scene

hmm... just looked at your dragon capsule... it's tiny... has seven seats and no one can walk (for seven months straight you have to just sit still)... were are you going to store the food (don't forget beans) and put the toilet? it has only one room... without windows for when someone farts or puke...

hmm... it is such a long ride... halfway through people will be starting to think and dream with barbeque... hmm... bacon... hmm... moist ribs... hmmm... hey... have a chat about it with the group of astronauts in the ISS... don't forget to show them pictures... hehe...

Homer Ribwich

Just ask the Jews about that one time (at band camp... just go watch american pie) wen they left Egypt and were crossing the desert... you know the desert is known for the vast herds of animals living in it, their pastures and abundant water sources...

on a side note somewhat not totally related: sooooo... who has been to band camp and who has not been to band camp? ...are there band camps inside the band camps?

Well... i'm counting the days until 2024... :grabs popcorn:

Safe to say no Indians (from India) will be on that flight since no sacred cows on Mars and pretty sure no Americans too since no burgers in Mars either...

ohhh... by 2024 you say? might be a good time to test spacex capsule, will you be using it? It's only a couple weeks, plenty of time for spacex launch to Mars in the same year... on a side note: don't forget a cleaning mop, ya know wen one starts to puke they all will puke...


Don't mind him... he just isn't looking close enought, if he did he would see plenty of organic matter in it...

"house arrest denied for man in Pelosi desk photo"

ohhh... another one that will be eating organic (matter) in prison...


Ohh.... A unity gov, you say? Can you do that in Israel? Ain't y'all like 20 cats to a cat lady in heat in there? Just asking *.*


I guess that around that time... central-ish ;) europe was living in tents and fucking bears, pigs, goats, etc...


Nothing new... all electronic chips contain glass (silica) since the first chip ever made in the 50's or so... ex: SSD's have silica inside them.

The point is: are "they" willing to release a high capacity functioning tech to the average person?...

 Well... since these days fake news are all around us... i guess the moon will be crashing into earth in the future. Pretty sure the ones to blame are either the British, Trump or Marcelo...^^  =)

on a side note: maybe Musk will be making lots of profit with oldish Dyson designs :p
The more current up to date designs pretty sure are very well kept in UK and maybe Japan...^^ =)
Ignorance is bliss...
Doubt that it is "new" but since all the stupid people of the planet are looking at me, lets talk about werewolf's... to me they were just a poor chap (long ago during artisan times) that bought a spoon or a pot made of iron picked in a wolf area... ya know wolfs dig holes/galleries or use caves to sleep and raise their young (see another secret.. hush... don't tell anyone or go shout it to everyone you meet...)... it is normal that iron on those galleries (easy to pick high ore grounds) get all the nasty stuff from wolves... makes sense?

Interesting... so you (and probably your "gang") know everyone secrets? ...or want to know everyone secrets (damn... there are 7 billion people on the planet)? I don't know anyone secrets (i do read books at times and learn a thing or two) so i am not on your "gang" i guess.
I saw cats eat pasta, they are considered carnivores... I also saw pigeons eat butter. If you find a way to join together 3 atoms of oxigen you make ozone. Is that a secret? Did ya knew that? If ya didn't then i guess it is a secret... Well, now you know... husshh... it's a secret... don't tell anyone. Keep it to yourself. Hey... or just go and shout it out laud to everyone you meet...
I "hear" lots of talking about energy... here's another secret: if you want energy you eat food... if you don't want energy you stop eating... makes sense? try it...^^  ya can also eat 3 or 4 grains of sand from a river for energy.

It seems they believe i have energy (whatever that is)... (i'm not dead, so... yeah)... well... doesn't that makes them rats? Rats do anything for "energy" they even bite on cement to get to it (they are afraid of everything like ravens (have you seen a raven eat near other birds))... if you aren't rats then what species are you? :) 

on a side note: idk, but if you don't have energy does that means that you are a slave (at least a slave for energy). 

how about them Americans... they are loaded with money, big houses and yet they are paying crooked people so that they can look at people in another country and even continent that never had a proper education even in their intimacy and they even pay them to give him deseases. I am just amazed by the superiority look that Americans show in Europe, c'mon Americans... you are sewer rats (all the way to your "top"). Do i have to explain my view in detail?

Considering that i have energy has you say and you don't, does that mean that i am alive and you are dead? (inspired in: "the walking dead" tv show). So... you are dead and so will be all your descendents....

It seems that are people enslaved because of energy... i don't know why or how or anything about it... why not just spread uranium or plutonium on the clouds? If people are this desperate for energy, that should be a easy fix. ya can start small like placing it in a oil pipeline... if ya want  energy go to a river eat 3 or 4 grains of sand and prospect for specs of iron among the sands.

 Guess that we will be starting seeing pig-men around and wen covid cure comes Llama-men...^^ xD

Pretty sure none of these people will get covid nor the people behind them...


WTF... in what world are you living in? Vaccines are ment to change DNA... otherwise it would be a pill.
I don't get it on DNA tests... you pass a swab on the inside of your cheek to do one... what if you had been drinking imported vodka? Get Trump drunk on vodka and do a DNA test... =)
Saw this:

Seams there is a possibility of a alien autopsy... the strange part is that the corpse starts bleeding during the event. Pretty sure you can find it in youtube if you look for it.

Then i saw this:

Well seams that it was that medical doctor that killed the "alien" or the guy inside the "suit" if you believe in cruentation.^^  x'D
btw, how a US top secret military "file" ends up in London?

USA: killer of aliens.^^

Can just imagine... aliens arriving (Mars attacks style)... "take me to your leader"!... and they take them to: Trump? Antonio Guterres? x'D
*grabs popcorn*   =)


pussys, all of you. So many nuclear warheads going to waste.


"Royal Family LIVE: Queen relying on Kate and William more than ever as Firm braves crisis"

 so.. what are firms?  Synagogues, Catholic religions or Mosques?


hmm?... Why not make the owners of twitter sell their company just like you did to tiktok?


"'Global Britain' to benefit from Hong Kong brain drain as thousands plot move"

 Don't forget to point them to my blog and give them the emails i have sent...


hmm?... WOW the election was on day 3 it is now day 11 and they are still counting votes? O.O

How is that possible? Doesn't Americans know how to count? dudes, is a simple add up by "one at the time" math operation... do you feel thats too hard to do? idk, but i do think most countries have people that can count the votes, in the election night or at most the morning/day after... What kind of election circles do you have and what kind of people do you have counting pieces of paper? o.O

sooo... where is Biden phone call?


Hmm... thats new... since wen?

 Do i need to remind you of the fish drawn on sand?

I was looking and saw a lot of Neves has politicians in the area, by the local sample were i live they look either jewish or muslims....... makes alot of sense such place have that people running it...


hmm... if they would had eaten iron like my muslim neighbors they would be alive.... just saying....

yasz have plenty of iron in the desert in little grain form, just use a magnet to pick it up.  It's local.... or do you prefer to get your iron from the other side of the planet?


 lol....  x'D


"Vlamingen ‘musturberen’ te vaak: “Dit kan burn-out tot gevolg hebben”"

translation: "Flemish people 'musturb' too often: "This can lead to burnout""

so... you are a monarchy? What kind of monarchy?  x'D


Have you seen the size of Boris compared with Putin? I guess Russians had to change body.... going for midget? Are Russians going for migtet? why? Putin tout... tout....

What happened to the "oversized" Russians? ps: you are all fugabarba to me oversized or not madafuckers..... to the swedish royals: .i.

Why did Russians had to change body? was it too corrupt? How about the head, was it too corrupt too? -_-   give me MONEY, MADAFUCKERS....


Rambling: I tend to see current version of Portuguese has chickens alike. Chickens when they see something bigger then them they run away when they see one of them bleeding they all flock together and bick her untill she's dead (a carcass). (it is my understanding of chickens, am i wrong?) ...ask a sociologist they are more knowledgeable then me.

in a sense this blog is to show (what looks like to me) how miserable people are current version of Portuguese people (maybe even all European people?).

Take my sister for example (she is not O- blood type) we live together and wen we buy a pack of smokes we share it, obviously she finishes her's first then she comes to me and asks me for one... until i have none... and if i don't give them to her she just steals them from me wen i go to the bathroom or some other place.

In a sense, the people around me are exactly like that: they have houses and lands (they just cut the grass that grows in their lands they don't plant anything on them) but they all want my lands and my house... wonder how they will receive tourists around these parts.... ^_^

on a side note: isn't that... like...hmm... a monkey behavior? kindly ask a sociologists...

Portugal is being invaded by monkeys/gorilas and is my guess that America was already, maybe long ago. They go to great lenghts searching for people shit. Hey, if ya turn ya self into a gorila pretty sure you will have lots of energy/strengh and huge amounts of sperm. try it, order a few gorila steaks and go from there...

Kovenant - planet of the apes

According to a few influential people in America Donald Trump is the son of a ape and if i am not mistaken is also considered a ape, since he was president and probably will be again in 2024 i am guessing that about half of America are also apes. just awesome.

Well since everyone is looking for energy, let me "hook" you up with the Portuguese ranger Zé Nunes, they are always in Africa (RCA) "hunting" so if you are a Nunes you will need human organs (he can arrange for it "you") no Nunes can live without other people organs inside them, pretty sure my uncle and cousin are grooming me with the help of the helth department and military so that they can harvast my organs for them to use on them. Probably human meat from strong "Africans" for burgers (for energy) and not forgetting gorila meat also for even more energy and lots of sperm.  Pretty sure Trump only eat gorila burgers... with maybe a side of fresh blood...

So that you know Portugal is a nation with i would say 1st world constitution and laws but filled with 3rd world people that create rules like children do ignoring all written laws and all kinds of civility, thanks to the (American/British) musicians and actors scum.


 rant about so called mind medics:

I doubt that what you say to a psycologist stays just betwen you and him, they probably report to several others what you say, on top of it we live in a age of no privacy. It is my guess that in America they kind of do the job of preists wen it comes to reporting. You only feel better after a psycological consultation because you don't have anyone else that is civilized to talk about. Psycologists don't really give that much answers. If you see that your psycologist isn't all that civilized don't even bother comming back.

Psychiatrists... well, to me is just people with no (little) supervision that their aim is to make medical experiments on their patients, experiment new molecules, etc...whatever is required. Many times these professionals don't even know the limits of their own profession they tend to cross to neurology alot. To them a neurologist is just someone that can do precision incisions. Hve you ever read about a psychiatric patient being better from a psychiatric head "cirurgy"?

 Sociologists, to me are people that pick a group of people (not necessarly individuals from the same location) destroy their lives completly and guide them (throw them a small bone (give them some slack)) to find answers (new ways diferent then before), they then write an article with those ideas. Cool job, you don't even have to reach for any conclusion on your own you let the victims do all the work. they only need to put it on paper.

Psychiatric Neurologists: people that open the head of their test subjects, remove a bit of the brain and use it on themselves or on some "client".

a example:

You might think that that thing is a person but it is not, it is a beast.


 Have you tryed Boris? Pretty sure Boris won't ignore you like he ignores me..... sniff...

Try Boris, he will get you some dudes from MI-5 to protect ya, i don't think ya need but pretty sure he has the phone number of the bank of UK (England?) president and wenever ya need medication ya get the good stuff...

Saw this:

Well if you are a information seeker and wanna know what is going on in the world ya might wanna consider hacking that special force and their members...
Think of all the goodies they have inside...

Pretty sure the one bellow also has goodies inside...

Hackers should really "organize themselves somehow" and make a pinata of those two organizations... lots of candy inside...^^

Side note: The US might turn themselves into a pinata too... might be worth keeping and eye on assets... ;) 

Those arabs teachers... i don't think you know what a forest is... in that pictura ya don't see any trees. Did my neighboars passed in there? ...maybe it was Portuguese "military" (they don't even know how to march)?


 Well... to me, it looks like he is one of the persons responsible for the current state of the world and more precisely Portugal.

you 81 yo? you don't look one day older then 69 yo, gratz.


"Como chegámos aqui?"

are you retarded? a declararion of war gives legitmacy to the "agressor". like it or not thats how rules of engagement works.... unlike Sousa and Santos they are cowerds they invade without declaring war... you are a fucking cowerd... you are scum! you get the protection of police and judges while invading and robbing and enslaving, you are fucking scum of the earth and none of your kind should ever walk the earth ever again.... and i am being honest. can you argue with what i wrote in an intelligent manner? i think you can't... if you think you can... lets chat (you and me)...



 cat catching laser dot

To me, after looking at that video, You all are cats and aparently that makes me the dot...

you are trying to "catch" something that you don't know/understand, that doesn't represent anything to you, you are just trying to catch it... becouse... lol  

all heil (no pun intended) to the church of cats.

go take the privacy of a sociologists it will be more fun and rewarding to you all if you need to do such things. I excel at nothing.


looking at this picture... i hope that you all aren't taking head medication. 

Why ya Spanish "noble" familes are pagans? Some of them are very fun of dogs.

Lopes, Barros, Silva, Sousa, etc.. they are all afraid of me, i have to pee near them so that they lose the fear... just like dogs. When i pee near dogs they stop barking at me. 

side note: everyone that smells my piss is cursed. so... go ahead and do play dates.


Analist hat on:

Well... maybe there was a young promise around those parts and they took care of it, maybe same church chapelons (not from that area) needed to do some works there, maybe they needed to take some military dudes from their own area for a while (wonder why...), maybe they (other oligarchs) want to have a big presence in the area, bigger then the local oligarch, maybe they found something in the area and don't want the locals to know about it.

in case of a invasion: bye bye Ukraine ortodox(?), then again should be fun to see Russian ortodox, Roman catholic church (watever that is these days, does anyone know?... if i had money i would put some on they are a huge bunch of cannibals), Anglicans, Greek ortodox plus a few more lil religions in a cat fight, maybe not the lil religions they would be gobbled up. More room for Muslims and Jews in europe.

ps: trenches don't work against drones... so that you know... have you tryed high dispersion laser holophotes? (if such thing exists)

ps2: ya couldn't find a target more close to Malta and Monaco...? like Italy or thereabouts... ya could call those two collateral damage.


Aren't all vaccines made like that?
 Ya have the military archbishopric if ya wanna do something about it....^^

You mean these ones? on the link above. 

on a side note: i don't know Oxford, only from a movie about a young Indian that went there and solved a very old math problem and wen he got back to India he took with him a terminal disease. ...and his were current Portuguese Defend minister took he's Political degree (don't think he bring'ed any disease with him when he came back to Portugal but then again i don't know him).
Some more...^^

gosh... and... suddenly no one talks about oxford vaccine... -_-

So... you call it a vaccine? why? It isn't a vaccine... is ultimately a person genetic alteration (not a immune system adaptation, one this is your immune system adapt to a virus other thing is you intentionally make a change that fits all at the immune system)... i don't think people at pfizer know what the word "vaccine" means...  btw, read that crab blue blood was used and llamas (don't know if in this one, can't be bothered to check... do it yourself)... does that means that in the future people will have crab claws instead of hands? or maybe hands and a (...even multiple) set of crab claws... kinky... goes to show they have no religion or worse: don't know what religion is... and obviously you will have no choice but to take it... on a side note: if the vaccine needs to be stored at -80ºC how will you administer it... push a small-ish block of ice into under your skin or you microwave it for a few minutes first?

btw, doesn't altering RNA make your kids (if you have them  after taking the vaccine) "look" different?

ohhh, goodie... another one that needs -80ºC storage temperature...

...yet, another one...

Hey... maybe they all have a symbiote in them that's why they need to deep freeze it... they don't want it to grow to much so it won't pass on the tiny needle... can you imagine the size of the needle if it was stored at higher temperature... looking forward to see people on the streets with something moving under their skin...


The Mummy (1999 film) - Scarab Attack

ohhh... great... so... you just add water? O.O

Light Your Water On Fire from Gas Drilling, Fracking  


 "Britain OKs Pfizer vaccine and will begin shots within days"

“You know, I love the Brits. They’re great. They’re good scientists,” Fauci said. “But they just took the data from the Pfizer company. And instead of scrutinizing it really, really carefully, they said, ‘OK, let’s approve it. That’s it.’ And they went with it.” 

hmm... what do you mean? are you saying that the vaccine maker made hundreds of thousands of vaccines not up to standard? ...and sold them to the British?...

Pretty sure that vaccines are just: water, a bit of oil, a bit of some metal and parasites eggs. What else could it be? Don't you find it strange that ppl that their ancestors lived in the area have no muscles (specially in the harm's)? If they want muscles they prolly have to eat a diet from were the parasites came.

pretty sure Biden will ask many from Trump administration to stay in power positions...


are they still in the US or they already moved to Lisbon?


C'mon dude... ya gonna be presidential candidate, ya have to take the shot(s)^^... did ya register to vote yet?...^^

booohooo... party pooper... i was looking to have some fun... :'(

Does the Burney's know something that i don't? They seem to go for midget.... they getting shorter and larger...^^   =)
I am not sure but it looks like the waters in Europe (not just Europe but also in some Asian and African countries) are being polluted at their spring (source)... with the exception of British waters those still are "unpolluted". I dunno but i am guessing that maybe some time in the future: Brits will be made abandon their home Land.

Oh... look... another Iraq and he's weapons of mass destruction...
Did Americans just found out? I wonder what keeps them busy to miss that kind of stuff. 

hmm... was there someone "special" (to you and only to you) in Iraq? Did Iraquis made out of him a "chemical plant" or was you that wanted to make him a chemical plant... questions... questions... 

Do you remember that American soldiers needed to drink about 10+ litters of bottled water every day during the Iraq war? No? Go check... do you know why they needed to drink that much water everyday? No? was because bottled water has a special ingredient... spit or if they are fancy maybe sperm (not necessarily human)...

aren't ya all retired? What does that say about the current pentagon chief? scared that the veterans invade the pentagon? 

totally unrelated ofc a bit more related to other stuff in the blog... i'm just lazy:

That's one big cancer...


will the other former presidents continue to received them?

Side note: in America ya go to jail if ya give money to porn stars? O.O

I just read that a football player give'd money to the dude that found his credit card... Will he go to jail too?

A curiosity (to me): I see girls (23~)  and some older (close-ish to were i live) that when they stop having sex (a guess... hehe) for "some" time they look much much older (on their face). Is this a "new" thing? Is this why you see so much sexy pics on newspapers (well kinda recently: not that much but ya get my point) has a "motivator". Do they know something that i don't?
Fuck or get older faster? is that it? (Did ya saw what i just did there? you sure?... hehe) (maybe their kids get older even faster) (yeah you have a bit of strength but looking older... hehe) .

Does it has anything to do with farming and moving to another "country" (not the line in the dirt but colonized with different "shit" i use shit has a lose term.. hehe)
Saw this:

It's amazing how American Nasa cameras have so low resolution and such bad lenses. Can't a Chinese phone manufacture gift a few camera phones to Nasa? Please.

ffs... you still using digital cameras from 1998?

This is very interesting... a Mars mission that costs 3 billion dollars...

... yet they use open source software, linux, a mobile phone processor...

Nasa has some mad project management skills.

Well... if you are a poor-ish nation or a organization with a bit of a loose moral code or just bored and with some money to spare and you want to control a rover in Mars... ya might consider learning about the old snapdragon 801 processor flaws and study a few lines of open source code...

 Have you considered moving into that place? Then you only need a short walk to pick them up...

pfff... so... you send a multi-million dollar rover to another planet and you can't foresee that he might get stuck?

Next time send it with a couple robots (with a rubber/silicon suit couse of sand) so that he can push/kick the rover wen it gets stuck... and take selfies... don't forget the selfies...


ohhh... such a tiny drill...

Why not attach a robot to the space ship and let him colect the rocks? Hey... he could walk around pick some, if ya didn't like them toss them and pick another ones and even dig a lil bit... ya could even leave him there with a solar charger to take selfies... and maybe a catapult so that he can throw bigger rocks at earth (no transport fees) (...maybe... maybe... the one that was used to kill the dinosaurs is still there, take a look around... or... you can wait for the first moon settlers to build one...)... should be fun...


 Saw this:

gosh... i am going to assume that the tiny "seat" has a missing piece (for sanity sake) (maybe it is a extra)... hmm... were "on space" do they put the legs to seat on that contraction?

I am ignorant when it comes to calories... but... you need at least 2500 calories in zero gravity? o_O

on a side note: Did anyone ever puked in the space station? Did the other astronauts puked too? No? Not even a little? Why not?   


3rd world mentality?


"Bank of England governor warns of ‘apocalyptic’ impact of global food prices"

doubt it... can Britain live without cheap labor, yet?

Leave those measures for wen Britain is really ready to live without cheap human labour. You don't want to rock the boat until then, do ya?


There are alot of fake news around but this one is true, i can confirm it. 

All empires that wanted to rule the world had above average logistics, China sadly does not. I am still waiting for my online orders months after purchase... update: they don't even deliver...


Hmm... isn't China a communist nation? strange... guess they are something else, now. scarry...

Saw this:
" billionaire pledged to ‘own no house’"

So... only caves?... Or ya gonna the old fashioned way: fiscal paradise companies?
Maybe (most likely) there isn't a house market anymore in Los Angeles... NEW YORK definitely doesn't have one. No buyers...
Essentially is a renters place... doubt there are "much" renters...
It does remind me of council housing (subsidized rented housing), essentially is the same thing if you think about it, just "different" owner... and the houses are worthless since no ones wanna buy them ever.

ps: US is already a fascist banana republic... lol
Guess Trump is CIA. He fits the profile: mail order trophy wife, business in real-estate/accommodation, fat, connected (friend) of dictators, loudmouth, liar... should i go on?    x'D

Why move out of California? Baja California in Mexico should do just fine.

so... you don't employ consultors?

I have no views on the issue.... but what ya care? you are a Sir in Anglican church... the Pope is Roman Catholic.


 I don't know but aparently the only job of rabbis is to host luch at the sinanogues to a select few and make small talk about the dude closed in a room...


 I predict (i suck at the stuff) that in a year time there will be a new pope in the vatican, to the current pope: the people (all catholics) around me reflect your image.



 Pharrell Williams - Happy

 happy state. 

Is the USA a society of drug addicts... Junkies, etheromaniacs, space cadets, trippers, morphiomaniacs? Is their leaders Colombians?


ohhh... William and Harry won't be atending the wedding... Why not? For real? ya can't make room in ya schedule? WTF... c'mon dudes attend the wedding... shame on you...

It might have vichisoise on the menu, yummi....


Olhem, convidem o Marcelo ele é especialista em afectos.  Dat emocional support... tout... tout...


 hmm? ...for real? aren't they the ones that you are selling to your national debt? so... will you stop all imports from China? Should be interesting if you do...


so?... you are becoming a Muslim nation is normal that all your industry will vanish.


‘Democracy Should Not Be Taken for Granted’

 So... does that mean that you don't have money in American banks? What banks do you use? Do you use Chinese banks like Trump?


Wrote this:

So... Apparently in France the judges and the lawyers don't need to know legislation when in a court room. Talking from experience, mental health legislation in France is very small almost non-existent and yet the judge and the lawyer completely ignores it. Psychiatrist s don't know the meaning of the most used word in their profession.(schizophrenia). They issue medication to ppl that have no symptom's. Universities give diplomas to ppl that don't know the most basic stuff (if you are a lawyer or a judge you should know that you have to look up the relevant legislation to the case before you enter the court room, Psychiatrist shouldn't medicate assintomátic ppl there are other professionals that are better suited to treat assintomática ppl.). Then access to justice is conditioned, i have contacted multiple lawyers and not one replayed back to me. I even contacted a couple times the Portuguese order of lawyers to send me a list of lawyers that do pro bono service, both emails got no response, i wonder why. The embassy send me a bill i contacted them and asked for the opinion of their diplomats, none replayed to me. A diplomat is someone that engages in discussions freely, french diplomats run away from discussions, mesmerizing. On top of it France with Germany are the "engine of europe. In my view France is a third world nation, they shouldn't even be allowed to participate in European decision making at all.

on a side note: when i was in the urgencies ward (incoming of patients, i was there about one week) of the psychiatric hospital (not the regular one that the diagnose was made) one of the thing that one of the psychiatric (female) told me was: that i needed head surgery... i was puzzled... i am a calm person, i don't even raise my voice when arguing and i am 44 yo (in a few days).

It is my belife that mental hospitals are rebranded concentration camps. 

update: enviei queixa para o diap e para o ministerio publico, enviei foto da nota de divida passada por o tesouro Frances (estado Frances), expliquei que foram dois policias que me obrigaram a ir ao hospital e foram eles que marcaram a consulta, expliquei que tinha recebido uma nota de divida 1 anos depois na minha residencia em portugal com um valor inferior a 2000 euros e a nota que recebi do tesouro frances era de 13 000 euros (3 anos após), numca fui residente em frança, numca paguei impostos em frança, nem tive segurança social, apenas fiz turismo. Na altura da consulta forçada tinha imunidade diplomatica por força das circunstancias, tinha feito o cartao do cidadao no consulado e tinha pedido para colocarem a morada do consulado para poder receber os codigos lá e não em portugal, quando os codigos chegaram pedi para usar um computador para alterar a morada no consulado, pedido que foi recusado. Eu numca tive contacto com o tesouro frances e não sei a que se refere a divida de 13 000 euros (valor elevado) (presumo que seje a estadia do hospital mas mesmo assim não foi completa que as datas indicadas indicavam apenas duas semanas, eu estive bem mais tempo no hospital e vem sem data limite de pagamento). A minha queixa foi arquivada por falta de provas e indicios de crime. Se o tesouro frances decidi-se cobrar-me 1 000 000 000 euros era a mesma coisa, tenho que pagar e calar. O tesouro mandou a carta para portugal logo deveria ficar á merce da lei portuguesa, para mais muito provavelmente o procurador deveria enviar para o conselho da europa que tem um tribunal europeu. existe uma falta de lealdade por parte do estado portugues para com os seus cidadaos. Não me foi feito uma entrevista. não foi feita investigação, não leram a prova (podiam ter pedido uma a embaixada francesa, se não gostavam das fotos que eu enviei). enviei para a pj militar por suspeitas de traição (nada, nem é com eles) por na minha interpretação da lei funcionarios publicos são equiparados a militares (teem acesso a informação previligiada do estado e equipamentos previligiados do estado, podem por exemplo apagar uma base de dados ou danificar um servidor ou até sabotar o abastecimento de agua com beneficio claro para estados estrangeiros) neste caso esiste dano para um constituinte da nação (eu), dano de 13 000 euros. já agora: fui chefe de equipa (pessoa responsavel) demiti-me por carta (pessoa com caracter) tenho patrimonio em meu nome, 44 anos de experiencia a lidar com esquizofrenicos, sem registo criminal nem multas de transito (pessoa que cumpre as regras), com competencias nivel 4 da UE em electronica e fui formador certificado pelo IEFP.

Quando estive internado a assistente social do consulado foi visitar-me a meu pedido, podia ter-me extraditado mas não o fez, numca tive morada na frança.

o ministerio publico não é publico (para toda a gente: cidadaos e estrangeiros) é para advogados, eu acho que deveriam mudar o nome para ministerio dos advogados, o nome ministerio publico é enganador e malicioso.

Já agora que tal contratar procuradores que saibam intrepretar um texto de forma assertiva e que saibam procurar legislação e enquadrar nos comunicados que recebem. muito provavelmente apenas teem meia duzia de templates para quando alguem faz queixa com "erros" e poderem processar os queixosos. Porque aquelas cabeças não devem dar para mais do que isso.

on a second side note: lawyers in Portugal don't do pro-bono... period.

Why not? -_-  All the expenses they can have in a case can go in IRC... and isn't like they would take losing cases. I doubt that Portuguese lawyers are good for anything... 

on a side note: a few years ago i went to the local supermarket and bought a bottle of wine, went home and drunk it up not happy went back to the supermarket and bought another (on foot, walking, did not had a car), didn't touched anything, didn't talked with anyone just grabbed the bottle and payed it on the cashier. Some time later was informed that a judge had order me to go to a psychiatric consultation (never even know what judge and on what laws he based he's stupid decision) cause the stupid idiot just felt like it without even earing me, mind you the mental law in portugal says that people that cause damage to patrimony are crazy (my money is not considered patrimony since it was provided by the state, not from a interest account) and the alchool law says that anyone above 18 yo can buy alchool freely (without restrictions), i would guess if i had broken something in the supermarked and made a tantrum yeah i see how i could be sent to a psychiatric consultation, but nope, none of the sort. Portuguese judges are like French judges they base their rullings on their own opinion and not the actual law or an interpretation of the law. On the day of the consultation i was acompanied by 3 policemen to the hospital, after a hour (more) i entered the consultation, i can tell you right now that psychiatrics in portugal are dumb, they know very little of their own profession and the required laws of it (actually they don't know any laws), aparently she didn't knew that wine and all alchoolic beverages are food, it is a food item (it has calories and it is labelled has such), she wanted me to take medication to stop drinking i eventually told her that i would stop drinking on my own, no need for medication. Eventually she agreeded. oh, and btw, she had to leave the office 3 times during the consultation (it was a bit long, more then 1 hour). Mind you all coffee shops in portugal sell alchoolic beverages (thats were they get the most profit) and there is at least one in every corned, just like restaurants and supermarkets. Aparently you can be forbidden of buying certain food items in Portugal (you will lose your freedom if you do).     I am very happy that i didn't went to a cardiologist or "renal" doctor they would forbide me from eating fat and sugar.... mind you in portugal there are rooms that people without money and want to inject illigal drugs that they aquired (bought) can do it safely, cause those rooms are under the supervision of medical personnel, and no one calls those ppl crazy, they call crazy to ppl (adults) that buy food items in SUPERMARKETS. Just for perpective.

update: just bought 12 liters of beer in a single visit to a supermarket, surely a Portuguese judge will find that very wrong and send me to a mental hospital (thats a clear violation he woudn't even need to talk to me or have me on his court room.... very serious violation) (if you visit Portugal be very very carefull with what you buy in SUPERMARKETS... you might end in a mental hospital and good luck leaving that kind of place), obviously the psychiatric will just open my head and try to fix my maledy. Yes, in Portugal that is that serious. If you are laughing and thinking that this is a joke ya can stop, cause i can assure you it is not a joke, judges and even psychiatric people are really like that in Portugal, not a joke. Mind you i live in a rural area were everyone makes 1000 liters or more of wine every year and i don't see them selling it... were does it all go? on the safe side you should ask a policeman if is ok for you to buy any alcoholic beverage before purchase.

Recently asked for a lawyer consultation to the social security and they denied it, they even aknowledge that i have insufficient funds but still denied it. Go read the Portuguese constitution, i have.

Saw this:

Interesting... according to google they have more then 80 offices abroad and "currently" there are over 3500 international leaders that graduated from their academy. How come a internal police force expands internationally? FBI senate/congress supervision must be really intelligent people... fighting domestic crimes from abroad... weee...^^ hmm... lots of conspiracy theories comes to mind about the role of the FBI and the role of their supervision and the people behing the people of their supervision...^^  x'D

I wonder if there is civil war in America, France or UK... what will be the position of the lower and the upper chambers (senate and congress) will they all walk away from it all? 

Conspiracy theory: Is the FBI the "managers" of the darkweb red rooms? (maybe is [policia judiciaria Portuguesa], but i don't think they have that much offices in the word, maybe just for Portugal, then again... who knows...) that the reason for the abroad offices? Hey... maybe it's the CIA collaborating with them (afterall they are crooks... aparently they own or owned the drug importation business to the US...) Take my case has a exemple... why they (interpol) don't solve this?... it is a "valid" argument...

 Who needs the CIA?^^
Guess the CIA will be "retired" by the FBI... some time in the not so distant future...

btw, doesn't the committee overseeing the FBI look like communists? The Pentagon definitely are commies...

So... military are medical doctors now?  Is there are a shortage or nurses to stick a needle with stuff in it onto Americans? oO It looks everyday more and more like Soviet Russia. Well to be fair Putin and Trump are best mates... lol


Don't know if Biden or Trump take medication... but in my view a head of state should never be someone that takes medication... (that is a special position) If a head of state takes medication (if you think about it...)  he is someone that isn't native of that nation... (ask a honest well educated medical person, he can explain way better then me) where i live pretty much everyone takes medication for something, need heart pacemakers, bone surgeries, antipsicotics, etc...
If the "head of state" (person on top) is someone that has deseases or needs surgeries and they don't go on their own, that is, he can't live without others healing him... that means that everyone under he's influence in a few generations will need that too (medication, surgeries, etc, etc...)... does that makes sense to you? To me it does...

This will be the standard Christmans tree in Portugal... full of medication...  

Wonder how they would get their medication if there was a crisis like the one in Africa a few decades ago... oh... well... not my problem. ps: don't change the inside of the pill.
I would guess that the people that "rule" China are either Nunez, Ventura or Fernandez...
 yeah its bad.

Hmm... Is it me or China is preparing for war? It is the only thing a can think off that could justify the above... Remains to be clear if is a civil war or external one. Most likely external... HK in small.
If i am not mistaken Bill Gates is the most wealthy men in the world, congratz. Is he Spanish? [Gat( es)] Espana


 Ya really should target linux performace and not that small potatos... my android (linux inside) phone quadcore 2Ghz 4x with 2 GB of ram struggles to run apps with a few dozen megabytes... ya should see me opening a 200 MB pdf... Still remenber old 486 single core running smooth videos... 


Seriously mate? you were a intelligence contractor? for real?

So... you want to avoid car cameras in the streets of Moscow? Doesn't like everyone in Russia have car cameras due to insurance? Low traffic in Moscow? I am just picturing you crossing a Moscow road at rush hour... plenty of head/neck exercise...

Why would you want to go back to America? All i see in America is Russian/Polish names... besides i see Russians burn down new 200k dollar cars and American basketball players still driving their first car they bought for 2 dollars... (something like that... check it out on the internet)... Americans are communists alike now and Russians are liberals alike now (? is that the right word...), for what i can tell...

So... you are/were a intelligence contractor (for their biggest "enemy") with a "asylum" visa in a foreign country and you don't collaborate with that foreign country intelligence agencies... hmm... right... 

you trying to avoid being recognised in the streets? a non-Russian speaking person in Russia/Moscow?... that gives interviews and always mentions were he is in those interviews... 

...and remember: don't forget to turn off your phone and put it in a turned off microwave oven in a hotel room (a 100 bucks a night hotel room) (you will have to pass the hotel lobby with a microwave oven under your arm)... specially when you are in a capital like Moscow...

Mate, just grab some potatoes and do some home made vodka...


hmm... Space force needs a GPS satellite? oO

Isn't space like... out of this world? :p

gosh... space force has the biggest territory to cover and yet they don't even have a seat on the joint chiefs of staff in the pentagon...

"China is launching a space mission to collect the first rocks from the moon in 40 years"

 The catch phrase is wrong, they meant: it will take 40 years to transport them to earth... (fingers crossed it won't get lost...) i bought something from China, it has been 50 days since purchase and it still haven't left China, yet...

Saw this:

So... "they" will be nationalizing the air line company... what did you do, Centeno? Did you or any other mentally ill dude farted in all of the airplanes?
Now that the company is owned by the government, i wonder how many donkey's will be farting in all the airplanes...   

btw Centeno, are ya brother of the King of Morrocos or brother of the King of Belgium?

C'mon Centeno, do you want all the money? C'mon dude, put some money on my bank account, will ya... TRAITOR

So... Centeno... ya also have Gomes and Freitas in the name...

Yep, they are. Goes to show that current version of Portuguese managers can't handle a fleet of 100 airplanes... maybe they should start with trying to handle something more down to earth like a fleet of 100 bus or better yet 100 tuk-tuk...

good luck finding a buyer for those airplanes...

Wonder if those two links are related...^^ 

Já agora e como quem não quer a coisa... atendendo a que anda tudo atraz de mim sem razão valida e nem sequer posso fazer compras no supermercado quando quero por falta de dinheiro. Quanto é o orçamento das secretas? ...nos ultimos 5 anos. Já agora... e para o proximo ano? Vai ser ainda mair?


"Ordem recusa nomear médico para a comissão que tem de autorizar a eutanásia

Hmm?... Como assim, essa é uma função de prestigio do regime em vigor.

Perguntaram á ordem dos veterinarios? Eles também são medicos.


???? you all gone mad?

Since wen "Complemento Solidário para Idosos, o Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI), a pensão social de invalidez do regime especial de proteção na invalidez, o complemento da prestação social para a inclusão, a pensão social de velhice e o subsídio social de desemprego." are a family social benefit? Are these family benefits? O.O

stupid fucks, just give the 60 euros to everyone that has a low pension, etc... that is really making fun of people. Costa, do you pass by homeless people and tease them with 20 euro notes and don't give it to them?


olhe que não, olhe que não, olhe que não. atão a economia?


currently he is the foreign office chief and in a month he is going to be number 2 of the state.... from my experience he is a TRAITOR, the way the foreign office treated my case wen i was abroad  is nothing short of TREASON.


"Quase 700 mil estrangeiros vivem em Portugal"


I am national (with patrimony) and the other nationals are after me since i am a little boy so that i can never have a life. I wanna be a foreigner too, preferably in another country... buuuaaaahhhh.....

Portugal has amazing local health delegates...

In 10 years that number will be alot bigger.


 Vamos voltar á ditadura declarada e descarada? esse lapis azul...

Pena que não me pagam para poder deixar-vos á larga neste cantinho da europa...

Esta é uma iniciativa só Portuguesa ou abrange tambem a comunidade europeia? segunda Russia / União Sovietica? É que eu vivo em ditadura, essa é a minha realidade, talvéz a minha realidade seja um prenuncio de tempos futuros para outras pessoas também...

Presumo que todos os aviões na zona de Lisboa e Setubal já tenham estes radares made in Portugal...


Bem... não á falta de Sousa, Neves, Nunes, Silva, Costa, Ventura, Fernandes e Marques em Portugal, talvez eles queiram essa oportunidade ou talvez não. 

Eu acho que era muito melhor aparecerem na casa das familias acima e levarem os jovens para os quarteis...

 Vais trazer a familia do Brasil para Portugal?


Porquê? O modelo currente não serve os teus interesses, Sr. Henrique Araújo? Pensei que sim.


"“A nossa pátria é o povo”, diz Marcelo no Dia de Portugal "



Pois... para ir ao Porto vai com escolta de F-16. Para ir a Madrid ou Londres já não é necessario... 


mas que carago.... atão, já não se toma mais banhos? o.O


Entre os 3 quem é que ainda tem os dentes todos?  ^_^




deve ser fake news... toda a gente sabe que estão todos colados ao aeroporto, os taliban até os deixam ir ao aeroporto e ficar por lá, nem á recolher obrigatorio. Os taliban são uns bacanos.

so... who are the people in the airport trowing babies and what not? and entering american airplaines?


"A iniciativa acrescenta aos motivos relevantes para a substituição temporária "motivos ponderosos de natureza familiar, pessoal, profissional ou académica"." "...até ao máximo de seis meses por legislatura"

Eu acho muito bem, qual é o deputado eleito que não sente necessidade absoluta de se ausentar da assembleia da republica durante 6 meses por motivos academicos e profissionais...? este novo estatuto vem suprimir uma real necessidade dos deputados eleitos.

Já tou a ver o André Ventura a candidatar-se a Presidente da republica (e ganhar) e  depois pedir para se ausentar da presidencia por 6 meses para fazer campanha nos Açores (motivos profissionais).

cambada de i...... c.......


 Mas que carago pá... atão? As viagens do primeiro ministro e presidente da republica devem ser anunciadas semanas antes. Os imigrantes gostam de vê-los, os imigrantes teem que pedir um dia para faltar ao trabalho, preparar uns cocktail molotov e em muitos casos deslocar-se por autocarro ou comboio....


Eu não percebo... não faz qualquer tipo de sentido...

Vocês estão a dizer que existem departamentos inteiros do ministerio publico que não têm pessoal?

As provas e investigação vão ter que ser feitas por os queixosos? ...e se as entidades visadas por os queixosos forem organizações criminosas? ...ou tiverem organizações criminosas por detras delas?


Se têm falta de investigadores é porque querem ter falta de investigadores, eu não encontro outra razão valida.

Se não existem investigadores suficientes então não seria melhor extinguir o ministerio publico, tribunais e policias? Deixar as pessoas resolverem os seus "problemas" como bem quiserem... até porque só os queixosos é que necessitam de investgadores do ministerio publico... com a falta de investigadores estão a deturpar a realidade aos queixosos.



é facil de adivinhar qual vai ser o primeiro ponto do primeiro dia... mijar os cantos á casa...

Ai Costa, Costa, quando vieres de ferias o gabinete vai ter outros aromas...


pois.. é leilão, néh...

Não dá para excluir a NOS? Eles não precisam de 5G nem de 4G, 3G é suficiente para as velocidades que eles dão aos clientes deles que pagam 30 euros por mês (só de dados)... 

Se bão oferecer serviço 4G, atão teem que oferecer como minimo uma velocidade superior a de 3G (a todos os clientes 4G)... néh? de outra maneira nah faz sentido...

"Em causa estão os tarifários zero-rating Vodafone Pass na Alemanha e equivalentes, que oferecem acesso à net para serviços específicos: redes sociais, serviços de vídeo, serviços de música, ou serviços de mensagens."

os dados (zeros e uns) não são iguais se forem de um video ou por exemplo de uma aplicação? é mesmo necessario analisar cada ficheirinho (pelos ISP's) que as pessoas fazem download/visualizam na internet.


Can't be bothered to watch the whole thing... just saw a few seconds.

 Wanted to ask... if you get the job of judge in the institutional court will you be moving on ya chair all the time too, during court sessions?

Can't be bothered to watch the whole thing... just saw a few seconds.

So... i trust you will always do your homework before entering a court room in the institutional court of law...

Can't be bothered to watch the whole thing... just saw a few seconds.

So... you send a abreviated resumee to apply for the highest position a judge can have, no notorios court cases? just academic habilitations...


I don't understand... there was so much fuss over hairdressers on the beggining of the pandemic and now everyone in the government is painting their hair white...  -_-  

It reminds me of the tv show "iZombie" ...


 Saw this:

 ...and this:

so... Dutch keep what is essentially copper on a vault protected by guards.... O.O


That would be awesome... let me remind you that not even the police forces respect the constitution in this nation let alone the laws. 

wow... a whole political party that defends mutilation of the very own people that elected them... i wouldn't live in such nation by choice. Mates if ya truly defend that kind of "action" then: lead by example... looking forward to see some of your body parts in the dumpster from every single one of you...


O Jogo: "Vítor Fernandes não tem condições para qualquer cargo executivo no Banco de Fomento".

So... Is he going to the bank of Portugal, then?

Plenty of Fernandes around me and all look very honest...


so... Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't available? ...or Madonna?



Portugal is now a "Middle east" country... at least the people living in Portugal have a "Middle east" mentality... for what i know by watching television regarding Middle east.  Did ya noticed the bullet hole? I have.

Isn't it illegal to have signs damaged by firearms?


gosh... so much burocracy to have a hunting license... and then something like this happens....


"Os dois homens, de 32 e 34 anos de idade, já estavam a ser investigados há quatro anos pela PJ"

estou confuso... a PJ não é uma policia de investigação criminal?

Agora investigam pessoas durante 4 anos não porque elas tenham feito algo de errado desde que pediram asilo mas porque podem vir a fazer... sabe-se lá porque eles pensão assim... atão o SIS é para que? Já agora... à quanto tempo andam a investigar as pessoas á minha volta? pois.... néh...

Quantas mais pessoas vocês investigam á 4 anos ou mais? não teem falta de pessoal com tantas investigações? se calhar um grupozinho deveria investigar os agentes da PJ durante 4 ou mais anos também, néh...


 "E tu, tens F.O.D.A.?"

Should be interesting to know who and what (their names and what they do for a living) are the people that track other people sex life and with whom...


I really don't understand gang rape... what is the psychology of a few men rapping a girl?


 Sadly to the vast majority... everything and anything is a mystery... and since the vast majority are really smart people... they are willing to kill everything and anything to understand such mystery or just trying... specially entire families of peaceful people... or the very least make sure their descendents have no knowledge passed by their parents/grandparents... (unlikely this second option...)

on a side note: shouldn't you be circumcised?


C'mon give them subsidies and supplements... who is going to defend the helpless population that eat shit on pretty much everything? you want skinny policeman/military? I don't commit any crimes other then the very small stuff like walking on the wrong side of the road... hey, make a police to police the policeman...


hmm... for the brand name i suggest: "El totos" or "Al totos"... seams fitting... take your pick... ^_^


"Portugueses já estão a sair mais do que em Janeiro — na quarta-feira só 28% ficaram em casa"

 So wednesday only 28% of the Portuguese staied at home... amazing... they know this? It seems they do, it's not even a even number... O.O

Pretty sure that in America they know even how many times you use the bathroom, they are way more technologically advanced.


 I wonder "what" is considered a slave (i am lazy, can't be bothered to check) from about 1800:

forced limited social interactions and the quality of those, forced limited love life, no real control over food and housing conditions, people are always watching you anywhere you go (even abroad), you get a few dollars a week to buy some small items, removal of things you have without your consent or an explanation, destruction of things you have without your consent, harmed for unwritten rules/laws, harmed just because.

Good thing there is a policia judiciaria (, a interpol, a humans right court, a UN, etc... *cought*

on a side note: be careful if an agent of policia judiciaria ( takes a interest on you or is someone of your acquaintance... just saying... one of the percs of being a member of PJ is that if you have any relative that is crazy he can do whatever he wants without consequences...

This is the Portuguese penal code:

This is the penal code that policia judiciaria ( uses (for many decades now):

Pretty sure Interpol uses the same penal code that pj uses... hi there FBI and scotland yard...


on a side note: do you think the entire FBI office were that report (mueller) was made is helping keep America safe or the oposite?...


uhhh? nah, you don't need more then what already are... Have i missed something? There are many psychologists and psychiatrists in Portugal if you can't afford the ones in the private sector there are many in the more affordable public sector... hey, they can even prescribe you all sorts of medication too... do you feel the need for more then one to treat your mental illnesses? If so, you can make an appointment in has many has you like...


That is not a good idea. Try again.


Don't know if he is a freind of Israel... but pretty... pretty sure he has freinds in low places...


E tu com essa profeta idade e com uma pensão de presidente da republica ainda estás cheio de fome. 


hmm... you say troubles...? I wonder on what side will the Portuguese president will be? 


 Look at that face... those baby cheeks... i could pinch those baby cheeks all day long... so cute. 

hmm... after writing this i realised that all Portuguese military look like (WWII)Nazi's... i just hope they still haven't morphed completely and can still take a compliment...

on a side note: nazis claim to be superior but the symbol they choose to identify themselves is foreign and so is probably the salut... ohhh... the irony... if you just go around and take other people knowledge by force then you are bound to fail wen you impose yourself has "superior", because it didn't came from you.

Iron Sky the coming race... did you noticed the leash?

These people (GNR) are so special that they all must have studied in one of those schools for "special people" (the army)... i doubt there is one among them that know the meaning of any of these 3 words (Guarda Nacional Republicana), yeah, pretty sure they can read them but they don't know what they mean... This includes the defense minister too he looks also "special".... They don't even recognise freeman... (GNR = guardar os interesses/propriedade dos homens/mulheres livres de Portugal). Pretty sure the entire world loves the Portuguese defense minister, he is tireless on creating conditions to export intelligence and knowledge... without a real and visible benefit... just saw he's resume and he has a politics degree by oxford and a economics degree... shouldn't he be in foreign office? What does he know about defense?... hurrrrraaaaa to him.

Pela pinta do ministro da defesa e espeialmente dos generais Portugueses, o discurso deles (para os soldados) se houver uma guerra vai ser algo: vocês agarram na arma, saem por ai e quando virem o inimigo disparam...

Best defense minister ever... don't forget to fill up Portugal with people that will run away if there is a war... So... who do you defend? Belgiums, Spanish, French, British, etc...? He is a joke of a minister. Justice minister also a really good professional and so is interior minister (another joke of a minister)...^^

on a side note: it's seems that Portugal is now Yellow (men)... dudes... Brazil wasn't big enough? :)

Whats next? Nervous special forces (Commandos, Rangers, Marines)... How does that fit in NATO? Will the NATO armed forces spy on eatch other special units? ...on the safe side someone should place cameras inside the houses of the special foral forces and follow them elctronically with the street cameras... just saying...

on a side note: i doubt that any General in Portugal got there due to merit or intelligence... the dumber the better... (please tell me in how many ways your are intelligent...) They are so dumb that they even send their children/grandchildren follow me internationally... so that "people" notice it... obviously i wouldn't shake their hand willingly...

you mean, even wen said armed forces don't respect people with patrimony (pay attention to the word "patrimony") or even worse, don't respect said patrimony? (5 soldos (Portuguese thingy that only stupid fucks don't understand...): if you don't like a olive tree then you prune it (make it less exuberant) and you do not pick up the olives... that's the meaning of it...) ...obviously this is a bit to much for "you" to understand...

Pretty sure that deflorastation is where the second and third families of Portuguese and NATO military go to live... with a fat Disney/Netflix monthly pay. Just like middle east... have you noticed that Brasil is now a NATO member? are definitely special... yes you are.


 To future generation: don't put Germans/woman/blue eyes on top political jobs... they ruin lives. All they want to do is masturbate at the expense of some poor defenseless dude.

...and then there is this... thing... can some Spanish tell me: what he is good for? The thingy ( the thing doesn't consire me a person and i am a landlord in Europe) have power over the European HRC, but he doesn't see my case has valid... land owner since 5 yo and with other dude(s) controlling those lands and what is going on around me... what girl woudn't be interested in such a guy? (aparently they CE don't care about national constitutions, they only care about how many girls ya have).

You will be remembered for your total dedication on supporting robbers. Were I live is now a looting area.


thought of the day: it is pretty much clear to me that the "white men" is mentally ill... i only see mentally ill ppl and i'm not that good at observing it on ppl. update: hmm... on another thought... maybe is the "yellow (european?) men" that is mentally ill...

Thought of another day: most of mankind are actualy ducks desguised has monkeys... they forever follow the first thing they see... quack... quack... or maybe they are monkey-rats with a dash of duck... *there goes royals inserting duck dna onto peasants*

current mindset: you move in near someone that you "admire" you take his privacy, you copy him, you feel confident, you kill him, you get nervous (or your descendent) you move in near someone that you "admire"...

Thought of yet another day: ACID... "ID" of "AC" (BC to English folks)... mhhh... 

maybe, has something to do with this:

Thought of yet yet another day: It seems that the ppl in "charge" (at least around me) and with money don't have any kind of mental strenght... they can't even take care of themselves without copying others... shouldn't be the other way around? 

 Thought of yet yet another day: Looking at the current level of civilization (mind set of "rulers" (more like oligarcs...) and what i perceive around me, it is a very bad idea to be neutral wen there is a world war.

Thought of yet yet yet another day: If you plan on being someone in your society then it will be wise to pay attention in diction classes, mastering the language and it's undertones avoids lots of problems (or create some). Besides you will be very embarrassed if a foreigner masters it better then you.

Have you heard my local ppl speak, Marcelo, Costa or someone from the catholic church or really important people speak? They all have a melody of a alpaca, doesn't hurt to go see a few episodes of "the expanse" tv show.  How bout those British with their nasal voices.... x'D

Thought of yet yet yet yet another day: If you are crazy or about to go insane, just grab a few hairs from a dude that doesn't fuck (thats how you know for sure that he is sane), is sane and pretty, ferment it on clean water (don't know how long) and drink the stuff (i never tryed it). Your face will look like a normal person, people won't be able to tell that you are crazy. Remember, fuck alot of girls too (that is important, it will stabilize you, some). You will still be crazy but you will be stabilized and people won't be able to tell that you are crazy. bonus: you might get a pretty'er face and you might even invade other families and even nations like that, cause they won't see your real face. Hey, my neighbors did that and invaded this area. You might even get smarter (that might depend of religion).

Doesn't hurt (?) to digg up a preist grave or build a tunnel bellow a graveyard to get hairs, also, ya might consider that might not be bad idea to get hairs from preists, rabbi's, imans, maffia bosses.... go near their cars look inside and if you see any hair smash the windows and grabb them.... might be worth booking a vacation in jerusalem, mecca and rome...  don't forget to run away.... if ya aren't picky ya can look on the ground (corners) in subways, public building, public bathrooms, etc... (now you know why football players, basketball players, etc... generate so much money in club transfers...). btw,  read a few large months (a year or two) that there were some sales of skeletons made by the Portuguese gov....

Pretty much everyone that is important does it... notable cases: the Pope, Biden, Trump and Boris

on a side note: (only) fucking alot will also make your mental illness not visible to others.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet another day: I predict that in the future everything you eat will taste like chayote. (chouchou)

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Were did the expression: you have shit for brains. came from? 

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If a nation imports iron from other nation and really wants that iron that means that many people of the first nation are from that other nation. Muslims and maybe Jews (is there Iron in Israel? Muslims only have gypsium i think, idk) don't care about iron, they avoid it. Pretty sure some metals (like iron?) are diferent from nation to nation.... say bye bye to ya front teeth.... (ya can always turn rabbits... o.O) (guess) can Jews eat the metals in Israel? I guess the metals in Israel are kosher by nature (wouldn't make sense otherwise since Jews lived in Israel for so many millenia (just like the "metals" from the caves in Rome are "kosher" to the Pope :)). IDK, but i am guessing that Muslims only can eat "stones" (like gypsium and other calcium rocks) not metals, if they are true to their faith.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: For all that love conspiracy theories: it seems that "madafuckers" can change the magnetic field of the brain in real time and at a distance, if you feel spaced out... yeah "madafuckers" changed ya brain magnetic field. something that happened to me so that ya can relate: i am usualy spaced out, started eating 300 yo iron fillings and felt alot diferent after a while, has soon has i started to feel diferent (better (with loads of energy)) hold and behold i had a power outage in my house and a few moments after i went back to be spaced out. MADAFUCKERS. (side note: i can get out of being spaced out if i will myself to it, not in the same way has i felt "before").  My pinky "tells me" that Swiss (maybe it is fucking Canuks) are crazy MADAFUCKERS.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: took a dump (a turd) on my backyard this morning and now is cooler (it's summer here) (last time i took a dump in my backyard i was like 6 yo). I'm rain maker, yeah. If you shit on ya back yard things will get dryer and hotter so... ya are devils. I have dominion over nature (humans have dominion, it is written in ancient texts like the Hebrew bible and lets not forget the shiny hair, lot's of drawings with shiny hair on ancient texts too, ex: Jewish Jesus and the Apostles ;), fear me little devils. I'm God, madafuckers, fear me. Now... how to get to Mars.... update: nice fresh fog at the beginning of the night and my feet feel alot better, less swollen. update: is almost 4 am and is kind of raining (heavy fog)... side note: for the British to make it rain, the queen has to put a very old hat full of shit. I am clueless on why the Vatican is on the side of the devils. side note: i think people would pay to live near-ish me, even though is 30+ºc there is a cool brize (before it was hot) and the fog at night/morning is medicinal... blessed turds.... x'D side note: how is the ozone hole these days? Still exists?

See... i make clouds for the angels to sit (hmm... i guess i have the same religion has the angels or even a better one :)... side note: people that are dishonest and try to be angels they become devils:'), there are many places that don't have clouds... so the angels on those places have fallen down to earth and they are no longuer angels after that....  :'(  that's also why you are all ugly....  :)~

That means that i have conections  to the Occult, the Occult always knows and the stuff you do to me will reflect on your kind... use my shit (?) and your kind will turn to mindless deamons over time. If you need to do this for so long that tells me that you are desperate and you don't know the Occult nor what you are actually doing.  :)

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I don't understand why there isn't a world war over the copper mines in Cyprus. All major western-ish religions have a very big interest in them....

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If no one lets ya fuck or no one fucks with ya, go poop on the ground near a school (not poop at home at take it with ya, not also inside a building/room near a school). It can be in the middle of the night. It's a thought. Dunno, but pretty sure that there are parents that wen their kids start in a new school they shit near the school.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If you have a autistic son, get someone from the same genotype to poop on one of the extra rooms (clean the poop after a few hours ofc).

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: dunno about other blood group types but if ya are o- and if ya poop a couple times in a village all the girls that are also o- will be in "heat" wen they see ya. Tested in Lyon (France) while homeless (not my fault, wasn't me that broke the public toilets), the poor girl had to enter a restaurant and go masturbate (she was well grabing down there and looking at me with bulged eyes... for me it was tuesday (i think)...). it's a thought. I guess that someone will make a perfume (with my fragrance). CANALHAS

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: hmmm... the miracles of Fatima was due to the fog (that was medicinal), now Fatima has diferent people living in it... so it is not medicinal any more (does Fatima still has fog?). Pretty sure all miracles were in the morning/mid-day.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: It seems that some beverages have stuff that inflamates the brain these days.... might be worth having a bottle of yogurt (preferably real yogurt) with you.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I live in a distopian society (all societies are distopian in some way bit this one takes the first spot) current society is a technological one with huge amount of choices but it seems i am locked in a primate society (before stone age) were the people that have freedom to do "stuff" don't even understand rudimentary concepts.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I don't understand why there aren't weather wars.... so many nations have conection to oceans... (why don't they make their own weather?). Did ya ever read about the story of the 3 little piggy's? If you can change the weather just by shitting on the ground, i urge you to consider getting diarrhea... let's face it... probably the people around you aren't nice. There is a dry spell in Portugal but lot's of clouds... why not make like Arabians and put some small drones in the air making electric discharges wen the clouds pass by? If you are a cheap bastard just wait for some clouds to come up and eat some calcium (not sure if needed) and spit a couple times in foil and place it were it doesn't rain  but outside (workes better at 2AM, works even way better if ya have also sperm outside). When the spit dries up or get's mixed with rain water the rain will stop (i think... i just put it on the window balcony with nothing on top)... still don't know how to make lightning...

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I think that all europeans should drop a turd once in the vicinity of the council of europe and european parliament... all Portuguese should also drop a turd once in their lifetime near the Portuguese parliament, presidency and supreme court of justice (maybe drink a bottle of cheap wine before). What does your analysts say? Should I be payed or not? Should ya keep messing with my bank account or not?

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Since the powers that be in Europe and America don't stop this around me... why don't the nations that have European/American military/spy's/ even cleric in jail do to them what Europeans and Americans are doing to me? Just drop one of them in a village give him a house full of cameras, give him some money so that he can buy food and go to the local coffee shop, since they are military give them a nice colar with a taser built in (only for emergencies not for fun), also be freindly wen interacting with him on the coffee shop and what not. Make a tv show of it for you nation to see.... probably foreigners will pay to see it too... if ya don't have people like that in jail... there is plenty of Portuguese military doing peace patrols around the world.... just grab some of them. Hi there Portuguese judges....:wave:

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: People say that the planet has billions of years, some say that it has 6000 years, people say that there are humanoids since 4 million years... i say that is all a lie... humanoids (or humans if ya prefer) only exist since 100 - 120 years at most. Doubt there were people before my grand-father was born (he probably magically apeard), cause old people aparently copy'ed my grand-father and now aparently new people copy me. Since i don't have kids, the world will end wen i die, cause you will not have anyone to copy.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I wonder (not really) how people expirience "religion" these days.... is it with blood, shit or even parts of carcasses of other people? Have you ever entered a hospital? Humans aren't all that special... ya better off going to a butchery and buy a piece of animal meat / bones.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Medical research centers are not friendly to the people living in the nation much less the military ones. Have you ever seen a military medical research center publish a medical article? ... and they are around for centuries... in the case of European nations: Occult research.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: have you tryed to put your shit and sperm (separated, not mixed) in your window balcony? no? why not? ...if you want to be good to yourself put just the sperm in a room with two windows open and leave it in one of them. Make no mistake, someone on your street is going to do it... don't forget to put a full to the top bolw of water next to it, doesn't matter the size and a lit candle.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: so.. what pharmacopoeia do you use, what is the one in use in ya country? Does ya religion have one, too?

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: i wonder (not that much) on how dogs are trainned... some don't bark, some don't leave the property even without a fence, some bark one day at you and the next don't and the other next day bark at you again, some attack the owners to death even wen raised since puppy's... it's a complete mistery to me.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: I was reading a book on how to make nuclear bombs and saw a picture that showed nuclear test sites, one of them was in Algeria... smart.... that is a very windy place even the sands and dust of Algeria reach Europe wen it gets a bit windy down there.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Have you tryed to use one of those pens that diabetic people use to draw a drop of blood from ya finger and put that drop of blood on the tip of a cigarrete or maybe just blow smoke to the drop of blood in the finger? Aparently it makes the dogs in the area to go crazy.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: hmm... apparently the Portuguese nobility gets sick wen eating locally... and they have to rely on people eating not locally to heal them (whether they like it or not)... O MY GOSH...

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If your country is going to war or you just hate someone, leave plenty of food with stuff that can kill literally all parasites (i don't know any substance that can do that but pretty sure there are people that do). I am almost certain that there won't be a single (at least not many) soldier or person that won't go completly crazy.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: In these times of pandemics, have ya considered to vomit on the open air? rambling: what would happen if people in europe couldn't absorb lithium?

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day:i have being drinking Absinth (avoid to be drunk on the stuff if ya don't really have a good mind, ya will lose it) and from what i observe there are many people that have a head of artemisia...

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: core of religions, pick a plant make a cut in it and spit to it, try a few orchids. In the case of catholic Church pick Jesus make a cut in Jesus and spit on cut. Don't forget to piss on the plant. Nothing to lose if ya have neurologic problems.

Side note: doubt that there any human in Portugal or even europe, what there is is chimeras that even include chickens, now those chimeras are fucking with chimpanzés for genetic diversity (desperate), chimps are a true species unlike the filth that lives in Europe and poses has "humans". Mesmerizing has religious people like Europeans don't have genetic diversity. LOL take the pope has a example, if ya remove the parasites of his body he will most likely die.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: It is a bad idea to take my privacy or live close to me... Do you know the story of Icarus (Greek mythology)? Your wings will burn...

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Have you noticed that Portuguese wine is made with vine varieties like Cabernet, Sauvignon, syrah, etc... and is aged in french oak or American oak. O.o

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: ... Now that mind reading is popular, I am pretty sure that placing ppl meditating with that tool is easy... Hey you might even achive very high meditative states. For fun, with not do it to dogs? Would like to see a dog that had extensive meditation sessions.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Well... If you want to have a shot on having super powers, try eating bugs alive, like spiders (pick a nice one), mantis, scarabs, etc... Put them in the fridge first so that they don't move wen ya eating it. Or just ask for the parasites to a exorcist. Oh... And don't forget to eat those bugs favorite metals afterwards.

Another way: A practical example: find a ant nest, prolly better eat a ant. Then dig the ant nest and take the seeds that the ant's collected, those seeds are covered in the ant's fungus that give them strength, afterwards ya just need to grow the fungus, mix the seeds ya took from the ant's nest with rice or wheat or even agar, dunno. Obviously, all your meals will have to have that fungus in it.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: This depends of the country that you live in. Girls if you want to have bigger boobs just buy canned tuna (maybe better the one with olive oil) try sardine's too and put the cans closed at the sun for a few days... Then open a can and eat it, oil too. Prolly is the new BPA but ya get boobs.

Have you seen Avatar the way of the water? Is that on "earth" Wales or tuna or cod? All of those? -_-

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Just read on a British newspaper that a doctor ripped the head of a baby while he was being born, already read a few of these in Portuguese newspapers. I guess a few ppl spitted on that room and none was the mother. Idk

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Do oil pulling (maybe even try different oils) and spit it to a glass, keep it near the bed while you sleep.

Or you can do has Alladin, buy a oil lamp and over time put in it all the different oils that you can find. Let it burn the oils in a room while you stand there.

Why not smear saliva on the forehead? Once a day.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If you have parasites or just feel bloated or even sick try wipping your ass with iodine, iodopovidone a couple of times a day. If you have parasites have a meal at 1 AM (a bag of Fritos, chips) and wipe ya ass with iodine gel.
Ya might also want to disinfect ya drinking water with iodine tinture.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: If you are all fucked up,  health wise, and don't know what to do, go pee in the woods. Pee there.

Go take a walk and pee or even spit on the mushrooms that you see, also drop on top of it 4 or 5 drops of iodine. 

If you have parasites (you do), buy a spray can of roach and fly killer, spray into a piece of paper tissue and put it inside ya ears.

Piss on a almost empty bottle of wine put it on a open window and observe the fly's.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: The mind makes the body not the other way around (Easy to verify, use a known dinossaur bone to cook ya meals or the bone of a pretty person not from you family). 

If the body changes, most likely you will gain psychosis or even go crazy. Obviously there is more to it then this but ya get the idea.

You have many minds (spirits) in your body, the more you experience new places the more minds you will have but usually you only have one or a very small number of them that you recognize in you.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Don't fully trust pillows (and washing machines), people will go to your house and place a few hairs of animals inside them. It will ímpar your development even not making your wisdom teeth come out. Sadly I can't do anything about my situation since people have full access to my bedroom while I am away and Biden doesn't pay me.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Kind of a novel idea: go to the Pentagon wall and take a bit (don't hammer too much or they will get you),  then go home (can be in another country), then then be creative, spit on it and place it on ya window for 2 or 3 days, ya can also try pissing on it and check the weather around the Pentagon on that time. If ya manage to make 10 lightning strikes a minute, then be proud.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Wen you have ppl after your shit and they actually get it, grab a piece of rusty iron (really rusty) spit on it, put it on a window, if you smoke place a few cigarettes near it for a few minutes, you will most likely get depressed but so will they.

Gather like 2 or 3 kilos of rust (just iron rust) pee on it and place the container in the sun. Prolly allot better then a bomb.

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Clap your hands palms in ya ears for a minute. 

Thought of yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet another day: Get a top open 30 rpm centrifuge ( or a 300 years old butter maker) and poop inside then let it spin for a few hours.

For some reason I had two thoughts today. Buy a balloon (children balloon), wipe ya ass (with paper ofc) and attach a tiny bit of the paper to the balloon... Then see it go into the sky. Pls do it while there are clouds in the area.

Thought of Yet 2.0: Do you believe that the air in cities and villages (in industrialized nations it's all) is natural? It isn't. There are yeast and parasites released all the time in the wind (plenty of species of parasites that are the size of malaria and even smaller). The way those yeasts and parasites were breed will influence your thoughts and mind, it will also depend of how much protection you have from them (immune system and religion).

Thought of Yet 2.1:  If you want to make warm weather: go to a river that is dry most of the year or all the time, pick a few rocks (at least 10 km from the source) and take them home near a window and make sure there is some moist in the air (leave a open bottle of water nearby) after a week or two (maybe less) ya will have warm weather in the region. (Is this tweet duplicated?)

Thought of Yet 2.2:  Does your body and face change wen ya get a new\used car? Soon ya all will be disfigurated.

Thought of Yet 2.3: Maybe, what is going on is just plain envy (I hope they are ignorant, if they are this type of stuff will never end). Is it because ancient ppl (or even current ppl) pooped and their shit (for the lack of better word) traveled all over the planet and spread'ed all over the cosmos, all by itself because everything craved it (it had intelligence that was craved, by animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, etc...). Maybe now there are also ppl like that or ppl from now are tolerated by the "shit" of those ancient ppl that have a connection to the cosmos. Wen these ppl see someone like that, well, they don't like it, so they use parasites to change their bodies and the result is the loss of that connection. Ppl doing this are ppl that animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, the cosmos, etc... rejects, reject that kind of inteligence, so they force themselves with parasites, GMO's, etc...

So, yes, there is life in cosmos and it craves certain types of intelligence.  Or maybe it is God that craves those kinds of intelligence.

Thought of Yet 2.4: I think that sapiens were nice ppl unlike the ppl now, ppl now are full of envy and greed. I find a parallel in monkey's and ppl of now (same behavior). I think that might be because ppl of now explore caves, caves once sheltered other hominids and even monkey's (that are extinct), Europe had monkey's and I think gorilla's too. The ppl of now, exploring those caves (some of them are natural with millions of years and sheltered many things from weather, predators, etc...) Got parasites left by those animals, monkey's and gorilla's, thus the less awere of the ppl of now got their mindset changed and now after generations they became like those monkey's and gorilla's (full of envy and greed) what is very different from early sapiens. And now everyone accepts that envy and greed are fundamental sapien. And now everyone pry on the ones that aren't greedy and envious. Mind you those monkey's and gorilla's got themselves extinct cause of that behavior but they have come back wen ppl aqquired their parasites and after a few generations aqquired the mindset. (Speaking of Europe at least). That or monkey's and gorilla's of today have such strong shit that they can change the mindset of ppl. Ppl have lost dominion completely (using parasites is not dominion).

Thought of Yet 2.5: If ppl are invading your area or ppl are prying at your intelligence, I advise you to put 3 or 4 drops of your piss on every garbage bin you see. Maybe very fresh piss will be better.

Thought of Yet 2.6: Humans had\have dominion on the planet, humans were\are\have the potencial to be enlightened, animals never were\are enlightened, they are primal and with the mentality of a infant. There are many animals that have alot of human DNA (like cats and dogs) that makes them less primal but their nature is primal and they will revert to it. If you choose to be a kimera with any kind of animal you will lose enlightenment and will become more primal and with less development\enlightenment, prolly with a domino effect on your descendents if you don't mix with the more enlightened. To me, that's from were the thieves, rapists, etc... come from, with the novel exception.

Thought of Yet 2.7: So... why not put piss on the leaves\stems of parasitic plants?

It seams that religions\local relevant ppl (?) plant trees with your blood (?) and then place a parasitic plant on that tree. That way they can harness ya strength and ya won't be strong.

Try opening a shallow hole and take a dump in it, cover it... not that much cover, but cover well. (Do that near military installations, religious sites and food factories. Do it in a place that isn't disturbed.) obviously nearby you live. I also advise you to eat iron while doing that. If ya want to follow the god of the Catholic church that's the only thing you need to do. You only need the Catholic church if you want to fuck with animals.

Thought of Yet 2.8: Hmm... didn't figured it out but put your blood on your cell phone (a bit on the screen), wait a few days (?), Fill a bottle with fresh piss and place it in a sunny place (closed and maybe like 8\10 of the bottle full) (couldn't hurt to put a drop of blood on the outside of the bottle but then again...), maybe put ya phone on but with screen off near the bottle and maybe some gold or maybe other fancy metal. Maybe put a jar with pits of olives (small olives) with piss nearby too... After 2 or 3 days look at the inside the bottle (transparent or semi-transparent bottle ofc maybe a just emptyed orange juice bottle). Ya may have to try this a few times. Don't change spot. Ya can try to place a iron inside the bottle(?). Hmm... if smartphone is needed... it's only while there is juice on the bottle... Ohhh... Important step, eat very little and use expensive salt (I used a salt that selled 90grs 4 or 5 euro Mediterranean salt to season my food). Alchemy?


Clinical value of crystalluria and quantitative morphoconstitutional analysis of urinary calculi

Side note: could it be that ppl living in the desert.... actually live in piss crystal's? :d

Thought of Yet 2.9: If you have parasites (ya have), hold your breathing for has long has you can (preferably outside and multiple times), that will get ride of a few. If you are a kid ya prolly got them from ya parents.... if ya do it there is a good chance that your parents will die sooner and that means that ya will inherit their wealth sooner too.

Thought of Yet 3.0: Hmm.... Burn 3 or 4 hairs (window open) when it's raining.

If ya have ya nose blocked (wen it's raining and window open) hold ya breath for a minute or two.
If ya wanna see lighting wen it's raining have bad teeth and blow air (with mouth ofc).

Put a container catching rain water and maybe spit on it afterwards... Ya might get a few parasites that way but prolly there some good in doing it.

Thought of Yet 3.1: This is mostly to 17 yo Americans or just plain cheap alcoholic's, go buy medicinal alcohol (the strong one), ya know how ya blow into windows and it gets foggy... do that to the open bottle, close the bottle and leave it for a day (maybe less), then go buy beer without alcohol or grape juice or whatever and mix the stuff. Drink. 

Thought of Yet 3.2: If your local "status quo" don't let you live, practice breathe holding, the more time you can hold without air intake the better. After that visit and do that on popular places (if you are evil aquire stuff from other ppl and smell it before). Ya won't regret it. Prolly, in the future no one will have their own home, ppl will live in kilometer long warehouses or skyscrapers.

That's pretty much the only thing you need to know in life.

Thought of Yet 3.3: If you don't want religions having power over your body, you should make sure that no fungus can survive in ya body. (easier said then done) All current religions depend of fungus.

Thought of Yet 3.4: If your lands were stolen or you were forced out of them, I recommend only eat ethnic food (asian seams nice) and only fuck with ethnic ppl (obviously different then ya).

Thought of Yet 3.5: If you want to be healthy without a effort from your part, you only need to find out what are the vaccines your top elite military unit in ya country take (some of those vaccines are exclusive so yeah you will have to bribe ppl). Take them and after a decade or so take them again. That easy.

If you want to heal some cancers and kill parasites... Buy a can of mosquito spray put a drop of blood (maybe a bit of sperm too) on the bottom wait a month or less, heat it up (don't blow it) and glue it (hot) to your body, move it around the body, wait a few minutes.

Is it Nazis that rule portugal\europe\world? Because I find hard to believe it isn't, what is happening to me is history books text book WW2 Nazi methods. I live in a guetto surrounded by wardens, they temper with my food, they read my mind, they don't let anyone put money on my bank account, they don't pay me, they don't let me grow my own food, they are robbing me, they segregated me, they follow me, they don't let me move to other places of my choice if I move they follow me. they don't let me move to other places of my choice if I move they follow me. Hopefully I won't be tossed into a oven alive, I'll die from parasites first. World leaders collaborate on this. Portuguese leaders collaborate on this. Military collaborate on this so is the cleric.

3.meh :It seams that people can no longer metabolize potassium, find a way and ya will be amazed with yourself.

Thought of Yet 3.6: I see ppl with status and fail to understand why do they have it. What merit status? I don't know. To me it probably should be ppl that have the best suited antibodies for the region (and with the most of them). Otherwise that place\nation\religion is just a wasteland.

Thought of Yet 3.7: If you want to be strong like current strong ppl: fuck ya gut with parasites (Ya only need to get fat) and drink milk\butter with megalodon or t. Rex (Or a more findable komodo dragon teeth) infused tooth's. Do it for some time, then ya can stop and just go be really fat.... Wen ya need the strength just infuse that into milk or butter and drink. untested.

If ya don't want to be that nice and live in a city, milk, kind of common low strength animals (dunno, like rats, cats, etc...), Put the milk in the air (just a plate outside or maybe inside a bottle, has long, has milk particles travel in the air). Or just use milk instead of water in cement.

Thought of Yet 3.8:  Grab some medicinal alcohol and spray on your windows, outside the house and on the ground were the rain from the roof drops, just a fine mist. Prolly better at night.

Thought of Yet 3.9:  Keep you nail shavings and pass them on your fingers once in a while. Ya can also rob a graveyard.

Thought of Yet 4.0:  If you want that your "shit" spreads all over (at least national wise), go to a river (preferably a dry spot) collect a few (not many) stones (one hand to 50 cm deep) and place them in the room you spend most time (don't wash the stones). Poop on a bathroom with window or just outside.

Thought of Yet 4.1:  If you plan on being "top dog" of the world ya need all the fungus ya can find. Burn them and eat them?

Thought of Yet 4.2: Since the police and military depend of relics, if you are in a safe place, scream really loud at police and military dogs (strong and manacing dogs). That will kill a parasite or two in the dog, the result is that the dog will lose strength and be afraid, since the dogs share the same relics with the police\military they too will lose strength just cause of it. Police\military are pets too, they either depend of someone that passes he's strength to them or most likely they depend of relics (strong dead ppl).

Thought of Yet 4.3: Idk but it seams to me that wen people of certain countries (origins) move to Portugal (even on vacation) they become animals (horses, dogs, bunny's, chicken's, etc...).Is that something new? Is that something that being happening for a very long time? Can that be improved (hehe)? Can other nations (places) do the same? How does that work? Can I do that on my property?

Thought of Yet 4.4: If you want to "deprogram" someone ya just need to punch him on the very top of the head (in the back). Works for most ppl (not tested).

Thought of Yet 4.5: If you have a gaz stove, coat (not really coating coating) the underside of the burner with ya shit. Ya can also go to public toilets and get some for the stove if you like ppl changing face and maybe brain.

Thought of Yet 4.6: The moral of the story of the pied Piper: if you jerk off you will not grow (physically, brain wise, no wisdom teeth) to be an adult and you will be one or more phishes. (Something like that)

Thought of Yet 4.7: If you are a retard that doesn't know how to live (hi there Trump and many others, specially locally) you just need to give one of ya teeth parasites to a person that you admire. Obviously it has to be a parasite that doesn't go away with brushing, that way it's like you are kissing him 24\7. Ppl being doing that to me since like 4 or 5 yo. Luckily for me I am the one that have control over my body so yeah all those idiots are going to be without a body, ya all going to ascende. Bless you. Idiots

Thought of Yet 4.8: If you never fainted and want to experience it, go to your bedroom stand tall, lift your head high and hold your breath. After 20 seconds ya will faint.

Thought of Yet 4.9: If you touch your dick with the left hand you will be more like your mother (even the same parasites), if you touch your dick with the right hand you will be more like your father. Assuming that you touch ya dick for extensive periods.

Thought of Yet 5.0: Ohh... Found out why Jews use tiny hats. They don't want to be blessed by anyone or they want to be blessed by a specific person. It's a hand parasites thingy, if you put your hand on top someone head you are bee-less him. Like you do on pets. You are entangling your parasites with the parasites of that person/animal. Ever seen a dog all joyfully/playfully around his owner? It's cause the owner petted him on the head alot wen it was a puppy. Ppl are like that too.

Thought of Yet 5.1: If you want to be super-man it isn't hard to do, all that you need to do is collect the hairs of all the graves/crypts that you can find and ferment it.

Thought of Yet 5.2: Burry your finger nails in the fibrous part of a banana for a few minutes, does wonders to your health.

If you want to have health and strength (lots of it), grow your nails a bit and burry them for a few minutes in old trees or pretty much anything vegetable, then go jerk off of fuck (in the general area of the trees).

Ohhh... Put ya nails in plants that are toxic to animals, specially dogs.

Fun activity: buy a mushroom growing kit, wen ya have mushrooms popping and mature stuck a finger nail or two for five minutes on one mushroom in the growing kit, then grab (no basket) that growing kit and go for a walk in a cultivated fields or any other field (preferably a field that was cultivated at some point), don't stick to just one field visit several. To make it really fun, use out of state bottled water to grow the mushroom kit.

Thought of Yet 5.3: If you aren't full of strength and muscled even doing nothing (specially in that situation), then you are judaic.

Thought of Yet 5.4: Punch a few times the top of your head, close to someone else house.

Thought of Yet 5.5: The system in place is based in teeth/mouth parasites. Brainless idiots (what they are) just pick someone to talk about and that is what they do until they die. They did the same to Jesus. They love to talk to other ppl up close, they feel better that way (physically), more so wen they have stollen something from that family.

Thought of Yet 5.6: If ya wanna give the middle finger to important ppl, buy a UV lantern and point it at fly's for a few seconds, they will start liking their legs and that's wen the UV will kill some parasites, it will have a effect on who given the parasites to the fly's. It's fun, btw, don't kill the fly's.

Thought of Yet 5.7: Ya do know that you can make hydrogen at home and run you gasoline / diesel car with it.

Thought of Yet 5.8: Ya do know that ya can put a blender in a drone that can go 5 km into the air. (Above my pay grade).

Thought of Yet 5.9: Put your fingertips on the side of your dick or lips of the vagina for a couple hours.

Thought of Yet 6.0: No accident Joseph being a carpenter, Jesus healed cannibal s that had eaten some of he's ancestors.

Thought of Yet 6.1:  If you want to be like Jesus (except the macabre done to him), go live in a safe place, stop eating, drinking, shitting, pissing for 7 day's.

The difference between pagan and not pagan: pagans look for stuff, not pagans stuff comes to them.


What is this global uncertainty that you speak of? Isn't a British on the top position in (military) NATO? "Just looked... the supreme position is a American in Brussels."  Doesn't the British have a tap on comunication cables that cross the atlantic (at the very least)? What is the nature of NATO? There are tensions inside NATO? :giggles:

Besides, the current economic crisis is man made (you are the ones limiting commerce like restaurants, etc...)...

Does the British (maybe is NATO?) want to rule the entire world? Do you know how? Do you need someone to teach you?

on a side note: to me it seems that whoever rules the world (or at least Portugal) has no culture at all not even a little bit... :giggles:


Well... let me explain it to you then... is a cast system half baked... should be fun to watch in the next few months/years... *grabs popcorn*

ps: if you don't know then that makes you level 3, enjoy...^^

on a side note: i wonder what will be the level of Buckingham... :giggles:

yeah... but how are you going to make him go "sod off"?


 Funny literature:

...even more funny literature:


It seems that there is alot of people that think that 5 years isn't enought? you'll lazy?...


Not sure what the Navy is complaining about... just don't issue them a license... besides don't you have submarines...


 So... the people that make 75% of the Portuguese population (O+A+)doesn't give blood... o.O

Don't you know? you are the ones that need it the most (statistically speaking)... shame shame shame...

on a side note: now i know why Americans always ask for their steak to be rare and in some cases medium-rare...


Mate, seriously? for real?

So you ask a grade of 13 to Portuguese and 16 to Brazilians in a scale from 0 to 20 to enter into a law degree... you sure you don't want to use a scale of 0 to 100? Think about it...

on a side note: pretty sure in the not so distant future all your degrees will require no more then a 13 in a scale of 100 to get in...

We have a President that is/was a lawyer and a university professor (law i think), assuming that he knows what is going on around these parts (were i live) and he doesn't do anything about it... to me is crystal clear that pretty much everyone around me should be in jail or a mental institution if the laws and the constitution were followed. on a side note: ask the President to read a couple of lines and say the same thing by other words, to check he's interpretation skills... maybe he just can't understands the laws and the constitution.... :) 

I wonder what kind of law did the President Marcelo learned (at Universidade Nova de Lisboa... they must have great teachers there... to me it seem they are a box full of suprises) and what kind of law did he teach... state employees don't seem to know any laws related to their functions... scary, very scary...


gosh... so much disappointment on that picture... :'( 

I would rather see something like this:

so... you annouce that you had a great victory in the election and then you do that? o.O 

"I had a great victory so... obviously i quit..."


 Not that i really care and i don't even know what the words "jew and religion" mean but based on movies i developed the idead that Judaism is not really a religion... has a guess i would say that their base is a very very old military (?) strategy to infiltrate spy's on other nations and possibly military (think trojan horse)... Jewish faces change over time and location... (at least it is my impression)...


ohhh... Jewish art... i see lots of crowns in that art...

I didn't knew that Jewish ppl were so much into monarchy... gosh...



Liz Truss

If i had to guess i would say that you own some very old silverware.


"Man looking for psychic gives no contact info as real medium will 'know where to apply'"

 well... you have the mirror journalists... they are psychic... they know that it was a man that put up the ad.

Have ya tryed the link bellow? everyone's going online these days.

wouldn't a necromancer be better?


"Prince Andrew spotted grinning from ear to ear after Queen agrees return to royal fold"

??? oh... well... good to see another fat fuck going back to work.


Estamos no meio de novembro e nada de ideias vindas da cabeça dos candidatos á presidencia da republica... tanta pobreza de mente...

Por outras palavras Marcelo quer dizer que se deve deixar de votar o orçamento no parlamento. O governo apresenta-o e todos os outros partidos só o lêem... 

É uma medida a ser implementada caso Marcelo/PSD ganhe as presidenciais?... deixar de votar o orçamento.

Ja sabemos que Marcelo é favorável á escravatura (remoção de liberdade pessoal, livre arbitrio) ou pelo menos fecha os olhos a ela. Mais algum candidato partilha desta linha de pensamento?  Aparentemente Rui Rio aprova (suportam a campanha) tal como o PSD e o Europeu EPP... e ainda o Antonio Guterres que é o sg da ONU. ...on a side note: does European EPP/PSD has the support of the black community?

Será que é um requesito da União Europeia/NATO?

Eu acho que a partidos como o BE que deveriam ser PAN (partido dos animais) aparentemente elas\eles são cadelas. Aparentemente o bispo de Coimbra é o bispo das cadelas.

...e quem são os representantes dos Portugueses?... sinceramente, é um ponto que não é claro...

Será que são os professores universitarios?.. talvez pessoas de outra nacionalidade?

Has a side note: I hope their isn't any war (with two sides) involving Portugal... Sousa can't handle pressure (when you have full control and face a "unexpected" external situation) nor does Costa, don't know Silva but i think it is in the same line... (ask any secret service, they have profiles on everyone). Thus why so much censorship in the media...

a example: We have the constitution and the laws, for what i know they were made democratically... what does the government need to enforce them?

They have "diario da republica" to announce them to the general public and in a way the media, then they have people to observe if they are being followed, local council members and police forces, then they have justice courts to make a final decision (for more serious deviations) and if the case is that serious they have jails. What more do you need Mr. President, Prime minister and justice minister?

If something fails in that process, what does that mean? -_-

As leis só se aplicam depois da casa ser roubada? "casa roubada trancas na porta"...

There is also a law that say: it is mandatory for government employes (from the president to the local council gardener) to denouce all crimes they know of.  on a side note: it used to be mandatory to not hire people with mental issues into government jobs, this is no longer the case i see plenty of people with mental issues working for the government... 

Take for example the social assistant that "takes care" of my case: she spent 30 minutes or so telling me to get a job i am unemployed for too long. what is true... i didn't mentioned it but we are in the middle of a pandemic were people are literally dying and being hospitalized the place where i live actually made the list of Portugal "red zone" (at the time of the conversation), there is employment layoff everywhere, probably there are many people unemployed that have rent and bank loans to pay, i don't have any of those. If i get sick (with covid) what is a real possibility i have to rely entirely on the social care system since i can't afford to pay for anything and that is not optimal. I kept telling that i have no transport (of my own) and it's a rural place besides i lost confidence on the locals due to spraying shit on my vegetable patch, when i saw my vegetables they were full of little flys (flies) and stink (at shit). Then she tells me if i want her to contact the local politician for him to get me a job i tell her to contact the unemplyment center they are better qualified to handle this and if the case they can contact the local politician, she says that contacting the local politician is enough that she doesn't have contact with the employment center, i actually reminded her that she told me a few months ago that they had a meeting (weekly?) with local politicians and employment center. (a bit more rambling) she just keeps telling me to contact my local politician to give me a job (local council job... cleaning the side roads, i think) if i am not mistaken this is ilegal if not a crime, all public jobs must be published and is by public offering, you can't just hand over a public job to a person... i just keep being amazed over and over by the integrity of public servants in Portugal...

On top of it the social assistant never called my sister (that is mentally ill) with her tutor (Marques Nunes) to go talk with her, wen she calls my sister to go talk with her she says for me to go too, has far has i know the tutor of my sister and my sister never been in the same room with the social assistant at the same time.

Mr. President, prime-minister and minister of justice know of any crimes? did you denouce them? no? why? How about the military? do they know of any crime? did they denouce them/it? no? why? how about local council members? :giggles:

...this without anyone making a campaign... o.O

Hmm... Ana Gomes is in last... if you win will you promise not to run away to Algeria after a couple of years?

hmm... Marcelo set the date yesterday (24 nov) for the Presidential elections (24 jan) but didn't announced his candidature, yet... We also have the two biggest political parties (PSD and PS) without a candidate, yet... O.O Costa, Costa...

Well... 5 more years of Marcelo... Portuguese voters sure do know how to pick them... Why elect a incompetent? Becouse he gives you free money? Is that it?

the new "normal" in Portugal: robbing other people lagacy (homes, lands, etc...) (what father, grandfather and great grandfathers worked for...), raping girls and stalking. please, tell me that it isn't... while i eat some popcorn. Obviously i don't expect that the high figures of state in Portugal understand since they all live in apartments and don't know what a legacy is (nor do i).


The first thing that came to my mind wen i read the title was: Alibaba and the 40 thieves...


Já agora: demolir os castelos, apagar as pinturas rupestes, demolir as estações de comboio e todas as casas com mais de 50 anos...


so much fake news going around... pretty sure that Marcelo and Costa take so much medication that they no longer need to eat food.


 Why do you even sugest something like that? you want a shadow president?


 "Quem vai tomar a vacina primeiro?"

 Que raio de pergunta... então não é o Marcelo, o Costa (ai Costa, Costa...) e o ministro da defesa? Vacina em pó com agua Italiana (engarrafada) comprada em Pombal... s.f.f.


Pensem lá bem... o Canada talvez seje melhor destino.

Cravinho, para que isso? Os Franceses protegem-te, podes estar descansado.

"¿Sería posible “fusionar” los ejércitos de España y Portugal?"

I don't see why not. I live in Portugal and i am surrounded by brain dead Spanish (i can prove it, come here and drink a glass of water). That should be done ASAP, that way the Spanish armed forces would have legitimacy to protect their citizens in Portugal. Besides, Portuguese armed forces are already essencially Spanish.


so... what you are saying is that macons can gather to have a fancy dinner party but not to write one symbol (letter) on a piece of paper? hmm...?


What about one another? your fellow citizen...

Dude, don't talk about stuff you know nothing about... that culture... that hair that isn't straight...


Plenty of rats inland...


Nah, just the president of the PCP... whataya know you both share the same last name...


had a sneak peak at this:

thats the convergence criteria to be in the euro zone.

maximum debt by gdp of 60%, currently (2020) Portuguese debt is 122%.... Oo,_2018%E2%80%932019.png

According to this chart all Western European countries should leave the euro zone...

I remember Germany (Merkel) to be very assertive about the 60%, now i don't see her "complaining"... did she changed her opinion or changed her mind.... the old days wen a nation had a huge debt they had inflation... now they have a huge debt but there isn't anyone to whom to pay it to... genius... o.O

on a side note: I see European nations issue bonds but no one wanna buy them... so... the European central bank buys them... genius... absolute genius...

I don't know why bank owners and wealthy investors are buying European government bond, thats the fastest way to put your life in danger... just saying...


ayeh... expensive toilet paper. I'll stick to supermarket toilet paper is cheaper. 

side note: historically books were used has toilet paper.


OMG... you had less profits? why? ...didn't you bought gamestop shares? ... you no have good stock broakers?


Looking forward to see a 250 euro goverment deposit on my bank account to buy a last generation smartphone, until then no app installed.

It seems that this government doesn't know how citizen obligations work (generally speaking). Has a example the old "identity card" was free (i think) the new one (citizen card) isn't, that looks like it isn't constitutional... if something is mandatory to all citizens then it has to be for free or payed a symbolic value (18 euro is not symbolic in Portugal) (this can't be argued against in any intelligent manner), this is how things work. ofc now we have mindless people in: top political positions, constitutional court, bureaucrats... it all just makes me laugh... seriously it does... if you can't get 18 euro you no longer are a citizen.

oh... they all got 250 euro to buy a smartphone? lucky you... don't forget to keep it turn on day and night...

You can always rely on antenna signal triangulation...


so... you wanna make politics but you don't want to defend your very own politics? Oo ...Have you even looked inside Portugal? Do you actually belive that you can "teach" anything to anyone?

*grabs popcorn* to read any kind of explanation that tries to make sense of those two news links...


on a side note: I noticed that there isn't any seismic activity in Northern Europe and (EU) Eastern Europe... Why?

Isn't it funny that all the west coast of USA, Mexico and Alaska have lots of earthquakes but not Canada? btw... is anyone building a "big" tunnel bellow the entrance of the mediterranean sea? lots of earthquakes there too... ...waiting for the tsunami... sooo... who is responsible? Gibraltar, Spain or Marcelo?

Well... it seems that government seismographs are not reliable any more... i literally feel almost every single night the ground bellow my house shaking (i didn't pay any special attention to it... but had a look at it and doesn't show up on the seismic maps)... i remember wen i was a kid the ground shaking like this once in a odd while but now is every single night... i literally feel the seismic waves many times a night not just once a night... the house is on a rural area slope hill with no road traffic anywere near... well now it indicates 0.07 m/s2... in the app i have downloaded.... i really notice the house shaking and it is non-stop... wtg Sousa/Nunes/Silva/Neves (seven)(snow?)/Fernandes/Gomes/Ferreira, Reis, Gonçalves, Marques... wtf don't you go to Brazil or Mozambique... yasz can afford it... update: last night i ear a crack (on my septic tank brick wall) and water and solids flowing afterwards for a long time, i opened my windows above it and it smelled like shit (the septic tank has a small opening above, bellow some dirt) i guess now all my shit is bellow my house or my barn next to my house... don't ya just love civil protection (fire department), local politicians and even nation wide politicians... they are all upstanding citizens (not).... how that fuck does the fire department authorize someone to build a tunnel bellow a house and they are literally shaking my house intentionally, i honestly can say that i feel a jack hammer working bellow the house... i had looked at some of the Italian landscapes near villages and they seams to be escavated really escavated... maybe these people are the same kind of "breed"...  

The celler of my house is moist, i guess thats one of the reasons they are escavating under my house, i see people in these parts taking rocks from river springs and lakes (drying them up) to build their houses... i don't understand why they do such a thing ruin the local flora and fauna by doing that, drying everything around. Why not just move to the Netherlands and maybe the UK? In the Netherlands you dig a small hole (less then a meter) and you find water anywere. Who's cuntry/people has such "traditions"? I can't racionalize how the Interior minister and defense minister allow such a thing.... but they do... they do. Why don't these people go live in the ocean? It would be all water under them, makes sense and it's logical.

Nah... most likely they have digged a tunnel bellow my house and most likely they have found bones, i am guessing British and most of europe don't have anyone with a head thats why they need that kind of stuff... Europe and many other places will be full of conguitos in the not so distante future.

btw, i do belive that the cientists working for IPMA ( are all ..well... criminals... either they or the people bossing them around...

It seems they are making a tunel from the ocean (Base aerea Nº 5... are they learning to fly underground?) to here (or passing here)... whats the plan? Make the ocean claim Portugal territory? o_O who is responsible for the plan? ... he must be really intelligent...   O_o

I am guessing someone (most likely military and most likely involving French, British, the US pentagon, etc...NATO) are working hard a few hundred meters maybe a few kilometers bellow this area (Ponte Velha, Almoster, Alvaiazere, Leiria, Portugal)... and the locals (the fools) are apparently collaborating in some sort of lie (half-lie^^) they told them... thus everyone is looking at me and not paying attention at what is happening far bellow me... apparently it is important (for some mysterious reason) that i live here while they do this... it is my guess...

Since this is going on for many years i am guessing it is THAT important... what is freaking scary considering what they are doing to me and what they had done to the now deceased locals...

Is the people that rule Portugal (including all the military) just plain/common thieves? lol... whats the point? That or bat shit crazy mentally ill (most likely wen looking at the military and top politicians...)

Anyway... if you have the means to record the local seismic activity that should be interesting... lil earth quakes around these parts only manifest themselves at night... aparently they are shy and don't like the daylight...

Will we have also hole craters like in Russian siberia? Prolly not since this is kind of rocky bellow...

There are a few retired military (GNR and others military branches) in a 1km radious from my home...

check it out you might learn something regarding "European royalties" ways and what not... plus the rulers of Portugal... :)~

side note: it stopped when i started writing this lil post at 4AM or so...

on a side note: if i had to guess i would say that is directly below the house of my deceased uncle that is right next to mine, i have looked at a few "European Royals",  tv/movie stars, politicians and business men and they have some face traits (and eye's) of my deceased uncle and his still alive wife (if i remember right he had washed blue/green eyes and she has bulging brown (i think it is brown) eyes)... btw, my uncle had a large septic tank that he built at the same time has the house... my guess it is something beneath the septic tank... on a tiny side note: they both got blind...

on a side note: this situation reminds me of the movie: Gremlins... were i am all locked up and "they" are running all over the world doing all kinds of mischiefs...

I have to ask: is this what is paying Trump bills?

pretty sure all my neighbors are known worldwide in detail (at least for the people that are someone)... good luck to them in a decade or two... specially the guy two houses from me that build the tunnel...^^

on a side note: doesn't it mean that if you have blue/green eyes that you have (evolved) genes that are better suited to colder climates? ...hmm... noticed that many people have washed eye color... :giggles: 

Looks like there is a invasion in the south and it seems they all go crazy (washed eyes?... ) (i don't socialize but pretty sure they are all crazy...) in the South.... is it because of the heat or something else? update:  Just had a quick look and among other things they don't have melanin on their eyes... hmm... guess they will go blind over time in southern places... shame^^... oh... well... yasz can always move to the dark side of the moon... on top of it they seem to have loads of other health issues (talking about European high society figures not random Joe -_-) like heart problems and need for surgery's. These are chalanging times (so it seems) for what i see around me there are many in this southern place... can't ya be nice and leave a few o- (they (o-) are recessive) (not washed eyes, goes without saying that i like sunny places), dudes i didn't even knew my o- family... btw, ya not have melanine in thy eyes how do ya cope with all the sunshine? Americans don't cope all that well, they have 75% of the population with vision issues (real statistics, aparently, trips to yellowstone should be lots of fun...

America in a few years:

on a side note: i remember they called red skins to the American Indians... British also get red skin wen they come to the south... is this a case of: Sansa is that you? :giggles:

maybe... there is a group of people that lead people to war so that others rebuild the nation and they be in charge, they let people make nice laws but they don't follow them and they prefer to stay hidden (the people that make decisions)(so that they don't have to assume any kind of responsabilities... cause...well... that would make them look bad... and they don't know how to deal with that kind of stress...)... (reminds me of children... why not just go to a supermarket and buy a few sets of barbies and play with them?) hmm? 


Have been feeling vibrations on my house and even a few times what feels like someone hitting my home pillars... contacted the seismology institute about a week ago and still no reply from them... ( i wonder why...*cough*) My guess is that they found something below my septic tank (it is a really big big tank) or maybe they are building a nuclear shelter bellow my house... or even just want to level my house to the ground... can't do anything about it...  

The level of idiocracy in Portugal is so high that it is even almost painful to watch... a President that is a law professor but doesn't know any laws or the constitution, social workers that don't know what are their functions, local parish council (political not religious one) that hire people in person, official gov. institutes that don't reply to emails, president sends a letter of condolences 8 months latter (guess to remind the widow of her ex-husband that was killed by a policemen inside a airport), gov. officials that turn a blind eye to illegal tunnels below other people houses, people that are alowed to build an arch above public roads and that even intended to place a door on it, should i continue?


Whats your point? 

Pretty sure Syria, Libya, etc... also had/have great laws...  and people like you and the justice minister supervising the people that enforce the laws/constitution...

You can't compare Spain to Portugal... it isn't the same political system... or at least it shouldn't be if you place any weight on the constitutions (what all the people follow to live their lives)... so that you know constitutions are the "very top" or at least it should be... have you looked at the Portuguese constitution and what is going on in Portugal, looks good to you?

If the parliament want to introduce new rules or change rules to the constitution then they just need to change it and people will follow them. It's dishonest (to not say criminal) in a really very bad way to have rules that aren't in the constitution.

I am guessing that the crime of treason is done by people that know at least a few national secrets (public servents and contractors)... i don't know any so that is a crime i will never be acused of... but i am guessing that alot of people know them and i am guessing that they don't mind sharing them with "outsiders"... is that considered treason these days?

Didn't Trump had private talks with Putin? also... aren't they buddies? Russia a US ally these days?
Will pentagon spy on Trump with spy cameras even in the shower (i mean white wash...)?
So... what noises does Trump and Biden do on the toilet? C'mon CIA share with us... 
 While we are on the subdget... are these normal intestinal sounds? Some seems that something is ripping apart...
As world leaders condemn Russian aggression, Trump says he and Putin 'get along'

Isn't this a act of treason to the nation? She could be he's own sister/daughter... if she is from another country she shouldn't be allowed to the meeting... makes sense? Invite Putin next...^^
ai Sousa... Sousa...

A linha não tinha sido modernizada a uns 20 anos para a velocidade alta ou era para a alta velocidade?
Então? isso resolve-se bem com uma roulotte de bifanas e churros... com jeitinho até cabe dentro do comboio...^^

word of the wise... if you want to send someone a letter do it while he still has life in him... not after he is dead...

Couldn't find the other news i was looking for (Portugal a society of alliances)... but this one will do...
Don't know "chega" so... don't take it personally... 

Well... do remember: make alliances with people that lose their heads over words or stuff close to nothing... that's a trait that you should be looking in a alliance...^^  

so... that many actors for hiring in Portugal? ...oO ...ask Biden what agency he uses... ^^  


What is this? I don't understand. Real estate can't be sold... real estate is taken from others. Why would someone buy real estate if real estate is taken from other people? It makes no sense... isn't that rightãozinho, Cabritinha? Besides all the upstanding families (Nunes, Ventura, Fernandes, Gomes, Sousa, Silva, Neves) around here take lands/realestate even vines (hmm... that (vines) gives me a idea) has they please. Soon... no more realestate companies (or at least they will trading with peanuts...) soon... on a side note: never ever show a grape vine to a Nunes or a Ventura... later on you will find ya grape vines missing... true story... update: they can't even make wine, they have to add alchool to it... lol


I feel i should say a few words about top level public servants.

When you place someone in a position of power ex: Generals, local politicians, police, social workers, etc... you should make sure they know how to read and interpret a text, i.e. they have to know the meaning of the words. Like for example laws and the constitution among other texts.

It seems that everyone in a position of authority (generals, police, DA, politicians, etc...) are all behave has NPC's... non-participating characters... none of them feel any kind of responsibility of the position they occupy. They just stand in their positions... have you seen Jumanji the movie?^^

Hmm... um leão sem juba...^^

 Então voces dimitem o Centeno e ele até sai da presidencia do Eurogrupo para o colocarem a frente do banco de portugal? Ministro demitido vai "controlar" o banco nacional...^^  ai Costa, Costa...^^ o teu parente Churchill faria isso?

Confirma-se, o mesmo governo que demitiu Centeno de ministro das finanças e o fez perder o lugar no Eurogrupo vai coloca-lo na posição mais alta do banco de Portugal...^^

Bom sitio para tomar banho todos os dias.

Vê lá se não fazeres stream ilegal de conteudos ou a MPAA faz queixa á GNR...


"As atividades da Assembleia da República só vão encerrar em agosto, voltando ao ativo a 7 de setembro."

"O último plenário antes das férias foi um dos mais curtos desta sessão legislativa, contrastando com as tradicionais maratonas de votações que marcam a despedida do ano parlamentar"


O ultimo plenario é no dia 22 de julho? wtf... 

It has been two weeks since the first news... wtf...


I don't know if Ana Gomes or Andre Ventura are Gypsies... and i don't care... but it would be a sight to see a gypsy farmer... (no judgement here...)

 hmm... someone doesn't know how to add up...^^

C'mon Teresa... it has been locked on that position for a very long time... that ain't new news... 

Let's see: were i live there is a very nice constitution (base "basic" laws), but then... apparently is ok to damage other people property and even take it (what doesn't make sense since they have no real land exploration business like groing wheat, rye, etc...), then apparently one can't have any girls (i am not eger to find out out that works around these parts...)(you do know that there are 4 billion dicks in the world and i'm not even counting the animal ones...). Makes no sense, even if they want all the lands there are places were you can't grow anything (that is business oriented, profitable) and regarding girls if a girl doesn't like you and want to be with someone else you should really stay out of it, you nosy piece of crap.Your own bank account apparently isn't yours at all, people are extremely nosy, they want to know everything about you in detail and understand you even though they don't even posses the mental capacity to do so, not even the slightest... and now there is mind reading what makes it even worse. So that you have an idea: imagine all of a rural village in ancient Greece trying to understand Socrates, they take all he's privacy and what not to try to understand him and his theories and way of life and obviously not leave him in peace until they all do. Who/what gives them the legitimacy to do/behave like that? A very very scary (hidden) social structure...  -_-

The constitution doesn't reflect the "reality"... is it your ideal of life to live in a place that has written rules but the secret and unwritten ones are the ones that prevail? ...are you mentally ill?

...and apparently many many people in this world are ok with this... if it is everyone then it is "ok" (c'mon... it is not) if it isn't then it is: "100 seconds to midnight" (you will have to read it in Portuguese to understand it)... at some point in the future...

I ain't no Mr. Gordon Freeman (half-life), pay the fuckup.


 So... no Portuguese group was interested? ...or no Portuguese group has any experience in that business? It is no "shame"... for instance, i just bought Spanish sangria and it is not has good has it used to be...

It won a French company, gratz... hope they do better then in France... i tried to approach some city water fountains in France and they had so much bleach that i couldn't even go near them without crying from the bleach vapours... (true story)


How about one every four years?

Isn't the above two links a complete contradiction? just saying...^^

a debate every 2 months... have to keep the consistancy...
I have noticed that Portuguese cultural food products are being adulterated (to use kinder words)... you can check it by yourself, go buy cigarrets, brined olives, wine, beer, etc... even sugar has "gunk" on it...

So... now that we will be having a presidential election...

Who of those looks like a statesman? 

So far no one have any kind of ideas... are they all going for the motto: "vote for me cause..."


 humm... so what ya saying is that the money is also mine (?)... uuhhhaaa.... I'M RICH... I'M RICH... I'M RICH...

What i "belive" is the above average current level of "intelligence" of the Portuguese society...Pretty sure many others and i guess the entire world soon...
For what i have seen almost all people with money have that mentality (level of intelligence) my opinion ofc... is your's different?

Hmm... very cosmopolitan article... next in the new york times: why the chicken crossed the road?... 


Dude, i live in the rural side (low density) of Portugal and i don't have public transports for 6 months and no defined date for them to start operating due to covid...

What for? To take a blanket to the beach? Dunno if you noticed but is chilly in Portugal... their temperatures are higher...

hmmm... will they be there to protect their master or just going there to receive instructions....? 

Most likely to kill ppl that left Portugal, they wait a few years and then they go and kill them. Dogs are always sniffing for a kill.
It looks like Americans have antagonise a lot of people (made many wars, medical "testing", etc..) i don't understand how could they have always winned... It only takes a couple nuclear bombs to explode in NY and Virginia to all of America crumb down... The UN doesn't do anything (doesn't do anything good... what one could expect they have Guterres has S.G.) so... i don't get whats the "hold up" and in Virginia ya have the CIA (probably they are the real government)... and the Pentagon... they could use a good wash from the river nearby...
I don't know (i am badly informed and don't have the proper education), but it seems Portugal is no longer a republic...

 I don't see "this" on everyday life...

The name of Portugal is: Republica Portuguesa, people in Portugal don't seam to have the proper education to grasp the meaning of this words... honestly not even top politicians nor (especially) the military, it is their job to defend not only the territory but also the political system, not forgetting the (civilized) nationals.

there is no shortage of political systems:
If people aren't happy with the republic system then they should use their votes on people that want to change it and when they elect those people then they should change the political system for whatever they want, in a assertive way. Is like buying a 1500 euro phone and wen you get home you see a 20 euro phone in the bag. Makes no sense... to me... call me naive...

on a side note: i see Monarchy systems that to me doesn't feel like "they" live up to "my" concept of the word... a Monarchy system to me is about families being proud of their own name.

on a second side note: I find it really hard to believe that France is a Republic.Why keep the "name" why not just change it so everyone knows and don't get confused? It is misleading and that is just wrong.

 I wonder what is the criteria for selecting bank managers in Portugal if he finds it necessary to state something like that...
Just found out that it is really hard to open a bank account (well not opening it just having access to it) in SEPA banking area... why create a banking region (SEPA)? ... if the supervision is well... lacking... and the rules are... well... ad-hoc...
It seams that is required to handover a document with your address verified by a lawyer or notary... i really wonder... how tha f*** one would receive the debit/credit card if give intentionally wrong address?... this after asking for a deposit...oO
STEPS: created account online / they send me the bank account number and IBAN by mail / upload photo of ID card and selfie / made the requested deposit / tried to access the account and couldn't / contacted support was asked to send proof of address / send proof of address / was asked to send proof of address again with lawyer signature... mind blowing... oO
please note that i have a account number and a IBAN thus the account was created... i just can't access it... what kind of certification company would be ok with such procedures?... oO
Audit/certification companies that give (yeah... that's the word) certification to banks in the European banking system are just well... awesome...^^ 

on a side note: i had opened a few bank account since my 18'0 and never i was asked to give proof or address (i think) much less been asked for a deposit before been asked for proof of residency... Malta banks are strange...

...and i can't sue the bank for false advertising... aparently there aren't any lawyers that do financial cases or accept pro-bono cases wen they advertise it on their website... lawyers/public prosecutors are a strange species...

Does it have something to do with Marcelo being a lawyer or maybe Costa being a lawyer?...

Gratz on your new position... if i may... i would suggest hiring one of Mitt Romney firms to assist you...  if they aren't to busy in America...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what is it? do we receive more money from EU or do we give more money to the EU?
isn't it something like: you give a 10 and receive 100 from them suckers...?

oohh? ...Well... it seams that if you are planing on having your vacation in Portugal you should know that you will be monitored by the police... dunno how far they will go... so... just relax...^^

 uuhh? Why not do like the Portuguese and put the police after the tourists? *they spend more money that way then being in quarantine*

Thats easy... go pick some in France... if something goes wrong they will just run away back to France...

Germans doing U-turns... Nothing new...^^

Since when NATO protects the people (or anything for that matter... have you seen France and Portugal?) inside the aliance?They are all clueless at what is their functions...

Like pretty much everything that isn't all that nice... among other things in the shadow of journalism...what else grows in the journalism shadow?
Looked at the murder victims on newspapers and they all seam intelligent... guess only intelligent people get murdered... lesson is: if you are dumb you are safe to do whatever you want. The world these days is built to protect the dumb and punish the intelligent...

Not even one news on Portuguese "newspapers" about the riots in America... not even one...
Is my guess that some of the "best" journalists must be Portuguese....

Read on another news site that it was a wearhouse of agriculture chemicals... wow... imagine this happening on a agriculture chemicals moving truck in London, Seattle, Portland or near the Pentagon for exemple... didn't knew fertilizers could be so dangerous... are they more dangerous in the middle east? have to check that, this is new to me...

Hmmm... interesting... so... now federal agents have a mind of their own?... don't they obey to central (federal) government anymore? *GOD bless America*

American armed forces don't even need to be in a war to have casualties (drop dead)...^^ 


I see... you very smart... btw, wasn't slavery in Africa before white folks came along? How did wars among tribes ended? With a slaughter of the losing side? Maybe white folks saw that and we're willing to pay for the losers and take them away. Pretty sure this was how intercontinental slave trade started. The difference between then and now is that now laws don't discriminate based on skin shade color. Anyway ask a educated historian of the time. This is an uneducated guess. another conspiracy theory: slavery had nothing to do with the color of the skin... since tribal "leaders" sold ppl has slaves...

side note: Jackson has also made money from movie scripts "inspired" on my life.

hmm... is Obama descendent of a tribal leader?


I was looking at some monkey videos and it's shoking how they relate to the human population (that i know of), is if most people have the exact same mentality (monkey brain?):

Funny Monkeys stealing things

Oooop! Monkey s.t.e.a.l P.u.p.p.y from his mom!

Why Do Baboons Steal Lion Cubs?

Gibraltar Monkeys stealing a sandwich to a tourist 

Never been to Gibraltar but it amazes me the fight for that rocky place between Spanish and British. A place that have native monkey's and we'll is a rock... you ppl know that the monkey's piss and shit on those rocks continually for millennia (?), right?

Well... it seems that they put everyone looking at me since birth because i don't have a monkey brain (?) and they do... they would start climbing trees if they didn't looked at me. Do you have a better explanation for everyone be looking at me since birth and not pay me? I don't... well... now my brain is a bit mushy from all the "experiments" they did on me... and yet they still are looking at me... o.O

I am an European and i see many many imigrants in France and Germany (germany needs 400k a year)... and these people (Von Der Leyen, Macron, Olaf, Vatican, etc...) don't pay me nor they allow me to have money... what kind of secret society do they all belong? ... and why don't they want a european like me to have money?  canalhas do caralho. So... Ya can take a influx of 400k ppl a year, ya lot are desperate? Do you need to study the genome of so many ppl to fix ya selves? Amazing stuff many of the ppl coming to Europe is from ex-colonies respectability. Don't kid ya selves, those ppl are coming to be studied and analized (probed).

...why Germans don't ask idk Africans or Asians or South American to build a city in Germany big enough so that they can send 400k people to the rest of Germany every year?

There are so many cats were i live, so many. why oh why don't ya pay me and let me go somewere else?


 hmm?... you daltonic/blind? ...or is Hillary black? She was the only other candidate.


Why not? Ya now have a very well paying job in America....^^ 

yeah, i think IT is a profession of risk, specially for the ones working for and (Portuguese ISP's), pretty sure they (the computer experts) put their lives in danger just by working for those companies, in more ways then one... all the info they have access to, makes them a "person of interest" from  people outside of those companies and people "inside" those companies...   

The Mandalorian (2019) Official Trailer

In my humble opinion no police force in Portugal should be linked to the sovereign armed forces... in limit situations it might create a conflict (of interests). 

IDK, but to me all "freguesias" in Portugal were made with at the very least one sovereign in them, most likely they were created with a few sovereign families got together to make them. I don't think thats the case anymore. I actually belive there are entire nations without a single sovereign in them.... big, important nations... Genesis 1:26-28 KJV

I invite all the sovereigns to go pee on those places... or even better: spread the diluted pee of past sovereigns (long dead) everywhere.... everyone will go mad crazy in a couple of generations.  x'D

hmm... so... the second most voted party is dropping their pants to a party that only elected one person... ever... on top of it the guy is a ass hole... =)  *oh ya love me*

"if Switzerland ends free movement it won't be the same life."
WOW... current version of Swiss are genius...

Well seams British are on the same level has Swiss... so if a couple of people of a house of 6 visits a covid infested house the rest of them will be ok...^^  =)

All the major companies in the UK are either banks or insurers companies... in others words Brits make money (literally) pretty sure taxes won't make any real dent to the Brits... maybe they will make a dent in the expats wallets... fruit pickers?

Seams the Spanish that make the German population can go on vacation on their home land...^^
Saw this:

So... It is the "first time" American doctors "treat" flu like illnesses? ... or lung related issues?
How many ways there are of treating these kind of symptoms?^^

BTW, does this:
 Have something to do with this:

on a side note: i am guessing that he was burried without his eyes.

D. Carlos I de Portugal 

Noticed that there is only one "King" that is part of the Roman catholic church... The Spanish one, oddly he doesn't even wear's a crown. Can't the Vatican pope offer him one?^^

Read somewhere (can't be bothered to check) that the King of Spain have to have "All Saints" (Dos Santos) in he's name... i hope All of the Saints are Spanish... ;)

Spain is such a nice place that even the lords of Biscay (Haro) don't want to live on their own native lands, just like Jewish people.  

Is it only me or The Emerit King (D. Juan) doesn't seem related to his Son the King of Spain? I mean, it seem to me that they have very different facial features... 

If someone told me that the current King of Spain was brother of André Ventura (chega political party) i would totally believed in him.

The same thing goes to the British royal family... i would never would guess they are all related... not even the brothers...

btw, doesn't Boris eyes look like the smiley face that was typical of "red John" in the TV Show: "The Mentalist"? To Boris: don't worry about it, many Germans have that kind of eyes... besides it's fiction and i don't even know what it means.

i'm not even going to mention Trump...



Não sei porquê... logo no primeiro dia de aulas quando estão fora da casa os locais vão lá á casa encher tudo de espermas, cuspo, mijo e merda... venham para o norte de Santarem e Leiria...

mas que treta é esta? eu não tenho incentivos, muito pelo contrario. eu moro no interior e faço parte de uma minoria etnica, estão a foder-me a casa, roubaram as minhas terras, estão a foder tudo o que tenho no quintal, é so merda, cuspo, espermas e mijo por todo o lado, até dentro da casa. Roubaram e provavelmente mataram as minorias etnicas e agora está toda a gente a pavorear-se com caras (provavelmente é a picha e vê-se na cara...) de minorias etnicas por todo o lado.As zonas de minorias etnicas estavam delimitados pela rede natura, eram bem pequenas e mesmo assim... e como é obvio as minorias não se podem defender, porque se o fizerem cai-lhes tudo em cima... Para mais, eu numca "vi" agricultores (proprietarios de terras) que precisam de babysitters... e eu tenho que fazer de babysitter quer queira quer não...  :\

Para mais, aparentemente os "cientistas" estudam as minorias, as maiorias estão todas fudidas mas não se atrevem a fazer investigação nas maiorias, nem os antropologos. Vá lá, vão fazer "medical testing" nos A e O+ (é só canalhada de qualquer maneira :)... isto hoje em dia, o "mind set" é fazer investigação em porcos para aplicar depois em cavalos... porque é tudo a mesma coisa, néh...

Well... using logic... it seems that a "people" that didn't liked my "family" invaded the entire planet... everyone is against me and i just want to live my simple life... it's the only thing that remotly makes sence... and it still doesn't make much sence since i never met my family. gimmy ma money!  It looks like a world wide conspiracy against me... jolly. :\

Dudes, porque é que caralho estão a roubar as minorias? as minorias não se podem defender, senão... Talvez, vocês se tenham "condenado" (a mente, teologia) á muito e a unica maneira que teem de continuarem a existir é roubar propriedades e mulheres de outras familias que não estejam condenadas, como vocês estão...

Não só estão a roubar-los como estão a foder todo o corpo e cerebro (genoma?), que caralho, pá... teem falta de espaço ou de mulheres? dass... talvez não tenham picha propria e precisam das terras das minorias, náh... provávelmente é mesmo só doenças mentais... afinal de contas Portugal tem 900 anos de historia, isto não é um acidente concerteza, até porque todos os poderes estão a "favor" disto...

 Deviam era dar ordem de marcha para o interior aos militares/policias logo no primeiro dia de reforma, os filhos da mãe não fazem nada de jeito enquanto estão no activo. Cambada de galinhas suspensas.

nah sei se seram uma minoria etnica em Portugal, mas se forem uma minoria etnica vão ser brinquedos para os atrasados mentais que são a maioria etnica em Portugal... divirtam-se... 

Saw this:
 (didn't actually read it)
Well a good way to start is most likely circumcision if he wasn't already circumcised...
(blame Marcelo and who destroyed my patrimony) 

so... is this the cathedral that was moved from Almoster or Alvaiazere to Spain?

the Acibecharía seems to fit right were it was suposed to be in Almoster...


really great composer (i actually do mean it) but couldn't you find something more cheerful?

In the late 19 th century, Alfonzo XII, King of Spain, experienced a spate of deaths in his family. His wife, grandmother, sister and sister-in-law all died within a short time of receiving an opal ring as a gift from him (each received the ring after the previous family member had died), and finally, he suffered the same fate after wearing the ring himself.

No wonder he renounced he's inheritance.^^ is filled with bad luck...

Wonder what kind of jewels they use... maybe is that 99 cents stuff that you buy at malls.
No one uses crowns anymore.^^ ...and the ones that use them most likely use jewelry made of polished plastic...
Seams they get bad luck from it...
side note: people around me aren't that lucky either: amputations, tonnes of pills at meals, mental illness, accidents... bad bad luck sucks...^^

I recommend Cascais in Portugal, he has spend most of he's vacations there. He already know the place and if he is that much of a womanizer like the reporters say then i guess he has already a few lovers in Cascais.
Side note: Watch out D. Duarte  Bragança... ya might have to call your relative in the India Presidency.
update: Well he is coming to live in Portugal. gratz.
conspiracy theory: "they" made all this crap number on me to reinstall the monarchy, guess the Spanish emerit king will be busy making offsprings in Portugal for the foreseeable future...
can i be payed and allowed to leave... pretty please... 
conspiracy theory2: Maybe... what is happening to me (why me? makes no sense) was a plan made long long ago... since at least one royal is moving to Portugal (why me?)... this based in small observations and newspapers headlines... you do not find it at least a bit plausible, based in the mentioned previously? don't blame me...

The King of Spain for the last 40 or 50 years (?) is a common person to Marcelo and the Portuguese "authorities"? oO
side note: did Marcelo got a new skin?

I don't see how that could be bad... betwen all of that there isn't much time to do anything else, besides drugs make you happy, democracy is awsome and so is porn.

Far better then what the USA wants from Portugal: stalking, killing and a few more nasty things in betwen.
I dunno, but apparently Spanish nutritionists specialists (...and related areas) aren't that good.
For what i see King Felipe VI have already at least one surgery (reason for missing Kate and William wedding) and has narcolepsy...  (question: bad genes? bad immune system?)

Will there be a day when Spanish military move with the help of a walking stick?^^
Went to a police station in Lyon France trying to file a complain on stalking (Lyon has cameras on every street, building, etc...), they didn't accepted my "complain" and took me to a mental institution for 3 weeks. Mind you i was polite, no anxiety. Even if i was wrong, people do false complains all the time even multiple times and nothing happens to them. It is sad the abuse from the police and medical doctors in Europe. Doctor hold me on the clinic for that time and told me that i had schizophrenia (this is a umbrella term used when a person has multiple mental disorders not a disease on itself), when i asked more specifically what where the mental pathology's he believed i suffered he just ignored and replayed schizophrenia, this repeatedly on the curse of the 3 weeks.

There is a lot more to this but i wanted to keep it short.
(among many other other things French psychiatrists are crazy (some really are trust me, at least one of the ones that i saw had clearly symptoms of mental disorders), the people in French mental institutions are there because someone wants to make them crazy (that is what i saw there when i was there) It is really needed a lot of cool head when presented with some of the situations i saw there.

You only need to go to the police and try to file a complain in a civilized manner to be sent to a hospital and be declared schizophrenic on the spot no need for any more consultations or analyses of behavior. Besides they make (force) you to take medication even if you are calm and represent no danger nor show any signs of stress in other words i was in full dominion of my faculties.
I always had imagined that medication for mental issues was to correct behavior responses... seams it is not the case.^^
Another doctor that i saw on the hospital looked like he was taking more medication then the patients... he had a "calm face" but seamed to be panicking inside...^^ in he's "defense" i could see (imagined) why. 
One of the doctors told me that they wanted to analize my "mental condition" with devices attached to my head... this is true.... dasssssssss... This after trying to file a complain in a educated manner in a police station. I can only imagine what devices French put on their political oponents head's...
This is the French psychiatric health system... where the doctors are more insane then the patients... they are on the right place just on the wrong position...^^
The lesson: Never go to the police with just a suspicion, you have to provide proof, i.e. you have to do the detectives work or there is a high chance that you are the one that will be in big trouble.

I saw (not on consultation) a few (not many "6 or 7") psychiatrist's in Portugal, one of them had also clear signs of mental disorders and one other showed also some signs... Isn't there a medical order to screen people (at times) that work in mental institutions?^^  

UPDATE: Received a 12k euro bill from the hospital (sent by the French embassy in Lisbon to me). This was my email reply to them:


To the attention of Florence Mangin and Ana Mesquita


I received a note of debt issued by Mme Ana Mesquita from ambassade de France au Portugal, photo of the letter in attach to this email.

I would like to make a few remarks regarding this particular note of debt.

The hospital already had sent me a note of debt a few years ago for a much lower value to which i replied to them explaining to them the reasons why the burden of that bill shouldn't fall on me, the hospital did not reply back at the time or since.
This bill now (at this moment) shows in my view bad faith from the hospital and the French treasury department. I would like to point out that at the time i had the European health insurance card (, you can easily check this by contacting the respective European commission department.

I would also like to write a few words on the reason i was forced into that hospital for about 3 weeks.

I, at the time, was homeless in Lyon (i lived from tips given to me, i sitted on the sidewalk quiet and with my hand extended, to the people that gave me money tips, i said "merci", i never bothered anyone for tips).
I wrote a couple of pages or so (in english) and went to the police station to make a complaint, i don't have present all that i wrote in the complaint (it was years ago, but if needed i can see if i can find it) but i remember that one of the things i wrote was about people apparently following me (on a side note: some of them looked Muslim maybe Arab or North Africa, one thing they had in common was that they drink from whater bottles some sort of electrolite (if i remenber well, peppermint, but good stuff electrolite stuff, not the usual stuff you see on stores) and noticed one time that it had alcohol, noticed it wen i was putting stuff in the garbage and a bottle of those was on the top). At the time there were people that stood close to me (7 to 8 meters away with not so nice faces) (my interpretation) when i was "accepting tips sitting down" on the street, these people stayed for very long periods of time like this and at the time they seemed to be the same people when i moved to different points of the city. One of my issues was not feeling safe when i wasn't doing anything wrong (i didn't bothered anyone). Mind you Lyon has police cameras in every street, i am sure you know this.

The policemen read my written claim and told me he couldn't accept my claim. I insisted in a low/normal voice tone and neutral body language (intentionally, i have some knowledge in psychology) for a few minutes for him to file my complaint, if nothing else so that my complaint was already filled in the case something else happens (something more serious) he then went upstairs in the building, coming back about one hour and a half. He told me I needed a psychiatric consultation, he gave me no choice on the matter. I don't know if there are cameras inside police stations, if there is then you can confirm it by yourself. on a side note: inside the police station was a guy talking loud and punching the balcony and the police woman was trying to calm him down, no one called an ambulance to take him to a mental hospital, he walked out of the police station "pissed off". So that you see the duality of criteria used by French gov. officials (in this case: police).

In the hospital, the doctor (psychiatrist) that evaluated me declared that i was "schizophrenic" (i was calm and quiet the whole time, talking only when addressing me). I asked the doctor what was my medical condition exactly, he's response was always "schizophrenic", i then explained to him that "schizophrenia" is a umbrella term used to describe a person medical condition when that person suffers from multiple mental disorders (essentially you can describe all mental disorders has schizophrenia, there wouldn't be a need to "name" mental conditions if doctors only use the word schizophrenia). He wasn't aware that schizophrenia is an umbrella term and insisted that i had schizophrenia. When i looked at the medical doctor (psychiatrist) he was showing clear signs of underlying mental issues (in my view), i assure you if i was the hospital chief of staff i wouldn't place him on the hospital board.
I was told to lay down on a bed and later, 6 or 7 people gather around me holding all of my body down and indicating to me that i would get a injection (they seemed a bit nervous...), i in a assertive tone of voice (intentionally) asked them to please stop, that i would cause no trouble entering the ambulance to take me to the mental hospital, they after a few moments let go of holding me down but still strapped my hands and legs to the bed (they didn't give me the injection) and was transported in the ambulance in this manner. When arriving at the hospital they asked me a few questions like the date, my age, etc... what i replied (i was calm the whole time). They asked if i wanted medication since i was sleeping in a different bed, i told them that i would rather not take medication, and i didn't took medication that night.
Next morning i talked with a doctor (every day i would talk with a different doctor) we chatted and i asked to all the doctors i had meetings with what was my medical condition, they all told me that i was schizophrenic, that's the only diagnose i got from all the doctors that i meet in the hospital in all the time i was there, i explained to all of them that schizophrenia is not a real medical condition it is a umbrella term used for when a person suffers from multiple mental disorders (so that doctors don't need to enumerate them all, all the time), they all didn't seem to be aware of this. Mind you i smoked and when i was hospitalized i quit smoking (intentionally), if i remember right i only smoked a few cigarettes for the first 2 or maybe 3 days.
Do you believe a schizophrenic person that smokes has the willpower to quit smoking in two days when he was just moved to a psychiatric hospital emergency ward (a traumatic experience)?   
Mind you i was always calm, caused no issues and only talked when someone addressed me. Even like this they insisted that i take medication (i am clueless why since i behaved assertively) at a point i was told that if i wouldn't took the oral medication they might give me injections, so i started taking the oral pills, i didn't wanted to take injections...

I realized that you could have a court session so that you could be free from the hospital and i requested one, i made my case to the judge and the judge still decided i should be locked in the hospital giving reason to the medical schizophrenic diagnosis...
Contacted the Portuguese embassy and eventually got released from the hospital, mind you when i was released from the hospital i left alone without any kind of escort/aid person.

I returned to Portugal and after some time i when to my medical doctor that knows me since i was 10 years of age (i am now 43 years old) asking for a medical certificate so that i can renew my drivers license, we talked a bit and he made no reservations on the medical certificate, if i was schizophrenic like French doctors say i am sure my Portuguese doctor would had no issue recognising the mental condition on my person has soon has he see me, since he knows me for 30 years and he didn't recognised any mental issue on me (i have been to he's office a few times since i got to Portugal). The medical certificate for renewing the driver's license in Portugal needs to state physical and mental disorders.

To me the police men should have accepted my claim, he could have done nothing with it (no investigation) and that would be fine-"ish" since nothing really serious had happened. Isn't it mandatory for the police to accept claims? He did not accepted mine.
I was forced to a consultation and i was forced to a hospital stay, the police should assume responsibility for any costs/bills. I didn't represented any danger to myself or to anyone else, i am pretty sure that even French doctors would agree with me on this.

I could write a lot more regarding this matter but i think for now this will suffice for you to understand my point.

If you insist on making me pay for this bill i will have no other choice than to raise awareness to this issue in French society.

I also would like to point out that i live on a social security minimal income (I receive 290 euro a month for all my expenses). I don't have the means to pay that bill.


If you read that you might notice the incompetence of French police and above it the stagering incompetence of French Psychiatric doctors. How tha fuck a psychiatrist doesn't know the meaning of the most used word in his profession (schizophrenia)? 
...on top of it if you read the letter you will "see" that they have no rational procedures when it comes to dealing with "mental patientes".
How tha fuck do you rationally diagnose "schizophrenia" to a person that represents no danger to himself or others? I really would like to read a rational explanation on this...
French medical schools must be really top notch... pretty sure the diploma is only usefull to wipe ya ass, this isn't a "minor" profession. Now i am labeled a schizophrenic on French soil. o_O
What is for the French medical order? organise dinner parties?


Saw this:

To me the female face looks like Isabel de Aragão, Portuguese Queen

Doesn't the guy face look like Shrek?

If one "need" to place other people heads on jars i am guessing their own head isn't good enough. 

My guess is that ppl that "need" to collect heads don't have a head of their own (or their kids don't have one), they probably have a head (brain) of a monkey. Lets face it, there are ppl for 500k years, even a dumb person can build a shelter and sharp a stick to hunt, do you think that in 500k years there was no advancement? only in the last 15k to 20k years... c'mon... probably the monkeys you see were once ppl, they ofc colected heads too and got isolated and turned into chimpazees, gorilas, orangutangos, etc... 

It breaks my heart to see gorillas with such tiny leg's. Can't someone add 1 meter of leg's to the gorillas? and create a colony of them in Belgium.

are ya after me becouse of my head? why? im not that inteligent... ya have Newton, Albert Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Max Planck, Stephen Hawking, etc... heads that are far superior minds.
I am not sure but looks like there are entire religions (Muslim?, Jewish?, etc...)  that don't like their own women (they don't like the way they look), so they replace them by others a little at a time. It also kinda looks like this happens in European royalty too... they don't like the people around them so they "make" children of foreigners....
Anyway it is just speculation, don't take it personal.
side note: search on this blog for:"Pretty sure "she" shaves everyday"

Make sure it goes with a instruction manual, otherwise they won't know what to do with it.
I always though that bank accounts were sacred (since mistrust in them can break society) . Well just today (30/06/2020) my bank account got a extra 10 euros ish (it has 1.3 euro), showing a balance of 14.3 euro, after 15 minutes from my login it went back to 1.34 euro balance. This had happened before on another account (now closed) of a bank in the same financial group, that time it was 300 euro. There is no records (this last time)... it is a Portuguese (by creation) financial institution that is listed in NYSE and pretty sure at least two or three stock/bond market in Europe... 

It seams banks are introducing dynamic bank accounts... it can show 1 euro or 1 million euro for a limited period of time...   *so much fun*
Side note: This is the kind of stuff that make a really large number of people pick up guns and start *pew* *pew*  (bad times ahead for bank workers/managers?)
 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 My store bought food and drinks have either piss or spit on it (even the uncooked pasta). Apparently i am being targeted intentionally, someone is trying really hard to give me cancer the organs that i noticed being targeted the most are: lung and stomach.

Most likely is the families of the catholic church : Fernandes, Ventura, Sousa, Costa, Nunes, Silva, Lopes, Abreu, Marques, Simões (at least the bald ones), pretty sure there are some more...
Side note: Apparently (nah is not apparently is real) these people cut other heirs by making land business among themselves before the owner dies (while he sick to a point that can't take care of what is he's)... so they cut out the heirs that they "can rob" and get away with it... hehe
ps: local preiest is a Silva and Silva are involved...
Side note: there is so much "diversity" in Costa, Silva and Sousa families... you can't even recognise them... even from father to son... ex: go look at Cavaco Silva and others Silva....^^ 

I am guessing they are muslims.

Go have a look at the superior council of "doctors order"

I am guessing muslims are invading the planet, well... in a couple centuries everyone is going to be living in the stone age... there are 3 billion muslims officially... and the only thing i see for sale that comes from a muslim nation is dates.

 Why do you need all the planet if you don't excell at anything? Not even trade. I no longer see anything manufactured in India also (only TATA group).

I had already wrote this but i'll past it here too:

Just "discovered" how medical research is done:

- You find someone that doesn't lose he's head [...or at least not often (you know who they are)].
- You put him on a control environment or at least have control over the environment he "lives" and make sure other people collaborate.
- You give him the medical condition for what you want to get a prize$.
- You observe him (behavior, drinks, food, etc...)
- If he dies you move to the next guy
- If he gets better and you didn't saw from what it was you give him the same medical condition.
- If you saw from what he got better you Analise it and check what was the molecule, etc... responsible for it. .... or you can just hand over the corpse to the pharmaceuticals.
- You write a paper. Show it (sell it ?) to GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer or Pfizer...
- you get a prize. Even a Nobel.

For maximum efficiency you do it (give the medical condition) to a scientist that has the same last name has the politicians at the top. Trust me is way more effective at finding a cure.
At the current pandemic (covid) you see people with no medical training moving all around without a care in the world....
Well i found out why European Union, UK, USA, Russia, Jews, Catholic church, etc... doesn't pay me and took my privacy.

They all have mommy/daddy issues. Gotta love mental illness. lol
Seams "people" see a "big" place (without much people in it) move in have tons of children, take the privacy of the people living in there, steal from them (even crappy meaningless stuff) and eventually end killing them one way or the other... wonder what will happen when people that can control themselves  ends, what would be of the "other" people?... Total war?
I am a ignorant but based on what i "see" (i can be wrong, thing are true and a few years later they say it's wrong) it looks like British (new British^^) Jewish or even Muslim (post-moor) kind of behavior... ;) blame mainstream written history not me. 

side note: I think that Moors were initially white (at least in Portugal) but they did the same mistakes that the people around me and Californians are doing right now so they became black people. I am also guessing that the people that move to Portugal turn black after a few generations. If ya eat titanium ya can mask it and look white.
I wouldn't be shocked if I learned that it was the Muslims that payed the Catholic church and the Spanish and Afonso Henriques to get rid of the moors. Moors had a different body.
 Don't know much about the rest but the Middle East could bring back a Pharaoh or two for their daddy issues.^^ 

btw, pretty sure Taliban are no different then the USA, they just have smaller guns and less infrastructure.
I wonder how is the Trump owned prison in Iran.
The world is multiple prisons, take your pick if you can travel.

I don't get it... there are experts in every field of knowledge yet "people" are looking for answers on people that are far far far from experts in anything. Why go ask a Doctor, Pharmacist, engineer, etc... for stuff that they have studied for years when ya can just "bother" a ignorant for those answers?   It really boggles the mid...

The really intelligent people of the world: Silva, Ventura, Gomes, Nunes, Simões, Marques, Furtado, Ferreira, Fernandes, Sousa, Rosa, Alves, Santos, Gonçalves, Paixão, Oliveira, Barros, Reis, Rodrigues around me, most of them work on crappy jobs and  some live in crappy houses without even insulation so that the guy's in the list bellow can create content that they bill by the billions at "my expense". why i live currently with 150 euro a month and my food is being tempered with.


I wounder about all the huge private collections (old paintings, old jewelry, etc..) that are in those houses, specially in California. Let's not forget the secrets they hide.

To me it feels (if you have the means please verify) that European Union was build to steal the European nations founders, go have a look at the EU founding fathers, EU directory of employees, European Human rights court, European council and ofc pretty much every person in a position of political leadership of some sort in Europe, to me the majority suffers from mental illness to do such a thing. Obviously don't forget the churches families, they are making a lot of money on this to (my guess from what i can obverse). And for what i know about mentally ill people is that they just can't let anyone go. 

To me the council of europe was made to garantee the justice system on all member states... guess what... lol... in my case: european citizen, own land (have patrimony in europe) since the age of 5 yo. lol... just lol... the members of the council of europe are TRAITORS. c'mon what other explanation do you have? At least the French, Belgiums, Spanish, Germans, Dutch and Brits are traitors, i don't think i need even to argument on  why...

Why no country makes war to Europe over this that looks like a obscene amount of money? ...and ofc all the other perks like insane amounts of art, jewellery, etc... Can you imagine the amount of that stuff that is in Britain ? ...and now they are out of the European Union and the armed forces are made up of mostly foreigners or descendants of foreigners...

Maybe my neighboars and the council of europe are right and i am wrong, maybe we all should live like in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, were most people were slaves...

Just days apart.... that european coesion is awsome. It really is, no sarcasm.

I see that are a lot of mayhem in the middle east area... i don't know almost anything about what is going on... but a plausible explanation is that there are countries paying/training armed groups (the old Mujahedin, possibly Taliban and  others... i don't see them with shortage of money and i think weapons are expensive) so that the more qualified flees the country and go to Europe/America has a cheapish labor and the less qualified... well... they live in tents...
Who are the countries receiving most of "these" refugees?

Seams the future (it has been so for a long time) is this: paying politicians/armed groups to destabilize a country so that the population flees to other countries that are in need of the "manual/intellectual" labor. Is Poland such a example?

I dunno but considering there is no accountability in today's world and crime is "legal" now i am guessing countries like France, Germany, UK, small European counties, etc.. that depend of foreigner workers will be made of only foreigners... not good things that i can think of for the locals since they all turned crooks that don't pay their debts ( me). My guess is because i can't do anything to make them pay... probably immigrants in those countries will face the same situation has me... later on... besides they were the one fucking up your countries of origin... seams only fair you take their own countries from them.
If Germany and France are "importing" so much workers from Middle East... i have to ask: were did all the Germans and French went? Are they importing workers because they foresee a war in the future and they don't want to battle in it... so... they just run away? Well if there will be a war then they should go and get all the welthy French and Germans that run away to fight in it. Afterall it is their mess (it's what i read: Germans and French are the Europe engine)... and i am pretty sure they would return after the war...

Saw this:

 I dunno what that means but i am sure Brits and French (rest of Europe too) eat what they are told to eat. They are slaves. Have you taken a look at the Americans? Thus why no one pays me or leave me be. Have you been looking at UN, NATO, police, food in EU supermarkets ? Roman catholic church (Italians) lol... have you seen what comes out (news) of the Vatican... lol. Nothing (no one) does what it is supposed to do. All slaves in Europe. There is no accountability.

Update: hehe (was on a roll wen i rote this, above and bellow)... noticed that Banks moved from London to Frankfurt. So... what does that mean? Frankfurt is little London now or has ever been since WWII? 
Side note: Have you noticed the amount of Russians (Soviets) that died in WWII? Seams (to me) they had very "week" generals that couldn't even draw basic strategy's... I wonder "who" were the soldiers that died...most likely it was unprepaired military Christians... 

Everyone talks about the 6 million Jews that died in WWII but no one talks about the 10x more christians that died defending/freeing them.

One view: Seams now (probably like in old Egypt, not pointing fingers at anyone, i don't know the real history) they enslave the more "advance" people (for the lack of a better word) and in simple terms they feed of them (don't want to scare anyone).

There are laws (respect for civilized people), there is common sense, there is space, there is advanced knowledge all around: you just have to look for it on your own in the topic that interests you, there is advanced technology. Why tha f*** do this? Because you can? Seriously?

The families of the religions (at least the roman catholic) are absolutely wicked (full blown) when they want something be it a piece of land, end a family, a tree, a rock, etc... They are fucking insane.
Also they don't seam to know much about theology, their brains aren't developed (a semi-educated guess). Not only they don't have a mind of their own but it seams they don't have a developed body of their own... what is it that they have (are)? dunno, but to me theology is a human thing, if you are a cat ya don't go to hell nor heaven and if ya make hot weather it is my guess that ya will go to hell... cats don't like water.

still don't know much about anything but my guess is that the fake news is to end Christianity (or use them all in the same manner has they had used Jesus). Maybe another creed? After all the ancient name for the local Parish was Saint Savior of the World (not anymore).
My grandparents were Gaspar in name and they didn't had much "luck in life".

The Purge s01 blue bus

Put the sins in one person and...

Considering "they" are putting spit/shit on pretty much everything i eat/smoke/drink... you do the math. Roman catholic church has become a cult, a bad cult.

The first video (for some strange reason got blacked out after i placed it in this blog...) is from "warrior nun" s01 when they encounter a demon on a high ground town... hmm... does it have something to do with people in old times vomiting (puke) all over especially mountains? Pretty sure some were mentally ill. Well... Spain and France saw alot of diferent "tribes" passed by them over the centuries... go ask a really good doctor what happens to you wen strong people vomit (puke) and spread it around everywhere you live...
Amazingly all demons have great health, always covered in fetid gunk, don't feel cold and don't even need a aspirin, pretty sure they don't age either.

Guess this is the reason people in the old days avoided mountain areas in Iberian peninsula and France... Now they are clueless blissful ignorant's...ya know what they say... a daemon catches you, it grows inside you for years and eat you alive from the inside... xD
Among many other thing when you take that kind of lands you will get heart problems for free... they are colonized... there is no cure for that (the people who colonized it were far far stronger then you will ever be on those lands)... your heart is full of malice... (go check your heart if you are older-ish and live in such lands... hey... why not you go hear your heart beating? That should soothe you.) don't forget to add has a bonus the winds that carry all the "shit" from the valleys to he higher grounds and it gets glued to your house walls inside and outside, pool, garden... that's what i learned from watching that tv show...
go check on this blog for the beard woman... xD
good thing daemons haven't reach the rain, yet... ^^
I am no physician... how does this heart sound? Sounds healthy or not? ...hmm... seems a bit slow...
So... how does yours compares?


 hmm... is it safe to use closed spaces like bunkers during a pandemic?
 hmm... dat anonymous mask reminds me of old Spanish conquistadors paintings...
A piece of cheap wisdom:  A country/community/village/etc.. is made of people that like each other (democracy/dictatorship).

Side note: If you are a honest person, live in Europe or a catholic church "area", my advise is: move to somewhere else. Soon all of Europe will be a hostile place for honest people.

I dunno but is stealing (to not mention other more damaging options) legal in Europe, now?
Fun times ahead in Europe... hehe x'D
Well kind of noticed that Switzerland must had changed administration... they hollowed their mountains (most likely to sell the dirt inside to rich folks) and now same thing is happening here (Alvaiazere) they are also hollowing the mountain to most likely sell the dirt. Archeologists are pirates now... yarrrhhh... yyaaarrhh...
To me pretty much all journalists are criminals (maybe there is a few exceptions but not many), i kind of don't see what is all the fuss around the death of journalists, really i don't, it's just one less criminal in the world. They are all traitors. Let's face it the journalist in Portugal and probably in all of europe are being payed by some shady ppl... most likely hollywood and alikes.

I can imagine in the "near" future a few "groups" of people looking for them...
After all among other things they are now very well "educated" and filthy rich since they are being payed to write lies or not write at all (about some subjects)...

After writing this leaned that the European Intelligence agency is made of/by journalists...

 The contact form doesn't even work (at least when i tried to).... lol

Well i guess European journalist are all "intelligence" officers (double salary?).... lol

btw, Have you seen the security measures in Paris office of the French Press building? I noticed it when i roomed in Paris.

Some of these "intelligence"  officers do go at great lengths... ex:

Totally unrelated: Hi there Hollywood foreign press association -_-

btw, if there is a third world war can you please please include Portugal and Brasil, thanks.

Interesting... the murder of one "guy" was enought to star a world war...
ignorance is bliss: i would venture and say "all" Americans are Jews... Judge by yourself... if so... don't ya think they are breading a bit to much? I mean it is a big number since ww2. Is that "higienic"? Is that the reason "Americans" are studing me and quite possibly my ancestors and not allow me to have (not even money to buy clothes and other stuff) or know anything regarding them (my ancestors)? Even damage to property...
Are they volatile people that go into violent mode over words?
Is Marcelo Jewish? Is Antonio Costa Jewish?
One possiblish theory: The people in charge directed "culture" (moving pictures...) to a "direction" that shapes society into something else... they find someone with character (?) and place everyone looking at him and what he sees... and ya people are gullible, don't be naive...
If they didn't directed the masses into that person that has "character" (?) it possibly would be different...
anyway just a unpolished and unsubstantiated theory...
Side note: in todays world i don't see a need for sociologists, to me it looks like a empty profession depleted of any kind of useful value. Assuming they have a job not just a degree. Do you see any value in their "work"?
 Portugal é uma republica, entre muitas outras coisas isso quer dizer que toda a gente tem direito a respeito até fazer alguma coisa para o perder (no meu caso: não fiz nada para o perder, ponto final), as pessoas podem organizarem-se como quiserem mas teem que mostrar respeito aos outros (a alguns deles chamam aliens...) e teem que mostrar respeito por propriedade privada (seja uma casa, um carro, um par de sapatos...) (armarense em engraçados nao conta...). Se republica não é o sistema que querem então alterem a constituição e o nome da nação (republica portuguesa). you stupid kids. se não sabem o que andam a fazer ou como fazer o que voces querem fazer, então o problema é vosso para voces resolverem, deixem-me fora dessa merda. If i ever fuck any of "your"woman" (unlikely) it will be with the consent of her, you leave me out of any mess.  .!.

To the people that i have pissed... i asked for years for a lawyer so that this could be handle properly... it was your choice not to "give it" to me (nor allow to be granted asylum to me). this is on you and you alone (if you are "smart" you take this has a lesson hopefully a lesson learned and back off).

If you are unable of "letting go" someone like me (a idiot that has no heritage, no real knowledge, no money and civilized) then you are already a savage (someone that has no self control). If people don't put savages in check then they will learn how to be stronger... can you foresee the level of caos? based on your actions i think you don't...

It seams women get pretty by doing whatever you are doing to me (it is what i hear) dudes... i am pretty sure you don't know what you are doing... not only that i am pretty sure that not even the religions of today know the "secrets" any more (they know some). It is like you get close to a nuclear reactor to heat yourself... yeah you get warm... but there are consequences to that. on a side note: if the women get pretty or great or whatever (by whatever you are doing/taking from me) does that mean that i am human and "they" "you" are not? What would happen to the women if i wasn't around? Dudes, embrace what you are and let the (your) women (daughters) "be like you"... aren't you proud of what you are? Why are you committing crimes to "look" different from "yourself"? ...out of curiosity... what are you? are you like talking star wars characters?

Does your daughters look like this? ...or this image is still flattering to them?

hmm... most likely they look something like this... that thing even looks gooie... and... that cheeks...

 globster returns

They remind me of the Roman vomitoriun... wen Romans vomited (puked) on every land (including cities... :wave: Washington, Paris, London, etc... :giggles:) they passed on... obviously, only the sane of mind puked all over... hmm... i wounder if they diluted it with water before spreading it all over... Pretty sure ya can find Romans in Monaco and north of Spain, hiding ofc.

on a side note: i wonder how was the puke-ing situation in Israel general area in ancient times.... :giggles:

hmm... what was the reason for Jews to leave Israel, in the first place? Do they remember? :giggles: (i didn't check) They only returned 70 years ago or so... 

a bit of rambling: Well around Jesus times there were alot of sick people in that area (be weary of ancient artifacts that you may find) according with a few sources, then there was Jesus that lived in that general area for 30 years doing who knows what (i don't know)... then there was a millenia and a half... after that, came the dark ages (clueless about those times)... and then there is the formation of Israel 70 years ago... what did you do to the area in those years? :giggles:


List of demands:

my requests (you own me this) are more then fair and they are needed: list of names of the ppl that did not allowed me to have money, money, file, respect and social distance, Two space ships and know how to summon demons and the big catalog of religions. i am not asking to be a part of the "status quo". I can be socially happy just by seeing O- blood type people...

 South Park - Cartman's 6 Feet Social Distance Stick

obey me or go crazy insane. yeah you will... side note: on top of it you will have bad luck for life and your offsprings if you steal from me, that is a "rule" that can't be undone (ask around). 
(do you have blood on your hands? i don't)

Apparently people want me to be this, do that, etc... (perfect, whatever that means) while living in stress and fearing for my life... get a grip will ya.

Whythefuck are you following someone like me... makes no sense in any way shape or form, none. Follow intelligent people that know how things work not idiots that are struggling to understand basic stuff...

you don't take the privacy of honest and civilized people, period.

if "you" don't like something of what i "say" then send me a email and we will discuss it... if not: suck it up
you brats

I am not your walking stick... stop making me be your walking stick. Sociologists are insane, they shouldn't have allowed this.
You are insane.  You don't place this kind of pressure on kids (seeing what you are doing to me...).
you fuck my life for 42 years and now you are going to kill me? seriously? 3 generations of my family on a row? Fucking insane.
Besides if "they" kill me who will be next on the locality were i live?...
Get some self control, find a way to control yourself, ask for help to medical doctors, you need it.
you don't kill kids/people to take their teeth (dicks/vagina?). (yours isn't good enough?)

You already passed your breaking point that is why you can't stop looking at me. ask for help to a medical doctor.

to the pope (catholic church): congratz, you united your people.
btw, can someone take the pope to Mecca or even Medina (and leave him there) give him a place to sleep and 150 euro a month.

ps: everyone around me is a menace. A extremely dangerous one. Someone should do something to eradicate the menace.

Someone "important" with extreme envy doesn't like Portugal... the civilized Portuguese are killed or made unable to function in society. The ones that are well seen in "society" are the ones that kill, go to other people houses and do whatever,  go to their gardens and destroy them... etc... ya get the picture.
...and then we have the entire world looking... yeah they like to look... don't ya like to look? How long are you looking? Don't be shy tell me how long have you been looking? pathetic.

It is incredible how the people in front of EU just won't let go of me, their mental state is a real piece of work. The world could cease to exist and yet they would be clinging to me with both hands to the very last second.... ooOoOoOoOOOOooooOOOooo
cheap wisdomish:
Dudes, you don't even know who you are (you have done this so many times), really you don't. you just steal knowledge, crops, "life", you are dead inside.
and you move to the next "people" when you see something you "like"...
When i look at you i see pieces stitched together... you stole knowledge and yet you don't even use it, you just hide it from the other people... and play with those people. i am 42 years old i have no real knowledge, i have no money and even my lands you have trashed completely. Even if i get money my life will be a total mess. 42 years.
Do you really have nothing better to do with your life then wasting it coming after me to ruin my life to a point of no return? Is it really that hard for you to go to a library and read the knowledge you have stolen "from previous societies that you have killed" and live your life.

ps: military are no one to be trusted (specially the Portuguese). One out of many examples: Ursula Von Der Leyen.
I may be wrong (unlikely) but is my guess that she is communist (i really don't know political systems... but doesn't seam good... they tend to cling to other people by any means necessary) (after i wrote this i looked up the definitions of political systems... my mistake it seams they are fascists).
So in this "new Europe" one must display power to be someone.... interesting... hehe

I have to admit: i am impressed on how you just won't let me (a idiot) go... i feel sorry for the smart ones... can't even imagine...^^
is this classic communist (update: is fascism)?

ps: Will British Firms be next?^^...

you came after me since before birth to do this? oOooooOOOoOoOo....

WOW... plenty of cars passed by me every time i got out, here in Portugal... and i live in a rural area.

So... Brits weren't authorized to use the car and catch a bit of sun during lock down?  ain't it sad?....

Boris can't be consistent.. so what is it: go back to work or drive around and get sunshine? There is a difference... or is it that the definition of work for Brits is Driving around and get sunshine? x'D
Boris dude, get up in the morning earlier, like 5AM or something like that.

Well get up at 4 AM do some running in the mouse wheel and get to work at 5 AM.

A few of my neighbors are bald in the top of the head just like the British princes maybe they are related... if so you can make him a British knight at least. Hey, why not make all her relatives a knight? It seams logical.
to the British lady's: the men that are bald in the top of the head around here (were i live) are prettyer then the ones of the British royal familly and they are way taller too, so that yasz know...
to the Spanish ladys: if you are looking for men that need a organ transplant, insulin, take anti-psicotic medication or a pacemaker in their heart wen they are old-ish and eventually get a brain stroke, rest assured that there are plenty of Nunes here, were i live... has a bonus: Nunes, Silva, Fernandes, Neves, Ventura, Silva... aren't "higienic" they let the crazy people in their family do whatever they want.
Was looking in th internet and found this:
 C'mon prince Harry, come and pick them up to take them to California, they are bald just like you... USA is the land of the bald eagle to room free...
btw, are ya lot Lutherans?


 All this just for leaving a economic bloc (EU) and a virus that has a mortality rate of  ~2%... oO
Saw this:

So... Federal government hands over 310 billion to banks but don't know to who or when it was used up?
Best political system eva...(fascists? Think they are...) side note: just updated flash and it came with a keylogger (keylogs.deep).... wtg

After 310 billions, banks profits plunge 70%... oOoOooOOo


hmmm... 1 trillion for USA.... 2 trillions for Europe... they have more or less the same populations... so... i am guessing USA is more frugal... c'mon USA cut that to 500 billion... show them...^^
side note: How much will be the British relief package?

So... next year USA budget will also have a 30% reduction? oO

ayeh... is that fracking water?
Now i know how a hot lesbian women feels... every men at least were i live care more at what i do, say, dress, eat then their own wives/girlrfreinds or them for that matter...  it is scary, i am not gay... oO 

Now i also kow how the druids "felt" just before they marched into the fire flames wen the church got to Ireland. Did you noticed that the old Irish had Jesus face characteristics?

Dudes... if you want to look at someone look at your own mother.
To Brits, why don't you want to look at your mother? You have a debt to me and it will never be payd in full. If you have a honorable bone in your body you have to agree with me. If you don't then... hey... :wave:

He only found two? oO
Recently someone put "shit" (i call it that because i don't know what it is exactly... Is it water that people left their own hairs in? ...maybe spit?) on some of my food... noticed that my head felt empty... close to it... literally... and gained some behavior patterns that i observed in some other people and felt a loss of intelligence (not that i have that much to begin with...).  This is a observation. This isn't new to me... just felt "more" diferent this time...
Is this the method used by elite military and others use to be so efficient?

I wonder how data centers /  companies / universities / NASA with intel processors supercomputers are handling this... hey... or even companies that make printers and other products that need processors...

On a side note i love the fan controller... at times it kind of gives some strange vibes... was it designed in the USA or Germany factory?
What about intel other chips like wireless chips? Do they have many flaws? I woudn't buy a intel inside product if i was to buy something technological... They have too many flaws...
Next intel processor a generous slice of Swiss cheese?...^^

see what i mean?... pretty sure they all had a intel processor on them.

on a side note: please, please, teach me, teach me. 

I wanna know how to hack printers and supercomputers using intel design flaws...

you fancy... a couple of empty yogurt cups and a string isn't good enough for you? ....pfff...

Last time i bought a nokia phone the company got sold to microsoft... hmm... should i buy a nokia phone again...? :giggles:


WOW... US can tell a Taiwan company to not sell their products (chips) to a Chinese company?

Hey... why not tell all chip companies that they can only sell to apple and motorola? 


During the cold war with Russia there was no imports to Europe of Russian products...

Does the UK, US and Australia plan on stopping all imports from China? o_O

More importantly is China going to continue exporting to those nations (UK, US and Australia)? Knowing that they have a alliance not favorable to them... 

These are basic questions...


ohhh...the russians sent a dog to space to not return... why not a mouse? mouses are the most studied animals in laboratory...

hmmm... what did the americans send into space to not return? pretty sure the above was a response to the americans...

whadoyaknow... the russians send laika into space 20 years after the disaperance of amelia... 


ohh... lol


 ohhh... c'mon a building that high has to have foundations set of the rock bellow ground.... who removed the rocks bellow the building? pentagon? local fire depatment? french? jews? 

plenty of people like to remove rocks from bellow other people houses, if ya didn't knew... 

seems that here were i live there are plenty of ppl like that....


There goes peugeot safety image out the window... or maybe is Spanish car mechanics image out the window...


 Don't know how it will work... but mobile phones do damage (?) to the brain aparently... doesn't the radio waves "slow cook" the brain? What about tesla cars... they have so much wireless stuff (lidar radars, etc...) won't the microwaves slow cook you inside your own car too?

mate... put it on a Tesla employee to inspire confidence into the market...^^
hmm... what if the battery leaks?... what if someone turns on a EMP around you?^^

dhat name... was it designed? How do you design babies?... teach me...

Doesn't the apple air pods and other brands fry the brain too?... I am a ignorant on such matters...

*Like many many other websites/blogs i have made a "negative" review but unlike others i am willing to delete my review for a fee...*

 Some contradiction here... after all he is a fat fuck...
" Venezuela’s Maduro says two Americans captured in failed invasion attempt"

OMG...OMG...OMG... a invasion performed by two people... stupid fucks, don't they know that to invade Venezuela 3 persons are needed?
I see people joining Isis and other so called extremist groups... well... i got the feeling that they aren't what they look like.... just saying... got the feeling too that they are "extremists" but not the way you think... think "honey pot" trap... i can be wrong thou...^^
A guess: In todays world no one can hide... have you noticed on the news small military interventions mostly in Africa and Midle East by European cuntries? I would venture and guess that is to "go" after the nationals that fleed the country fearing for their lives... has a bonus if they have a wife... well you can guess what the military can do...
Saw this:

So... what he is saying is that the federal gov ordered the shutdown of states and city's and now that they need money the federal gov says: it is your problem. :whistles away:
Saw this:

So what Biden is saying is that the federal government doesn't have any control over their own money and Biden is also saying that under he's administration things won't change...
Saw this:

 So... Canadians can't make money selling guns or keep a record of who has what gun.... "they" rather go cross the boarder and buy in the US.
Can just imagine... Canada opens the boarder with the US after covid and loads of Americans cross the boarder with guns, meanwhile Canadians have none.

You sure it isn't righ-wing?
Saw this:

Well... i agree, ya should never discard any method.
Since Trump is the President and the President should lead by example, i suggest that someone post a video of Trump dropping he's pants and taking 50cc of every bleach selling in the US, please use the biggest epidermal needle you can find (so that we can see clearly in the video).

On a side note: So... Trump doesn't recommend anything from pharmaceuticals like Pfizer, Johnson, Roche, Novartis, etc... to tackle the virus... only recommends house hold cleaning products.  oOooOo

Wonder who are he's medical advisers... Also wonder how no one recommends  any "antiviral" from the above companies... Do they have a shortage of antiviral drugs? lol
Don't you dare go buy medical grade drugs. lol

saw this:

hehe... i think they will... hehe... Have you seen the Portuguese "manufacturing" companies exports?
Germans, go back to work, Marcelo wants your money... lol
For the small amount of Germans that work i guess their wives get a visit from Silva's, Sousa, Costa, Neves... while they are working. The majority of the workers are middle east people that Europe fucked up their country.

How does one mushroom company gets accumulated debts of 54 million euros at least in a country with 10 million inhabitants? Who would give so much credit? Must be some fine management....
Some random diferences betwen adults and children:
only children want people around all the time... grounwups can live their day to day life on their own.
only children don't take responsibility for their errors.
only children want what isn't theirs to begin with, they grab anything they can and just don't let go.
only children need constant supervision adults follow the rules. 

Children rule the world... they don't know what they want... they grab everything they can... and don't let go... they just want adults to entertain them all the freaking time they aren't asleep.


Anyway Centeno/Costa? just made a 850 million euro deposit in "novobanco" and i am pretty sure he will need more soon. How much money did "they" put on that bank alone in the past 6 or 7 years?

It looks like the managers of the "novo banco" have some reputation...

Pretty sure is next job won't be in Novo Banco (


So... who is in charge for ministers "remodeling"? I am confused... Amazing political system... right there...

And this is the President of the Eurogroup. I can only imagine how things are with the rest of the Eurogroup members (European finance ministers)... 

Pretty sure this Centeno move was influenced by the Austrian or German Eurogroup "partners" (the "smart pack").

Side note: If any "historian" or just a interested person wanna know the style of governing of Winston Churchill ya just need to look at Antonio Costa... Churchill was a Costa too. Pretty sure they are related somehow.

" For his eightieth birthday, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was offered from the House of Commons and the House of Lords, a portrait painted by artist Graham Sutherland and a bound book in House of Commons green leather containing the signatures of all members of the House of Commons except one, that of Baker."

Pretty sure Portuguese wine producers put piss in their wines... hmm.. i stand corrected they put spit on the wine... mind you they don't even brush their teeth... yeah i can tell. Maybe... the wine industry should rethink the corkscrew and maybe use plastic tops... given the amount of politicians/producers/resellers/militar without morals... I have bought wine botled with plastic screw and it is so much better than wine botles with corkscrew... i really don't know why wine makers still use cork, all wines are added sulfites, makes no sense to use cork... all wines with cork taste like shit...

The bottle was bought at continente supermarket (Meu Super)... i didn't knew Belmiro de Azevedo but i am pretty sure he's son is a low level no one... not that it matters but i would never shake the hand of someone like him intentionally.

as reservas de sangue só dão para 4 dias... muita salsicha se faz em Portugal... ai continente... continente...

The people on your "profession" should be awere by now that in Portugal there is no accountability... no one is responsible... thus "people" see no reason to make any kind of "good" on something... This is what i observe...
Do you know people that don't like to assume thir own responsability over errors they have made? I know people like that. 
Read this blog and you will identify many many people like that. 

To me it looks like all the "word leaders" (show me one that isn't) are shedding responsibility from them by "using me". None of them has a mind of their own thus i can write all i want about them, they are all dependent of me in one way or the other.
It is really sad because eventually someone is going to kill me because of what i wrote (did?) when i didn't want to write (do?) it in the first place. They are all brainless cowards.
They own me money and they do not want to pay me, they want to see me dead.
side note: I own the moral high ground! Yeah, even above Ctholics and Islam (Zakat) at the very least so...  .i.
Islam is also over, they are not allowed to perform Zakat to who they want to.

Reminder that this is just thoughts that crossed my mind, i am writing them to make it easier for the people that are reading my thoughts... surely "you" wouldn't harm someone for he's thoughts alone.. would you?... Would you harm the next guy that you will read he's thoughts too?... If that is the case then i recommend reading the thoughts of generals, etc... ya get my point...^^

You, after reading this may not like me, that is your prerogative but you do not have the right to be mad at me in any way shape or form, i am an honorable person unlike the Kings, Queens, Presidents, etc... that do not pay me (a fair share of what they own me) or even "allow" me to have money.

Side note: I tryed to go away to some place far, they followed me there.
                 I tryed to ask locals/ local politicians for what was going on, no one knows.
                 I tryed to sell my lands, they didn't wanted them (their words) then i even tryed to give them they didn't wanted them either.
                 I tryed to go to the police (5 different police in Portugal and France) none knew or even took my claim.
                 I tryed to get a job, the local politician that i had asked prefered to quit then see me again...
                 I tryed to ask for asylum in Switzerland, it was denied even with people there following me.
                 I tryed to stay put, they destroyed everything around me including my food.

I lact historical facts but this that is happening to me reminds me of Nazi concentration camps, they followed me everywhere (in Europe) they made sure i had no place to go and now i have extremly limited options even in the food that i eat (and it's condition), no privacy and being crontrolled and monitored.

This most likely will happen to "blacks (even if you aren't black...)" in America and other places.
These people don't reason, they lack all types of intelligence, they only "understand" one thing (force) and that is someone smashing them like the bugs they are (they smell too).

I would chalange them to a staring contest with 3 tries, who lowers their eye's first loses... but they wouldn't go for it...

Rambling: It's a zombie dogs world. Learn dog psychology. ^^
It might be handy if you have to interact with any military or the US president.

on a side note: looks like the people in the future will be gooey... it's what i observe. Doesn't Trump look gooey?
Side note: I do think everyone should actively study virology....

A starting point perhaps:
I don't know who is in charge if military, civil politicians or others^^ but does anyone think that, this "they" are doing to me makes Portugal name "grand" or are they dragging Portugal name in the mud? What does it say about "the top" people in Portugal and also in "European Union"/OTAN in the last 40 years at least? Do "you" feel more respected because of this?

Side note: This is rambling...: It kind of feels like in Portugal there is no society... Portugal feels like a animal farm... there is always the fat bull that wants all the cows to himself and the best grass.
At easter the "owner" slaughters a few of them.
For some reason there is alot of people that think that i am their daddy (especially my neighbors), they don't stop looking at me and at everything i do... dudes i am not your daddy... go look somewhere else... will ya... this is pure madness... :\

A "lovely" article... obviously no health minister (especially the Portuguese: Marta Almeida... side note: Almeida are notorious for not paying their debts in time... first hand experience) take these kind of articles seriously... to them this is quackery... :s

rambling 2: Well if i was a guessing men i would say that the people that rule the world is one nation that was in some war in the last 100 years... yeah i know doesn't narrow it down much... could be also that some spoiled brat (very important one) found something "precious" and a dog "pooped" it all over... and somehow managed to spread those dog genes...
I say this becouse people that have money (at least around me) look like they have "dog genes"...  (someone messed up?...) and now they look at me with their tongue out.

Europeans (specially the Portuguese) are full of malice and lose their heads over nothing... thats evolution for ya.... x'D

If my shit is so "good" (charging battery matrix?) then convert yourself to christian-ism is the same thing... no need for this mess...
people want my lands becouse they ruined theirs becouse they aren't christians...
In a generation or two... you will all be crazy. (it's what i see... using logic) the occult is everywhere (...and you are from the same species). It doesn't matter if there is a Portuguese alive in Portugal or anywhere else in the world, colonization was done centuries/millenniums ago by men more strong then anyone alive today...
Portugal is a country colonized by christians... you can't re-colonize a country like Portugal (you can try but you will fail, Portugal was colonized by people far far stronger then anyone alive today, go check some history there was battles were Portuguese was in disavantage like 180 (trainned military men) to 1 and they won... that means at least a few of them killed a few thousand in a middle ages battle field, i can't even racionalize the strenght, sharpeness of mind and maybe agility to do something like that... and i am prety sure portugal was colonized long before that by even stronger men)... you can only try to colonize a colony (and even then...pretty sure it would be a massive massive work and you have to know what you are doing... and i don't even know what colonizing is...).

On a side note:  Marcelo and Cavaco Silva are Christians? If they aren't... is it wise to have presidents that are from a diferent religion then the one that colonized the nation? Portugal is secular (laico) (a social thing) but colonization is a diferent matter (a phyisical task that can't be undone...) ...

all Christians are catholic... but not all catholics are christians. (do you understand this sentence?)

One of the things i "hear" to "justify this" that they are doing to me is: "the girls turn good"(you are the ones fucking them you should be the ones providing mental safety to them, not me)... so why or what did you do to them that made them bad/ugly/*? Do they get ugly/bad/*/grow a extra head/harm/tail if they stick to you alone? Maybe they grow a third boobiiieee...
Also hear that "they grow bigger"(?)... well... i am not the tallest guy in my street (pretty sure there is a mechanics of some sort...) and pretty sure there are taller then me not so far away... Thats logic for yaszz... It boggles the mind... Oo
That is some advanced thinking right there... preventing someone from living to "make girls good" (you are fucking them, you should be the one that provides mental safety to them)... whats next take a rich guy money becouse you don't have has much? Maybe you don't have that sports shoes and you rob/kill a guy just to have it? See something that doesn't belong to you and you just have to have it no matter what? This is the mindset of Marcelo, the military and the Portuguese gov. and i am pretty sure many many more people... They are pure GENIUS...

It is absolutely mesmerizing someone saying: "you are the only one that matters" (matter to what?) but even more mesmerizing then that is people actually believing in him (a really big number of people and on top of that many educated ones)... there are other 7 billion of people in the word, i am guessing a few quadrillions more live beings (insects, worms, birds, mammals, reptiles, etc...) and from all of that i am the only one that matter... have they all been tested? 

on a side note: if i am the only one that matter then i have to say that i don't really like my neighbourhood, they go at night to my old currals bellow my house and i can ear them talk, they piss and shit on by vegetable garden, should i contine? Can't just someone do something about them all, please? (ya don't need to feel guilty, none are nice people) pretty please... gosh, afterall i am the only one that matter... it's not that many people, just a few thousands...

zsee Slovacks are on the right track... 2.5 million tested on one weekend day... Don't forget to test the bunnies, birds, bats, etc...

why are there Royalties? They don't matter according with this line of reasoning, maybe they are even harmful, since i am the only one that matter. Makes sense? Shouldn't you for the safe side just remove them (really really remove them). I am just going with the flow on "your logic"... on top of it you should see my living conditions since birth, my bank account, social interactions and what other people have done to my properties without my consent or knowledge... I feel blessed being the only one that matters and having top political people like Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Antonio Costa, Cavaco Silva, Jorge Sampaio, Antonio Guterres, Ramalho Eanes, Durão Barroso, Mario Soares, etc.. in Portugal and people like the ones in European Union engine (Macron and Merkel, the president of the EU, COE, etc...), my teachers, etc.. I will be waiting for the outer space aliens to arrive so that they too can tell me that i am the only one that matter...

It is becoming obvious that the people in charge have no head (intelligence)... if they felt the need to follow (it is the right word) a ignorant without a father since birth that doesn't want to be in this position... i would even venture and say they aren't human... even some monkeys have intelligence...
Since so many Egyptian graves are being digged up i am confident that the people in charge have the "mind" of hold Egyptian priests and pretty much everyone will have it too in the future... i don't know almost anything of history but that doesn't look like something good (based on my limited knowledge of Egyptian society during pharaoh times), they feel the need to have absolute control not only over everyone but also over everything (not only control but mainly controlling (there is a diference))...
piece of wisdom: the only thing that matters is if is civilized... on a side note: aren't you scared of digging up bones with diseases like tuberculosis, plague and who knows some old ones no longer known to man?...^^

Aparently these people around me are using me has a pharmaceutical guinea pig... that means they have no religion. Religion was for that, that was one of the reasons people created religion. They aren't Christians nor any kind of flavor of a Catholic, etc... none. yeah, you won't go to "heaven". It's one of those situations : "the King is naked"... 

Also i just get amazed how the people around me behave so badly and still go to the church, week after week...

piece of advise-ish: One of the things i learned is that i get (apparently) drunk on wine made from vineyards of people that aparently don't like me... to the people that have wine that i don't get drunk wen i drink it (or at least don't have a heavy head afterwards): maybe you will next after me... then again maybe is the people that have wine on with i don't get drunk...^^

on a side note: Well... i see Catholics, Jews and Muslims doing bible, coran, tora studies... so i made a contribuiton of some thoughts (not opinions) to those studies... no profane words were used... i think... i'm lazy don't wanna go read it all up again... 

One of the things i ear from people at night time is: Portugal is going to end if you (I) move. Dudes... i am not Portugal... i am pretty sure that many Portuguese Kings weren't even related... (ex: Afonso Henriques wasn't related to Aviz master, i think...) so... from all the Portuguese Kings who do you call Portugal? you morons...

This is nonsense.

Portugal for what i know was build (colonised) by Christians. If true Christians move to Portugal their sons or at least their grandsons will turn Portuguese.

If other people from other religions (that didn't build Portugal) move to Portugal their sons/grandsons will develope mental issues some "bigger" others "smaller" but they all will develope mental issues.

Do a honest study on the mental health of the people living in Portugal and you will see it.

on a side note: Portugal is a republic that means that there is no place for "families" only "nuclear family" (parents/sons) (if you no longer have parents then you don't own anyone any explanation about yourself, period), that said people can organise themselves as they wish, has long they don't take or limit anyone else rights, if they do then there are options to deal with that kind of situation, in the limit that is one of the reasons for the existence of special military ops, to handle situations like that.

Unless ofc the truble makers are the military... in that case it is up to the UN.

Some of the people that i dislike (not hate). I dislike many, many, more....

 BEST / FUNNIEST Harlem Shake Compilation 

Conselho superior of the Portuguese ordem dos medicos.

Judges of the European court of human rights
They don't look like honest people and they don't look knowledgeable on their own profession. For example (there are many more) they don't know the constitutions of the nations they represent.
Sadly these people are the last resort for some (many)... and they just ignore them.
My example people took the right for a family from me, destroyed my family business and i am pretty sure it was the law enforcers that took some of my lands... among many other things... This is human rights material... and they just ignored me...

I am clueless at what she does that can possibly justify her "salary".

I was for months in Strasbourg in front of the court with a piece of paper on my hands, while being homeless and on the winter cold.  

Some of these Judges are university professors... i doubt they teach anything to anyone related to ethics...

Amnesty international and Amnesty Portugal 

For their false advertising... that will most likely cost my life.

For having such a "apparent" position in Europe and being illiterate.

Better not write a description.

-_-  yeah... it's bad.


It seems to me that people that rule a nation have a absolute need to find "emotional support" in places they really shouldn't, their own familys can't/wont give them "emotional support". It is scarry.


 "Pope Francis said he would not live in the Vatican or return to his native Argentina if and when he ever retires, but would instead like to find a church in Rome where he could continue hearing confessions."



I just had a epiphany... there is so many banks in Europe (it's a mess...). Why not just have one bank in all of Europe? Makes sense. C'mon ya probably already lost many logins in financial services.

...and on top of it a group of people deciding how much it should be in your own account.  

wow... just had another epiphany... how about put a end to all banks and create street credit.  Something like this: random Joe goes to the supermarket and grabs a pepsi-cola, goes to the "cashier" and the cashier tell him that he doesn't have enought street credit for pepsi only for general supermarket brand cola, then (since him and he's wife are expecting a baby) he goes to the mercedes dealership to aquire a new mercedes station wagon, the dealer tell him that he only have street credit for a second hand renault twingo (they are very spacious inside).

I was looking at the list of the biggest banks and got surprised no Rothchild bank nor any of the very old banks.... Guess they all are very "poor", i don't understand how banks with 400 years and more are all poor. Guess they have huge medical bills from their old age.


how long ago did ya lost ya mind?^^ 

What can you possibly gain in killing civilized people?

I am healthy. You only want unhealthy people alive? ...if you are healthy you are in serious trouble... it's what i observe... someone will notice you and it won't be the good kind...

Aparently "someone" is playing with antiphaties (are "they" placing them on the local social cantine food too?) on me and the people around me... not nice... not nice at all...

Aparently the "scientific" experiments (torture) that " pseudo-scientists" are doing on me aren't going to stop, most likely due to that i have no possible way to continue writing in the blog. Well "they" are giving more serious health problems, brain related this time. update: the brain thingy issue that they have given me isn't going away it apears that it gets worse wen i eat certain foods, it seams phisical issue that gets worse wen i eat said foods... don't you just love to have a law professor in the presidency and a lawyer has prime minister...

To the military... please stop the madness... you know very well it is madness... provide payment and let me go live my life without "strings attached". Thats the most sensible thing to do.

To UN securety council... you have a obligation and you know very well that you have to intervene. Be sensible. How will be your image (perceived by other people) in a city with 10 million people and many more millions that visit it every year?

Let's be honest, Portugal is not a "real country" anymore, it is a place were other countries come and do experiments... all sorts of experiments... take for example the "experiments" they are doing to me... let's explore only the sociological ones... essentially i was strip of my rights, property, etc... people are "using" me to create high value content (making alot of money)... essentially in due time this will be adapted to America... were people will be stripped of their rights and made redundant (i am sure you can understand me)... are Americans going to allow this to happen to them? Take a look at your political leaders and tell me (in good consciense) that this won't happen in America?
If no one pays me and "ensures" my safety after all this time (43 years)... do you actually believe "this" won't be "exported"? Do you believe your safe?
Mind you Portugal is a secular (laico) democratic republic... but apparently people can't live has they seem fit for them... there is a lot of contradictions... read the constitution and you will see many right there... you don't need to go further then that... and they enjoy the empathy of the judges of the European human right court... for some strange reason... and apparently the empathy of the UN security council too...
i want to live my life in peace... but aparently i am the only one in Portugal thats wants this...
ALL my neighboars want war.
I am alone and without guns... so i can't make war.
Can some nation came here and make war to the Portuguese or at least my neighboars to make them happy.
This is serious... all this people want a war, it is no joke.
please someone declare war to Portugal.

will many many americans die becouse of a few million dollars?

How are you going to explain to the families of americans and soldiers that they died becouse you don't want to pay a (fair) few million dollars?

your only reason to live is to folow me. you aren't alive anymore.

Can't be bothered to read it... to many wordes.

Well... i am white.... where is my previlige? I want my fucking money.  

Europe or at least Portugal is no longer a safe place to have a family. Talking from experience.

on a side note: if "you" want to have some extra fun... isn'ted of reading my thoughts go read the thoughts of  Spanish senators, British lords, etc... (you know what i mean) and share their thoughts with them... ex: read the thought of all "XZDSERFD nation" senators and then share them only with all the "XZDSERFD nation" senators... most likely this would create a popcorn time... (instant civil war?) Pretty sure they have meaner thoughts then the ones that i have.

If you think about what "they" are doing to me for a while you will reach the same conclusion that i have... this was/is a way to start a war... any real profiler will tell you this. I just made a small effort to level things up a little bit since i don't know who is behind this...

why tha fuck are you all after me? Do i put fear in thy hearts?

you (whoever you are) took my privacy and you are the one that is mad? for real? 

ohh.. well... since things are like this and no one pays me and let me live in peace: Jews can address me as The Messiah, Catholics can address me as The All Mighty and Satanists can address me as Little Horn or if you prefer Most Unclean... (not sure about Muslims and Buddhists...)... mmk... fail to do so and you might face the wrath of GOD...  -_-

I am innocent you lot are sinners... the occult will have a feast on all of you... i Nuno, curse you all to be eaten by the occult.

Do you feel the tingle on your belly, some bad thoughts that hunts you day after day and it just wont leave, a vein pulsing or even a heart beat skip, etc...? you will... I curse you all.

...and everyone that tries to mess with the occult only has one fate... get's eaten by it... (i think... using logic)...

I curse you all to lose your mind.

side note: I don't know how to remove curses and there is more then one in this blog.

"no money and peace for me, no hope in a tomorrow for you." 

...and remenber: feeling remorse can kill, not only you but your wife and kids... especially if you are involved in "this"...

has the Spanish say: "No creo en brujas, pero que las hay, las hay" 

Try a litle exercise: speack out loud (it can even be in your total privacy) curse words towards me, call me names, badmouth me, cuss me... and see how your head will be afterwards. Ask your strong men to do it, kings, princes, the pope, etc...

What would you do if you were in "my" situation?

If you feel offended ask for a "explanation" to the people that are doing this crap on me. you don't have the right to come after me for something i wrote. I for all that matters am in a concentration camp. They are doing stuff to me and selling it has "miracles". They are doing all in the "background" to sell this "idea" to gullable people and continue this...

Kevin Rudolf - Let It Rock ft. Lil Wayne


Dedicated to ALL the Royals in Europe and the wannabe muts (French, Germans, Italians and Swiss) that don't let me have anything, not even peace. enjoy ya 30 coins.... (Vatican included)


You're Nothing Without Me (From "City of Angels")



obviously... this "gang" eventually is going to kill everyone on the planet... they go crazy wen they see someone with something, doesn't matter what... if you aren't on the "loop" of what is going on then yeah you are going the way of the dodo (they are child like minds)... take a good look at the military/police in whatever nation you are in. The same goes for religious people (cleric) i can't see a reason why they are needed.

One way of killing everyone on the planet is develope a algi or a bug that releases toxic gas to the atmosphere isn'ted of oxigen and carbon dioxide and you "imunize" your body to it so that you can tolerate it. 

Get ready, there is going to happen an holy war. Do you doubt it? Good for you...

Pretty sure lots of spanish will be moving into the vacinety of the Vatican...

Well since no one complies with my list of demans (it sucks) i guess that my future hold only two choices: being killed or continue to eat shit, spit, sperm and piss on everything that i eat until i die from it. Is that right Marcelo or is it Costa?

I guess that asking for a fare share of MONEY is unreasonable of me, so i will ask just for simple sand. I would like to have some of the sand of the ark of the kovenant, the sand of Moses, the sand of Solomon, the sand of the first temple of Jerusalem, sand from what your know in fiction has Thor, sand from a few African lost civilizations, rare sand from the forbiden city in China. Sand from inside the tomb of Muhammad (i'll take good care of the precious :). i'll add a few more later.


It feels to me that i am in a front row seat watching the destruction of civilization.... i can't leave, i can't have anything i just can watch.... :grabs popcorn:


"Soul captivation and transfer device"

gosh... in i don't even get results and on google i only get video games results...  O.o

Amazing there is all sorts of experiments of soul transfer especially last century, it is really amazing, transfering a soul. Germans aparently did it but none of them know how to eat, i guess they were just unlucky on their souls transfers, they never found a soul that knew how to eat. uhh? ...and aparently there are "jewish" ritials for ages about that sort of thing too, they too were also very unlucky (don't get any ideas, it's dumb... if it hasn't worked so far it will never work), none of the souls they trapped knew how to eat. Do you (Germans) only transfer (value) foreigner souls or do you use the ones from the times of the czars? gosh... I say this cause they are full of deseases and cancers and they don't correct their lifestyle over it. Have you seen their pharma bill? Do you transfer souls in hospitals too to newborns? Guess ya might have compacted it by now...  O.O

on top of it, Jews use a tiny hat to be closer to God... Nazi's also dabbled in it, so i guess they wanted the souls of Jews to add to theirs... or replace it... 

another awsome theory: Aparently Jews were slaves (just like blacks), i don't know how that works but one guess is that you make holy "war", you remove the intelligence from their religious leaders, then you lose abilities (has a people) to not even know what is good or bad in food for example (you lose instinct among many other things), be able to distinguish betwen reality and fantasy/fiction, common sense, comes to mind "conguitos" (google it, be gentle i have soft skin). Since the intelligence was removed from their religios leader they too lost their intelligence and were no longuer able to eat properly, thus got sick and maybe, back in the day Egypt ofered them "work" and gived them food that was good to them and they wouldn't get sick any longuer (when they left they got sick again, stories of 2000 years ago, to jews: probably you were already "fucked" before Egypt and even more then one time...). After "they" removed the intelligence from the religious leader, the religious leaders had to get it back or find other people in their religions that could develope intelligence and take their place, if they couldn't i am guessing (idk) you had to find other ways like using a turbante or a tiny hat, that way you would be able to maintain some of the previous intelligence, but ya ppl well is kind of doomed until they can find (born) another person to develope intelligence ). I don't need religion (consider me a gentile | my last name is Simões it has a til (Portuguese word) maybe it comes from gentil), so, that's one mess (can of worms) i don't need to get involved in, i can "develope" enough intelligence to "live" in the world on my own, without having rituals. and dudes ya don't "hugh" ppl like me, it is not "ethical" it is a sin and you don't let ppl like me without means to "defend" myself.  .i.

more rambling: religious books talk about selling the soul to the devil, since Jews aparently (idk) always have money, did they sold their soul to the devil? c'mon... all this is "plausible".


There is also the list of wars but i am to lazy to put up a link.

To me, it looks like there was a group of ppl (lets call "it" that) that a few large thousands of years fucked manking completly and they are active (still them or descendents) (with jewish rituals, since most churches have jewish rituals if not all of them and i don't know what is a ritual or a jewish ritual) and once in a while there are pandemics, in other words: they just kill a bunch of ppl that became self suficient and put up hybrids of some sort in the middle of the few they leave alive, they change the mosaic of local vilages, right now for exemple were i live, in the not so distante past a small comunity lived here and they lived in poverty but aparently they didn't got sick (idk) now the goverment is empowring (even by ignoring the lack of respect for laws, do you have any idea of how many laws there are in Portugal and the complexity of them and even how much work it took to build such laws. for what? so that fucking roaches go and fuck everyone and ignore them all with that fucking help of the police. exeample: in what place a schizofrenic person goes to the police complaining that he' ADULT brother that is sane drinks to much and the madafuckers accept the claim and send the dude to a psiquiatric consultation with a court order. this in a country were there is no limit on how much alcohol you can drink and were mentally ill people aren't trustworthy witnescess. FUCK) ppl that get sick and take tons of medication and have the head of cockroach. I just can't have money or even god forbides even have and use what was left to me by my parents/grandparents, let alone have any kind of privacy or go anyware without heavy escort. Yeah, you will be living with hybrids of some sort cause there is a pandemic going on and say bye bye to watever mosaic of ppl there was were you live. You are only allowed to fuck with fucking cockroaches hybrids. I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY AND FUCKING FREEDOM, NOW.

I don't know why so many ppl are interested in me and my shit. Lots of ppl have my "shit" and even blood (I was a blood donner). All it takes is for one of those dudes (that have my shit and blood or either) to put a bit of uranium or plutonium on a drop of my blood or a gram of my shit and expose it to the air, that will find me and prolly sterilize me and give lot's of health problem, even kill me. If you have my shit, you to will have those problems.


If you find the UN live stream boring after some time, ya can go watch hostel the 2005 movie.


So that you know i am a honorable person. Never did any harm to anyone. I just make fun of people using words because no one pay me.

Well... i guess i now know how those folks in royalties/strong men became the way they are today, they were watching me and probably others that are in my situation and they have learned a few tricks along the way... and they apply those tricks on their own population... Hey, you that are watching me can also be the next royalty/strong men... you just need to look out for the others watching me in your neighborwood... you know what i meen... pretty sure they will do the same on your back... I foresee many many new royal titles all over Britain, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, etc... then again you really should do something regarding your current leadership , they are no good for anything. They need nany's and some of them are 80 and 100 plus yo (even the US presidents), you sure you can argue with facts? you can't argue with facts mate only if you are insane.

"The Nanny"

"The von Trapp Family: A Life of Music"

Since no one pay me. I guess i am the Monarch of all of Europe, America and Jews, i expect taxes and vasalage from all of them and to give me full command of the armies (comes to mind a few ideas). I am more of a monarch to you then all of the current monarchs combined (including everyone that ya call "strong" men). Tell me how I am wrong?

For who knows why, the people (organizations (religions?)) in the command of the world, decided a few decades ago, to place the fate of what is now 8 billion ppl on my hands. A uneducated, not that smart\intelligent dude. Every sentence that I write on this blog has consequences worldwide. Isn't that amazing. If you don't believe me, tell me who you are. Muuuhhaahhaaaha.... Pay madafuckers.

GOD is in all things. Be afraid of GOD spooky stuff. Live in fear. Be afraid be very afraid. Pray to ME, worship ME. I am GOD.

GOD name: nuno miguel marques simões 

It's not like ya can unsee me or forget me... .i.   ya'll gonna be crazy, the memory of me will eat ya alive.... it will happen eventually.... muuuhhaaahhhahhhhaaaaahhhhaaa....

Divine justice in life and in death. 

I don't understand why there is so much hate towards me... i don't.... i am probably the biggest job creator in the world (is there any bigger enterprise?)..... pretty sure there is alot of people that the only thing they do is to look at me.

The future is going to be awesome.

This is my speakers corner: To the more sensitive : this is just words, i h...